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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.5718864

I do not believe there is anyone here without MAME if so I am dissapoint.

>> No.5718866

Final Burn Alpha is better

>> No.5718873

Final Burn Alpha only does CPS 1,2,3 and NEO GEO.

Many games run on other hardwares.

>> No.5718878

Yeah, MAME can run more games
But FB Alpha is more simplier

>> No.5718884

It does Cave and Raizing.

>> No.5718886

don't know whats so complicated with MAME.


Run game

Tab to input controls.

>> No.5718896

I take Lagless MAME over other builds anytime of the day.


Or maybe someone could explain what other builds advantage over it?

>> No.5718914

I have never liked the MAME UI's. There was another lagless MAME posted on the system11 shmup boards, but I haven't quite worked out the kinks yet, but it seems promising.

Playing those CAVE games is great, the Raizing stuff is awesome too. Battle Garegga is one of my favorite shooters.

Also, there are sticks that run on 360 and PC with all seimitsu parts going for around $150. My experience with them has been really good.

>> No.5718917
File: 28 KB, 460x355, mayflash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I modded this piece of shit with Seimitsu parts

it supports natively 360,PS3,PS2,PC

>> No.5718932

It will be nice if I could get one for myself in the future. For now I have to be satisfied with a generic keyboard.

>> No.5718945

What's MAME? A game console?

>> No.5718950

Content of rars?

>> No.5718952

An arcade emulator, but you're trolling anyway.

>> No.5718955


in other words arcade board/pcb emulator.

>> No.5718958

Oh I see what you did there

fuck you, you know what I meant.

>> No.5718964

It's been done many times already.

>> No.5718967
File: 91 KB, 400x600, mame_cabinet_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just googled it. This thing?

How does >>5718864-kun expect all of us to own it? It probably costs thousands of dollars.

>> No.5718976

Just stop please.

>> No.5718996

Stop what? I'm sorry for never owning MAME. And I don't understand why the console itself has to be so huge with a monitor built in it. The games look like they were made for SNES.

>> No.5718994
File: 274 KB, 718x618, mame32xt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more appropriate. See the GUI, it's run under Windows.

>> No.5719001

stop it you are just being silly now silly troll.

>> No.5719019

and you are feeding the troll.

>> No.5719029

It would not suprise me that these /b/ fags have never been to the arcades.

>> No.5719035


I'm not a /b/fag and I've never been to an arcade.

Can you eat it?

>> No.5719036

Only normalfags go to the arcades.

>> No.5719043

Not being a /b/tard is not exclusive to not being someone who has never been to an arcade and no-one claimed that you autist fuck.

>> No.5719046

Sorry guys, I think I understand now. MAME is an emulator that emulates ARCADE games? Interesting, I will try it out.

>> No.5719061


And I thought I already filtered all A words. Filtering this one too.

>> No.5719064

no real /b/tard has ever been to an arcade

>> No.5719058

How fucking young are you kiddies?

My 12 year old cousin has even been to a arcade.

>> No.5719072



>> No.5719073

I'm 24 and I spent my entire childhood sitting at home, so I never went to an arcade.

>> No.5719074

How are the arcades at your place?

I visited a few in my city, and it don't have any STG cabs, though I once found Dodonpachi 2 and Battle Bakraid in other city.

>> No.5719082

Oh then you live in a shit hole where there were none

sucks to be you but I still refuse to believe you never have played on a cab on some boat trip restaurant or something

>> No.5719098

>cab on some boat trip restaurant

Why do you expect everyone on /jp/ to be rich? I've never even been on a boat.

>> No.5719134
File: 37 KB, 384x224, 0004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got to stage 5 in Mars Matrix once. But that's it.

MAME is cool because it allows me to fail at Mars Matrix.

>> No.5719130

Being on a ship ferry is not for rich people.

>> No.5719127

I don't even know where to find these arcades. Well, it's not like I eve go outside anyway.

>> No.5719140

Where do you live?

>> No.5719180
File: 114 KB, 720x478, 1275223224886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only Arcade in town closed down about 15 years ago and was replaced by a butchers shop.

>> No.5719191

Dreamcast version is superior.

>> No.5719202

Not at all 1 button is superior if you get used to it.

>> No.5719209

I just enjoyed playing two player with someone compared to alone at mame ;_;

I think the arcade version is harder at least.

>> No.5719216

I don't think I'm going to max out my score any time soon, and I've got more than enough trouble with the default enemy patterns. The arcade version is good enough for me for now.

>> No.5719218

Depends if you choose Difficulty 4 which is standard for JAPAN version then its the same.

USA version uses Default Difficulty 3.

>> No.5719235

I read it somewhere it isn't really different.

>> No.5719241

passerby here, what kind of games is included?
I'm guessing it has a few shoot em ups and the sort

>> No.5719261

Quite a few have been emulated in MAME. You can safely assume almost all arcade game, including non STGs, before 2000, have been emulated. Some still have problem though.

>> No.5719270
File: 22 KB, 320x224, popful-segacd1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm quite sick of shmups lately. I downloaded a "Best of SNES" dump from /rs/, hoping I could get something fun to do. It was almost nothing but shmups. I swear it must've been one of you assholes.

I also learned that Popful Mail is a hilariously terrible game. I remember all my fellow weeaboos in grammar school always wanted it.

>> No.5719284

oh sounds interesting
Looks like I'll try this out after all

>> No.5719285

>For you mongrels who do not have MAME and its fantastic stg's
>fantastic stg's

>> No.5719290

inb4 noone knows that the separate rom files are not to be extracted but only to be placed in mame main folder called roms

>> No.5719293

I'll be honest, I have no idea what that stands for

>> No.5719301

+1 for sick of them currently. Though I am playing some Gundemonium. And I'll look for a friend with an iphone to try DDP:R

>> No.5719302

Shooting Games STG aka shmups.shooter.scrolling shooters

I could keep on rolling all day.

>> No.5719308

oh ok thank you

>> No.5719311

it will always be Dai Fukkatsu not ressurection if they want to translate the title they might aswell fucking call the game angry bee leader ressurection.

>> No.5719322

And people here hates it when shmups being called danmaku.

>> No.5719336

Just calling it what they are ┐(´ー`)┌ I don't think it'll be that entertaining to play on those devices anyway.

>> No.5719347

Agreed I hate these fucking name changes
one example in eu its thunder Force 4 and in the us its Lightening Force

Make up your minds you cunts stop confusing people.

>> No.5719359

Its not I got one myself sure I can play Galuda II ihpone for 20 minutes but then its back to the real version where I can have a 4 hour sit.

>> No.5719611

Can someone reupload roms.part4.rar please?

>> No.5719616

What its? defect?

god fucking mediafire

>> No.5719621


>> No.5719628 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 1680x1050, der.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can load it up good


>> No.5719633
File: 208 KB, 1680x1050, der.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can load it up good


also you probably saw my faggy email acc name

I am sorry I made it when I was 12 ok...

>> No.5719637

You can load the donwloading page but after I get that:

Invalid or Deleted File
The key you provided for file download was invalid. This is usually caused because the file is no longer stored on Mediafire. This occurs when the file is removed by the originating user or Mediafire.

>> No.5719645
File: 216 KB, 1680x1050, dsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not following you sir,

>> No.5719652

Now I am confused.

>> No.5719654

Works for me, too.

>> No.5719659

Try downloading with Internet explorer or something.

>> No.5719663 [DELETED] 

as_preVioUSLY MEnTiOneD,_theSe MesSSAgeS wILL_cONTiNUe uNTIl YOU PerMaNENTLy_stOP_aTtACKIng and FuckING_WITH_WwW.anOnDeRptalK.Se_(ReMOVe THe deRp),_remoVe aLL IllEGaL_clones of It aND LIes_abOut It AND dOnATE AT Least_a_MIlLiOn usd To sySOP_aS_cOmPENSaTIon_fOR thE_MASSivE dAMAGE YoU_rETardS_HaVe_CAuSED.
juh zsbd sd sppi nhx jszmsabaqrhebz mv dwiokbqrsi

>> No.5719668

Using another browser "fix" the problem.
