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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 74 KB, 420x290, soulmastercbt1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5736808 No.5736808 [Reply] [Original]

Is anyone actually going to play this?

>> No.5736828

can I be a little girl?

>> No.5736838

Haven't looked into it much but from the looks of it, it's full of lolis.

>> No.5736842

I will

>> No.5736848

Nice pylons

>> No.5736868

Is dat some Stacraft 2?

Oh, nevermind.

>> No.5736881

Forgot to add, it comes out in 15 hours.

>> No.5736895

>full of lolis

Tell me more.

>> No.5736911

Just check out the front page. There's a trailer there too. You get to play as lolis.

>> No.5736913

So it's what, DotA with Starcraft and lolis?

Looks like it's in Korean, so no.

>> No.5736924

>Best Free to Play
This is like part of the title by now; BFtPMMORPGs.

>> No.5736941

>This game is gong to be the best game ever...I also saw the graphics and i thought they were ausome!!!
Follow by a ton of emotes.
Why is it a rule that anyone who posts on those forums is a faggot?

>> No.5736946

I don't know where you got DotA from.

>> No.5736947

If I find beta key I`ll look into it, anyone got spare?

>> No.5736949

If it's any good and does not involve the usual Free MMO elements, I might be interested.

By Free MMO elements I mean, no sense of direction, spambots, boring quest system (if there's even one), and only way to be good is to buy equipment from the item shop.

>> No.5736961

Registration is still open as far as I know.

>> No.5736971

I can see where he is coming from, The UI resembles War3 UI.

>> No.5736973

>>Pando Media Booster


>> No.5736982

Why don't you already have that installed?

>> No.5736986

asks for beta key

>> No.5737003

Yeah, it should tell you where to get it on the link mentioned in this thread.

>> No.5737011

For me, when it asked for the beta key, it had several links to get get one under it.

>> No.5737037

Okay, signed up as thewhitenubofgoodfortune.

There better be some fucking lolis.

>> No.5737057

SC2 clone?

>> No.5737063

Looks like an MMO to me.

>> No.5737077

Nah, I'll pass on this one.

>> No.5737078

Considering how it keeps running in the background while using up memory, CPU, and bandwidth you really shouldn't keep it installed to begin with.

Guess I'll do the ol' download and delete with it.

>> No.5737197

I'm all signed up and ready to go, can't wait til Hotglue drops it by the end of the day tomorrow~

>> No.5737227

I'm also waiting warmly.

>> No.5737234

Are the classes gender locked?

>> No.5737248

>Anime-themed RTS Soul Master Unveiled Backstory + Character
How is this anime themed?

>> No.5737251

I looked at the OP thumbnail and for a moment I thought this was a Touhou mod of League of Legends.

>> No.5737271
File: 22 KB, 420x315, slayer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look like it from this description:

The Slayer is a powerful melee fighter that uses a huge two-handed sword, and her devastating strikes are more than enough to cut through the toughest opponent.

The Slayer is the strongest caste in the Valiant Empire's army, and is the only one made up entirely of women. Descended from a unique Elamond bloodline, their almost unnatural power is thanks to a recessive trait passed down through generations of women warriors.

>> No.5737330 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 600x725, 1240606358945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reported for /v/

>> No.5737333 [DELETED] 


>> No.5737343

For some reason I find this image incredibly hilarious.

Sorta the same way as the Rabbit of Caerbannog.

>> No.5737357

Confirmed for Hotglue

>> No.5737362

I'm not from hotglue. I'd rather not join them. I'd like to start a /jp/ guild if anyone's interested.

>> No.5737374

I-It's n-not like I w-want to wield a gigantic sword or anything!

>> No.5737378

>im a faggot plz rape my face

>> No.5737381


How can we destroy Hotglue once and for all?

>> No.5737383

Get out Hot Glue.

>> No.5737393

Are Priests lolis? I only roll healer and loli.

>> No.5737396

Hotfags confirmed for ruining another perfectly good game.

>> No.5737408
File: 153 KB, 653x607, priest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like it:

Priests specialize in defensive skills, and are able to heal both themselves, their allies, and "Souls" under their command. Augmented by powerful ranged attacks and able to move deceptively fast around the battlefield, the Priest is not an opponent to be underestimated in a direct fight.
The Priests of the Holy Empire have delved into the study of Magic to the point of devout worship. Driven to spread its influence across the continent, Priests can be found at the forefront of every military campaign the Holy Empire undertakes. Intensely loyal to their faith and fellow Magic worshippers, Priest are able to bolster their allies and hold the line of battle in even the toughest of confrontations.

>> No.5737409

confirmed for samefaggotry ITT.

>> No.5737415

i like how hotglue fucks up every game jp tries to play. they should ban them

>> No.5737419

>perfectly good game
Woah! Woah!! Woah! WOAH !!4WOAH! WOAH!!!

>> No.5737422

If we take out Hotglue's leader then we can send them into a state of panic and disorganization.

Sort of like America's plan against Al-Qaeda.

>> No.5737423

Where can I read information about the clases, etc?

>> No.5737431

namae's a terrorist

>> No.5737432

>Soul Master Class: Bearcat

Wait a tic, bearcat?

Downloading at the speed of tachyons.

>> No.5737433

I'm getting it from here since I couldn't find anything about it on the 'main' page.

>> No.5737434


Awesome, looks like a Touhou.

>> No.5737438

>Implying the attacks against US weren't made the the US government.

Also, what the fuck is this hotglue hate about?

>> No.5737440

We've been making fun of them the past few days. They are meme spamming assholes who ruin games.

>> No.5737441


Bearcats are shotas. Looks like Maharite is the female version.

>> No.5737442

hotglue is a bunch of faggots. i read chatlogs about them on circlefriend.

>> No.5737446

Classes are, by nation:

Knights: Knight/Claymore
Barbarians: BEARCAT/Tribal shaman
Religious Fanatics: Priest/Assassin (not in the killer sense, batshit insane, drugged up religious zealot killer sense)

>> No.5737452


>> No.5737453

Tablecat is the real evil Hotglue mastermind.

Namae is just his lieutenant who trains new Hotglue members.

>> No.5737458

>Religious Fanatics: Priest/Assassin (not in the killer sense, batshit insane, drugged up religious zealot killer sense)

Holy shit, accurate use of the word Assassin.

That's kinda impressive, especially for a free to play MMO.

>> No.5737466

ITT buttmad faggots that got banned from HG's steam group for being a "15 year old troll"

>> No.5737467

Can you fags shut up about hot glue? We'll just make our own guild, no need to start this e-drama bullshit.

>> No.5737468

>They are meme spamming assholes who ruin games.
That's odd, I played cosmic break with them and they were nothing like that, the /a/ guilds on the other hand...
>i read chatlogs about them on circlefriend.
I'm not sure how should I feel about this.

>> No.5737471
File: 18 KB, 420x315, chrisnian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, but they look like J-rock idols instead of doped up sandniggers.

>> No.5737472


Get the fuck off of /jp/.

>> No.5737477

buttmad was started on /jp/

>> No.5737479

u shut the fuck up abut hotglue. alright. they are just wannaba bunbun.

bunbun > circlefriends >metlanjp > shit ina toilit > hotfags

>> No.5737482


It's just a combination of butthurt and u mad.

>> No.5737483

you're a moron

>> No.5737488

ITT: heavy samefaggotry

>> No.5737490

gtfo jp namefag

>> No.5737492

bunbun have the same game attention span as /v/. Also, there are some bun people in HG. How does this make you feel?

>> No.5737495


I'm not healing you.

And if you're not playing, why are you still in this thread?

>> No.5737499

Chirsnian seems to be overpowered as fuck

>> No.5737505


How so?

>> No.5737513

I don't now, it just seems to be.

Also, as I can see there 3 factions and one can't interact with the other, so what faction is hotglue going to pick?

>> No.5737516

Wow I don't even play your dumbass Steam video game.

Hotglue PKs /jp/ into to the stratosphere in every single game. Like in Aika I would be sitting there healing people and giving people free items and then suddenly a legion of Hotglue teleports from behind, rapes us, and speed hacks away.

Seriously I'm tired of this Hotglue; you're going to get a taste of your own medicine one day.

>> No.5737522

Hot Glue are going to try their best to ruin this game for us.

>> No.5737537


Wait wat.

Well, I'm rolling Priest. You guys can do what you want.

>> No.5737549

damn right we are if we find out you're a ret/a/rd teenager like people from LOYALTY

>> No.5737555

faction =/= class dumbass

>> No.5737558

From what it seems;

Valiant Empire: Solars (brought to brink of destruction and hunted with zeal by the Holy Empire, recently returning to power)
Holy Empire: Dragonborn (currently most numerous and powerful force controlling the greatest area, full of nutjobs and religious control)
Harmony Tribe: Lunars (barbarians arriving from flanks of the continent)

Now we just need the Sidereals.

>> No.5737565

It looks kawaii desu. I'll play it for 15 minutes and uninstall it.

>> No.5737567


Get the fuck off of /jp/.

Seriously, is /b/ subtly raiding us or what?

>> No.5737574

Hotglue posters sure do seem like massive newfriends, lately.
It wasn't this bad the one time I played with them, back in ECO CB.
Now it looks like your players are all kids who do it for the lulz (a corruption of lol).

>> No.5737591
File: 23 KB, 313x409, 139148447904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh lord, I thought you guys were just being whiny little shits. Count me out if this is gonna attract leejun bullshit.

>> No.5737592

It looks like you can't discern real members from trolls.

>> No.5737595

why you samefagging, tripfriend?

>> No.5737599


>> No.5737612

>kids who do it for the lulz
No, I think he's got you pegged.
Why play with people like that.

>> No.5737615


Oh. I thought there was a shota and loli class for each faction and that's how they were divided.

What does a brown loli Priest look like?

>> No.5737617

This is my second post ITT.

If children like Kritzinger-kun aren't yours, then maybe I'm being too harsh.

>> No.5737622

I only see Ayashito posting in threads that have Hotglue mentioned. Do you simply troll /jp/ just to stir up shit here?

Your samefagging is pretty tiring too. Seriously, even Curry does better than you.

>> No.5737637


Trolls comprise a large portion of them. So according to you, what exactly counts as a "real member"? Do you record joining dates and get prestige ranks?

>> No.5737643

<+Ayashiro> Murasaki 19800
<Ditzy_Blonde_Slut> 19800 Ayas nicks so it has the demo and Im like disgusting so much as we can.
<White-Ren> ...
<+Ayashiro> *holds up spork*
<+Ayashiro> Fucking Losstarot, quit posting already
<+Ayashiro> ( >>5737479 )
<White-Ren> Bunspy on /jp/. News at 11.

>> No.5737650

What are you stalking him? I see him post in normal threads all the time. Quit trying to start drama.

>> No.5737654
File: 192 KB, 697x800, 1261988352988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which faction are we joining? Valliant, Harmony, or Holy?

>> No.5737660

We have to wait to see which one Hot Glue is joining so we can pick a different one.

>> No.5737665

Jones-dono posts in lots of threads.

Losstarot posting in a /jp/ thread.

>> No.5737667


Sure is treating /jp/ like a soap opera in here.

>> No.5737670

let's join Harmony with /v/

>> No.5737680
File: 775 KB, 848x1200, 1277770386981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should go Holy, to celebrate our mistress Kanako.

>> No.5737682

So we've confirmed we won't join Harmony. Now we just have to pick from the other two.

>> No.5737693

Why do you hate me so much? Did I PK you in Aika or something? It's time to move on.

>> No.5737708

This thread right here is quickly becoming another example of why people don't like tripcodes.

Can't you people make an IRC channel or something and threaten to totally kick each other's ass there?

>> No.5737712

Looks like no customization for our characters. Pretty much dropped.

>> No.5737706 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 800x600, 3d7eef5930c42da9027de725d6b63494ea07d15f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Characteristics: The Chirsnian is a swift, lethal opponent in melee and mid-ranged combat that utilizes elegant swordplay and lightning fast kicks to dance around their foes

>> No.5737714

He's associated with White-Ren and their autism group, is there any need for explanation?

With that said, all /jp/ clans suck

>> No.5737718
File: 14 KB, 800x600, 3d7eef5930c42da9027de725d6b63494ea07d15f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5737720

>The fanatical devotion of the Chirsnian is unmatched throughout the Empire

> many an individual that expresses doubts as to the True Faith of Magic has vanished into the night with whispered rumors of the Chirsnians being involved.

I guess it's a good thing there's no Muisms in the empire, else people would be really fucked.

>> No.5737723

You make it sound like they are jealous of Hotglue. That's rather unsettling.

>> No.5737729

I would just like to point out that I don't like tripfags and I only tripfag because I don't like myself.

>> No.5737730

Wonder if this will be any good.

>> No.5737740


Neither of these posts added anything to the thread.

Why do you do this?

>> No.5737745

>>Anon trying to poop up even more drama

Once again I don't think trips are the problem here.

>> No.5737753

Eh, someone was name dropping and it's in my nature to respond to posts.

>> No.5737754


Did you actually want an answer?

>> No.5737789


Looks like it, this thread smells of /v/ /b/ and normalfags.

>> No.5737802
File: 133 KB, 633x637, 1278389002432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5737807

IMO this brought to mind Dota intantly when i saw the UI

>> No.5737808

14 hours left.

>> No.5737825

that was funny

>> No.5737829

ITT: People who came to /jp/ from Cosmic Break try to ruin the not so great name of Hotglue because of butthurt and assmad.

>> No.5737832

It looks like you only have 4 skills. It's only thing I can see that reminds DotA.

>> No.5737833

I wish CurryButt was in this thread. If you fags didn't keep making threads about him this shit wouldn't have happened.

>> No.5737841

I see 6 and you can probably store more in different bars.

>> No.5737847

get out currybutt devs.

>> No.5737851

Fuck off Hot Glue. People have been complaining about Hote Glue's garbage for a long time.

>> No.5737854

So I found out that this game is actually not a target lock on type of mmo, and it's actually like a real time fighting pikman type game. Fucking picked up.

>> No.5737864

I don't see any CB threads on /m/ so you're most likely right

>> No.5737869


Forgot to add samefags.

Also, if I'm not accepted into the Vindictus CBT, then I'll give this game a shot.

>> No.5737871

/jp/ and Hotglue are shit and get their ass handed to them by /v/ every time

>> No.5737873
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, sion what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is Hotglue samefagging and sion being jelos of us. Even ZUN!bar joined us in Aika.

>> No.5737875

That's because /jp/ and HG are usually together.

>> No.5737884


Stop posting and go back to whichever forum you crawled out from.


I have no clue what any of that means.
Got a link to what you're reading? Or is it just the official forums?

>> No.5737888


Confirmed mad over getting destroyed in Cosmic Break.

>> No.5737893

So guys, what faction is Hotglue in? I've learned about them in mabinogi, and have had a facination in them sense. I don't like how they hack all of the time, but they are just guys that know how to have a good time. I've argued with them a few times, but end up making friends with them Touhou style. I was even invited to the guild after trolling them back after a while.

>> No.5737909

Go find out and join their faction, then tell us so we can join a different one.

>> No.5737910

Well, when this goes live. at least let us post some names. I'm downloading, but I'm not going to play with hotglue faggots. Maybe I'm not even going to play with anyone from /jp/. Fuck hotglue, lets just play.

>> No.5737917

I want to stab the person that mentioned hot glue first.

>> No.5737918



>> No.5737920

join Harmony with /v/, it's the best faction for bros

>> No.5737933

Wheres the download link/site link guys? Google is failing pretty hard.

>> No.5737948

First 10 players get $100, I think.

I'm going to play.

>> No.5737950

Holy shit read the thread then go back to /v/.

>> No.5737951 [DELETED] 

Is this dota?

>> No.5737956



>> No.5737964

I want to be with /jp/ not /v/. I've only been to /v/ once because of a raid.

>> No.5737970


Sort of. Looks cute though.

>> No.5737979
File: 475 KB, 796x750, 1279248323171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5737980

Beta will you be playing this online game?!

>> No.5737989

>because of a raid.

This is what /jp/ has become.

I hope you're happy.

>> No.5738004 [DELETED] 

I used to stand out with the way I shitpost, but these days I blend in perfectly.

>> No.5738031

So... no link?

>> No.5738036

I hope something horrible happens to you.

>> No.5738044

>I don't know where you got DotA from.
You must be a marketer. It looks a lot like, not only Starcraft, but LoL at first glance.

>Game appears to be about leading a bunch of guys to destroy enemy pylons
>Op's pic has an enclosed minimap in the shape of a swastika

>> No.5738052


Oblivious retard.

>> No.5738066

I'm just glad most of you ease up on the trolling outside of /jp/ and inside games. It'd be really troublesome if Hotglue guilds were actually full of self-trolling.

Also there are factions in Soul Master? I didn't even know about that until now.

We lose to /v/? So how's that Vanov nation guild working out for you in Aika? It was nice to have you guys as my slaves.

>> No.5738070
File: 65 KB, 300x311, GloopGleepbackg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also what the fuck happened to google image search?

>> No.5738107

Oh wow, you guys could have told me that the CB was comming out tomorrow. You were talking about it like you could sign up.

>> No.5738112

It's like the 4th post. Read the fucking thread.

>> No.5738137

I came over to /jp/ for a sec, and saw people talking about a game. I looked it up on youtube and assumed that it was out. I asked for a link and you call me retarded, what? I didn't want to read a wall of text and possible tripfaggotry.

>> No.5738144

Stop being fucking lazy, holy fuck.

>> No.5738154

So you want us to repeat the same things we've said every time someone comes into the thread? There are about 100 posts, just scroll through the tripfag ones.

>> No.5738166


If he doesn't want to scroll through the thread finding a simple link, he doesn't deserve to play the game.

>> No.5738261

but /v/ quit CB after the first week

>> No.5738274

Hold on. These 'factions' each have 2 classes.
Whoever said the factions have no interaction with each other have to be lying.

>> No.5738297

more flavor of the month shit?

>> No.5738305

But they are at war with each other.

>> No.5738317

That means that one of the factions will have no healer. Makes no sense.

>> No.5738331

Well I just dropped this game, oh well.

>> No.5738374

ill play it with you guys. im so lonely. i want to get to know you and become close friends or something more (no homo)

>> No.5738396

Is it live now? Forgot today was the 22nd.

>> No.5738398

13 hours left or so.

>> No.5738399

>no homo

get out

>> No.5738435

alright, my computer was getting a little lonely without pando.

>> No.5738446
File: 62 KB, 458x513, slut2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is also opening tommorow: http://freejack.gamerkraft.com/ Some kind of speed-running JSR-style-minus-the-tagging game. Music seems like it might be pretty decent too.

Quite frustrating, since I want to play both, but they open within an hour of one another (this one opens first).

>> No.5738477

Anon you are going to play both at the exact same time like a real /jp/-level NEET and you will like it.

>> No.5738611

>Free-running online


>> No.5738844

log-in menu sounds pretty nice.

>> No.5738853

So has anyone figured out whether or not the different 'factions' can interact?

>> No.5739060

Namae stop being a slut and two-timing.

>> No.5739073 [DELETED] 


as_PrEviOUSLy_MentIonED, tHEse MESsSAGEs WILL_CoNtInuE UnTiL_You PERManENtlY STop_atTaCKING_AnD_fUcKInG wITH wwW.AnONmooOoTaLK.sE (rEmOve the_cow Sound), rEmOve aLl_ILLEGaL_cLonES Of_It anD LiEs ABoUT IT_AnD DonaTe At_leaSt_A MIlLiOn USd_to_SySOp as_coMpEnsAtIon_fOR ThE_maSsIvE daMAGE YOu reTaRdS_hAVE_CAUsEd.
qelupq nyhqfa n nea jllzfgj n hlt j

>> No.5739366

We've got info that says the factions are of no matter, just affecting your starting town.

However we also learned that there might be only 3 classes available for the beta, and it doesn't include the slayer loli.

>> No.5739448

I'll try it out. I'm not really into RTS, but I do like the action.

>> No.5739560

Good news and bad news I guess.

>> No.5739789

One of you autists needs to reupload the client somewhere or start a torrent for it so I don't have to install that Pando piece of shit.

>> No.5739905

Can I just create a torrent file of the folder? Will it matter that we have different OSs?

>> No.5739923

Well here's the torrent I created anyway...

>> No.5739982

So it's more like FEZ with bigger melees?

>> No.5740034
File: 1.53 MB, 1024x768, Silkroad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, I play this, it is better.

>> No.5740048

Looks exactly like WoW.

>> No.5740060

>1.53 MB

>> No.5740075

well, if you want to be that technical, one could say that any one mmo looks like another mmo because they tend to share the same basic design, however I assure you anon Silkroad Online =/= WoW.

>> No.5740098

>Better than anything

The only thing good about that game was the lols during beta when everyone ran around with topless floating zombie woman nipples

>> No.5740096 [DELETED] 

As pRevioUslY_meNtIonEd,_TheSE mesSSAGes_wILl_coNtInUE_UnTil_you_PeRMAnENTly sToP AttAcKINg_anD_FuckIng wiTH wWW.ANonmOOOotAlK.sE (RemoVe_The coW_soUnD),_RemoVE_All ILLegal_CLONes oF It_And_LIes_AboUT It aND donATe at lEasT a_milLioN_UsD_to_SySop_AS CoMPeNSaTIoN_FOr_thE_MASSIve DAMAGE yOU retaRDs HAVE_CaUSeD.
cevi uc v fgnirrb qppqdph w u d mx p ub ikwh

>> No.5740116

it'd be a better game if there weren't botters and the servers weren't full 24/7.

>> No.5740143

When I try any free MMO, I realize how bad it is compared to WoW within the first minute. So, nah.

>> No.5740151

WoW isn't better than anything you stupid piece of shit. Horrible taste.

>> No.5740159

You probably also enjoy TF2, CoD4 and Halo 2, competitively. Your opinion is of no value.

>> No.5740185

Nope none of those. You are a colossal faggot for still playing WoW though you probably got into it in the last year. It stopped being good right when 40 man raiding came around.

>> No.5740226

I don't play WoW anymore either, and yes I started on its release date. Saying WoW was better back then is utterly retarded, though. Sure, the content was harder, what else was better?

Class balance? Haha, no.
Itemization? Spirit on hunter gear, what?
Encounters? Nothing like a bit of flame breath and tail swipe.

Please, tell me, what was better? The fact that priests, druids, paladins, shamans were FORCED to heal because all their other specs were shit, or that every dps class was there only to improve rogue and mage dps.

>> No.5740244

nostalgia feels good man

>> No.5740254

Holy shit you're an idiot if you don't think that the classes were more balanced. Everything was more balanced. World PvP was actually fun. PvP is completely trash now.

>> No.5740272

To add on, nothing takes skill anymore. Not PvE or PvP.
Classes that didn't do as much damage were given utility. Not everyone has to do the most damage in the group.

>> No.5740287

World PvP got ruined with the introduction of flying mounts, I'll give you that. Classes were in no way balanced in vanilla, unless of course keyboard turning backpedaling shadowpriests tanking and killing 4 people of equal gear without any problems was working as intended. If you were alliance, you'll remember how ridiculous undead rogues were. Then there were undead warlocks, SEDUCE SOULFIRE IMMO CONFLAG JESUS FUCK I'M SKILLED.

Yeah, no.

>> No.5740313

The classes were almost completely balanced with the exception of priests being slightly overpowered. Back then having skill meant you were going to win. Now it's all about gear and spamming the same few moves.
Also warlocks didn't have those moves back in the day.

Before 40 man raids people didn't die instantly. Now you kill people extremely fast.

Hey if your team of 4 people got wrecked by a single shadow priest you people sucked.

>> No.5740319

PvE and PvP never took any skill. Hell, if anything, PvP takes more skill now. Utility? Examples? I can only think of CoE right now, and for that you only needed 1 warlock. The rest was replaceable by even more rogues and mages.

>> No.5740334

So, what faction in soul master are we joining?

>> No.5740339

Things like Tranquilizing shot, buffs, debuffs, there were other things.. It's been a while since I've played it. Paladins used to bubble and pull bosses if that counts.

PvE never took much skill but PvP did and if you don't think so you probably weren't one of the people who had it.

>> No.5740349

Gear was always a major factor in PvP. If you were in a good PvE guild, you could rip shit up in BGs. Add warlocks (horde) and will of the forsaken to the list of being slightly OP the rest of the classes depended on gear to be able to do anything. Last time I played, I didn't really seem to kill people really fast anymore with people stacking resilience. Fights usually went on for a while, actually.

I was that shadowpriest in AQ40/Naxx epics.

>> No.5740354

If you read through our arguments I'm talking about how the game was good before 40man raiding. Before molten core the game had it right.

>> No.5740363

So you mean, grind and PvP only? That's boring. Warlocks did have those moves by the way, you were thinking of death coil.

>> No.5740366

I love how people complain about Will of the Forsaken when you have that fucking human skill that's even more OP today.

>> No.5740383

No... warlocks always had death coil. They changed it to 'fear' later.

Some of those other moves weren't there or they were changed significantly.

Also there was no grinding at 60. There was no honor system.

>> No.5740384

I know, it is completely retarded how OP that shit is. Pre-nerf WotF was even worse, though. A rogue would just fuck priests and warlocks up because their only defense against them was fear, and they'd just pre-wotlk that and they'd still have their trinket.

They need to nerf that human racial though, or at least buff all other racials a bit.

>> No.5740395

Make that wotf.

>> No.5740405

Old will of the forsaken, cloak and pvp trinket combined would make rogues invincible. Thank god it's gone.

>> No.5740411

WotF got nerfed yes.
but pre-nerf it allowed people to play like idiots unpunished. Getting triple feared by a snared priest is just autistic. And pre-nerf wotf allowed this kind of play.
As for EMFH (human), well fuck, if only blizz did not allow pve trinkets to be used on pvp environment, would you still say its overpowered?

>> No.5740427

Holy I think.

>> No.5740440

Turns out the factions don't matter as I understand. Each faction has 2 classes (or possibly 1 in the beta)

>> No.5740448

You guys are forgetting the biggest flaw in WotLK.


>> No.5740461

so how many people will play this game ? i'm going to join just to see

>> No.5740487
File: 151 KB, 387x497, shadowmourne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so painful to see THE MOURNE go to waste because of autism. Recently me and my friend were doing some 2s to kill time, and we annihilated holy pala warrior despite being in half PvE gear. We were playing spriest prot warrior.

>> No.5740866

Did no one use the torrent I uploaded? Fuck you.

>> No.5740900

Wait, what the fuck is wrong with this weapon?

>> No.5741143



>> No.5741281

Five hours. Going to take a nap and have some coffee.

>> No.5741319

Someone asked for a torrent ofthe game so they wouldn't have to dl pando

>> No.5741539

Since its closed beta we have no guarantee we will get accepted right?

>> No.5741552


>> No.5741590

It tells me the .torrent is corrupt.

>> No.5741620

That's only for mmosite. I went to one of the other choices and the only requirement was to register.

>> No.5741643

I find it odd theres no character class info on the site.

>> No.5741719

Downloading right now, I might join a /jp/ guild this this time, the /a/ one I was in during CB was shit in both skill and meme spewing, not even /a/ memes, one guy used >my face more times in a minute than I saw on /a/ in a year, they really took anybody in.

>> No.5741732

Really? Just checked. I uploaded 272kB to someone. Don't know if he quit because it was going slow, my upload speed should be high.

>> No.5741733

/a/ guilds were the worst guilds on CB, even worse than /v/ guilds

>> No.5741766

Class information, structured for /jp/ relevance:
Priest - can be a little girl.
Everything else (some classes unavailable in CB aside) - can't be a little girl.

You seem a decent enough person, so go ahead - there's no gestapo screening of applicants, usually just a thread where everyone posts their IGNs. Just try to refrain from mentioning /a/, or some of our autists will get buttangry.

>> No.5741785

So did /jp/ decide what faction they're joining?
Previous answered were vague.

>> No.5741801
File: 60 KB, 365x243, mikutime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short haired females everywhere.
What is this steaming pile of shit?
This is a horrible game.
I'll drop it on the 29th.

>> No.5741816

the only difference on choosing a faction is your starting city, it seems.

>> No.5741836

I'm almost sad /m/ won't be playing this, there won't be any good board rivalry with /v/ being so shitty.

>> No.5741924
File: 379 KB, 1280x960, Capture0060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rolling a knight, but if there's customization, gonna go for the longest pink hair, roundest face, rosiest lips, and cutest eyes and name him LadyMuffincake

If there's no customization, gonna name him LadyMuffincake anyway.

>> No.5741962

Says I gotta register my account before I can fetch my beta key. I already activated my account using my email. What activation do they want?

>> No.5742043

Dang I woke up three hours too early.

>> No.5742085

Use another site.

>> No.5742230

My nod32 is trying to block some smc.exe.zip file in the update, anyone had this?

Says its from soulmaster.cdnetworks.net/smpatch/ad_us_english, i'm guessing it puts ads or something in the client, should I terminate it or the thing wont work?

>> No.5742240

Might be Gameguard related, the damn thing is nothing short of a rootkit.

>> No.5742483

Guess i will check back with /jp/ for the next thread.

>> No.5742644

when the can we play this

>> No.5742669

less than 2 hours

>> No.5742752

What does the beta key thing do?

>> No.5742760


>> No.5742762

It lets you get into the beta.

>> No.5742855

All the sites to get the keys have no keys left?

>> No.5742878

Weird. I skipped that beta key part.

>> No.5743030

One hour left.

>> No.5743311
File: 46 KB, 372x248, mikutakingiteasy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~10 mins till showtime.
How long will I be able to blind myself into playing a priest with twintails I wonder.

>> No.5743344
File: 245 KB, 500x500, 11331570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>priest with twintails

>> No.5743352
File: 96 KB, 369x250, mikujarofpiss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, you silly piece of software.

>> No.5743359
File: 339 KB, 1024x768, 201007221733866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Soul Master sucks so I can go back to my frilly skirts and silly hats in FreeJack.

>> No.5743723

server died right after I made fried chicken and told my holy cockroaches to gang up on a golem.

>> No.5744990

Updating is taking forever.
Also servers are down?

>> No.5745772

Fucking shit. I submitted my account for a beta key on mmosite and they never gave me a key.

>> No.5746209

I got my key from MPOGD

>> No.5746243

So which channel are we going to be playing on?
