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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5710183 No.5710183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Entering "sage" (by itself) into the [E-mail] field while replying will cause the thread not to bump to the top of the page, while still counting against its reply count. Threads that reach their reply limit can no longer be bumped, causing them to sink to the back pages and be pruned more quickly.

Why do you fags keep whining that sage doesn't have a negative connotation? It's right there on the FAQ, it counts AGAINST the reply counter and causes threads to be deleted quicker.

Rude sage.

>> No.5710200

Reported, stealth sage etc.

>> No.5710193

I only sage when I feel there is no need to bump the thread.
Kind of like this:

>> No.5710201
File: 35 KB, 754x355, sage doesn't work.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5710202

Fags want to discourage people from sticking up for quality, so they ridicule people who sage their threads.

>> No.5710203

How many threads do you see that hit the ridiculous bump limit?

>> No.5710204

Good threads go to past page 0 so they can long more time. but since summer everything past page 0 is shit.

>> No.5710206

I like nokosage for this reason. It doesn't show up on the radar.

>> No.5710207

I think we should remove the bump limit so good threads last forever.

>> No.5710210

I'm surprised I understood this post.

>> No.5710211


I think it's more a matter of not bumping the thread. It's nice to be able to tell people a thread is shitty without forcing it back to the top of the frontpage.

Not to mention if everyone saged shitty threads, we wouldn't have a problem.

>> No.5710212

because this board is so fast it fills every thread between seconds right

>> No.5710220
File: 8 KB, 300x259, poring5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Edgy New Tripfriend !!RBT0Wter2IW

>> No.5710222
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> OP complaining about people complaining about sage
> Op rude sages
> Sage

>> No.5710228

It'll never happen, anon. There's always that one guy.

>> No.5710242

Starting a thread with sage doesn't do shit.

>> No.5710245
File: 267 KB, 640x360, クル物語おにいちゃん。.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5710247

It doesn't matter, because /jp/ is incapable of ignoring shitty threads.

>> No.5710248


>> No.5710251

So... Suigin has joined the Sion botnet?

>> No.5710252

An eternal Rika thread...

>> No.5710255

gb2/a/ newfag and stop spamming your SW shit

>> No.5710258

haista vittu

>> No.5710266

Lolis are /jp/ related.

>> No.5710268
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