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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 72 KB, 413x370, TouhouTactics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
574841 No.574841 [Reply] [Original]

So this picture got me thinking of playing a FFT campaign. The Oregon Trail thread also got me thinkin' Touhou characters.
What are anons' ideas for Touhou tactics characters?

>> No.574843
File: 75 KB, 554x682, 1210142028684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting with the obvious.

>> No.574848


>> No.574851

I don't even like Touhou but FUCK YOU any excuse to play FFT'll get me.

Okay time to read a fuckton of doujins and figure out what characters to make.

>> No.574858

Perfect, just the excuse I needed to put armor on all of them.

>> No.574871
File: 302 KB, 725x623, 1210142443839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monk confirmed for Tactics.
Colorful Earth Slash

>> No.574886
File: 35 KB, 190x230, 1210142921764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eirin = Chemist/Archer
Sakuya = Time Mage
Reimu = Whatever class Cid is

>> No.574893

Yukari = Calculator

>> No.574894


Sakuya = Ninja/Time Mage
Reimu = Holy Swordsman/White Mage

>> No.574897

Nitori would need Gun Equip.

>> No.574899


Make her whatever Mustadio is, then.

>> No.574901



>> No.574904


>> No.574912

NEET should be ninja. Because I said so.

>> No.574915


NEET will be a Princess. Completely fucking useless aside from a super-buff.

>> No.574914
File: 142 KB, 850x297, 1210143442948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some ideas I am toying with, using each class once as primary and once as support. Some of them are forced.
Archer/Chemist - Eirin (Bow/Medicine)
Calculator/Dancer - Flandre (Batshit Insane)
Chemist/Geomancer - Suika (Alcoholic)
Dancer/Mediator - Tewi (Dance bunny dance)
Geomancer/Thief - Aya (Environment control)
Knight/Monk - Ran (Left over. Doh.)
Lancer/Knight - Remilia (Gugnir)
Mediator/Archer - Reisen (Gun + Mind Control)
Mime/Samurai - Chen (Copycat)
Monk/Squire - China (China smash.)
Ninja/Time Mage - Sakuya (Throwin' knives.)
Oracle/Priest - Yuyuko (Spiritual affliction)
Priest/Oracle - Reimu (Red white)
Samurai/Ninja - Youmu (Sword spirit release.)

>> No.574930
File: 49 KB, 327x413, 1210143700409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, that's right. Cast MBARRIER, then run away.

>> No.575294

Mediator gives Equip Gun, not Engineer.

>> No.575315

lol did hong meirin steal captain america's shield?

>> No.575330

>Mediator gives Equip Gun, not Engineer.

Engineer uses guns _without_ Equip Gun.
God, how can you people even remember to breath?

>> No.575343

It was mentioned that Nitori needed Equip Gun. Someone replied and said to make a character whatever Mustadio is. Since it's impossible to make another character an Engineer, the other choice would be Mediator. Engineers don't have the skill Equip Gun anyway, instead having it innately.

>> No.575379

I agree with this.

>> No.575401

Fast Fourier Transform?

>> No.575983

/jp/ has sunk to a new low

>> No.576010


I don't see how this is any lower than usual.
