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File: 23 KB, 220x196, yumemirukusuri3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
574266 No.574266 [Reply] [Original]

just played this game (Yume Miru Kusuri), and compared to all the other VN's ive played (in b4 tsukihime, f/sn, ever17, planetarian) this is probably the most compelling and absorbing
music, art, plot. all 10/10
Aeka's route i cried bricks, couldnt bring myself to get her bad end (good end was awsome though, although shoulda castrated that Jinka/gaito guy)

anyway, just a thought

if you choose one girl over the other two, your basically condeming the other two to a life of pain?

choose Aeka, and Mizuki will probably do something rash, and die.
Nekoko will probably try to go to fairyland extra early (and die)
choose either Mizuki or Nekoko, and Aeka will spend her life alone and in torment.

tl;dr: story writer is a bastard.

>> No.574269

>story writer is awesome

>> No.574288


Why is he raping that poor girl?

That bastard.

>> No.574282
File: 108 KB, 400x400, fancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are no such things as happy endings for everyone in a VN.

>> No.574308

> There are no such things as happy endings for anyone in a VN.

>> No.574304

I choose to believe that another young man comes and saves the two that Kouhei does not end up with.

>> No.574311

>i havent played this game before

>> No.574309
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There's only one good end anyway.

>> No.574312

chick with big tits has a better route

>> No.574314

do bad they never released a soundtrack

>> No.574317


Well obviously.

That's why I asked, faggot.

>> No.574324


Damn it Dan...

>> No.574345

tis not rape, tis happy crying sechs

rape attempt comes later from Gaito (guy OP wanted to castrate)

course main char gets a bit of GAR in his system and thwarts the plan

>> No.574352

true that, you don't get to snort coke in Hong Kong with aeka

>> No.574372

you dont get to kill someone with mizuri, nor can you have sex in public.

+ Aeka is moe

>> No.574398

Anyone know if the artist drew for any other visual novels?

>> No.574400


>> No.574413


Im pretty sure yeah, but don't remember which ones...

>> No.574416

Am I A bad person for wanting to fuck the sister?

>> No.574431


Am "I" a bad person if I wanted to fuck the Puff?

>> No.574474

My God whats wrong with you?

>> No.574476

Of course not.
WHERE THE FUCK IS MY PUFF ROUTE? I'll bet you anything that he'll fix every girl's problems.

>> No.574478

What the hell is wrong with YOU? Anyways, they said she was legal. Never mind the preschool schoolbag and her little preschool friends...

>> No.574485

I downloaded this VN months ago and never even started it yet.

>> No.574497


>> No.574518

Why doesn't Aeka wear socks?

I'm not complaining, seifuku + barefoot is my fetish, though.

>> No.574524

shoulda made a harem route...

>> No.574550

sad vn is sad

glad its just a work of fiction...
but then also sad because girls like Aeka exist only in data form :[

>> No.574562



Also, I want some piano sheet music and guitar tabs.

>> No.574570

All visual novels are like that, hence the entire point of choosing one of several paths to make XX happy.

Aeka is the only one that matters in this VN anyway.

>> No.574579

not really, i had a girl in my class back in 6th grade that would fit her nicely, just dident have snow white hair or a wonderful body like Aeka ...

>> No.574574


lol, orly?


>> No.574573

could a nice anon rip the music from the VN? :P

>> No.574572

well i know when i took the nekoko route akea tried to kill her self and mizuki ran away >>574431
this also crossed my mind i didn't want to fuck him... ok thats a lie i did or at least spend more time with him mmm senpi your so dreamy

>> No.574588

there probably does exist a school where shit is this bad.

>> No.574594


>> No.574601


For some reason, her face always looks like Uboa for a split second whenever I don't focus my attention on it.

>> No.574602


>> No.574606

i wouldnt say 'tons' where its as bad to the point of lethality...

but yes its a problem

back in the day when i was a youngn in highschool, not much you can do when you stick up for someone. if you get them to fuck off they're just going to mess up the guy you stuck up for even worse next time round.

that goes for both boys n girls, ive probably made many situations worse by sticking up for the person, because for some reason the idiots somehow transfer the blame onto the target.

shame really...feel a bit guilty now that i think bout it...i could have done so much more, or maybe even so much less.

>> No.574625

guess this game is an eye opener for some?

>> No.574640

if they ever make an anime out of this...it better not be as depressin as this shit...atleast have the main char save or atleast help the 3 heroines.

main should be Aeka though.

no school days bullshit thanks

>> No.574649

way too many.

grade/middle/high school students are the cruelest of creatures.

>> No.574646


>> No.574654
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>> No.574670

Anyone have that picture where she gets beat up and stripped?

>> No.574673

There are thousands of girls like Aeka, just that they're all ugly as sin. The reason for her getting rejected was bullshit in this game.

In real life, girls are rejected because they're ugly, so you won't find someone like Aeka.

>> No.574677

This is why I cry myself to sleep every night too ;_;

>> No.574678

Just open the game and go through the CG menu

>> No.574695


now there's a huge difference between your situation and the one with aeka...

did you fuck the person you were sticking up for?

>> No.574712

Man, after the Aeka route I was just so jaded I couldn't even touch the other routes. Sure, she had a good end but then that end just didn't feel... satisfying enough, like she went through all that shit and she wasn't compensated enough for it.

>> No.574715

the end made me feel like shit.

fuck yeah we're no longer getting bullied but we aren't going anywhere with our lives!

>> No.574726

Mizuki is rich and retains a substantial amount of properties even though she is disinherited.

fuck yeah I had to drop out of school to support my newborn but my wife is rich!

>> No.574743

Sounded to me like they were getting their shit together, Puff was helping the main character get ready for college entrance exams and Aeka is still cute

>> No.574755

Yeah, they were getting ready to get a life on track, I hope someone writes a story about them ...

>> No.574753

You don't necessarily have to go through school and everything to get anywhere with life. I'm not saying LOL SKOOL SUX but there usually are viable alternatives if you look hard enough or are desperate enough.

>> No.574761

Aeka's route pretty much reinforced my belief of herd mentality in the general public.

>> No.574804


Dude thats exactly the same thing I thought. even the last part.

>> No.574813

>Aeka will spend her life alone and in torment.
Why would she spend her life alone and in torment? Sure, it's pretty fucked up and she ends up in the hospital. But she survived, she might have trauma and issues but there's plenty of opportunity and time for her to have a happy life without Mr. Protagonist. Life doesn't end at highschool.

>> No.574814

>choose either Mizuki or Nekoko, and Aeka will spend her life alone and in torment.

Actually, she kills herself when she loses her uniform ;_;

>> No.574820

oh wait no never mind, she jumps but apparently doesn't die.

>> No.574821

an great hero

>> No.574828


>> No.575172

What are some other really compelling VN available in English?
Already played Tsukihime, F/SN, Planetaria, Narcissu, Ever17.

>> No.575249

Family Project, not out yet but soon hopefully.
It's supposed to be from the same author as YMK but much better.

>> No.575306


Clannad. inb4 trolls/faggots.

>> No.575327

Clannad is very compelling indeed, especially since it's so long and has some awesome characters like Sunohara.

>> No.575628

this game made me baw ;_;


>> No.575633


basically a visual novel wiki

>> No.575653
File: 412 KB, 800x600, 4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See >>574304, why not? Main character was pretty much a stranger/classmate to all of them, there are plenty of those around. Besides, it worked for the Kimikiss anime. Wait, no it didn't, that shit was awful. Nevermind that.

>> No.575723

yeah but everyone else was an asshole

only nice person besides main chars would be that H-game addicted gay guy

>> No.575739

someone should make a "anon reaction" pic for this...

>> No.575756
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1209738179402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my reaction to this game

>> No.577519


Fuck you, Puff is awesome.

>> No.579988


>> No.579996

Don't ever play another KEY vn.

You're just gonna vomit with them after playing YMK because it pails in comparison.

>> No.580014


Dont start this shit again faggot.

>> No.580017

I might read this if someone ported it to the NDS.

>> No.580041

lol KEY is for pussies

YMK is much more intense

>> No.580066

i played most of keys stuff

compared to YMK its not all that gripping

planetarian was a ;_;'er though

>> No.580073

Thanks for repeating everything I just said.

>> No.580079

Not exactly the same thing too. That's like comparing Tsukihime and Ever17.

>> No.580119

the other two girls always suffer when you choose one path because the game was meant to make you feel like shit.


>> No.580623
File: 101 KB, 640x480, 1210235277449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a big fan of Key too, especially Kanon which I found pathetic, but Tomoyo's route in Clannad is easily much more gripping than anything in YMK.
Stop being a biased ass and go play it.

>> No.580736

>>You're just gonna vomit with them after playing YMK because it pails in comparison.

Are all the Key haters that stupid?
Seriously, you are trying too hard guys, you should be more subtle in your trolling or something, you only look retarded right now.
