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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5766954 No.5766954 [Reply] [Original]

I can't seem to make any decent music, I don't feel inspired enough to write, I've played enough FFXI for today and all interesting /jp/ threads are inactive. What do I do now, /jp/?

>> No.5766966

Make a shitty thread like this. Mission complete, anon.

>> No.5766980

Go find Mugen and rape him.

>> No.5766987
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Take eight semesters of music theory, history, piano, and composition courses.

>> No.5766990


>> No.5766998

Why would I rape mugen?

>> No.5767000

So he will stop raping our board and our soul.

>> No.5767002

Can't make music as in not inspired, not sucking at it.

>> No.5767013

i know the feeling, OP. didn't realize there were some closet musicfriends on /jp/.

what often works for me to break a creative block is to play something outside my usual. different style of music, less familiar instrument.

or if that fails, start an 8 bar loop, record over it and see what happens. i've had lots of good accidents that way.

>> No.5767016
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Bullshit, people make music because they get paid for it, not because they are "inspired" or not.

Mozart, Bach, and all the rest didn't just sit in their room making music for the sake of making music, they did it for the patronage.

Lack of inspiration as an excuse not to write just means you are a lazy, talentless, hack. Go to school you schmuck.

>> No.5767049


is that some kind of troll? some days it's tough to be creative. i'm sure even mozart had writers block somedays.

>> No.5767062

He posted an image macro so either he's a troll or an idiot.

>> No.5767061

1) Listen to new music.
2) Get inspired.

Or just listen to more game OSTs; that's what always inspires me. Next thing I'll be doing is an arrangement of a song from Blazblue or this cool song from WA5:


>> No.5767059

Okay, technically, I am capable of making something. But I have certain quality standards, and I want to make something actually worth listening to.

>> No.5767065

>I've played enough FFXI for today
>Playing FFXI in 2010

>> No.5767067

Go back to bed, VDZ

>> No.5767078

But it's too early to sleep.

>> No.5767082

then drink. it's never too early to drink.

>> No.5767096

But I don't drink.

>> No.5767165


Good time to start.

>> No.5767191

I don't have any alcohol here, and it's 2:32 AM so I can't go out and buy some.

>> No.5767197

Work on your N Block visual fanfiction project!

>> No.5767210

Like I said, not feeling inspired enough. If I write now, the result will probably be shitty.

>> No.5767251

Sometimes when I'm really facing writer's block I just fiddle around with old songs. At least I'll be doing something then. Like yesterday I messed around with the mixing on a /jp/ collab.

New version: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/wxgj

Older one: http://www.tindeck.com/listen/qptg

Also if this is VDZ you're music is awesome. I keep your /projects/ threads always open on a tab for inspiration.

>> No.5767540

Messed around randomly, mostly with lesser-used VSTs/soundfonts (when did I last use soundfonts...?)...
It's not exactly material to make a full track of, but it's a nice loop and I had fun making it.

MP3: http://www.mediafire.com/?yrszm0ncdqsuavp
FLP file, if anybody's interested: http://www.mediafire.com/?eknbvv4io6kqb9h (FL Studio 7)

Well, at least I did something useful today.

>> No.5767899

I like the organ.

And soundfonts are awesome.
