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5697928 No.5697928 [Reply] [Original]

Would you rather have an adorable 2D daughter to cuddle and have a purely platonic relationship with, or a 2D waifu?

>> No.5697935

a 2d waifu who, have sex with her and get my adorable 2d daughter.

>> No.5697939

Well done.

>> No.5697942


You impure slut. No wonder why women want nothing to do with you.

>> No.5697947

Well played sir.
I would do just the same!
Mai waifu<3 i love her so much

>> No.5697948

we're gonna do it in missionary position.

>> No.5697954

but... women are all huge sluts, they like sex even more than guys.

>> No.5697955

With the lights on!?

You sick fuck.
