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5735542 No.5735542 [Reply] [Original]

Suppose Touhou gets an official anime. However you want to rationalize this hypothetical event is fine, but suppose it happens.

You have two choices:

A) The anime features awesome battles and plotlines, but also includes fanon. Characters exhibit lesbian sexual tension where such was only previously observed by the fandom, and characters like Cirno gets much more screentime than they deserve.

B) The anime completely suppresses fanon and only uses canon characterizations. However, the plot is dry and borders on slice-of-life with as little that happens. Conflicts never go beyond spellcard duels, which are brisk and unexciting fares.

Which do you choose?

>> No.5735557
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B. Taking it easy.

>> No.5735555
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>> No.5735567

The anime features awesome battles and plotlines, and only uses canon characterizations.

Fuck yes, PC-98 games.

>> No.5735568

I don't know about any of that, I just want to know why someone decided to draw Stone Cold Steve Austin as Reimu. There is a line beyond which crossovers are too ridiculous to even take refuge in their audacity, and this has left that line in the dust.

>> No.5735573

Slice of Life

>> No.5735576

You might find pooshlmer or shrinemaiden more welcoming to this calibur of topic.

I would prefer B.

>> No.5735578

> lesbian sexual tension where such was only previously observed by the fandom
Does not compute

>> No.5735583

slice of life Touhou please

>> No.5735588


>> No.5735589


Definitely A.

Who gives a fuck if it follows ZUN's canon if it's boring as fuck to watch? As long as the fanon doesn't get TOO fanon-y, like I'm talking BAKA BAKA XDDDD tier shit, I can probably live with it.

Though Aya chocolate puke would be funny.

>> No.5735591

seriously no need for that kind of drama

>> No.5735598

C) Don't give a fuck, troll it anyway all day long on every board.

>> No.5735603

Fanon shit like yuri and LOLPADS pisses me off

>> No.5735607
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So why does B need animation if little to nothing happens? Why not just make a B manga and an A anime, preferably at the same time so I can watch the arguments over which is better :D

>> No.5735616

I really wouldn't mind A, and a lot of people like Fanon so it would seem more likely anyway.

>and characters like Cirno gets much more screentime than they deserve.

Well as long as Cirno isn't in every episode making herself look like an autistic.

>> No.5735632
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>Characters exhibit lesbian sexual tension where such was only previously observed by the fandom

Is that so?

>> No.5735628

>So why does "______" need animation if little to nothing happens?

Doesn't stop most anime from being produced

>> No.5735641


It's pretty peaceful in Gensokyo, you know.

>> No.5735651


B already is several manga.

>> No.5735670


I hate what fanon does to characters like Alice. Fuck that.

>> No.5735675

Make both

A by Gainax

B by Kyoani

maximum troll

>> No.5735684


>> No.5735711

A) can only happen if Zun dies and ownership of Touhou passes to some distant relatives who are more than happy to whore it out

If Zun dies, I go with him
just saying

>> No.5735758

Does it have to be one or the other? Can't we have relative down-to-earth characters with the occasional easter egg?

>> No.5735831

see you in Valhalla then

>> No.5735964

I want a fucking Advent Cirno anime. Could be done by multiple artists when differing styles are needed to balance the teatime<->hardcore spectrum.

>> No.5735985

I want a drama filled Mitori OVA were she finds out that Nitori is her sister but at the end she dies and then Nitori collects her light

So (A) I guess

>> No.5736042

A, even without the battles, because B sounds like something K-On is more exciting than.

But not too heavy into the fannon. Because a lot of it is dumb. I can take a stupid Cirno, but not a mental-retard one.

>> No.5736051

So can you tell me why the fanon version is the one with the exciting battles? I mean, the canon is the games, y'know, with the fast-paced gameplay and spellcard dodging. Fanon is all about OH MAN LESBIAN PAIRINGs EVERYWHERE EYE AM THE STRONGEST PAD JOKES CAVED WWWWWW

If anything, slice of life makes more sense for fanon, while action-packed anime makes more sense for the no-nonsense canon choice.

It just seems like you're adding a disadvantage to both options that turns this whole thing into "lesser of two evils", to be honest.

>> No.5736063

A, plz.

>> No.5736080

Yeah, you can say fanon contains pretty much whatever you want to say and be correct.

>> No.5736094

B. I've actually wanted a slice of life more than anything if a professional anime was actually made.
