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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 117 KB, 500x500, d185213d71f3cfe2f2bd5f6c0648046b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5727978 No.5727978 [Reply] [Original]

>Non-NEET /jp/er
>Got pretty ripped over the past two years
>In GNC buying whey protein
>See unbelievably attractive brunette girl looking at Acai supplements
>Tell her it's horse shit
>She says "what"
>Explain that Acai shit is total snake oil/scam/etc.
>End up having a 20 minute discussion about supplements (basically her just asking me shit and me explaining)
>Conversation moves to other stuff
>She's a cheerleader for the local college here, trying to drop five pounds or so
>Recommend some stuff
>She gets flirty and says that it's kind of complicated and maybe we should exchange phone numbers to talk more about it later
>We trade phone numbers
>Go to the checkout
>She pays for her stuff and smiles and brushes against me flirtatiously as she leaves
>Cashier grins like a motherfucker at me while I pay for my stuff
>I look out the window while she walks to her car
>She lights up a cigarette
>I take out my phone and delete her number

I seriously find it THAT repulsive.

>> No.5727987

Yeah. Who likes the taste of cinder anyway?

>> No.5727991

You should have posted this somewhere where people would be surprised.

>> No.5727993

>whey protein

I drink this stuff too. Except I don't do anything.

>> No.5727994

You missed /v/

>> No.5727995

...and why did you think we needed to know that?

>> No.5727998
File: 379 KB, 701x938, bf80c68e23d30d5b9aad908855a3ac8b8c456bc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, that means I can have Mokou.

>> No.5728000

I can't stand smokers or habitual drinkers. Same with any kind of drug use.

>> No.5728001
File: 56 KB, 571x570, CoolStoryBro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5728006

You wont mind if you take up smoking as well OP.

>> No.5728007
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>> No.5728008

go be a homo over there

>> No.5728009

Don't feel bad. She was an idiot.

>> No.5728011

ur mr gay

>> No.5728014

To make the world a better place cigarettes should have the following changes:

1: increase the taxes on tobacco so people will buy less of it. Put the tax money towards children's hospitals.

2: regulate the content of cigarettes so that they don't reek so bad. Like add in some chemicals, or reduce others.

3: also further regulate cigarettes to control and reduce nicotine content so people don't feed addictions as much.

4: deny state-sponsored health care to heavy smokers, and allow private insurers to deny coverage based on smoking.

5: rigidly enforce no-smoking rules in public places. Give smokers fines and the threat of a criminal record.

>> No.5728017

Why don't people explain things like this normally anymore? Is it that difficult to write a coherent paragraph? Look, I know you want to be
>cool and trendy
but that shit is fucking annoying. Learn to captivate an audience otherwise.

>> No.5728019

>Non-NEET /jp/er
>Got pretty ripped over the past two years
>In GNC buying whey protein
>Pay for my shit
>Get out of shop and light a cigarette
>Head back home.

Sounds more like my life, now.

>> No.5728020

He's from /v/, give him a break.

>> No.5728021

maybe you should just not be a nerd

that's only one step, compared to five. It's much more efficient.

>> No.5728029

I think we should raise the taxes on cigarettes.

>> No.5728031

Nothing wrong with someone wanting to experience things differently through chemical substances, and can be perfectly fine if you know what you're doing.

I find smoking itself stupid because:
1) The effect it gives is too light, almost inexsistent.
2) It's harmful to your health if used for many years, which is what most smokers do.
3) It smells terrible and is harmful to other people nearby inhaling it.

>> No.5728032

This whole fucking thread is reported. I don't give a shit what's been posted in here. Every single post has been added to the queue.

>> No.5728036

They have E-cigarettes now wich are much better than all those points put together.

>> No.5728040

/fit/ actually. I just checked and sure enough this thread is on the front page over there.

>> No.5728041
File: 133 KB, 361x358, butthurt-emperor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5728044


>> No.5728045

I report every greentext thread as illegal content.

>> No.5728051
File: 261 KB, 400x591, win.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have fun watching TV.

>> No.5728053

>Note: Submitting frivolous reports will result in a ban. When reporting, make sure that the post in question violates the global/board rules, or contains content illegal in the United States.

>> No.5728057

They're less than human.

>> No.5728059

Reported for misusing the quote function and image macros outside of /b/. Please refer to the global rules.

>> No.5728060

Read the name. He's some religious guy obviously.

>> No.5728061

I've reported 276 posts since I woke up. I'm not getting banned. This thread is fucking reported.

>> No.5728066

Post a screenshot of your reported stats.
Also thread reported.

>> No.5728069
File: 15 KB, 251x242, tear-grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reportfags think moot gives a shit about greentexting

>> No.5728071

Smoking is sugoi but I have an immunity problem so I can't do it anymore.

Also reported for buying non vegan supplements.

>> No.5728072


>> No.5728076

Enjoy your low deleted vs reported ratio.
I only report things which break rules. In which case, I'd just report the OP and be on my way.

>> No.5728078

Fucking tiny. Why do you hate /jp/ so much? I report over 1000 posts a day.

>> No.5728080

Ugg don't do that. That's like giving Reimu a penis.

>> No.5728085

I only woke up less than an hour ago.

>> No.5728092
File: 18 KB, 239x383, autism-lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defeating the entire purpose of the report function in the first place by making mods read the entire board

>> No.5728093
File: 306 KB, 700x793, 8eae346d91d84cf6d81b54054a0471e43d76134c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My Mokou does not puff cigarettes, though she is always wreathed in the scent of wood smoke.

>> No.5728102

The only problem with reporting in this board is not everyone does it. We need to work together because we have a smaller board. Report all rule breaking content and we can gather enough reports for the mods to care.

>> No.5728108

Maybe they should actually moderate instead of letting the same shitposters make 1,000 posts of rule breaking content be posted every day then.

>> No.5728109
File: 21 KB, 131x225, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sagefags autism'd

>> No.5728110
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>> No.5728114
File: 273 KB, 600x849, b6c1a18d7d322cabcef7fb28de96bc8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see why she wouldn't smoke. She's immortal so cancer isn't a problem. She'd probably enjoy her boring, eternal life in the bamboo forest more if she did.

>> No.5728119

I love it when the maid comes around and deletes all the threads I've reported, resulting in five pages of pure shitposts missing. This thread is reported.

>> No.5728121

Which makes me think of yesterday.
Monday, I was parking my bike next to my classroom while holding my cigarette in my mouth; without fail, someone came and told me this was a non-smoking campus, so I got rid of the cig as usual. This time, however, I heard two women talking about how horrible the smell is. It felt weird being some sort of center of attention for a minute or two.

>> No.5728126
File: 161 KB, 800x600, 1251485871798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't want to report, just want to take it easy

>> No.5728131
File: 103 KB, 389x388, 1279673714787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying OP is breaking any rules

>> No.5728132

Nobody gives a fuck. Reported.

>> No.5728133

Reported for not wanting to report.

>> No.5728136
File: 632 KB, 900x833, 9de20b2d450bf6e68b39a4330609f36f08c8428f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So 40000 years LATER, when the Tobacco plant is EXTINCT, she won't have to go through a few millenia of SEVERELY PISSED OFF WITHDRAWAL.

>> No.5728138

It's probably because you're ugly.

>> No.5728141

Alabama, I was writing my daily blog with you in mind. How cruel.

>> No.5728142

Reported for not knowing the rules.

>> No.5728144

>Go to /jp/
>see troll pasta from /r9k/
>over 50 butthurt replies and OP samefagging
When will you fucks grow tired of this?

>> No.5728147

Reporting takes a split second and allows you to take it easier later when the board isn't covered in shit.

>> No.5728151
File: 67 KB, 640x480, 1279518732307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's like so many other things she can smoke though. Weed for one.

>> No.5728152

It'd probably be liquor instead then, I'm thinking tobacco would be a lot harder to come by in Gensokyo and trying to produce it yourself would be a nightmare - either Mokou would have to make frequent trips to the human village with an assload of money (unlikely) or try growing tobacco and processing it into smokable form in the bamboo forest (also unlikely.)

>> No.5728159

I don't want mods around anyway

>> No.5728162

I agree, Cigar or gtfo, cigarettes are for three toed commoners.

>> No.5728163
File: 377 KB, 600x800, 1275544239474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Which aren't cigarettes.

To reiterate.

>My Mokou does not puff cigarettes, though she is always wreathed in the scent of wood smoke.

>> No.5728167

Reported for not wanting moderation.

>> No.5728169

I'd make Mokou smoke my wood xD

>> No.5728174

Nonsense. Ugly people don't get attention.
It was because they can't appreciate the delicate aroma of my burning tar and tobacco leave.

>> No.5728175

She can't get addicted. She's not just immortal. She's eternal.

>> No.5728176

What else is there to do in a bamboo forest? I hear alot of people living in the middle of buttfuck nowhere produce their own drugs and get high most for most of their waking moments.

>> No.5728177
File: 79 KB, 567x418, Beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhous generally drink instead of smoke, tobacco would be an extravagant luxury in a pre-industrial society while anyone can have beer with sufficient agricultural capacity.

>> No.5728178


>> No.5728180

enjoy paying for products and chemicals that help kill you. Enjoy acting without free will. Enjoy having a few minutes of fun to what can become permanent damage, mental, physical, or social.

>> No.5728181
File: 239 KB, 1500x1100, 1272433838741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


MENTAL addiction, which is why it would last millennia.

>> No.5728184

Police call em' "marijuana cigarettes".

>> No.5728187


She'd probably burn it off. Hilarity ensues.

>> No.5728191

Nah I lived in nowhere for awhile, there's more people doing drugs when I moved to the big city to be honest.

>> No.5728198
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She doesn't smoke TOBACCO.

And she still smells like burning wood.

>> No.5728201

Mokou probably spends most of her alone time just masturbating furiously.

>> No.5728203

They probably pegged you for a "square" and didn't invite you to their opium parties to avoid getting busted. The stories I could tell you, if I weren't so lazy.

>> No.5728205

Oh no, please stop. Just stop, you ignorant, ignorant tool.

>> No.5728206

Reported for bumping a metathread

>> No.5728210

I agree with your sentiments but I really think you could've said so in a way that didn't involve failed quoting and a sad attempt at trolling along the way.
Next time, just say "smoking is disgusting and a huge fucking turnoff", okay? No need to play the /b/tard.

>> No.5728211

This entire fucking thread is reported to mods in IRC.

>> No.5728213

whatever. Keep killing yourself more-so than your NEET life is.

>> No.5728221

Reported for contributing to a metathread.

>> No.5728224

I was into all the freaky shit. I'm not saying it didn't happen, just I think it's exaggerated quite a bit in the media and stuff.

>> No.5728226
File: 1.72 MB, 1400x1050, 1279091360401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why don't you love Mokou, W.Ren

>> No.5728228


>> No.5728233

Not who you're responding to, but:

"smoking is disgusting and a huge fucking turnoff"

>> No.5728235

Reported this thread directly to former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien.

>> No.5728244

Smoking and drinking is the same as ingesting poison. Drinking is better than smoking because at least you aren't pouring the drink into someone else mouth like smokers do. Smoking in public should be against the law, I don't care if you smoke meth in your house, but stay the fuck away from others, also smoking near children should also be against the law.

I think drugs should be legal, but smoking near others in public should be illegal they should rape you with a fine though by taking it directly out of your bank. If you want to drink bleach, smoke meth or do lines of crack whatever but trying to make it "cool" is stupid. Trying to drown out your pathetic life by ingesting poisons isn't "cool" it's pathetic and the drug culture is even more pathetic. If you want to walk around with dildos in your ass that's fine, but don't try and impress people and think others need to try it too.

If it isn't something you need to live why ingest it? Smoking anything doesn't benefit you in anyway it can only have negative side effects it just varies on what kind and when they appear. inb4 pot is just fine and someone says smoking it actually helpful in someway. Hemp seeds are actually pretty good for you,but burning pot and inhaling it not so much, smoke period isn't good to inhale.

>> No.5728246
File: 41 KB, 685x720, suiseiseki-weed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For today's show we've laced White Ren's tobacco with meth amphetamine. Let's see if anyone notices.

>> No.5728256


>> No.5728261

A long time ago I was walking on the sidewalk and a smoker walked past me blowing his smoke right in my direction. He could have waited or at least exhaled in the multitude of directions that were not in front of me. It goes without saying, I wanted to murder his body and shit on his grave and track down his entire family and extended family and murder them all.

>> No.5728266


Get the fuck out.

>> No.5728267

Jesus Christ I just came back from /fit/ leave this shit alone.

>> No.5728270

>If it isn't something you need to live why ingest it?

For the same reason why people eat more than what is necessary for bare subsistence. Because we can and we enjoy it.

>> No.5728274


>Hemp seeds are actually pretty good for you,but burning pot and inhaling it not so much, smoke period isn't good to inhale.

What if we pushed the weed over a vaporizer

and inhaled the cancer-free, warm Oxygen infused with THC

>> No.5728277


better yet,



>> No.5728278



>> No.5728282
File: 459 KB, 590x874, YES_WE_CAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - social conservatives only

>> No.5728294
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>> No.5728313
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>> No.5728321
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>> No.5728331 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5728445

I don't think THC benefits people and there is some studies which suggest it may have negative side effects. Even simple pain killers have side effects too, but I'm against "promoting" anything related to drugs. Like I said it should be legal, but promoting it should be illegal with a criminal charge too. People can ingest any number of drugs and the drug war is fake, our CIA and banks help run the drug trade. Hell our troops guard the opium, so it should not be illegal to use/grow similar to how drinking gas isn't illegal or taking 20 pain killers isn't.

Its tricky because of the illegal status it has people know about it more than if it was never made illegal. Hemp isn't a miracle plant, but it's very useful and people should be allowed to grow and if they choose to smoke/vaporize it whatever but the "culture" needs to be snuffed out. People can enjoy dildos in their ass but trying to make everyone "try" it like you gain a benefit from doing it is stupid.

Drinking is unique because in the past people needed to drink alcohol because the regular water was tainted. The fist thing built in Amerika when settlers landed was a brewery so they had something to drink because in Europe most of the water was tainted. Hemp was used to write our Declaration of Independents and Amendments.

I don't know. it shouldn't be illegal, but it shouldn't be promoted as the "trendy" thing to do. If people use it as pain killer whatever but drug culture is fucking stupid.

>> No.5728448


>> No.5728463
File: 103 KB, 1024x768, 1275721823786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you suppose to be banned?

>> No.5728485 [DELETED] 
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>mfw report meme goes full blown autism

>> No.5728496

It's not a meme. I report all rule breaking content and otherwise bannable posts, including yours.

>> No.5728519

>I take out my addon and report and hide the thread. Cool story, but tl;dr and how exactly is it even otaku related?

>> No.5728536


>3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies[...]

>7. Submitting false reports or otherwise abusing the report system will result in a ban of indeterminate length.

>> No.5728545


>> No.5728561

>lolol i report u
Jesus christ, you're almost as bad as the not /jp/ content in this thread.

>> No.5728575

You must be new here.

>> No.5728582

This thread is not /jp/ related. Your post is not reported. This thread and your post are reported.

>> No.5728585

We have Quality Control, Police and White Ren. /jp/ would succumb to chaos without them. Think about it.

>> No.5728615

You forgot The /jp/ gestapo. Reported for not visibly saging a metathread.

>> No.5728621
File: 178 KB, 897x1014, cirno-deal-with-it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White Ren is not quality control, just a compulsive shitposter who replies to every single post in /jp/ with "reported" and would be banned indefinitely by now if said reports were actually filed. Conversely, if White Ren were actually contributing to board quality then moot would have given maid powers by now for all the hard work.

Visualize yourself in a mod's shoes, seeing more White Ren reports than active threads. You'd just ignore them and go about your business.

Haters gonna hate.

>> No.5728636

I do file those reports idiot. And moot doesn't know shit about this board, he doesn't pay any attention at all.

Your post has been reported for image macros outside of /b/ and being a moron. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.5728642

>Haters gonna hate.
Do you not see that your post is about how much you hate Ren?

>> No.5728655

I don't hate anyone here, I just see no difference between 'reported' spammers and shitposters of other varieties.

>> No.5728663

There would be no 'reported' spammers without shitposters.

>> No.5728673
File: 476 KB, 689x975, 1277642736013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ejaculated inside White Ren.

>> No.5728678

Reported for putting me on the same level as Sion-level shitposters.

>> No.5728684

This is the same line of thinking that says every thread on /jp/ is shit. Two perfectly valid options for this situation:

1: post a thread you'd like better than what you currently see.

2: go hang out in a different board with an atmosphere you enjoy more.

>> No.5728685
File: 156 KB, 800x853, sample-3b2d91ce15f0532e323bf7b2bae366e9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot your trip and I doubt moot or any other mod wants to give janitor powers to tripfags on /jp/ who are the worst posts around. For every bad anonymous post we've got at least 3 tripfags with worse ones and anonymous doesn't always post garbage unlike tripfags who make it their job to be shitposters.

>> No.5728694

I lol'd at OP, but I don't believe it. sage anyway.

>> No.5728695
File: 133 KB, 785x540, 1255931037304s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5728702

this thread is a massive dildo

>> No.5728704

Buttmad faggot is new here. We actually have a low trip/anon ratio compared to most boards and we do have several good trips. Also no one insinuated that any of the tripfags are getting to be a janitor. Seriously, go back to /a/.

>> No.5728712
File: 47 KB, 502x494, trolled-respond-anyway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White Ren and the other forced-meme scrubs need to learn how to use greasemonkey instead of whining about threads they don't like.

>> No.5728730

>Stop reporting [RULE BREAKING CONTENT], just hide it
Good plan, this will surely make the board better.
In fact, since you don't care for our posting why don't you just filter 'reported' or Ren's trip?

>> No.5728746

Who are you quoting OP?

>> No.5728763





>> No.5728780

Reported for insinuating I submit false reports.

>> No.5728793
File: 106 KB, 640x480, 1245188717912663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smartest post ITT

>> No.5728863

Bumping because White Ren is a faggot

>> No.5728881

ITT: Asspain

>> No.5728884

>Implying you don't

>> No.5728890


>> No.5728906
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, sion34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>buying crap from GNC

Rachel Anon how many times are you going to say that!

>> No.5731170

I smoke and blow it into the faces of health nuts to see them rage.

>> No.5731186
File: 53 KB, 423x297, u-mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once posted a picture of weed on here with the caption

"take it easy"

/jp/ got so mad, the report buttons ass was sore that day

>> No.5731191

>reported stats.
How do you check this?

>> No.5731200

good job bumping this fucking thread.

>> No.5731204

>she wants to fuck

>> No.5731227
File: 2 KB, 232x92, report stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stats are for VIP only

>> No.5731229

u mad brah?

>> No.5731246

yes, I mad, f/a/g

>> No.5731301

