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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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577350 No.577350 [Reply] [Original]

Anon's gotten fuckin high

Bring back Hello!Morning?

>> No.577356

Here we go...

>> No.577357

more like failo!prolapse amirite

>> No.577362
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>> No.577366

I tell you, it's the second coming

>> No.577378
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hay guise lolz

>> No.577384
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>> No.577438
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Watching Kei's grad concert right now, why am I crying? I don't even like her that much, though she was good as the granny in the old HM skits.

>> No.577917
File: 241 KB, 1280x800, 1210202133624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit dat wuz teh best grad ever, fuckin finally!

>> No.577937
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Good jarb!

>> No.577972

Why are you saging this thread? I don't normally come to /jp/ but why the sage? not enough visual novel content for you to jerk it to?

>> No.577981

topic sucked

>> No.577983


Because it's shit

>> No.578012
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>> No.578044

I can't see this being any worse than all the other garbage that's posted here.

Have at it.

>> No.578048

whats your problem?

>> No.578049


>> No.578050

Sorry but it is. You always GET THE SAME fucking negative reactions to your threads and if you think it's only one person than you're retarded.

>> No.578055

Get the fuck out you pile of walking STDs.

>> No.578064


>> No.578084

I'm not the OP, I'm just saying, this thread is as bad and pathetic as all the other crap that gets posted here, I can't see reason for all the negativity.

>> No.578083

Come to 4chan on irc.rizon.net and watch how the faggots BAWWW about Akyu images in their threads.

>> No.578080


>> No.578089


stop posting

>> No.578090

You know how 4chan works? People push their shit as better than other people's shit.

>> No.578093


Why doesn't /a/ like naruto?
Why doesn't /v/ like ps3?

Same thing here OP.

>> No.578095


Well don't let me stop you from rolling around in your piss hole.

This site sucks

>> No.578104

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.578105

Thanks for stopping by don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.578106
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I haven't used IRC in years, why would I want to resume now? And who the fuck is Akyu?

>> No.578101


Whatever you say OP

>> No.578113
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>> No.578119

Is this whole thread some kind of inside joke?

>> No.578313
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>> No.578610
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Anon getting emotional?

>> No.579611

Grad concerts, yeah, I cry like little girl.

>> No.581166

Talking about Kemeko, what is she doing for a living? Just the occasional Elder club concert and dinner show?

>> No.581608
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, 1210252233487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs more bumb


aye, konkon and makoto's graduation made me cry

>> No.581642

Morning Musume threads are about as dumb as people who still think the Beatles will make a comeback.

>> No.581651

On one level, Momusu is a joke, so yes.

On another, these threads are now about whether these threads should be posted here (how post-modern), so yes.

>> No.581660
File: 98 KB, 532x800, 1210253288369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear The Beatles are making a comeback.

>> No.581694

I know the Japanese like their cheap drama and "nakeru hanashi", but somehow it always mystifies me when western fans jump on that particular mantrain.
