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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 198 KB, 336x400, SoulMaster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5743205 No.5743205 [Reply] [Original]

20 more minutes until the game goes live. What faction are we joining, /jp/?

>> No.5743258

Which one lets me be the prettiest little girl?

>> No.5743262

I'm going Holy for maximum priest loli.

>> No.5743265

You can be a nigger too!

>> No.5743271

why does /jp/ become the default MMO board? can't you just take it to /v/?

>> No.5743279

Where is there some good pictures on what the loli's look like, their website is fucking worthless.

>> No.5743281

give me a link OP i'd like to check this out

>> No.5743285

/v/ doesn't talk about video games.

>> No.5743289


>> No.5743297
File: 380 KB, 1100x800, Holy-Empire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glorious priest loli.

>> No.5743306

Oh god that is pretty good ;_;, but I hate playing healer. What do the other ones look like?

>> No.5743315
File: 454 KB, 1100x800, Valiant-Empire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5743316

is this marple story

>> No.5743319

Holy it is?

>> No.5743324

gay, i'm not going to another stupid ass site to get a key

>> No.5743326


>> No.5743330

Where is there info on the factions and shit?

>> No.5743331

Funny, this art reminds me of Ar Tonelico, name of the artist ?

>> No.5743335

Get a mmosite account, make it a habbit to check every week or so and get keys for all upcoming games in case any one of them becomes /jp/'s fotm.

>> No.5743336
File: 405 KB, 1100x800, HarmonyTribe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5743338

Do I reg on the website or?

>> No.5743340


we need key to play this?

there goes my interest.

>> No.5743342


Yes but, you need a key from other websites which they provide the websites for you when registering.

>> No.5743347


i am actually interested in this went to the sites they gave keys to, looks like you either need to sign up and hope they give you a key or they are out

so yeah i still stand by, GAY you need a cd key for this

so much for this

>> No.5743348

Holy little girls? We should totally make an Eiserne Jungfrau group

>> No.5743356

I got my key just then from the second link, mpogd or something, took 30 seconds to get it, not too much trouble. Other sites seemed to be out.

>> No.5743364

The mmpogd site has very quick registration and no confirmation email, so you can get a key there in like 1 min.

>> No.5743368

Is it up yet, anyone on?

>> No.5743370

>delicous brown fox girl
>moe moe priest loli

>> No.5743375

Millions of files to patch already, fuck.

>> No.5743381

how does one get an account?

>> No.5743382

Or you could take the middle way and be one of the few rugged, manly knights with harems of dozens of personal healer little girls.

>> No.5743383

Stupid shit won't log in.

>> No.5743386

Only faggots pick male characters.

>> No.5743392


>> No.5743393

frozen at login screen, oh boy

>> No.5743395

Am I the only one who read Forestun as Foretsun ?

>> No.5743398


>> No.5743404

Ragnarok Master Race reporting in.
I'll be here waiting for my RO2, Legend of the Second and play glorious female sinx.

>> No.5743406


then for the key got to mmopogd, no confirmation mails or any shit.

>> No.5743422

wont let me log in for some reason...

Servers stressed?

>> No.5743426

This better not be another korean grindfest. And I want to be able to kick ass as a healer like in WoW.

>> No.5743427

You can post in this thread

and get a key in a minute via private message. The registration doesn't require email confirmation, either.

>> No.5743428


TY bros i was able to just smash hand into keyboard and got my key

>> No.5743438

Frozen at log in screen.

Any way to make the game windowed?

>> No.5743442

Got in, there's three channels. Which one are we going to be using?

>> No.5743444

Well, sure is prepared well for test.

>> No.5743445

>patcher downloads 153mb file
>236 files to go
>horribly shitty download speed

See you next week or on a game that's not run by retards. Patch before the first OB phase, really now? Would it have killed them to upload an up to date client if they made me download shitty viral p2p software for it?

>> No.5743447

Is this going to turn out with like 30 of us all being the healer loli and just healing each other and not killing shit?

>> No.5743454

Is this CB OB or Full release? Also, class list?

>> No.5743461

If you went to the site posted in the thread it'd say CB faggot.

>> No.5743462

There's only like 8 big files the other 200 are very small. Probably like 300-400mb in total.

>> No.5743464

What channel guys? I got in too. Lets just go channel 1?

>> No.5743469

AVG popped up for one of the patch files, smc.exe. Anyone else?

>> No.5743483

Go to Tools, Advanced Settings. Then look up Exceptions on the left. Add C:/gamecampus to the exception list, tada, shit works.

>> No.5743485

CB, but I didn't bother reading through walls of XD and horrible signatures of generic anime girls of forum to find out if it will wipe or not so that's not going to help much.

There's 6 classes afaik, only 3 of them playable as of yet. Only female class is the Priest, Knight and some other one I'm missing are male.

>> No.5743491

I'm in channel 1 guys. And then it froze.

>> No.5743492


It's a combination of RPG and RTS. You get a harem of units.

>> No.5743495

In, got the names I wanted.


>> No.5743508

You still play this game? Isn't Maplestory for little kids or something?

>> No.5743518

L0L i used to get stuck on log on screen but now i get a message saying "This is a blocked account".

>> No.5743530

I got the names Remilia, Cirno, Flandre, Yuyuko, Patchouli, and Marisa.

>> No.5743535

Haha, are you from Europe? This might be an IP ban.

>> No.5743542

Given your vast intellect, you must've made sure you got and used a beta key, right?

If you weren't even using them, I'd hail you as /jp/'s hero. Touhou names everywhere make me cringe.

>> No.5743552

Actually, I'm reserving them so that I can give the names to people who want them if the game turns out to be good.

>> No.5743553

There is no ip ban, im from UK and im playing right now
Just keep hammering the log in till you get in

>> No.5743562

holy shit is there a way to change resolution or make it window mode?

>> No.5743563

Yes, it will be amazing.

>> No.5743569

Alright, thanks for tellin'.

>> No.5743579

Of course i got a key.
Yes i am.

>> No.5743581

I can't get it to start anyone else got this problem?

>> No.5743587

You are a bad person. A good bad person. Or a bad good person. Or something like that.

>> No.5743595

Me neither, I click start game and nothing happens, reinstalling now..

>> No.5743599

'can't get it to start' can mean a lot of things, care to elaborate? Just doesn't start at all, crashes, doesn't have a .dll, etcetera?

>> No.5743606

Mine is not responding.

>> No.5743608

Would you like a touhou name?

>> No.5743609

Problem solved, only get this message if i keep my npv proxy up. Guess they don't approve of those.

>> No.5743613

It says not responding then the screen just blinks until i close it.(but i can see the cursor for the game).

>> No.5743621


>> No.5743636

Anybody know how to stop my nod32 from fucking with some launcher registry file the game tries to make?

>> No.5743639

That happend with me too.

>> No.5743641

Oh god when will they release that?

>> No.5743642

Can anyone post the system requirements in this thread please?

>> No.5743648

downloader doesnt download, uploads the 700kb I have and mooches on my bandwidth. great

>> No.5743655

>stop my nod32 from fucking
>stop nod32

Unless you make a habit of downloading and running everything you find on the net, you shouldn't even be wasting cpu cycles on an antivirus.

>> No.5743656

Minimum Requirements:
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
CPU: 1.8 Ghz Intel P4 or equivalent
HDD: 2 GB Free
Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce 6600 or better

Recommended Specification:

>> No.5743663

p3, nvideo 4 gfx card. Aka, you can run it just fine.

>> No.5743665

Anyone else stuck at log in?

>> No.5743676

Now I'm freezing at the channel selection.

>> No.5743697

Went through the tutorial, then I crashed.

Now it crashes at the login screen everytime.

>> No.5743698

Stuck at login screen again. Beta huh

>> No.5743699

Game is down now.

>> No.5743702

What the fuck do you do when you're in the first town? There are no peopl here, I cannot enter buildings and there are no NPCs. This is after the tutorial.

>> No.5743706


I got some nasty shit before without downloading or opening anything, just visiting some pretty unsafe sites, hell once I got a rootkit on my desktop just from viewing a video. I haven't been on a russian website in a while but I still don't like to risk my system going down again, reinstalling windows and backing everything up is a pain.

>> No.5743710


Your game probably crashed.

>> No.5743718

Server crashed.

>> No.5743721

Thank you. Looks like i won't be able to play it after all.

>> No.5743729

Maybe we should pick another less stressed server? Wouldn't all the idiots just pick 1 since it's on top of the list.

>> No.5743733


Channel 3 it is?

>> No.5743734

ugh i want to be the slayer, but only the fag animu knight boy was there :/

>> No.5743737

a rootkit on my desktop just from viewing a video

Now that's just silly. It was most likely from something else, and what business does a rootkit have on your desktop anyway?

>> No.5743747

I wanted to be the boomerang chick, stuck with priest and holy cockroaches, oh well.

>> No.5743755

There is just one server with multiple channels. It's just the ammount of people that can fit on a channel that is what it's about. The channel won't be faster or slower since they're all on the same server.

>> No.5743759

System requirements, especially for f2p games are more often than not completely off. Knowing how to optimize your system and limit unnecessary resource draining programs/services lets you play games decently with an ancient rig. Won't hurt to give it a try.

>> No.5743776

So, any /jp/ faction yet?

>> No.5743780

My PC isn't half bad, except for the video card. I've got a Geforce MX4000.

>> No.5743813

I got Aion running semi-decently on a GeForce 5900XT. You never know until you try.

>> No.5743825

Alright, i'll give it a shot.

>> No.5743827

Server is back up

>> No.5743834

Honestly the thing was called hacktool.rootkit, not even subtle, it some advanced malware that was trying to get me to pay to remove some unrelated trojan I didn't have, had to remove it using combofix or some shit I found on google, was lucky they forgot opera existed because I couldn't start firefox or IE.

>> No.5743881

If anyone in Channel 3 wants to party, invite Asuka.

>> No.5743898

Tried deleting a character and remaking with same name and it won't let me.

>> No.5743912

Being rolled back all the time. Fucking bullshit. Was level 3, now I'm 1 again. WUUUT

>> No.5743928


Yeah same here, I think I'll just take a break until that at least is fixed.

>> No.5744033

It looks like shit.

..Yet I'm playing it anyway. Nanaya on channel 3, knight as there needs to be some sort of tank with all the clerics that it'll probably have.

>> No.5744051

Server down again?

>> No.5744166


>> No.5744188

So is this shit actually, you know, fun?

>> No.5744194

Yuyuko here. I like it.

>> No.5744200


aS_PrEvIousLy meNTIONed, thESE mEsSSAGES WILl cOnTiNUe unTIL_you_pERManentLY sTOp_aTtaCkING_AND_fUckIng_WIth_WWw.AnoNmOOootaLK.Se (REmOVe thE_cOW SoUnd), REmOVE All_ILLegaL CLoNES OF IT aND_LiES ABoUt_It anD_doNaTe_at LeaSt A mILlion_usD_to SySOp_AS_cOmPeNSATIoN foR_THe_MaSsive_dAMAGE_yoU_ReTArDs HaVE_CAuSed.
ggooe nb kcbdxs ehjhzguhuuhnuou m fzbm nnrk

>> No.5744202

Is this the new CB?

>> No.5744219

is the server down again?

>> No.5744220

Server maintenance for an hour.

>> No.5744227

so, back to perfackt freejack then for now

>> No.5744233

CB is better.

>> No.5744241

Hardly. So far it's slightly entertaining but it doesn't have the appeal of loli robot fightan.

>> No.5744243

Just started. Was fighting some golem as loli before I got disconnected. One question. Is there really only 3 classes we could pick?

>> No.5744246

Freejack servers are down for maintenance too.

>> No.5744253

No. Theres six total.

>> No.5744254

Probably because it's a closed beta. Most of the time they only let you pick a restricted pick of classes.

>> No.5744256

Well, Anonymous. Looks like you're stuck here with... us.

>> No.5744263
File: 55 KB, 456x611, 10309e82278424c44c36d7fa4a78442c28b459bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5744272

I'm still in the clothing store atm... is anything more important than dress up anyway?

>> No.5744273

Judging by
we can assume 6 at some point in the future or at least both genders for each of the 3 classes. By the empty slots in the faction class list at the character creation screen, I'd assume there's plans for more.

>> No.5744291


There ARE six classes. two fighers, bearcat(close combat with claws), some ranger, priest and crinstian. Just not in the beta I guess.

>> No.5744298
File: 32 KB, 158x144, miku2v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still playing. It's alright Miku, everything will be just fine.

>> No.5744311

Weird controls.

>> No.5744336
File: 364 KB, 700x700, 11243809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5744733

Maintenance should be done soon~

>> No.5744777
File: 273 KB, 660x669, 1279720819044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5744803

I wish they would launch these games later on in the day. It's always intimidating to walk into a game hours after launch.

>> No.5744814


They had to take the server down because people were losing items and getting knocked back to level one.

>> No.5744830

Maintenance extended until 2:00

>> No.5744842

Oh my, really? This is pleasant news. Looks like I have something to look forward to after I get home.

>> No.5744848

How does that translate into 4chan time?

>> No.5744865

About 4 more minutes.

>> No.5744929

can't register.... is this due to maintenance?

>> No.5744948


Shouldn't be. I reregistered while it was down because the first name I picked didn't fit in the game log in.

>> No.5744996

i get
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/publish/whitelabelcontrol/ajax_failcheck.php on line 311

in Firefox and Chrome, whenever I try to register

>> No.5745024

Server is still down?

>> No.5745029

Seems so.

>> No.5745071

Server up for me now.

>> No.5745080

Server's are up.

>> No.5745086

What channel is everyone on?

>> No.5745088

Back up. I'm going to channel 3.

>> No.5745123

HRRRNGH dat Priest voice.

>> No.5745159

>"This is a blocked account"


>> No.5745336

This game is going to have more dick hanging around than Sanae's room.

>> No.5745468



>> No.5745476

It's not so bad. I'm kinda doing the same thing for the quests eveyr time though it seems.

>> No.5745488


Anyone want to party up? I'm lvl 3. Ign is Argery

>> No.5745508

That was me that invited you. Seems like the chat system is failing.

>> No.5745521

in during everyone on /jp/ chooses priest loli

>> No.5745526


It seems like you can make a guild.


pick a mission dude

>> No.5745533

I have the ragged demon one
Chat system is being retarded again.

>> No.5745626
File: 135 KB, 397x331, mikumikumiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, so much for having a game to play till the 29th.
My character is utterly fucking bugged.

>> No.5745627

channels broken? I can only get in 1, the rest cause the game to stop responding.
might have to roll a knight if everyone is priests.

>> No.5745649

Game bugged out for me in channel 3.

>> No.5745679

Looks like this game is too bork to play?

Back to Mabinogi for me, then.

>> No.5745697

It's working for me again.

>> No.5745717

is everyone's second spirit way better than the first one?
priest here, horde of the long range units can take off a huge chunk of boss hp with their skill and mow down anything I can keep away from there.

>> No.5745912

Is channel 3 up again? Channel 1 is full of retards.

>> No.5745999

So, do you have to do that training mission over and over again or what?

>> No.5746008

Trying to find other quests as well. Can't seem to find them.

>> No.5746009
File: 269 KB, 1024x768, 201007221706397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But really, this game is way more fun than the other. Not sure if it's possible to get keys if you haven't already have one though.

>> No.5746020

Should be.

>> No.5746021

no there are at least 10 other training missions, which you have to do to pvp anyway.

I suck hard though, I can't even beat chapter 2 on normal, chapter 1 normal is the hardest I can do.

>> No.5746120

Controls are kinda weird but easy none the less.
My soul skill on my priest keeps shooting backwards though.

>> No.5746146

Ok, so if you talk to the guy with the mission, you can look at the left, there is a little map there. This is where you select new missions. Fucking hell.

>> No.5746148

I find the missions easy, just max out troops and and keep out of the line of fire.sa

>> No.5746165

I meant for freejack, the missions in soul master seem pretty easy with my range attack, 3 medusas, the rest valkyries

>> No.5746184

Is this a MMORPG and why are we going to play it?

Also, most importantly, can I be the little girl? Otherwise it's useless to play the game.

>> No.5746228

After reading the thread, it seems the game follows some sort of SD art (just like every other shitty asian MMO; Latale, Maple Story, etc).

It's not really loli. So, good luck on that, I guess.

>> No.5746241
File: 267 KB, 1024x768, 201007222205841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harem game

>> No.5746253

Well, priest looks like a little girl. Which I like.
Right now, it's allright, but the documentation and whatever is kind of shitty.

>> No.5746264

Music is nice.

>> No.5746268

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A server error has occurred.

>> No.5746275

Which channel are we on?

>> No.5746278


What game is that?

>> No.5746279

This. I'm on channel 1 but it's full of faggots. I dont' mind remaking a character on the channel you guys are on.

>> No.5746284

Freejack, it's in the thread.

>> No.5746286

You can play your character on any channel.

>> No.5746288

Channel 3 seems to be the /jp/ channel.

>> No.5746289

Finally finish a mission on hardmodo after having to use hit and run tactics for 10 minutes, attempt to open loot box.
>Connection to the server has been lost.

Fuck this, I'm done till whenever they fix their shit.

>> No.5746311

You can switch channels now. Thank fucking god. Channel 1 was making me rage hard.

>> No.5746346


It's pretty amusing, but probably not the kind of thing you could play all day like may be possible in Downtime Master.

>> No.5746365

Right now, I can't login, so care to explain how to do this?

>> No.5746376

Well this looks pretty fucking gay, I wonder what the fuss is all abou-
>Delicious brown girl

>> No.5746397
File: 10 KB, 339x313, evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ask me anything. level 157 aran here.

>> No.5746403

why are dual blader hitboxes so terrible

holy fuck

>> No.5746410

I hate Maplestory.

>> No.5746429

oh wait. there's a MMO called soulmaster?
i thought it was the job from maplestory. ;_;
man i hate myself.
they'll get better range at 3rd job.

>> No.5746453

vertical range is already way too much

also why the fuck do I get to start at 2nd job

>> No.5746463

Is it natural that its taking a HUGE time to update?

>> No.5746471

Yes, how do you switch channels? if I select a different channel it locks up. If I select the change server button on the character select screen it locks up.

>> No.5746495

Anyone with a /jp/ guild yet?

>> No.5746504

Odd, I was able to do it through the character select screen. I guess just try every now and then until you get lucky?

>> No.5746547

Is there a wiki for the game?

>> No.5746558

What channel are you guys on?

>> No.5746576


>> No.5746587
File: 804 KB, 1600x1600, dd8fb7345a06df9d484d529b66c94d26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I stop playing cosmic break and jump on this bandwagon?

>> No.5746591

Cosmic Break sucks compared to this yo.

>> No.5746596

Compared to Soul Master? Soul Master doesn't even work.

>> No.5746600

It's still better.

>> No.5746610

is this game worth it?

>> No.5746617

you know there's gonna be another wipe before the game officially begins right?

>> No.5746631
File: 859 KB, 1117x1000, e27029e05b634bc0edb095f855c8350475d20ecd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing the jp version, even wasted a little bit of money for some bots since it will be a few months before the next beta.

Wondered if I should drop jp cosmic break for this.

>> No.5746677

How do you invite people to your guild? I made a temp guild for /jp/ but I don't know how to invite.

>> No.5746680

I guess you could drop CB but I say just try it. If you like it, derp derp. If you don't. herp herp.

>> No.5746687

a wipe? what, on cosmis break or Soul Master?

>> No.5746709

Soul Master. Since it's Closed Beta and all.

>> No.5746715

But everyone is playing the Jet Set Radio game and not this.

>> No.5746724

Try it and see if you like it. Just know that it's a bit buggy right now.

>> No.5746729

the guilds are half broken, and there is already a guild

>> No.5746739
File: 55 KB, 256x256, 1278053415820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arcade style brawling

>> No.5746760

Then, could I, and probably others too, be invited?

>> No.5746761

i saw a short video and it looks like it's worth giving a try

this update takes forever though

>> No.5746774

>As stated before, player inventories will be cleared before Official Service launches, but during the next two beta tests, your accounts will be left as is, so you'll be able to continue using all the robots, parts, and items that you currently own. In other words, there will not be a wipe until all beta testing is complete and Official Service begins.

>> No.5746790


Who do I ask to join?

>> No.5746795

Which one?

>> No.5746833

Anyone doing the hard modes for book 1 on channel 3? I'm stuck on chapter 3.

>> No.5746843


>> No.5746912

Anyone have any warrior stuff they'll like to trade for priest stuff?

>> No.5746931

come play FreeJack instead then and faceplant into trucks with us.

>> No.5747019

So you keep going on about that /jp/ guild. How to join then?

>> No.5747171


This actually sounds good, maybe I'll come back once I don't lose all my items that I just got in Soul Master.

>> No.5747197

just don't be greedy and try to get all the seeds and you can do it.
make a party with the name of the map, I'm sure people here will join it if they see that.
