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5767898 No.5767898 [Reply] [Original]

So can be Arcueid killed by MEoDP or not?
Shiki "killed" her once, but she was able to regenerate.

>> No.5767904

She can be killed by it.

>> No.5767919

But she's a copy of Type Moon and he wasn't a creature from Earth.
MEoDP are connected to things from Earth only. Isn't it?

>> No.5767931

Arc was created by Gaia using CM as a template along with all TAs. She's 100% bona-fide Gaian.

>> No.5767955


Yes, during the day.

No, on the night of the Full Moon.

>> No.5767965

>The one who answered Gaia’s plea was Brunestud of the Crimson Moon who offered a pact to the planet: in exchange of being allowed to live on Earth, Crimson Moon would allow the creation of a self-defense mechanism for the planet based on him. From this pact between the Ultimate One of the moon and the spirit of the Earth the True Ancestors were born as a Counter Force with definite form, created for the purpose of returning the plane to its original state, before the corruption caused by humans.

CM created CF (True Ancestors), not Gaia.

>> No.5767994

Why didn't she die after Shiki cut her then?

>> No.5768018

True Ancestors were co-opted as a counter force to humanity. They weren't conceived of as one. They were conceived of as a means for the Crimson Moon to resurrect himself, children created in his template.

Isn't that limited.

Because a small piece of her retained enough power to sustain its own existence, at which point she completely reconfigured her own existence in order to reconnect the parts that were lost. She changed her conceptual existence in order to "heal" it.

>> No.5768033


She did. She totally did.

She didn't regenerate. Regenerate is the wrong term. Regeneration means it grows back or is healed. Arcueid had to make a new body from scratch.

Shiki's eyes were at their basic level and he only cut her lines, so her body was destroyed. However, her existence, her 'dot', was unharmed. She then pulled massive amounts of power to build a new body for her. This is why she's weakened in the story.

>> No.5768112


Arc was born long after CM got magic'd by Zelretch. She gets her power from the Earth and even has the ability to shape it with her MP. TAs are described as giant nature fairies.

She's Gaian.

>> No.5768338

Arcueid has dots and lines on the day. On the night she can't be killed because her lifespan is infinite, or almost infinite, either way she is so far away from death that neither of the Shiki's would be able to see her lines. And she is not a 100% Gaian creature, Arcueid = human body + abilities of a spirit of nature (Marble Phantasm etc) + Crimson Moon's vampiric powers. She is powered up by both the earth and the moon. On the night she has no time of death, so infinite lifespan = no lines.

>she completely reconfigured her own existence in order to reconnect the parts that were lost

No, she didn't, the parts that Shiki cut were gone forever, they became useless. She used something similar to True Magic (The First) in order to completely remade her body parts from nothing, before putting them all together. And It took 80% of her power to do so.

>> No.5768358

>On the night she can't be killed because her lifespan is infinite
I'm pretty sure Shiki could see a very faint lines that kept changing the position.
I think giving few hours of her standing in one place, he could probably kill her.

>> No.5768500

Replay the part before the incident with Nrvnqsr in the hotel. She explicitly stated that she has no time of death in the night, and that if she wouldn't have been killed Shiki wouldn't have been able to see a line, her lines were faint on the night just because she used up a lot of energy to regenerate herself. She was no different than a Servant, a Servant's lines are faint and can be cut, but only if they stand still waiting for Shiki to do his job.

>> No.5768588


Ok, so Arcueid has less power because of Roa, since Roa her bit her. Now, when Roa dies, shouldn't she get that back? And doesn't that also control her bloodlust more? There were no changes after any of the routes when Roa dies.
Same for Ciel. Shouldn't she no longer be able to regenerate now that Roa is gone?

>> No.5768614

I've heard Nasu stated Servants don't have lines. Someone has to second and source that for me though.

>> No.5768631

Arcueid still has her tendency to drink blood.

>> No.5768705
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Can Shiki kill a concept of ORT's successful landing on Earth?

>> No.5768713

Ok, so that doesn't go away no matter what? But did she regain her original strength?

>> No.5768715

All of that happened, yes. After Roa's death Arcueid got back her power and Ciel is no longer immortal. But yes, in theory Arcueid should have less problems controlling her bloodlust.

No, I don't know where you heard that. According to fuyuki:

38. As said in the game, Shiki can't see lines on things that can't be killed (destroyed) in the modern world. This is because the basis of the eyes of Shiki, a human being, work in proportion to the limits of modern humanity. Which means, Servants = unkillable by modern weapons (yes, Kinoko said that himself) = either no lines seen in normal cases (unless he pushes himself or reaches the point of being accustomed to the death of anything - still have the form of living beings so shouldn't take that much time if any) or number and thickness are less and not so easy to affect. Servants = materialized spiritual bodies = concepts about a thousand years or older = not so easy to kill; slashing one line doesn't ensure immediate effect. An easily breakable image that's been developed from human ideals images for some 2000 or more years probably would cause some penalties. Dots, as always, are insta-death - I'm not saying that Shiki can't kill them, I'm saying that just slashing a non-head line may not mean much during actual combat, especially those with the Battle Continuation skill. Best bet would try to look for openings for a dot strike while buying time (a stronger better version of Harpe with penalties). Noble Phantasms at the very least should be as formidable as Araya's Busshari.

>> No.5768746

She regains her original strength but Arcueid will go berserk in no time so she had to sleep.

Kind of like a druggie having a withdrawal.

>> No.5768751


Ah right, this makes more sense to me. So it is possible for him to see lines, just that it's extremely hard, and if he pushes himself his brain might explode, right?

And the older something is, the harder to see. So I doubt he'd be able to see Gil who's nearly fucking 5000 years old.

>> No.5769089
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