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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 42 KB, 500x500, curryisafag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5714522 No.5714522 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5714527

Meido-san fighto!

>> No.5714529
File: 41 KB, 522x353, autism2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5714530

Someone with no fucking foresight

>> No.5714535

I hate that picture. There is nothing autistic about either of them.

>> No.5714536
File: 20 KB, 500x412, mojojojo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was me.... It was me.... It was me.

>> No.5714558
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, jp meido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone raped the maids, there is nothing we can do about it, sorry.

Since mods aren't exclusive to a board, I'm guessing Curry probably got chummy with one of them on IRC and convinced him to unban. All it'll take is more convincing to re-ban. You should know what to do.

>> No.5714574
File: 17 KB, 397x362, HE HE HE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>my face when OP was butt ranged and hurted feelings

>> No.5714587

You can bribe mods to unban you? How democratic.

>> No.5714592

Oh yeah, I've gotten out of a few myself.

>> No.5714598


Is that so hard to figure out?

>> No.5714600

>butt ranged
>hurted feelings
youno spiku engrish, raito?

>> No.5714602

>my face when you fucking retards actually think he got banned and his trip wasn't on auto delete
nevermind i'm not even going to search for a reacting picture

>> No.5714608

my face when you suck his dick all day.

>> No.5714609

His trip was banned.

>> No.5714614

CurryButt, the zero of /jp/'s roulette.

>> No.5714616

your so assmade

>> No.5714623


>> No.5714625
File: 115 KB, 640x480, areyoufrustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Someone who realized he was helping the meido do her job by buttflustering newfriends into deleting their own threads.

So, you're gonna do that, right? Delete this thread, I mean?

It does suck.

It's... only fair.

>> No.5714629
File: 359 KB, 698x563, Woah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>My Visage when !CIEL's return caused so much Autism + Ass Pain that people forgot bans automatically expire

>> No.5714637

he wasnt even banned his trip was just on autodelete lol

>> No.5714639
File: 66 KB, 504x480, BUTTHUR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5714648
File: 34 KB, 358x398, 1242222076535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when people couldn't speak english and just say >my face

>> No.5714649

Why would the mods make his trip autodelete but not add it to the 'banlist'? Why wouldn't he get banned?
You don't know if he got banned or not.

>> No.5714660

because whenever he posted his posts disappeared automatically and he just kept posting

>> No.5714664
File: 47 KB, 659x133, eh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you know what you're talking about, suigui.

>> No.5714668

And then there was a huge break were he stopped he stopped posting. Then one day he was able to use his normally. It was clear the trip was banned or something.

>> No.5714672
File: 214 KB, 998x837, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5714675

And I kept posting without it bitching on the same day with different trips for like 20 minutes and then disappeared for a few months. Gee I wonder why.

>> No.5714676

shut the fuck up
I didn't give you my old trip so you could go around shitting on me

>> No.5714681

You never gave me anything, suigui. What are you going on about now?

>> No.5714692

Gee, I wish someone would make entire threads on 4chan about ME

If I could garner that kind of attention from angry kids I'd use a trip too.

>> No.5714702

make a random trip and samefag. It's how they usually do.

>> No.5714725

The only samefagging I do is with my trip, so it's pretty obvious.

>> No.5714732

The mod is already deleting a lot of Curry's posts, he'll be banned again soon.

>> No.5714734

Here you can have this one: #`NM3]P~f

>> No.5714735

It's a janitor, and janitors can't ban.

>> No.5714745
File: 86 KB, 595x889, samefaggotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5714752
File: 26 KB, 350x369, stopthemadness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alright, alright.

Can't we all just agree that the OP is a faggot and move on from here? Maybe we should start posting pictures of dicks in here. All of us. Stop the madness or I dickspam.

>> No.5714757

I still don't understand what this is trying to say. I copy what anon says all the time.

>> No.5714763
File: 30 KB, 640x480, 1265088701546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5714771

But Anonymous-san can, and he's the mod that's closest to the board. In fact he's full OPed in #/jp/

>> No.5714775

This thread is worthy of my name.

>> No.5714786

I don't give a fuck if you want to go suck a mod's dick to get me banned. I'm breaking less rules than most anonymous do all day, so you can go lick a chode.

>> No.5714798

too bad that anonymous is like... a lot of people while you are a single person.

>> No.5714803

I have no intention of asking anyone to ban you. But it's obvious that the way you're shit posting it's inevitable. All the janitor has to do is ask A-san to do it, and it's as good as done.

>> No.5714849

I don't see your point.

Anyway, if he has some grudge against me and wants to abuse his power because of it there's nothing I can do to stop it, and if he comes here he most likely DOES have a problem with me that's personal and not actually mod-related. If a mod is going to abuse his powers then there's no reason for me to "not shitpost" because I'd be banned anyway, like I usually am.

I only shitpost in shitthreads, and for some reason shit threads are fine, just not my posts in them, this was proven last night while there were countless garbage threads yet only my posts in them were deleted.

If him and janitor are going to be abusive of their positions I'll just keep doing what I'm doing, because they clearly aren't doing their job properly, so while I'm here I have to do it for them. If they want to ban me then whatever, what do you want me to do about it?

>> No.5714859

You guys realize that A-san is a faggot, right?

>> No.5714860

The point is - no matter HOW i post I'll get banned at some point most likely simply due to them disliking me on a personal level.

If I spammed porn and gore I'd be banned. If I shitpost i'll be banned. If I post properly always? I'll still be banned.

>> No.5714862


>> No.5714866

Technically they can't be abusive because there are no rules to moderation.

>> No.5714868

He's not the worst person in the world. I don't know why you guys hate on him that much. I agree with most of what he says.

>> No.5714874

>they clearly aren't doing their job properly, so while I'm here I have to do it for them.
>"user moderation"
>pretending to be any more important than anyone else in /jp/

It's no surprise that people think you're a faggot; you are one.

>> No.5714881

Are you kidding? You have to be bi-polar or something. I can't believe a sane person would spend literally hours posting reaction imagines, spamming threads, constant "my face when" posts, then come here and whine about the possibility of being unjustly banned.

Seriously, you're actually insane if you think your posts aren't pure trash most of the time.

>> No.5714888
File: 40 KB, 334x338, fullybonerized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only a taste.

>> No.5714890

You mean most of what he says in stickies or what he says on IRC? It's not the same.

>> No.5714895


so you rather post in shit thread and make it more visual than other threads instead of ignoring it?

nice move Einstein

>> No.5714898

I have no clue what he says on IRC. I've read almost all of what he has said 'as a moderator' on /a/ and /jp/ and it all makes perfect sense. Well the overwhelming majority of it

>> No.5714905

>If I post properly always? I'll still be banned.
I wouldn't know, since I've never seen you try. As long as you aren't a compulsive shitposting robot, designed in some secret shitposting thinktank, I'm pretty sure you could just not post like a retard. It's really not that hard. Blaming your own personal behavior on some mod vendetta is hilarious and pathetic, the act of a manchild.

>> No.5714906
File: 127 KB, 1280x720, spanking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the post you just made is better than mine.

This is why it's unjust. Unless they are going to ban EVERYONE on /jp/ for shitposting then the ONLY reason I'm being banned for posting on the same level as all of you worthless fucks is because of him having a personal issue with me due to me most likely spanking his ass at some point without even knowing it.

>> No.5714909
File: 24 KB, 300x398, dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5714914

Don't trust people so easily Anonymous.

>> No.5714916


I post good posts just as much as shitposts, my shit posting is just more obvious.

My normal real posts are the ones that usually get deleted first, which is why you miss them most likely.

>> No.5714920

Why? I agree with his moderation policy. Now he just needs to be here more often.

>> No.5714923

I wish you were Arcueid.

>> No.5714924


You did. Don't you remember anonymous.

>> No.5714926
File: 12 KB, 208x350, goldenweiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5714928

ahaha jesus christ

>> No.5714929

>I wouldn't know, since I've never seen you try. As long as you aren't a compulsive shitposting robot, designed in some secret shitposting thinktank, I'm pretty sure you could just not post like a retard. It's really not that hard. Blaming your own personal behavior on some mod vendetta is hilarious and pathetic, the act of a manchild.
Quoted and saved

>> No.5714938

Why don't you follow our motto and take it easy, curry? It's simple and better for everyone. Just ignore shit and things like this will not happen again, threads like this are the worst thing in /jp/.

>> No.5714942

It's true that CurryButt only acts like a moron in horrible threads. I've seen him post well in decent threads. Not that I'm saying he's justified in shit posting anywhere.

>> No.5714946

Only in the last two days have I witnessed you actually posting like a normal human being but even so the ratio of said posts is no minuscule to the blatant amount of shitposting, tripfag stirring, and just general useless shitposting is far far too unbalanced.

I don't see how these types of posters improve the quality of the board /jp/, please explain this backwards phenomenon to me.

>> No.5714962

Reported for complaining about moderation.

>> No.5714972

Because you must be ignoring the actual normal posts I make.

I rarely "shitpost" outside of shit threads, I condense all my garbage into those threads and end up posting in them often due to them being SHIT. The more I shitpost the less likely it'll stay on track for WHOSE PANTIES ARE YOUR FAOVRITE TAIGAS OR NINOS?!?!!??!

In real threads I rarely shitpost, unless you count making a witty related comment a 'shitpost' when it makes people laugh.

It's not like I'm messing up the board by keeping topics like SO IN TEH UMINEKO ANIME I REALY LOVED JESICAS TITTIES POST PICS OF HER TITIES from staying "on topic".

I rarely mess up a real thread, and half the time they get fucked up after I post in them ISNT MY FAULT but anonymous replying to my real post with stupid shit.

>> No.5714991

>My normal real posts are the ones that usually get deleted first, which is why you miss them most likely.
Okay, that was pretty funny. You got me.

>> No.5715006

What about you stalking thoughtless celestial with shitposts?

>> No.5715010

Bullshit. You've made like the first shitposting replies in completely legitimate threads about board related content, as if you were programmed to respond automatically and without hesitation.

>> No.5715011


>I condense all my garbage into those threads

this is why /jp/ become more shitty.

>> No.5715012

Who died and made you God? Who empowered you to post your shit anywhere? What you think is shit my not be what someone else does. You are 99% shitpost and 1% quality.

>> No.5715015

>thoughtless celestial
But that guy is a faggot.

>> No.5715017

Just stop being a retard and stop shitposting on shitthreads them. Let shitposter roll over on shit while you ignore it and start to only post 'real' posts then.

>> No.5715021

I don't even know who that is and don't recall doing that at all. I shitpost in shitty threads - if he makes shitty threads then you can refer to my last post.

>> No.5715024

Isn't it sad that, in your words, "one of the only places you can be yourself", you're almost universally hated? I'm not even joking, that makes me feel bad, even for you.

>> No.5715029

>It's not like I'm messing up the board by keeping topics like SO IN TEH UMINEKO ANIME I REALY LOVED JESICAS TITTIES POST PICS OF HER TITIES from staying "on topic".

You're messing up the board by spamming it with garbage. If you think a thread sucks, report it and move on. All your shit posts just invite more shit posts that end up dominating the whole front page whenever you're around.

Anyway who cares, just get banned soon again.

>> No.5715030

How about everyone just take it easy, all problems are then solved.

Also mods are fags, always have been fags, and always will be fags.

>> No.5715033

I like how Curry is slinging around his man-child justification of "I only shitpost in shit threads"

This is nothing more than Curry pretending to be the all-knowing perfectly just judge; a shit thread, of course, being a subjective judgement.

You're not a mod and you're not important, Curry, stop trying.

>> No.5715040

Because shit threads fill up /jp/ most of the time, not my fault the mods don't do a goddamn thing to keep threads like this one for example from happening.

If you want less shitty posts - get shitty threads deleted instead of being here for 8 hours on the frontpage before getting deleted or finally pushed off.

If the janitor wasn't such a useless fuck maybe this wouldn't happen so often.

>> No.5715045

I love how you think anime threads and troll threads are /jp/ material.

The scent of summer is overflowing from this thread.

>> No.5715048

I'm enjoying the generalized "troll thread" there
Way to cover your ass. You're doing this board SUCH a service.

>> No.5715049

>pretending to be the all-knowing perfectly just judge; a shit thread, of course, being a subjective judgement.

Well stated, the perfect case against moderation! Couldn't have said it better.

>> No.5715050

Could you possibly sage your posts so this thread doesn't get bumped every time you post and thus grant you more attention? That's be great, thanks.

>> No.5715057

how are anime threads not part of otaku culture
funny that a newfag that just got here last week is complaining about summer

>> No.5715058


>> No.5715059

>If the janitor wasn't such a useless fuck maybe this wouldn't happen so often.

Do you think you posting an anime reaction image with ">my face when you think I'm XD"
is the equivalent of moderation?

>> No.5715060


no he will not, this is not a shitty thread to him.

that's why he keep it in the front page.

>> No.5715062

>how are anime threads not part of otaku culture
Good job making yourself look completely retarded.

>> No.5715064

This guy right here

>> No.5715067
File: 134 KB, 443x463, 1277899549337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now all this thread needs is some KoG.

>> No.5715071

There you go again, blaming mods for YOUR actions.

The difference being that mods are allowed to make those kinds of judgement calls, that being their job and the power vested in them by moot. Curry on the other hand is an oversized child with an oversized chip on his shoulder.

>> No.5715075

CurryButt has been here for more than a week moron.

>> No.5715093

The whole "i only post in shit threads" is half of the reason /jp/ is shitty--and that goes for everyone, not just currybutt.

You guys aren't mods. I have seen people shitpost in /jp/ related threads telling people to take subject matter that the board was designed to hold back to /a/ or /v/. This is utterly retarded. Just because you played YMK or Saya 3 years ago doesn't mean it suddenly doesn't belong here.

The "i don't like it, it doesn't belong in /jp/" needs to fucking stop. The elitism has created a culture in which trolls thrive because the board regulars are at each other's throats.

No wonder there's saten threads started every five minutes: you retards shit in everything related to the board, so a troll bumping his own thread will stay on the front page longer than something the board was made fore.

>> No.5715098

>the power vested in them by moot
And I sure have a ton of faith in that!

Who is to say they aren't just Curry-level knuckleheads?

Nobody should have the power to make those kinds of judgment calls.

>> No.5715109

We don't do it because of it's saya or YMK, we do it because they post like fucking retards and make blog threads. We tell shit posters to go back to their boards. There are plenty of people that come from /a/ and /v/ and don't post like morons and we don't care.

>> No.5715118

all tripfags must burn

>> No.5715124
File: 101 KB, 264x351, 1279179703864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say King of Games?

>> No.5715128

So much for "I only shit post in shit threads because mods do their job and im only trying to help the board hurr hurr"

>> No.5715141

This is a shit thread.

>> No.5715148

YOU might do that, but that doesn't mean everyone does. Half the time anything not related to touhou is dismissed out of hand by /jp/ posters, simply because it isn't something they personally are interested in. Not everyone, of course, but enough people to make it a problem.

>> No.5715159

If you guys have the URGE of posting in a shitty thread and thus contributing to the shit, OK. Just do it like this:

Make a post saying why that thread is bad and fucking leave it. You don't have to keep bragging on it about X and Y, you ARE NOT the /jp/ hero, you ARE NOT a mod, you ARE NOT special, you DON'T HAVE any reason to shitpost.

If all of you can follow this simple concept everything would be much better around here, BUT NO! You have that unstoppable urge of talking with shitposters. Just grow up please.

>> No.5715166

Totally agreed.
but you're still not getting the point.

>> No.5715178

Took the words right out of my mouth.

>> No.5715179

>The elitism has created a culture in which trolls thrive because the board regulars are at each other's throats.

Good quality assessment, I would just like to add that the lack of true moderation has led to the increasing use of these shit tactics by troll mercenaries to enforce their own notion of justice.

While this should occur naturally and did in the past with the passing of time and swaying of anonymous interest, it is now being manipulated and forced by the actions of a few, ruining the enjoyment of those who truly understand how the board is supposed to work.

>> No.5715208

>lack of true moderation

Yes, this is also a problem.

>> No.5715215

Pretty much. When there is no moderation, the board moderates itself.

>> No.5715251

you mean "moderates" because that's impossible and we have /jp/ as an example.

>> No.5715561

This could all be solved if everyone followed the /jp/ rule of taking it easy.

I'm sympathetic though. It's hard to take it easy in such an unpleasant eviroment.

To use a vulgar metaphor, it's like trying to enjoy a tea party while a hobo shits on your table. Sure, the tea in your hand is fine, but you're not going to want to have any of those cookies anymore.

>> No.5715568

don't bump this shit, for god sake.

>> No.5715574

>The elitism has created a culture in which trolls thrive because the board regulars are at each other's throats.

I don't think any real regular of /jp/ cares.

>> No.5715587

hiding our shame isn't going to make it go away.

>> No.5717075

Testing outcome
