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5776108 No.5776108 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you guys go to prison. You get to be NEETs forever, no paying for bills, no paying for food and they got a library for your Touhous. Not to mention you could live out your fantasize of being a little girl and no one would judge you.

>> No.5776119

I don't like gaysex

>> No.5776125

I've been to jail once for 12 hours over a misunderstanding and it was a hell hole. No thanks.

>> No.5776131

Not if you go there for white collar or non-violent crimes. Then it would be like living at home, only you can't leave even if you wanted.

>> No.5776128

go on

>> No.5776130

Because I don't want to be anally raped by gangsters, maybe?

>> No.5776138

>implying they have internet in prison

>> No.5776150

Human contact, not so good.

>> No.5776151

They do in Sweden.

>> No.5776152

I already live out that fantasy and get to lounge around all day as a NEET.

>> No.5776153

they do and they actually consoles.

>> No.5776162

Huh, In England, you even get Sky TV in your cell and a weekly allowance.

>> No.5776168

as far as I know, while prisons are fairly nice places in my country, they lack freedom just a bit too much. I doubt I could eat whenever I want, use the internet in my "room" (cell) whenever I want, etc.
I am fairly sure I am also consuming less resources from my country by just exploiting the welfare system, so its win for everyone.

>> No.5776173

This, you can buy yourself anything you want. So if you want to fill your cell with little figurines or body pillows DO IT.

>> No.5776175
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You get paid for being in Jail?

>> No.5776177

Good luck if you get stuck in federal prison.

>> No.5776182

It was the most boring and unconfortable 12 hours of my life. The beds were made of metal with these little mats on them, and they gave us 2 blankets. One to use as a makeshift pillow, and one to use as an actual blanket.

3 other guys in the room, mostly for drugs though one dude was in there for stabbing some guy in a fight.

The cops who arrested me treated me like scum of the earth and the guards were no different. The detective I talked to was the only person who didn't treat me like I was already guilty. I was arrested for burglery at around midnight. The place I was "stealing" from though I had complete permission to be in and to take the things I took.

It just took forever to get in contact with someone who could confirm that, though. Eventually I got out and the charges against me were dropped.

Never talk to the cops kids, it doesn't help despite what they'll tell you. Keep your mouth shut and get a lawyer.

Anyways, jail was cramped and amazingly boring.

>> No.5776199

>weekly allowance

What the fuck?

>> No.5776201

because scary gay black people

>> No.5776209

Cops are scum most of the time. They're out there to make arrests, not help you.

>> No.5776220 [DELETED] 

Looks like the lonely thread was deleted by the janitor...

Anons should watch One flew over the cuckoo's nest right now, there are some many themes I feel have played out on /jp/, with me being Jack of course

>> No.5776216

Prison Touhou Library! I WANT TO READ THERE.

>> No.5776219

Yeah, sadly going to jail was what taught me this. Until that happened I never had any problems with the police. It's amazing to see how different they treat you once they find out you've been arrested before.

>> No.5776223

Too bad they dont have open day at prisons...I'd like to see what it's really like to live there.. it doesnt sound too bad

>> No.5776228
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>> No.5776236

poster above is retarded

>> No.5776242

European prisons are a joke. Swedish prisons are basically small apartments.

>> No.5776252

Try a serbian prison yourself OP.

>> No.5776260

if i lived in norway or something, sure.

>> No.5776266

aint got nowt on a mexican prison

>> No.5776269


You'll get fucked within a day in a Mexican prison.

>> No.5776278

There are. I know I've been there.

>> No.5776281

If I was European, hell yes I'd do it; no way in hell I'm spending time in an American prison, though.

By the way, what are Japanese prisons like?

>> No.5776286

Hell if you're a gaijin.

>> No.5776299

It is bad I actually thought about going to prison instead of getting a job? I'm just too lazy to find a way to get arrested. Might lose my house so I think I'll flip a coin between suicide and prison. Good times are ahead.

>> No.5776304
File: 241 KB, 599x902, Tombstone-courthouse-shp-gallows-rear[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't have them

>> No.5776308

I remember seeing an article about what's offered in the prisons of my country (Norway), and I realized, with my lack of ambition, I will probably never be able to afford a dwelling as luxurious as that.

But somehow, it's one of those things I can't seriously consider. It just doesn't seem like a real option.

>> No.5776313

Trust me, jail/prison sucks and having even just an arrest record complicates your life significantly, and a conviction can ruin it. Just incase you ever give a shit in the future, don't do this.

>> No.5776327

It's actually not uncommon in poorer countries for people that can't get a job to purposefully get caught stealing something inexpensive from a store so that they can get sent to jail, where they are guaranteed meals.

>> No.5776329

Just grow weed. If you don't get caught it's easy money, and if you do you go to prison. Win-win situation.

However the real downside in prison is that the rates of AIDS are off the charts. People never mention that. Even if you have no intention of having gay sex, you probably will, or you'll at least be getting people's blood on you. In some prisons like 3/5 of the inmates have AIDS, it's really out of control.

>> No.5776326

I obviously don't care about my future much if I put suicide as an option for it.

>> No.5776363

>>5776329 grow weed
Yeah, don't do that in America, the prisons you get sent to for dealing drugs aren't white-collar hotel prisons; you WILL get murdered and raped.

If you live in Europe, sure, go for it.

>> No.5776364

No thanks. I'll stick to my very comfortable NEET life.

>> No.5776379

I live with my mom, so I do not have to pay bills.

>> No.5776400

No actually japanese prisons are like hotels. It's crazy. I saw once document on them. One family was pissed when their son got murdered by some japanese gang and got in prison for not too long with all that fancy ass shit. They though managed to raise the punishment in the end.

>> No.5776428

Is there a real big difference in various types of prisons in the US? I thought there were just normal prisons and then minimum security prisons for minor financial crime offenders. /jp/ would need to be in the former to get any long-term care.

>> No.5776480

Even minimum security prisons are pretty shit here. You basically have to be famous or rich to get into one of the luxury resort style places.

>> No.5776695

>It's crazy. I saw once document on them.
Source of the video? I'd like to see that.

>> No.5776917
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Only if it's a female prison

Full of beautiful oujosamas and swan-like little girls indulging in pure lesbian love

That is how I imagine it...

>> No.5776994

no paying for bills, no paying for food
>implying the common neet wouldn't leech of the government or his parents

>> No.5777160

In my country, some prisons allow inmates to have computers only if they pay for it themselves with the money they earn by working inside the prison (and the pay is extremely low). You can get a shitty internet connection, for which you have to pay too. You can't download anything, most websites are banned by a firewall.

No thanks, I'll pass. Prison isn't for someone who has always lived a straight life such as a good NEET like me anyway.
