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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 210 KB, 854x1006, 1277492665689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5754303 No.5754303 [Reply] [Original]

If you have ever fapped to Touhou, you are a secondaryfag and need to get the fuck out of /jp/.

>> No.5754313

I've never fapped to touhou

>> No.5754314

I didn't, because I don't fap to 2D ^___________^

>> No.5754311

but it's not night yet.

>> No.5754322

you looking for a fight

>> No.5754331

Are you perchance trying to suggest /jp/ is Touhou exclusively? I would kindly beg you to reconsider and, in case such option would not be favorable to you, evacuate the premises.

>> No.5754334

Holy shit, it's Friday?

I thought it was Tuesday or something.

>> No.5754364
File: 209 KB, 600x706, 224627f5895af69caa3f82464725d387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His Miku pillow is going to burn ;_;

>> No.5754368

The effects of browsing /jp/

>> No.5754370

Too bad there are far more of us than there are of you. I think it's time you left, instead.

>> No.5754404

Every day is Wednesday!

>> No.5754407

I've been mostly browsing /a/ and /v/ for the past week actually.

I never thought I would say it, but /jp/ is actually shittier despite the propaganda that goes on around here.

>> No.5754413

I haven't fapped ever, but I think one of the touhou characters is adorable. Should I get out?

...Why does he have a GTX 480 but an ATI shirt?

>> No.5754415

If you fapped to Touhou, the only way you can possibly redeem yourself and get into Gensokyo is to kill yourself as soon as possible.

>> No.5754426

Because bad joke.

>> No.5754468


Wait, let me guess, the fire in the corner is from the GTX 480 right?

>> No.5754532

You're a smart one.

Fermi and wood screws start fires.

>> No.5754540

Fapping to Touhou rules

>> No.5754542

Man, this guy looks awesome

>> No.5754543

>I haven't fapped ever
seriously? How I envy you.

>> No.5754562

i've never fapped to touhou

>> No.5754581
File: 133 KB, 785x540, 1255931037304s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5754586

Touhous are too slutty for me like

>> No.5754593

I never fapped to Touhou... until nakajou came along.

>> No.5754597
File: 20 KB, 126x254, 1279521102102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fap to this image every night. What about me?

>> No.5754630

I don't know actually. I never have such urges. Whenever I look at something sexual I either think "Strange"(If it's naked irl lolis or just weird stuff) or "Cute" if its women in general. I guess I'm just not as fiery blooded as the rest of /jp/, and hey, I've gone this far without masturbating, might as well finish the job.

>> No.5754704

Hes constantly stuck in that period of feeling right after you masturbate!

Someone get him to a doctor!

>> No.5754729

So they can study him and make millions of clones?
