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5720161 No.5720161 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5720175

When you aren't watching, Tewi steals your wallet.

>> No.5720182

Don't you badmouth my girl

>> No.5720200

When you aren't looking Reisen murders you and leaves the corpse in the Bamboo Forest for the night youkai to consume.

>> No.5720213
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stupid master

>> No.5720219

Sure is textless thread. Proof you put no heart into this.

>> No.5720224
File: 715 KB, 729x972, 1279440182612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sneak up on a jealous, disappointed, heart-broken Reisen and embrace her tightly from behind while comforting her.

>> No.5720232

If a bunny gets lonely it will die.

>> No.5720238
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Run away udongay, that's the best thing you can do

>> No.5720241
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Do never, ever, ever sneak up on a lunar rabbit officer from behind.
I know it looks tempting, but just don't.

>> No.5720244


Post better touhous, please. Preferably ones that aren't complete shit.

>> No.5720249
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W-Why not?

>> No.5720256

That's like putting cookies in front of someone and telling them not to eat it
Not fair

>> No.5720260
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Hell happens.

>> No.5720269
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She's a Lunarian Green Beret, man. She can kill you with a napkin.

>> No.5720283
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She's off-duty.

That sounds good enough.

>> No.5720288
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Eight different ways of killing with a rolled up newspaper.

>> No.5720291
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>Hell happens.

>> No.5720302
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You can take the soldier out of the war, but you can't take the war out of the soldier.

Or some such.

>> No.5720314
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>> No.5720318
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Look at that ruthless military commander.

>> No.5720327
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Now, killing, mortal danger and almost guaranteed lifelong mental trauma aside, there is the real reason you should think twice before getting involved in anything military.

You never get out.

>> No.5720339
File: 516 KB, 750x975, 1279441868741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't Reisen described as one of the most stable characters in Gensokyo? Or are you talking about anyone who gets involved with her?

>> No.5720344

But that coward deserted and left the moon.

>> No.5720343
File: 216 KB, 899x674, reisenfusil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then again, Reisen doesn't really count since by all means, she's a bloody deserter.

>> No.5720353
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my master > your master

>> No.5720365

You mean Reisen's former master?

>> No.5720378
File: 871 KB, 1024x921, 1279444138228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, that's why embracing her from behind and maybe nibbling on her ear a bit is perfectly safe. Especially when she's under emotional stress and having her guard down.

>> No.5720401


who doesn't know how to properly shoulder a rifle

>> No.5720407
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>> No.5720414
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Then again, does she really need to? She probably was in the communications or sabotage chapter.

>> No.5720420
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Doesn't mean she couldn't put up a good fight if necessary.


I'm guessing the Pixiv artist//k/ommando overlap is not very large.

>> No.5720486
File: 231 KB, 320x480, udonge 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate fighting her. maybe i just suck but her bullets moves with so much pattern? don't know how to explain but she's just too strong for me.
and her bullets are shaped like bullets.

>> No.5720501

She IS the most stable and sane person in gensokyo.

>> No.5720511
File: 104 KB, 600x800, 1271462719525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the eyes of madness can be very... distracting.

>> No.5720516 [DELETED] 

as_preVIoUSly_mENTiOned, THese MeSSSAGES WiLl_cOntiNUe uNTIL_YOu PErmaneNTly_stoP_ATtAckING aND_FuckING WItH_WwW.AnondErptaLK.Se_(rEMOvE THe dERP),_reMovE ALl ILLEGAL_clONEs oF It_anD LieS_ABouT It_AnD DONAte aT lEast_a_mILLiOn uSD tO sysoP AS_coMpeNSaTiOn for_The_MaSSivE daMagE_yOu_ReTARdS havE cAusEd.
neejii zcpvmb cryzfmlckgfqx jbkj tyj tiau

>> No.5720655

Toyo raped both right? ;_;

>> No.5721849

Yes, she has very hypnotic eyes.

>> No.5722397
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I thought we had something special, master...

>> No.5722405 [DELETED] 
File: 503 KB, 533x522, 1274307675071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to play Alien Swarm with people and I remembered /jp/ had a dedicated gaming group called Hotglue. Cana nyone tell me anything mroe about them? Are they just a bunch of faggots?

>> No.5722458 [DELETED] 
File: 1.31 MB, 1200x975, 1277985350229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which video game genre are touhou fan games still missing?

>> No.5722468 [DELETED] 
File: 515 KB, 800x600, 1270912878106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your opinion on fan translations vs official translations?

This is not am oral pirate debate thread. Simply, which do you prefer, and which do you enjoy more?

>> No.5722485

I'll gladly impregnate Tewi and Reisen so they never have to be lonely.

>> No.5722606
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But would you impregnate Reisen WITH Tewi?

>> No.5722760

who was dad?

>> No.5722782
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be jealous

>> No.5722837
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