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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5731339 No.5731339 [Reply] [Original]

You with the sad eyes - don't be discouraged. I realize it's hard to take courage in a world full of people. You can lose sight of it all, and the darkness inside you can make you feel so small.

But I see your true colors, shining through. I see your true colors - and that's why I love you, /jp/.

So don't be afraid to let them show. Your true colors are beautiful, like a rainbow. Show me a smile then, don't be unhappy. If this world makes you crazy and you've taken all you can bear - you call me up. Because you know I'll always be here, /jp/.

>> No.5731347

My true color is Japanese.

>> No.5731353


>> No.5731359

/jp/ meetup

>> No.5731354

yellow is a shitty color.

>> No.5731358

Damn it, who let Cindy Lauper into /jp/?

>> No.5731394

best song ever

>> No.5731404

I was wondering why this sounded so damn familiar.

Nice to know someone on /jp/ also listens to shit like this to escape the depression of NEET life.

>> No.5731418

This world makes me crazy and I've taken all I can bear. Help.

>> No.5731428
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Give me a hug.

>> No.5731434

The only choice left is to die.

>> No.5731444


>> No.5731453

I would but I don't want to sound like a faggot by doing e-actions. So let's not and say I did.

Roger that.

>> No.5731460

One doesn't rule out the other, I guess.

>> No.5731482

i read that as "this world is crazy, I have taken a bear. help.". not so funny when i re-read it.

>> No.5731496
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Oh u OP!
Yoy melted my heart.
I like you!

>> No.5731505

but that was a different person anyways.

>> No.5731528
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>> No.5731551

My only color is black, op.

>> No.5731565

Sorry man, even if your intentions are good, all this rainbow stuff really isn't doing it for me.

>> No.5731579

Black is too dark and edgy. If you were really depressed, you'd be talking about gray all the time.

>> No.5731591

/jp/ can fap to traps, but mentioning a rainbow is pushing the envelope?

>> No.5731592

I have once been criticized for wearing only gray clothing. ;_;

>> No.5731600

black fits with anything, so it fits with me as well.
no other color is there for me, not even gray.

But now that you mention it, i do like purple.

>> No.5731608

I hope you like gay porn in your e-mail, because I just signed you up for hundreds by adding your address in a certain database.

>> No.5731619

black is not a color, its rather the ausence of it.

>> No.5731627
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>> No.5731626 [DELETED] 

Don't worry, it probably suits you.

>> No.5731637

Don't worry, it probably suits your personality.

>> No.5731648

>how dare you be nice on /jp/! how can I spam threads like 'why so shitty' when your sort are here?

>> No.5731675
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Cool, can you send me some too?

>> No.5732303


>> No.5732342
File: 131 KB, 636x545, 4f4d3741f2e9d8549123e058b7b85d12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though you may never have experienced it, there is a moment of happiness to be found with someone. A warm feeling to be shared. Something almost indescribable, but you know it to exist. A moment so pure, and so perfect, that all human languages fail to give it meaning in phrase. The only thing that comes close to it, is love.

You have spent your whole life searching for it. You feel it, at times, in your dreams. You see it all around you. In the hearts of those embracing one another. The one's carrying about with a child in tow. The laughter shared between them as they walk hand in hand. Your heart fills, because even if it isn't yours and it gives you hope, knowing that it exists, that it is there.

You still search, though it aches your heart, you still hope, that one day you will share in that feeling as well. That it will be true.

But you know, that you may never find it, that it might not ever be yours. but you cannot fault it. because it still fills you.

You cry. Because the one that you yearn for hurts you so much. But it is still so beautiful.

But you still live on, in spite. Because you know, even if it is never yours, it exists.

And that it is beautiful.

>> No.5732385

Hahahaha faggot!

>> No.5732411
File: 388 KB, 1016x1016, 11222488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The laughter shared between them as they walk hand in hand.
Only in fiction. Real love not pure. It will not bring you happiness. It's like drug addiction; it feels good at first, but ends up controlling your life.

Come out, bride and groom. Walk the path of the shackles called marriage, which will bind you until the grave...

>> No.5732414

aS_PreVIOUsLY_MENTIoneD, thESE_MesSSaGeS wiLL cONTiNUE unTIl yOU_permaNEntly StOp attaCKINg aNd FuCking_wIth WwW.anonDerptaLk.se_(REMOve ThE deRP), rEmOVe aLL_ILLEGAL_cLONeS_Of it_And lIes AbOUt_It_anD dOnaTe_AT leAsT a millIoN_Usd_TO_sysOp_aS_cOmpenSAtiON_foR_tHe_mAssIvE DaMaGE yOu ReTaRDS_Have_CauSed.
sehzf byvbazfrqmc r jvkjnb sgli g dhxpp

>> No.5732434

>which will bind you until the grave

Divorce, nigger. Ever hear of it?

Hardly any marriages ever make it to the death vow these days.

>> No.5732451

assuming you are jobless male, it means that you are going to be paying alimony from your welfare check until you die.

>> No.5732468

You may be able to end the marriage itself, but it will always come back to haunt you.

>> No.5732664

those alone-on-your-birthday images always look so sad but does anyone actually celebrate their own birthday? i've forgotten 3 years in a row now since my mom stopped sending cards in the mail to remind me.

>> No.5732668

*grabs dick*

>> No.5732729

I went to my family the weekend of my birthday this year. Last year I was still living with my mom, so I 'celebrated' it back then as well.
But if you mean having an actual party, and cake and stuff, I guess I stopped doing that a few years ago.

>> No.5732737

My birthday is on Christmas, so it's kinda hard to forget.

>> No.5732831
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Nagisa, is that you?

>> No.5732889


jesus, is that you?

>> No.5732903

We celebrate it on that day, but the actual date (and even year) is unknown.

>> No.5733485
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I googled OP's post and downloaded the song.

It's beautiful. ;_;

It's like she really believes in me.

>> No.5733561
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Don't get your hopes up anon, nobody cares about you. Nobody will EVER care about you.

Stop getting your hopes up by believing in delusions, it's unhealthy and unbefitting of you. Just keep tightening that rope and soon the angry voices go away. I promise.

>> No.5733573

It was in summer. Date unknown.

>> No.5733590

Typical /jp/ poster.

Note how he spots someone trying to escape the bottomless bucket of shit and drags him back down.

>> No.5733615

He doesn't want someone to be happier than him.

>> No.5733619
File: 190 KB, 819x819, lol alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5733634

Why is there an M for Margatroid on the back of her head?

Or is that Majin Buu's mark?

>> No.5733637
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>> No.5733663

Don't worry guys, it'll be all right. Once you get to Gensokyo, everything will be a-okay. I promise.

>> No.5733671

this shit actually influences some people? this board really is filled with weak faggots.

>> No.5733768

No way, a board full of friendless NEETs who live with their parent's basements and delude themselves into marrying 2D women is full of weak faggots?

Surely, you jest.

>> No.5733929
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>> No.5733955
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Birds of a feather have to stick together.

>> No.5733964

/jp/ isn't filled with weak faggots!

They just fight for love and justice, so them seem weak!

>> No.5734028

>delude themselves into marrying 2D women

You're looking at this the wrong way, but I know if I told you what you were wrong about you'd just stick with the "delusional reasoning, you're tricking yourself" comeback, so I won't bother.

>> No.5734110
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>> No.5734400
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>> No.5734419
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>> No.5734421

birds of my raised middle FINGER and you can suck mine

>> No.5734436

Reported for Lincoln Park bullshit

>> No.5734435

Drugs are more fun than people.

>> No.5734454

I don't know if the "Lincoln" Park misspelling or the fact that you think Linkin' Park was posted in here makes me angrier.

>> No.5734978

Neither of them should.

>> No.5734991
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>> No.5736048

Another year alone.

>> No.5736054

Cheaper too
