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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5768328 No.5768328 [Reply] [Original]

So /jp/, how many of you believe in the existence of some kind of God or higher power? Personally, I am a very devout Christian, and it kind of shocks me how many atheists I see around these parts. I mean, can that many of you REALLY believe that everything we have just happened to randomly come into existence by some freakish coincidence? And then there's that big bang crap. Who made the big bang, huh? Shit, the first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. So where would all that energy have come from? It can't have come from nothing. It's physically impossible.

Atheists are illogical as hell. So how many intelligent people who actually bother to think a bit are here? Report in, fellow Believers.

>> No.5768333

Take this shit to /b/.

>> No.5768340

ガ━━(;゚Д゚)━( ゚Д)━(  ゚)━(   )━(゚;  )━(Д゚; )━(゚Д゚;)━━ン!!!!!

>> No.5768343

>attempt at starting a religion vs. science shitstorm

Reported. Nothing about this thread has anything to do with Otaku culture. Read the fucking title of the board before posting on it.

>> No.5768346

I believe in Haruhi. Haruhi is my god.
That is the only thing i believe in.

>> No.5768350

>I am a very devout Christian
Moralfag it for us then.

>> No.5768356


>> No.5768360

I'm not talking about morality, I'm talking about religion. While I do agree that religious people tend to be much better people overall than atheists (did you know that Hitler was atheist?) it's still not the point of this thread.

>> No.5768361

OP you are idiotic for coming here.

>> No.5768370

βακα..._φ(゚∀゚ )アヒャ

>> No.5768372

>(did you know that Hitler was atheist?)
Hello troll.

>> No.5768374

>did you know that Hitler was atheist
>Compring Athiests to Hitler[X]

>> No.5768376

Please stop bumping this thread, it's clearly some utter idiot from /b/ trying to stir up trouble.

>> No.5768385

( ゚Д゚)<氏ね!

>> No.5768390

Faggot. U.K. should be nuked for making loli illegal.

>> No.5768391

>Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.5768403

That's not true. I never go to /b/ ever. What do you take me for, a pedophile? I didn't say I was Catholic, you know.

>> No.5768411


>> No.5768417

No one cares. Delete this thread and go somewhere else.

>> No.5768418

>You have already reported this post, or someone with your IP has already reported it.

>> No.5768420

Enjoy your thought police, dickwad.

>> No.5768421

/b/ is for disgusting men to hang out not pedos you should try to go there.

>> No.5768437

>invoking the laws of thermodynamics when discussing events that took place before the first Planck Time elapsed
gb2 troll camp, Christian. Maybe they'll let you burn some heathens and "witches" there.

>> No.5768449

(´∀`*)ノシ バイバイ

>> No.5768457

Try and be less obvious when you samefag, OP.

>> No.5768465

Hey, I didn't call anyone "heathens." Other people are welcome to their beliefs, no matter how wrong I may think they are.

>> No.5768479

Where the fuck is the maid?

>> No.5768486

The maid has seen this thread, she agrees that it is perfectly acceptable here.

>> No.5768493

Paging Magical Type-Moon Index to this thread.

>> No.5768499

The maid was a lie.

>> No.5768503

And why are you bringing this here? Since when is religion /jp/-related?

>> No.5768504


I could dress up as a maid for you...

>> No.5768505

Since there's this, a KoG thread and a thread about visit count on the front page I'm pretty sure they're absent, and probably will be for a while.

>> No.5768519

⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ブーン

>> No.5768520

I believe in Haruhi. My god has the perfect set of tits.

>> No.5770194

Please, no blasphemy. We can have a civilized discussion here.

>> No.5770220



>> No.5770222

My god speaks Shakesperian and wields a hammer.

>> No.5770225


>> No.5770238
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>> No.5770255

>Shit, the first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed.
so, a god couldn't create it either. you just denied your own god, good job.

>> No.5770263
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>> No.5770264
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>> No.5770271
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>> No.5770273

I'm an Atheist. Religions in this day and age are for weak-willed individuals who need to believe that they are being looked after and that evil deeds will be punished. It's sickening how they deceive themselves.

>> No.5770275

>Who made the big bang, huh?

Singularity, don't gotta explain shit.

>It can't have come from nothing. It's physically impossible.


Yes. It. Can.

>> No.5770276

Depends on which drug I'm on.

>> No.5770281

this is a mid-tier troll material, and you retards even fell for it.

>> No.5770292

Minor evil deeds are punished. The major ones like the ones in the government and in the church aren't, simply because of authority.

>> No.5770293

Hint: the only one responding without sage is the OP

>> No.5770296

I miss when morality wasn't linked to religion

you christfags ruined that

basically stole the moral teachings of thousands of years gained through intellectual pursuits and tried to incorporate it into something as stupid as god worship

>> No.5770297

I'm the only person who WANTS to believe, but subjectively can't.

Just too intelligent to accept things as they are, I just can't comprehend an afterlife, I can't feel it.

>> No.5770316

Hint: responding with sage doesn't mean you're not being trolled.

>> No.5770317

Morality in itself is for the most part fucking stupid. Certainly no less fucking stupid than god worship. Everything outside of "do to others as you'd have them do to you" is just pretentious bullshit.

>> No.5770318

Paging Magical Type-Moon Index to this thread, again.

>> No.5770327


Fucking retard.

You're far from the only person.

>> No.5770330

I meant more like punished the "afterlife".

>> No.5770331

no you're pretentious bullshit

>> No.5770332

Random violence and theft would be problematic though, no?

>> No.5770334

>Atheists are illogical as hell.
>A big man in the sky made everything

>> No.5770339

Thread Hidden for irritating pic

>> No.5770348

People who eat meat products are nicer than vegetarians (Did you know that Hitler was a vegetarian)

>> No.5770355

Well. They're not as annoying at least.

>> No.5770364

Post gay porn already damn you.

>> No.5770365

>everything we have just happened to randomly come into existence by some freakish coincidence?
The universe is big.

>Who made the big bang, huh?

>the first law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. So where would all that energy have come from? It can't have come from nothing. It's physically impossible.
A mystery.

>how many intelligent people who actually bother to think a bit are here?
>intelligent people who actually bother to think a bit
Because dismissing everything as the work of an invisible epic level sky magician instead of, go figure, actually think and find an explanation of why things happens (an explanation that doesn't require invisible epic level sky magicians) isn't intelligent, right?
Also, /r/ a Haruhiism pic like >>5770264

>> No.5770368


>> No.5770369
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>> No.5770379

Even for a summer weekend /jp/ is fucking terrible today.

>> No.5770390

Lowbrows building their lives around pretentious bullshit. So sad.

>> No.5770421

Random violence and theft still are within that rule don't they? Unless you like people stealing your physical property and beating you up?

>> No.5770438

>I'd fuck every girl I met... if they looked at me in the first place!

>> No.5770460

Nice projecting you've got going there.

>> No.5770462


>> No.5770484

Are you fucking kidding me, /jp/?

>> No.5770485

How am I supposed to believe anything that's not in red?

>> No.5770504

No, but you're obviously the guy from that pornstar thread that was just deleted, ranting on about how awesome it must be to just fuck anything that walks, fuck morals!

>> No.5770517
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>> No.5770520

A truly loving god would have made it possible for us to interact with our 2D waifus through our screens.

>> No.5770521

Red is God's favorite color. Blood red.

>> No.5770532

Janitor, perhaps? You misunderstood me then, I was just of the opinion, as another anon said, that people should be free to do as they wish so long as it does not harm others. You're twisting it around and really getting angry for some reason, I don't know where your frustration lies exactly.

>> No.5770635

Well, even if there is no God or Buddha... There is Kamen Rider!

>> No.5770667

But Kamen Riders die when they are killed. ;__;

>> No.5770669

I remember this pasta.

Anyway, I don't believe in God. Here's my logic:

Assume there's a god he made the real world. The real world sucks. Now there's ZUN, he made gensokyo. Gensokyo is awesome. Therefore ZUN> GOD.

Apply this logic to all the stories and worlds that humans have made and you'll see that our version is better, everytime.

>> No.5770671

It frustrates me when people think life would be better if we had no morals.

>> No.5770675

>OP: L0lz0rz atheists r fgtz
>9001 Posts and 100 image replies omitted.
Sometimes, I really hate the internet.

>> No.5770685
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>> No.5770699

In Heaven, if you're a good Christian, you can do that, and a lot more. Just accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and you'll understand. God takes care of His faithful in ways you can't even imagine.

>> No.5770713
File: 14 KB, 298x440, stephen-hawking-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you guys bothering replying to a thread that got Godwin'd on the 7th reply? It should be dead.

Anyway, OP I believe what this guys believes. If there is a God, He created the Universe and decided not to fuck with it again. Why? Because He can.

Now fuck off.

>> No.5770717

>In Heaven, if you're a good Christian
I never got this. It shouldn't matter whether you believe in whatever god. If you're a decent person that should be all that fucking matters.

>> No.5770719

>In Heaven
Which part?
The places were there are nothing but a long series of airfields?
The burnt forests?
The Glass Lake of radioactive water?

>Jesus as your Lord and Savior
Speaking of radiation!

>> No.5770753


>> No.5770757

A truly loving god wouldn't kill almost every living being in The Deluge

I won't believe in a god that kills children no matter what you say

>> No.5770764

Atheists are just as bad if not worse than bible thumpers.

>> No.5770768


>> No.5770830

You really think yourself worthy of judging God?

>> No.5770852
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Might makes right

>> No.5770875

Well, sort of, but not really. Take a cold virus, for example. Your body will fight, and eventually "kill" great numbers of them, for the greater good.

God meant no harm, it was just necessary to kill vast amounts of people for some other more important goal.

>> No.5770884

>Oh look a shitty troll
>90 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

What the fuck /jp/?

>> No.5770898

Children killed by me: 0
Children killed by god: Lost count

Yup, I think so. Wanna talk about 'morals' while your god is lower than me?

>> No.5770904

>Hitler meant no harm, it was just necessary to kill vast amounts of people for some other more important goal.

>> No.5771135

Hey, Hitler actually did a lot of good for Germany. I always thought it was kind of sad that the Holocaust is the main thing he's remembered for. Just a small bump in an otherwise very successful career. Well, I guess it's true that history is written by the victors.

>> No.5771169

But that's what I said, he was good as God himself
Look at the quotes again

But as you said, history is written by the victors
God won, Hitler lost. That's the difference

>> No.5771170

As a more devout and more insane Christian, I say you are a heretic and should be put to death for your blasphemy. Disobeying His plan? As Christians, we are the manifestation of God's will on earth, and thus, anything we do is implicitly ordained by the Most High.

>> No.5771196
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I believe in Kanako.

>> No.5771206

Stop bumping this thread, guys.

>> No.5771209

>I am a very devout Christian

>> No.5771214


>> No.5771221


>> No.5771223


>> No.5771243


>> No.5771260

Oh my god I can't stop laughing. This just made my night.

>> No.5771263

Now that's a real fucking warrior
The bullets just bounce right off that shit

>> No.5771267

mine too.

>> No.5771271

I wonder how many dark sided people we have on /jp/.

>> No.5771277
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Depends on how many people believe in god.
Everyones had it the wrong way for years.

>> No.5771281

I remember seeing most of that episode when my mom watched it a long time ago. It was fucking hilarious.

>> No.5771282

She gave up that money for her "god"......

>> No.5771287

And this is why I hate religion...people take it way to seriously and pull this shit. If I was in here house, I would be roflmao on the floor at her while shes screaming IN JESUS NAME I PRAY GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!! And hell, shes a great warrior allright, whats she gona do, attack us with her fat? I bet bullets bounce right off that shit, ppl need to stop being this insane over some book and religion and gtfo with their real lives hahah...que e-hate for me bashing religion

>> No.5771290

in the end she accepted the tainted money...
and her daughter died


>> No.5771297


>> No.5771299

Atheist here. Op, have a 1/10.

>> No.5771301

More Crazy people

>> No.5771303
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>> No.5771305

Her daughter was decapitated in a car accident i think.

>> No.5771307

yup, the daughter in the blue jean jacket

>> No.5771308

She reminds me of Rosa but MORE crazy.

>> No.5771316

Source on that? Holy shit.

>> No.5771317

It's mentioned in the video description.

>> No.5771318
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>> No.5771321

How can people be so crazy over a book?She must be a bible otaku.

>> No.5771324

Well damn.

>> No.5771332

I actually feel bad for christians they live worse lives than otaku.

>> No.5771334

that's what you get for messing with the dork side

>> No.5771343

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LACyLTsH4ac Don't forget Jesus Camp.

>> No.5771351

Lol...But sad

>> No.5771353

Any god who created men other than myself and makes girls grow into women should be despised.

>> No.5771363

When i was younger i was forced to go to church i HATED it.It was always loud and stupid.

>> No.5771383

This lady is fucking creepy.

>> No.5771385

Me too.

>> No.5771392

Also, it's even more creepy when the guy calls her crazy and cruel, yet she's sitting there with a smiling face barely blinking.

>> No.5771399


Have some more of her.

>> No.5771415
File: 49 KB, 800x1132, 6f0e26ff5a2a6625097918ebe1e9a8e70acc44e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worship Suwako. And take care of a bunch of giant green frogs that live in my garden pond.

>> No.5771416

How can you take your immortal soul too seriously?

>> No.5771419

What a bitch

>> No.5771420
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>can that many of you REALLY believe that everything we have just happened to randomly come into existence by some freakish coincidence?

To tell you the truth, even what you call "god" was randomly created.

>> No.5771423

Do I believe in some higher power ? Yes.
Do I believe in your shitty imaginary friend ? No.

>> No.5771428


Silly Christian video.

>> No.5771429

No. God has always existed. He was never created.

>> No.5771432

What I love about RL Japan is their take on religion. It's just fun for 90% of them.

>> No.5771435

he can't create himself.

>> No.5771436

Chaos theory is amazing isn't it?

>> No.5771437

Oh wow. This is ridiculous.

>> No.5771440

Humans created him.

>> No.5771441
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Yes, he's not affected by time and all that shit. Caun you explain that without imply that magic exist?

>> No.5771442

Silly Woman

>> No.5771443

We are all one with the chaos

>> No.5771444
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You mean she.

>> No.5771453

I wish other religions were this easy to make fun of.

>> No.5771454

I find it more likely than our life was just a product of coincidence than believe we're the plaything of some superior beign with too much time on his hands.
Plus most religious are based on the arrogant assumption that we are special to Him/Them, yeah considering how small and isignificant we are compare to the rest of this universe, it totally makes sense.
Maybe our universe was "created" but we are just a byproduct of said creation, no superior beign "created" US.

>> No.5771459

I have my own religion, where when you die after you followed a right path (watching a lot of anime, loving your 2d girls every day, playing visual novels, reading manga and buying a lot of stuffes like dakimakura, figure ecc...) you reincarnate as the protagonist of some 2d creation like a new vn, anime or manga and live forever happy with your harem/waifu

yes, i know that is sad but i like it

>> No.5771462

at first i was like, how in the world can humans create something as powerful as god, and then i was like oooooh

>> No.5771467

It's just as plausible as any other religion.

>> No.5771469

Ya know i hate it when religious people say athiests are arrogent when they screamm quotes from the bible 24/7 like it's fact.

>> No.5771475


>> No.5771488

It helps that it actually IS fact.

>> No.5771483
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if you are on /jp/ you are already converted

>> No.5771485


My favorite athiest.

>> No.5771493

The bible is bullshit.

>> No.5771497

>161 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view
God damn it you guys.

>> No.5771502

MTF or just crossdresser

you decide

>> No.5771506


>> No.5771510


>> No.5771511

how noncommittal

>> No.5771516

trap sense tingling... that's a guy!

if it's accepted worldwide, it's a fact
you can't burn all the bibles, so you know it'll never end no matter what

>> No.5771520

The bible was not supposed to be interpreted literally. It was supposed to teach moral things from life, ethics and all that things. But then, those christian guys started reading it and they though everything written there was true. A god that created a new world, a guy that can split the sea, another guy who converts blood into wine... It's like if we pick a VN and we start a new religion based on it.

>> No.5771522

>Our God is kind and mercyful !
>Mass genocide, rain of blood, fire from the sky, human/animal sacrifices, harming innocents, disrespect for life and free will in general.

>> No.5771524

>accepted worldwide, it's a fact

>> No.5771530

Oh I know that. Anybody that takes any of it as fact is a retard.

>> No.5771543

you may not like me but I am a religious follower, of course I can't prove anything, but having faith seems alot better than the possible alternative meaning after death

>> No.5771544

what you gonna do about it?

the same is true for physics
"oh we just found a new particle, the rules changed!" but everyone before believed in the old rules and they worked, it was a fact

>> No.5771557

Leaving religion aside, what really bothers me is not just the "How do we know we exist?", but more along the lines of "What is/causes consciousness?" and "What are the minimal components for achieving consciousness?", "We have these minimal components and have achieved consciousness, but does matter itself have the possibility of achieving consciousness, but most of it isn't able to perceive it?". One could think of the universe as a finite (discrete or infinite otherwise) object governed by a set of finite(most likely) or infinite rules. The existence of a creator (intelligent or not) of this universe is not something we can answer, so I decide to leave it alone. Even if such a creator would exist, the chances he's able to completly understand and add/change the rules to have meaningful changes to our lives seems even less likely. Can we even know if this universe itself is not emulated, and thus "real", and assuming everything we perceive is "real". What is real anyway? It may be possible for any concievable universe to exist as long as a set of compatible mathemathical rules for it exist (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_universe_hypothesis for some similar throughts). Everything around us seems to indicate that everything is the product of entropy with a set of rules applied to drive time forward.

Whatever we want to believe is of course up to us, but I do find it hard to understand why some people have truly silly and earthly beliefs about the existence of a creator, and many of those beliefs are contradictory in themselves (or to put it in terms /jp/ would understand: you couldn't say the entire thing in red without causing logic errors).

>> No.5771547

>accepted worldwide, it's a fact

>> No.5771564

This is basically why religion was created
It's not control of the masses, etc.

People was just afraid of death, the concept of afterlife is comforting. The mind control came after that

>> No.5771568

Quantum physics proved that our "prospective" has power and can influence the world around us in subtle ways.
It is possible that our will can transcend this world upon our death becoming something else, maybe a being like the Third Eye in Ever17.
See, I have some hope for afterlife and still don't worship any god.

>> No.5771579

This thread started getting decent when we were laughing at the crazy Christian lady. But now it's shit again.

>> No.5771590

also, define what's a "fact"

>> No.5771617

>Implying that atheism means anything more than against theism.

>> No.5771619


>> No.5771632

>Quantum physics proved that our "prospective" has power and can influence the world around us in subtle ways.
This is what people who have no idea how the observer effect works actually believe

>> No.5771650

Oh man I remember this shit.

>> No.5771667


>> No.5771684

This is one of the reasons why i don't leave my house.

>> No.5771686


>> No.5771717


Christianity for ya

>> No.5771720

who is that piece of emo shit?

post moar crazy christians

>> No.5771739


Funny Athiest

>> No.5771751


I dare you not to laugh.

>> No.5771753

that's all? your afterlife expectations are low.

i believe that after death i'll become a god, create my own universe and then laugh at its stupid people, waging wars "in my name", killing and hating people "because god said so" even though i never even interfered with them and eventually destroying their own world with their sheer stupidity.

>> No.5771756

atheists aren't as funny as christians

>> No.5771763

I believe when I die, I won't give a shit about what will become of me when I die.

>> No.5771766

oh but before all that, my first action as a new god will be shedding this terrible 3d male form and becoming the eternal 2d little girl in frilly dress.

>> No.5771767

oh wow, now that's what I call afterlife

>> No.5771781

>196 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Stay classy /jp/

>> No.5771791


>> No.5771793

that gif is like totally fucking with my head right now.

>> No.5771797

Sounds good, but you should give every conscious intelligent creature living in your universe the chance of becoming the same as you after their life is over, if your "permission" is needed at all, after all, they and you are just concepts to begin with.

>> No.5771802

This thread reminds me of this post.


>> No.5771810

This. Anyone who attempts to link the insights of quantum mechanics with religion or spiritual shit is an idiot.

Shit troll thread.

>> No.5771813

they wouldn't need my permission, it's not like i'd have any afterlife for them.

everyone can become whatever they want after death for all i care, if they also want to be gods, they can go ahead and then make their own universes, infinitely expanding the multiverse or something.

>> No.5771830

just one rule to that, the one who becomes a creator god has to leave the universe he was created in and can only enter it back as a powerless observer/visitor.

if you want to become a small local god like auau though, bound to just one world, go ahead and stay there, just don't expect to have any real influence on anything outside of it.

>> No.5771865

>So /jp/, how many of you believe in the existence of some kind of God or higher power? Personally, I am a very devout Troll so blah blah blah bel air
Are we getting "invaded" again?
