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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5731910 No.5731910 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5731918

perinne > *

>> No.5731924

You suck.

>> No.5731925

Shit > Bangkok

>> No.5731927

Reported for being dicks.

>> No.5731934

Ep. 3 airing in 30 min. Get in here!

>> No.5731941

Reported for being shitty.

>> No.5731947

I want to have sex with Francesca

>> No.5731948

sorry, it should be in about an hour.

>> No.5731950

No problem, I reported you anyway.

>> No.5731957



>> No.5731965

That is exactly why

>> No.5731969

/jp/, so predictable.

>> No.5731967
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>> No.5731966

Yeah, that's 2 years past border of purity.

>> No.5731978


you came to the wrong nighborhood PAL

somone ul the comic where she has to eat semen to power her abilities

>> No.5732003

actually, shes 13

>> No.5732017
File: 140 KB, 1440x810, 1279128169387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to believe that she's 12. Whatever, fuck that it's canon.

My picture is my evidence- that is not the ass and puffy vulva of a 12 year old girl. Underage, yes, but the widened hips, apparent distribution of body fat and muscle, and enlarged mons pubis all indicate a far more sexually developed individual than a 12 year old.

If that was really supposed to be true loli ass, she'd have narrow hips compared to her waist and skinnier thighs, and a less pronounced bulge in her panties.

>> No.5732030


"All people develop the same!"

>> No.5732037

Cool samefag.
That's for 3D, 2D has no age restrictions.

>> No.5732040

Francesca is annoying brat but at least she's fucking delicious.

>> No.5732061


Yes, on average (ON AVERAGE) girls will not develop so many secondary sex characteristics so quickly. If Francesca's really rocking that outrageous of an ass at 12-13, she's a very definite statistical outlier.

I could try explaining the concept of bell curves and statistical distributions as opposed to complete randomness, but that would probably be about as fruitful as try to explain quantum physics to a mossy rock.

>> No.5732064

You might want to go to a doctor and tell him that when looking at that picture, you're thinking about her age rather than how you want to grind your penis against her clothed crevice. It might be something serious, and I don't have the proper expertise to diagnose it.

>> No.5732080


I was further analyzing it after I fapped over it, imagining grinding my penis into her clothed crevice.

No worries, mate.

>> No.5732081

it's called jail

>> No.5732088


Maybe a quick bloomer?

>> No.5732089
File: 906 KB, 1920x1200, Konachan.com - 79843 francesca_lucchini gun sky strike_witches vector weapon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5732129
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>> No.5732134

Phew, you worried me there for a second. Don't scare me like that again.

>> No.5732173

Dude, bell curves are just a fancy way of displaying the fact that MOST fir in this category, and FEW in the other. It's common sense.

As for the exact likelihood, that depends on the statistics used, and isn't common knowledge.

Geez, I'm gonna hate retaking statistics...

>> No.5732188

I wonder how difficult midair sex would be...

>> No.5732204

Hello troll from /a/, probably also OP.
You should know by now what the majority of /jp/ population prefers, besides, the complaint isn't even valid, none of the girls in Strike Witches are true lolis.

>> No.5732241
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Which was exactly what I was trying to say. MOST girls don't develop that quickly, and only a few do so before or after the "most" group.

Stat was a fucking bitch, I almost failed out of it in college. I pulled off the hugest save of my entire academic career in that class- I walked into the final exam with a big ol' F, a 57%, and left with a 74%, a deliciously passing C. I stayed up 3 nights straight and rocked the living tits off of that final, the professor even emailed me and said he was impressed with my improvement.

Just remember, Chebyshev's inequality is much easier than it looks. Also, Poisson was a faggot, and the according to him the probability of anything happening at an exact time is 0.

>> No.5732250
File: 264 KB, 497x785, af7f274255d19bb6252695787d225d9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enjoy having your balls shredded off by magical propeller blades

>> No.5732256

>the probability of anything happening at an exact time is 0
"Hey Poisson, what're you doing at 7 tonight?"

>> No.5732269


Fucking, I lol'ed. You bastard.

>> No.5732276

The probability of me fapping right now is directly proportional to the amount of posts in this thread.

>> No.5732279

Sage for shit anime
