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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5746195 No.5746195 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else miss 2008 /jp/?

It seemed more tightly knit and funny.

>> No.5746200

curry is banned again, so it isn't all bad.

>> No.5746205

But Curry is one of the original /jp/sies.

>> No.5746210

I miss 2009 /jp/. 2009 /jp/ was best /jp/.

>> No.5746211

It's the same shit we know and love.
And I have screenshots to prove it.

>> No.5746214

what year was it when the dawson spam was around?

>> No.5746215

what is a god?

>> No.5746218

All thing reach their apex once in their lifetime, this is glorious, after that it's all downhill.

/jp/ probably did this a year ago or so.

>> No.5746219

I mostly hate the new wave of tripfags and namefags.

>> No.5746223
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2008 was when teto was born.

>> No.5746225

Last year

>> No.5746230



Never thought I'd say it, but I miss athens.

>> No.5746231
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>> No.5746232

Well, it sure was a bit different. Then again, it was so long ago. Almost surreal to think that back then I knew almost nothing about Touhou and came here solely for the Type-Moon and the occasional VN.

>> No.5746233

and what year was it when the simple plan spammer was still around?

>> No.5746238

I miss japanese bird cooking spaghetti.

>> No.5746240

its not as tightly knit because of the name change. it was more of a small cult that turn into a town

>> No.5746248

last year.

>> No.5746250

Yeah, but I'm pretty sure it's because of rose-tinted nostalgia shades.

>> No.5746251

That wasn't that funny after a while

'Shiki can kill servants, discuss' always got a chuckle out of me though.

Sup athens, we know you still lurk. There is no escaping /jp/.

>> No.5746255

i fucking hated that

>> No.5746256
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I remember there was lots of Cirno on /jp/'s first day.

But now everyone pretends to hate her.

>> No.5746257

>I miss athens.
Impossible. The guy was just so bad. Shit, he isn't even /int/ bad

>> No.5746263

I miss the lack of asspained faggots

>> No.5746266

I kinda miss 2004-2008. Not /jp/ specifically, just in general.


It's weird, they all seem to start off relatively okay for the first few months or so, then suddenly the shitswitch gets triggered and they go berserk.

>> No.5746269

He just really hated women. How is that different from the rest of /jp/ posters?

>> No.5746270

It's amazing what a couple of weeks of reposting Cirno's perfect math class and 'look at that baka XDD' will do, isn't it? One of the works of that I'm most proud.

>> No.5746276
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I do. Even though all we talked about was Type-Moon and Touhou because the amount of translated VNs we had could be counted on one hand, but I still miss it. I hate how fast /jp/ is now. Threads don't even last a day anymore unless they're getting constantly bumped. It's depressing

>> No.5746281

Before the name change i saw that it was mostly elites and neets, after the name change normal fags,moral fags and the like charge in. I still think most of them left after the change.

>> No.5746282

It wasn't anything too special, but it certainly was more enjoyable than the shit this board has become ever since a bit before the summer.
It would be nice if all the shitty text-less and extremely off-topic (mostly related to anime) threads stopped once summer ends, but I doubt that will happen. Sadly.

>> No.5746285

He was better than the new crop of tripfags. Even guriin/meru was better. The problem with new tripfags is that they take themselves too seriously, they're desperate to shake off the label of being an attention whore so they act super srs. Tripfags like currybutt, athens and meru/guriin never did that, they embraced being attention whores.

>> No.5746287

Well, Cirno still gets some attention here now and then. What I do feel nostalgically sorry for is Marisa Stole the Precious Thing, which is almost never mentioned anymore (and when it is, people pretend they always hated it), and Doll Judgment isn't even in the top 30 in Touhou Music Polls. Come on, it's a pretty nice catchy song, and miko's voice is cute...

>> No.5746290

I miss hard gay.

we havn't had a good hard gay thread in months.

>> No.5746293


In before shitstorm

>> No.5746294


It's like all the other boards were suddenly alerted to /jp/'s presence.

I still don't get what happened then.

>> No.5746298

>Tripfags like currybutt, athens and meru/guriin never did that, they embraced being attention whores.

Exactly, and it was kind of tongue-in-cheek too so it was funny at times. I still look up gurrin's old posts on /a/ sometimes, she was insane. In a good way.

>> No.5746302

After people shat on /jp/ and blamed it on pooshlmer and shrinemaiden, the quality of this board went downhill.

So within the first few months it got shitty.

>> No.5746305

the namechange happened, they think where cool now because where "Otaku Culture"

>> No.5746306

I miss 2008 yes. I miss KYON and Klein!Klan ~ ~ ~

>> No.5746309

>I hate how fast /jp/ is now.

So do I.
The days where I could mark the thread, go to sleep, wake up and then post in it again are long gone.
It's hard to take it easy like this.

>> No.5746310
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>> No.5746316

This place became shit after cyoa threads were banned.

>> No.5746320

What a cutie~

>> No.5746322


Not the same anon but he didn't though, that was part of what was so annoying about athens. I never felt his heart was really in the woman hate and he just did it to boost his e-cred on here.

>> No.5746323

I wouldn't mind /jp/'s current speed, if it weren't for all the shitty posts that result in /jp/ being faster now.

>> No.5746325

go back to touhouproject

>> No.5746331
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>> No.5746336


Nah, they started the whole 'raid'-every-few-hours thing before the name was changed.

>> No.5746343

No, the name change happened way before summer started, and I remember that the board got a bit better than the usual some timer after it happened. The shit we got today started a bit before summer, but certainly a lot after the name change.

>> No.5746345


>> No.5746350

I rudely saged the dumb OP pic back in 2008, and I'd do it again!

>> No.5746358

I seriously blame KSdevs for making baby's first VN

>> No.5746364
File: 207 KB, 800x600, 7c68195a7330c67ea63c0534a4ba4fbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is too cynical to have any tight-knit cohesion. Everyone hates everything and everybody, including themselves. The tripfags we have detract from threads with their usual banter or bullshit, and the forum culture that grew here actually discourages original content or saying anything that is possibly open to interpretation.

tl;dr you've done it to yourself, enjoy your shithole

>> No.5746369

/jp/ got truly shitty to the point of no return December 09.

>> No.5746381

We sure as hell didn't have shit threads like this one back then >>5746372

>> No.5746384

So are we just going to continue swimming in this shit?

>> No.5746391

got a better idea?

>> No.5746395

I blame Umineko and it's fanbase.

>> No.5746396

If it's any comfort, /a/ is shittier. They've forgotten how to sage and hate, the only thing that keeps our board safe from invaders.

>> No.5746405

This is why I usually just stay in one thread (like OC threads) and don't look at the rest of /jp/.

>> No.5746412

The namechange did a bad thing. Not having a /jp/-meido is a bad thing. Having a /whatever/-meido is a bad thing. /a/-theads are a bad thing. No more ronery/NEET-threads are a bad thing. No more true/jp/ is a bad thing.


>> No.5746413

Touhou ruined it

>> No.5746415


It's "its".

>> No.5746416


I only hate Shkanon.

>> No.5746419

Shut up.

>> No.5746420



>> No.5746430

2008 was good, 2009 brought on miles memes, diaper threads, dawson floods, girl threads, etc. Also it was like 800% slower.

>> No.5746432

>No more ronery/NEET-threads are a bad thing
Please just shut up

>> No.5746436

The word Otaku attracts faggots like a free blowjob-stand. Should have called the board Weeaboo Culture, then only laid-back people confident in their choice of entertainment would frequent /jp/, not retarded manchildren who try too hard to be Japanese.

Yeah, I'm talking to you. You're not an Otaku. Go away.

>> No.5746441


I guess they hit too close to home for some Anons.

>> No.5746443

2007 was best /jp

>> No.5746446


Newpersons won't guess that acronym.

>> No.5746454

2006-2007 were the best years for /a/. But then again, I wasn't here before that.

>> No.5746456
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No. We've had countless good threads in the past, even though most of them were not related to /jp/. Threads like those have probably gotten more rare because of the influx of new people, that usually starts when summer starts (or when something big happens, like the Umineko anime).

/jp/ was never the board to go to "rage" about something someone said on the Internet. People here have always been easygoing - at least before all the shit started happening.

>> No.5746458

Then we would have all 3 versions of /b/ in here.

>> No.5746459

Athens! We still miss you!

>> No.5746461

>girl threads

Aren't you the one who always makes /cg/ threads on /jp/?

>> No.5746465

Get out, normalfag. And I'm not even kidding. Get out.

>> No.5746466

There's no other option except to leave or go to 2ch or Futaba. There's nothing that can be done. /jp/ was our refuge, our only home, and now it's going to shit. Hell, in one more year /jp/ will turn into /a/ at this rate. Sometimes when I look at the front page I don't know if I'm actually in /jp/, so I have to check.

>> No.5746470


No, you get out.

>> No.5746476

A lot of it comes from just how shit moot has let other boards become, where it's ok to cross board raid. I mean fuck, even /sp/ has raided here (not that it did much). Fixing the other boards would mean less shit trickles down into /jp/

>> No.5746478

Im a lurker and a observer, Im only saying what i saw at the time,sorry.

>> No.5746480

ban all of /a/ /v/ /b/ and /r9k/

>> No.5746481

/jp/ will get shittier but it can't be as shit as /a/ because you know, /jp/ shit is less mainstream, so underaged b& retards will have it hard to find a reason to come here.

>> No.5746484

Wait, I didn't address you.

>> No.5746485

Remember when TRUE NEET shit was hated like we hate the /b/-level threads now?

>> No.5746497

not true. /jp/ didnt change at all because of the name change, except for a few weeks when new people from other boards checked us out because OH MY GOD MOOT WAS THERE.

>> No.5746498

>our only home

But we have /bun/ too.

>> No.5746500

I was away from /jp/ in late 2008 and early 2009 while it was unbearably shitty, so I might have missed some things.

>> No.5746501

I agree 100%. I originally left /jp/ in December 09 because of how bad it had gotten, and only recently returned, mostly to discuss Umineko6.

I know I'll get flamed for mentioning it, but after leaving /jp/ I came to Bunbunmaru. Unfortunately, it's no /jp/2, but the post quality is generally high (tons higher than here), although it's really really slow. If only more original /jp/ers went there when it was new...

>> No.5746512
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If by always you mean a handful 2 years ago, yes. And by 'girl' threads I meant the ones asking about girls, claiming to be girl posters, etc. Not "threads containing a female"

>> No.5746517

From what i saw before the name change, the people here were sort of like old men too me or like great sages, Now its a bunch of normal people who got into the touhou craze.

>> No.5746518

It was hated by many, but a lot of NEET threads did get a lot of interesting replies. There were some truly interesting discussions...even if a lot of people hated the threads for the normalfagness...

>> No.5746519

"normalfag" is an idiotic phrase and you should feel bad for using it "Mr.TrueNeet"

>> No.5746526

NEET/general lifestylke threads werent bad (and still arent, even if they are rare), but the TRUE NEET XD-shit was. it was good for a few laughs at first but nothing more really.

>> No.5746539

I arrived on the first day, in the first hour too I think.

I still remember that day, I'd stayed up all night F5'ing old /n/ in my dorm and then it just disappeared.

>> No.5746549

Didn't Moot say that the title of the board was temporary cause he didn't know how to rename it? Think of a proper name for /jp/ and email it to him.

>> No.5746559

you wake up in gensokyo

>> No.5746560

Heres an example on how much the name change affected /jp/. when i think ep2 of higurashi came out every body was going crazy and couldn't wait for the crack. Then the name change happened and when ep3 came out, it was REALLY different, there were white knights and moral fags everywhere. It was fucking horrible.

>> No.5746562

Touhou and Vocaloid general

>> No.5746565

i miss 2007 /a/

>> No.5746572

Touhou and Visual Novels. Simple.

>> No.5746573

I dont think so.
its hard to figure out anything better anyway, even if its just "enthusiant culture" now. Japan/Genral was a blatant lie.

>> No.5746580

NEET & Hikikomori/General

Nah, that wouldn't be so good either, really. The problem is that /jp/ is more of an agreement on things which we permit here. I like the /dg/ idea, though.

>> No.5746581

Also Suigin this is the best one.

>> No.5746582

Ep1-4 were released in one package in December of 2009.

Anyways, this thread makes me sad.

>> No.5746586

..but those dont cover everything that belongs in /jp/!

>> No.5746588

You mean the Meltan threads that never ended?

Good times.

>> No.5746589

Faggots from /a/ ruin everything.

>> No.5746595
File: 21 KB, 600x400, lake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/, remember me?

>> No.5746599

I mean the kai eps then.

>> No.5746605

I want to see /jp/ and /a/ merged again just for the hilarity of it all.

>> No.5746606

/dg/ - Doujin Games/General.
Although, since that would leave out all the Japanese things we discuss in here, Otaku Culture works nicely (at least until you remember what people interpret "otaku" as).

>> No.5746609

>About 2,180 results (0.41 seconds)

>> No.5746616

I don't. I like having /jp/ to browse. 4chan or not, it sucks seeing the board get more shitty.

>> No.5746618


>> No.5746621


And that's surprisingly recent.

>> No.5746625

i kind of want this to see if we can recover what was ours

>> No.5746626

"I don't get it." Cirno stares at you blankly, her large eyes looking up at you with a lack of understanding. You feared this. She returns to a smile. "Come on, we have to go defeat these Tengu on the mountain, this really mean Aya one insulted me in her paper thingy, and-"

"Cirno... We can't go on another adventure. I've settled down. She's pregnant. There is nothing more between us. I'm sorry." Her happy face turns to one of surprise, then... She frowns, looking slightly hurt.

"What? But you're my human-"

"I am sorry, Cirno. It is best if you don't come here, anymore. Go back to the lake. You have other fairy friends there, right? Good bye, Cirno." You turn, and walk away, even as she begins to frown.

>> No.5746633


"NO! No! You can't stop! You're my human!" She shrieks, and launches herself at you... Only to be pushed away harshly, a soft thud as she hits the ground. You continue walking, not even looking back at the little ice fairy. Autumn had just arrived,, and you hurried onward. It was due to rain soon, and you promised to be back.

But she lies there in the grass. "I don't understand..." She whispers as the rain softly begins to drizzle down, the fallen droplets around her turning to ice. "You can't..." There is no ears for her words to reach. "Why am I crying! I don't need any stupid human anyways!" Cirno sniffles, wiping at her eyes as tears begin to flow. But she is unable to stop. She wails, like a little girl, not even willing herself to get up, and remains right where you pushed her down without a second thought. The clouds gather, and soon the drizzle becomes a downpour. But she never moves.

She disappears after that day. Nobody sees her again. Other fairies get strangely quiet whenever the topic is discussed, and turn it to more pleasant things. But somewhere in a lake, she is drowning herself.
Over and over again.
Did you know?
Fairies can't die. But she feels the pain. Every time.
But it's slightly less painful than remembering when you cut her cheerful, innocent heart in half.

>> No.5746636

Closest thing that happened was when moot deleted /jp/ for an hour, then the Touhou thread explosion on /a/.

>> No.5746637

Use quotation marks.

>> No.5746642

Or when he renamed /jp/ to /a/

>> No.5746646

I did. Those were the number of results returned.

>> No.5746648


>> No.5746649
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>>This is why I usually just stay in one thread (like OC threads) and don't look at the rest of /jp/.

Same here. The OC and AT threads are my main threads now. I stay out of Poshlmer Touhou/Umineko threads for the obvious reasons.

In the end I just do what I've been doing for the past 5 years which is posting the stuff I personally enjoy. On this forum I got 20,000 posts where I'm enjoying myself while some Anons probably have 20,000 posts of pure explosive asspain.

>> No.5746656


>> No.5746678

then you might realize that quite a lot of VN:s arent doujin games, and that games arent the only thing /jp/ discusses

>> No.5746692

That's where the "General" part comes in, I guess.

>> No.5746703

I miss pre-split /a/. It was like /jp/ only less shitty, more gay(as in literally homosexual), and faster.

>> No.5746711

Umineko didn't come out yet.

>> No.5746720



>> No.5746742

Then just use Weeaboo/General.

>> No.5746743


>> No.5746766

I miss the gay people.
They taught me that not all gays are like the flamboyant homos you see on television.

4chan ironically removed many of my prejudices and stereotypical views on certain groups of people.

>> No.5746785

KoG singlehandedly destroyed this board, he is truly a god.

>> No.5746801

He was largely ignored. All the "FUUU" posts were proven to be solely him, numerous times.

>> No.5746804

Well i'm one if that helps...

>> No.5746841

the front page looks like utter shit, fuck this place. i'm leaving.

>> No.5746851

And that comment was so important it deserved to bump the thread.

>> No.5746853
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>> No.5746861

Don't go too far away, anon, I will miss you. ;_;

>> No.5746862

I just want my shooter thread.

>> No.5746866

So was Athens.

>> No.5746870

So was Sion.

>> No.5746894

Maybe Anon could tell us where he's going, then we could go with him!

>> No.5746909

He is probably going to his secret website that some anon was talking about.(don't worry though he was just trolling)

>> No.5746917

/bun/, feel free to come.

>> No.5746929

But I'm already there every day.

>> No.5746939

So what about you stay there?

>> No.5746953

But it's so slow.

>> No.5746971
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Well, I guess it can't be helped. As soon as it gets a little faster, though...

>> No.5746985

/jp/ - Faggots/General
Only those confident in their sexuality would post. Those who question their sexuality would be afraid of posting.

>> No.5746994

It's slow because nobody is posting. As I posted on /bun/:
"It feels like nobody is posting unless I make a post, that's how slow it is around here.
As if you were all bots, responding to my posts and otherwise not posting at all... "

>> No.5747029
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>> No.5747038

Should we do it now?

>> No.5747058


>>5746917 is not me, but some bunbunmaru dev. i'll probably hang around touhourpoject or touhou porn board until everything comes back to normal. everything is better than /bun/ or this shithole in its present state.

>> No.5747062
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>> No.5747070

/jp/ hating moderators, /bun/ admins, and unchecked horrible tripfags ruined /jp/

>> No.5747086

/jp/ ruined /jp/.

>> No.5747098

> touhourpoject
Don't come back please. /jp/ and /bun/ don't need you.

>> No.5747107

/bun/ needs as many fags as it can find. That shit is fucking deserted.

>> No.5747108

Meta threads ruined /jp/.

>> No.5747109

Back to /bun/ with you.

>> No.5747111
File: 13 KB, 647x486, that_is_ruining_the_board.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when /jp/ was crammed full of /b/-style whiny metathread and introspection threads as well as thinly-veiled X is the cancer killing Y assertions as well as dick-waving over how long one's been here?

>> No.5747117
File: 254 KB, 750x1500, geass-poem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/a/ went downhill after Geass ended. I think we can all agree on that.

>> No.5747121

Shut up, Bawson, hating /bun/ stopped being cool a long time ago.

>> No.5747135

This is because current /jp/ is actually worse than there.

>> No.5747136

Fuck off back to your own board, /jp/ doesn't need your shitty advertisements and metathreads.

>> No.5747144
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/a/ was the worst during Geass. Fuck off.
Full of idiots spamming the same threads for the lulz.

>> No.5747149

/bun/ is OUR board, silly. It's where we will all go when /jp/ dies. That's what it was made for.

But enough about that.

>> No.5747162
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Doesn't matter, it actually came up with some funny stuff.

>> No.5747174

It's 2010 and I still didn't watch Code Gayass and Lucky Shit. /a/ really made me hate those shows.

>> No.5747177

/jp/ has been bad from day one. It was created to keep the bad people off the other boards.

>> No.5747180

>He calls them names but didn't watch them

>> No.5747182

/b/ level image shops and unfunny forced garbage. Geass is what made /a/ bad.

>> No.5747188

>shiki can kill servants, discuss

>> No.5747195

So many sages... This thread is the true /jp/. First time I won't report a metathread.

>> No.5747198

Yeah, it's better to keep loser virgin NEETs away from 4chan's precious greentext and doubles threads.

>> No.5747202
File: 723 KB, 640x480, 1258131415063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fits right in with /jp/

>> No.5747206

You're clearly not from /jp/ otherwise you wouldn't care that people are saging a metathread thread. You report metathreads anyway.

>> No.5747215

Of course. I'm from /a/.

>> No.5747216
File: 503 KB, 2606x4142, tear-down-the-wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Images are part of what makes an imageboard though. Shopping is part and parcel of that.

>> No.5747224
File: 148 KB, 730x1011, e22ef50e8d271f738426a5d980036558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen Code Geass, but Lucky Star is top-tier when it comes to slice-of-life. If you enjoy slice-of-life, Lucky Star is a must-watch.

Basically, you watch it when you're feeling mediocre, and by the end of the episode, you'll be smiling brightly. It just makes you happy.

>> No.5747238


>> No.5747235

Which is why I added in the /b/-level part. There's nothing wrong with the image you just posted but people kept trying to imitate all the other shops and failing.

>> No.5747244

Yeah, it's not really my cup of tea or anything, but it's enjoyable. I don't understand these people who be hating on LS and then go on about what a magnum opus Azumanga was. It's bizarre.

>> No.5747260

The whole reason this place has become so unreadable as of late is because the spirit of /r9k/ has invaded it and seized it by the throat.

Let's have a look, shall we?

Who do you think composes those butthurt retards who constantly shit up the board with their defense of overrated garbage like Umineko and FSN? Normalfags.

Who do you think starts those "epik invasions XD" where they think we'll jump to the defense of japs when they post Hiroshima? /b/, /a/ and /v/, all of which are populated completely by Normalfags.

Who do you think starts and perpetuates those pig disgusting idol threads? Normalfags.

Who do you think is responsible for 'UNBAN CURRYBUTT and AUTISM XD?' Normalfags.

Who do you think is responsible for bawwson/anime thread spam? Normalfags.

Who do you think is responsible for all of the shitty trap/anal masturbation threads? Normalfags.

>> No.5747264

Stop that. That board was... stolen because people liked what GM did and wanted to do similar things. While it's considered fanfiction, hating them just because it's a Touhou imageboard is something pretty stupid.

>> No.5747270

Minami-ke is the best SOL Lucky Star is number 2.

>> No.5747266

Who do you think was responsible for the creating the Alice RP and the atrocious "you wake up in gensokyo" fanfiction and nearly corrupting this board with their evil? Normalfags.

Who do you think is responsible for the countless /lang/, /trv/ and "how I get jap girl to like me T.T" threads that plague the board even with the name change? Normalfags.

And finally, what kinds of people are our tripfags--the crowd who are the most dedicated to shitting up the board for everyone else? They're attention whores, which categorically defines them as normalfags--not that their lifestyle choices would indicate to the contrary.

For the good of the everyone, normalfags should be permanently put out of /jp/. I know that some of you normalfags are going to try and dismiss this as "TRUE NEET IS LEGIUN XD," but this isn't legion faggotry; it's the simple truth borne out by examination of this board's history. /jp/ was at it's heights when there were few normalfags, and it's at its lows when there are huge numbers of them.

Therefore, if we eliminate normalfaggotry from this board, /jp/ will return to how it was in its easygoing, stable state after its formative period.


>> No.5747275

I enjoyed Lucky Star.
I disliked the Azumanga anime immensely, it thoroughly rape the source material.
I have no idea why so many think that Azumanga is so superior over Lucky Star.

Lucky Star manga is shit though.

>> No.5747289

We don't hate touhouproject because it's a touhou imageboard. We hate touhouproject because it's filled with gaiafags who write shitty self-insert fanfiction about how they want to rape little magical girls.

>> No.5747293


Huh, it seems Anon's Nice Days is back on the horizon.

>> No.5747320

I guess I see your point, then. Please keep on hating them and thanks for alerting me of what it's become.

>Alice RP
Oh. The horror.

>> No.5747324

Nah, Kamichu is the number one SoL, delicious eighties middle school god.

Rest of the list is as follows:
2. Aria
3. Ichigo Mashimaro
4. Minami-ke
5. Sketchbook
6. Lucky Star/Hidamari Sketch
8. Working
9. Azumanga Daioh

>> No.5747326

I haven't seen Azumanga, but from what I've seen and heard of it, it focuses more on comedy than just slice-of-life. I guess people who actually want something happening in their shows would like that better.
Lucky Star is rarely truly FUNNY, but it's FUN throughout almost all of the show.

>> No.5747331

THP fag detected. Do everyone a favor and stop advertising - watching the imminent death of your site is far more interesting than reading anything that's posted on it.

>> No.5747363

>800% slower.
When will you idiots learn that there is no such thing as 'x times slower/worse/<negative adjective>'?

>> No.5747371

The Azumanga manga succeeded in both comedy and slice-of-life.
The Lucky Star anime succeeded in Slice-of-Life, and slightly in comedy.
The Azumanga anime failed in both regards.

Even Azuma himself thought the anime sucked.
>you will never have a Yotsuba anime sadfrog.jpg

>> No.5747371,1 [INTERNAL] 

Allow my person to point it out that this picture does not represent any person such as "Meru" who has ever visited this board. This is just a random picture in the internet of a person.

As for "Meru", and of the analysis of her post: An authorised psychologist would describe her maybe as a person with a psychopathic personality. Just to clear it clinically out. In the internet it does not matter if one spreads such rumour since when thy look inside it is different as how you looks and pierce them.

>> No.5747371,2 [INTERNAL] 

Hi, Meru-chan.

We still remember how upset you were when your picture was shopped and reposted for months on /ck/.

>> No.5747371,3 [INTERNAL] 

Your top 5 is wisely chosen, friend.

>> No.5747371,4 [INTERNAL] 

Good to see that your writing is still ridiculously awkward as usual, "Meru".

>> No.5747371,5 [INTERNAL] 

Insane. Yes. Insane moe~.
The reason she doesn't feel human at all is because she's insane. Yes. Insane moe.

>> No.5747371,6 [INTERNAL] 

We're already having threads like this?
