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File: 410 KB, 828x621, krausstrice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5697787 No.5697787 [Reply] [Original]

And then those humans started complaining again how it wasn't a mystery just as Battler the Wizard had predicted, and everyone lived happily ever after.

>> No.5697803

It doesn't really sound like the humans are going to live happily. OP.

>> No.5697805

Let's get something straight here; he is talking about "device X".

>> No.5698013
File: 402 KB, 690x518, SPLENDID!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loveliest. Trick. Ever.

>> No.5698051


Battler is sane. Shkanontrice is a stupid trick to him.


Sayo is autistic.

>> No.5698065

Bump; I want to elaborate a bit on this. I can't claim to have found *the* solution to the closed room in episode 6, but I feel reasonably sure that I found the solution we're expected to find.
Am I correct to assume that this solution is common knowledge?

>> No.5698088
File: 769 KB, 1371x1019, krauss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends what solution it is. Then again, maybe it doesn't. If by "common knowledge", you mean many people know of the possibility, then maybe. If by "common knowledge" you mean it's accepted as truth, then no. People are still debating over it endlessly.

>> No.5698109
File: 444 KB, 640x480, 1279031207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell is Shkannon(trice) related to "love"?

More like without severe brain damage it cannot be seen.

>> No.5698113
File: 53 KB, 631x471, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5698114


It's just R07 /r/ing for George/Eva unbirthing porn.

>> No.5698123

Shinji called, he wanted his traumas back.

>> No.5698126
File: 1.28 MB, 1380x1035, soul2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOT OBVIOUS ENOUGH. Say it in red a few times.

>> No.5698127

・紗代→しゃ よ→SYAYO→愛(I)がないと視えない→SYAYO+I→YOSIYA

TL NOTE: 愛 = love = ai

>> No.5698128

GET BACK IN MY WOMB JOJI was one of my favorite parts.

>> No.5698136


I'll admit that it was the only part where Evatrice was even slightly tolerable.

>> No.5698151

Well, the basics are simple enough. Kanon leaves through the window, breaking the seal, goes to free Battler, resets the chain and then they leave.

I guess what confuses me are people's complains about "wordplays" - Of course there are half-truths and exploiting assumptions - that's the well-known rules of the game, but I don't see any wordplay, just a logic puzzle presented through words.
Of course, they could be talking about their assumptions on the solution of other puzzles from earlier games.

>> No.5698159

Kanon can't break through the window in the cousins room.
>IMPOSSIBLE. The seals on the windows were also INTACT. Of course, this is at the time of the logic ERROR.

>> No.5698169

He also can't reset the chain and leave the room with Battler.
>this room is a closed room created from the inside. The seals on the windows are intact, so there can be no escape from there. Of course, there is no way to escape by leaving through the bathroom. ......I'll make it simple. There is no exit to escape from except for this door. However, the chain lock on this door is set. You can unset and reset it all you want, but you can only do so from the inside. Furthermore, you are free to go out through the door, but you cannot leave or escape while the chain lock is unset.

>> No.5698176

Sayo is a japanese name.

Beatrice is a westerner.

>> No.5698178

Do want the solution that everyone know or a alternative theory that at the moment doesnt exist?
The solution everyone know is that, Kanon exist inside Shannon head. Kanon was never in that perfect sealed room. Shannon broke out as Kanon to rescue Battler and stayed behind as Shannon/Beatrice.
Take your pick, I am leaning toward her staying as Beato.

>> No.5698181


The only unsealed window is in the room Shannon is in. Kanon was never mentioned to be in any room: he was just assumed to be part of the "all others". But if Kanon is just Shannon's side personality, "he" can still escape through the unsealed window in Shannon's room.

And of course, Kanon isn't in the closet because Shannon switches to the Shannon personality while there.

>> No.5698184

Hint: Witches and westerners are not afraid of spider.

>> No.5698196

I still think changing personalities twice in the span of 10 minutes is retarded.

>> No.5698197

There's apparently two "Beatrices".

One is the real person named Beatrice, who lived in Kuwadorian for some reason and then died. Her short life was mostly stated in red, and doesn't affect much.

Then there's the later Beatrice that was created as a sexual fantasy for Battler by somebody who had a crush on him, but for some reason couldn't go through with it, and also was insane.

>> No.5698198

>Of course. Three people--in other words, three bodies--went in or out. Only you and Kanon entered, and only Battler left. It has already been said in red that all people can only use their own names. Therefore, the names Erika, Battler, and Kanon can only be used by those people.
Your solution is kind of stupid, to be honest. It's a collection of impossibilities.

>> No.5698204

I don't hate that its "not a mystery" or anything like that, what bugs me about Shkanon

1. It doesn't use a common definition of "person" (I'll let this one slide since I think there's enough foreshadowing).

2. The family has no motivation or explanation for going along with it. I'm excited to see if R07 can come up with one, but I have my doubts.

>> No.5698207

You have the love duel making it seems plausible.

>> No.5698208


Hence why you have stumbled upon the reason why people hate Shkannon so much.

It's the most likely theory offered, it's supported by massive amount of circumstantial evidence, it explains all the red text, and it's fucking stupid.

>> No.5698215

What you shouldn't like is the magical personality switch 'I change conveniently to fit your theories'.

>> No.5698227

No, no, no!
This is what I was afraid of. This is the shit that makes everyone hate the Shkannon theory.
I'll semi-guarantee something based on my understanding, and my love: *The names Shannon and Kanon refer to the same person. This is allowed. If Shannon is in a room, Kanon is in the room and vice versa.
Actually... Kanon is allowed to reset the chain from the outside

>> No.5698228


Kanon is Shannon's "own name". And so is Shannon.

>> No.5698232

The love duel explained Kanon's 'death in the room', not
>I'm Shannon
>Now I'm Kanon to save Battler
>Now I change to Shannon again, just because

>> No.5698244


It doesn't need to make real-world sense; it's an entirely made-up scenario to begin with. All it needs to do is satisfy the rules.

>> No.5698251

It's the same in every scenario we've been presented, Kanon and Shannon should switch for no reason and just to fit theories.

>> No.5698261

If Shannon is Beatrice, then who are the goats? Nameless thugs hired by the mastermind?

>> No.5698264

Maybe this room is where Shannon/Kanon usually switches.
Or Battler as the GM just decided to use a cheap trick, he can control how the characters will act on the extent as it fits their personalities after all.

>> No.5698266

It can be a little less cheap than personalities switching twice.

Nobody said Shkanontrice had to be Kanon at the time of the scape. At that time, like Erika observed, she was in Shannon mode. She only needs to change into Kanon mode before entering the closed room, her explanation for why she left in the first place and ended up there in the first place might have been why she changed personality.

After that, "switching" isn't necessary. According to Featherine, this trick can only be used once. I take that to mean that it's not personality switching, but personality dying. "Kanon" ceased to be as this point. While this is cheap, it's not quite as stupid as him just switching back, and we have foreshadowing for it - the time when Kanon dies in Jessica's room (in red, episode 2), yet his corpse can't be found and the servants claim to have seen someone who they first thought was Kanon, but later thought otherwise. Secondly, in episode 4 where he is the only corpse not found. This also fits with the fantasy scene where Kanon has to stay eternally in that closed room, then turns into golden butterflies. Until the Golden Land, that's the end of Kanon. It doesn't fit with switching. For trivia, this means we have a Kanon personality death in episodes 2, 4 and 6. All the even number episodes.

Or, not just the personality, but the entire body died. Shkanontrice died in that room. Might have even been attacked by Battler/Erika, then set the chain lock behind herself.

>> No.5698278
File: 480 KB, 821x688, Death_By_Tofu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tofu did it, even Erika knows.

>> No.5698280

It can only be used once because it exposes the real number of people of the island, obviously. Is anyone listening to me? No personality switching. No personality dying.

>> No.5698292

>[Request: 'The definition of closed room implies that it is impossible to construct from the OUTSIDE'.] Acknowledged.
>We have confirmed that the seals to the guest room are UNDAMAGED. Since the time Lady Erika confirmed Battler's existence, this closed room has been PRESERVED.
>Erika used that duct tape to join the two cut ends of the chain together, 'sealing' them. In other words, the chain was repaired by the duct tape, and this room once again became a closed room locked from the inside.
Don't think so.

This also doesn't explain how he escaped the room he should have been in.

>> No.5698293


>> No.5698303

Umm... I don't remember the structure of the windows on the guesthouse, but what about breaking the window itself without breaking the seal?
The seals are used to confirm nobody opened the windows/doors, but only if you can also confirm the integrity of the window/door at the same time. Nothing was said about the window itself, only about the seal. Does this follow?

>> No.5698313

Kanon entered in the room and killed Erika

Now Erika can't find Kanon anywhere

>> No.5698316

They make it very clear that Kanon lost the duel and is dying and did the last honorable thing to repay his "debt".

Can we conclude that the debt refer to them giving him a personality and quality time with Jessica?

>> No.5698318

>I take that to mean that it's not personality switching, but personality dying. "Kanon" ceased to be as this point. While this is cheap, it's not quite as stupid as him just switching back

I really, really disagree. Personalities switching, then dying (at the convenient right moment, at that) is a million billion kazillion times worse than just switching twice.

The switch is stupid, but with the two switches theory we only need to assume one stupid thing. With the switching, then dying theory we need to assume two stupid things.

>> No.5698321

This is obviously about Kanon's escape, not Battler's. I messed up.

>> No.5698322

>It needs no second telling, but know that entry or exit without breaking the seal is impossible!!
This line in particular is referring to the doors, but the idea of Erika's tape sealing both doors and windows has been one since episode 5. Also, Erika had no trouble at all making it so Battler couldn't use his window for the logic error.
>this room is a closed room created from the inside. The seals on the windows are intact, so there can be no escape from there

>> No.5698327

Gah, where's that red text when you need it.
Shannon/Kanon is confirmed to be in the room where we know the window's seal was broken, no?
The closed room definition is based on Knox and susceptible to foreshadowing. I don't have it all in my head now to find the exact loophole in the red text, but two powerful pieces of foreshadowing should give Kanon the authority to reset the chain.

>> No.5698332
File: 155 KB, 640x480, Kanon Escape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kanon can't break through the window in the cousins room.
>cousins room.
Here is your mistake.
Take a look at >>5698088 picture again.
Kanon "was" in the cousin's room and Shannon was in the next room over.
Kanon's "magical" escape from the next room over is how he was never there from at all, as he in fact shares Shannon's body over in the next room over and was there all along.

Erika almost guessed it right, she just got a few things wrong and missed some small yet vital details.

>> No.5698334

The problem about Shkannon is way Battler didn't use it for exist the closed room.

>> No.5698335

You know, I'm not sure why we even need Shkanon.

You can solve everything without it. Why is it so important?

Shannontrice is probably true, though.

>> No.5698340


Kanon cannot reset the chain from the outside because he cannot leave the room in the first place. Red confirmed that only two people left through the door: Erika and Battler.

Therefore Kanon/Shannon musts still be in the room.

>> No.5698341

There is no Shkannon, Kanon and Shannon are twins.

>> No.5698343

Because of fuck ton of magic scene with them talking about love and golden brooch.
There is a reason why they showed up those scenes and no they arent there to mislead the readers.

>> No.5698352
File: 33 KB, 1332x964, fated-day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In this case, you don't even need to refer to the personality as "dying", since nobody said Kanon was dead. They just said he didn't exist in the room. If a personality exists, do you think it's impossible for it to cease to exist?

Although, Kanon actually being dead when he ceased to exist is foreshadowed. As I was saying before, Kanon dies and his corpse isn't found in both 2 and 4. What's more, he dies right after Jessica in both cases. In episode 4 we have to rely for fantasy scenes for this, but if the first twilight makes up six victims, then the second twilight 2, and Jessica was a victim of the second twilight, then the 9th victim is right after her. We know from the red that Kanon was the 9th victim. I find this curious because it's the only time we're told someone's placing in the order of deaths so directly.

Then, we have Beatrice. When Battler can't remember his sin in episode 4, she is very disappointed, and asks to leave the gameboard. In episode 6, Furfur and Zepar explicitly say that Beatrice was born for Battler, and since she lost that purpose (Battler was stuck in the closed room), she was disappearing, and being taken in by Shannon.

If we take this further, Kanon only exists for Jessica, Beatrice only exists for Battler, Shannon only exists for George. If their respective loves can't succeed, there is no need for their personalities, the other personalities will take them over.

>> No.5698356

Yeah I know about the scenes in EP6.

I'm just wondering, what's the point of Shkanon? Why do they need to be the same person? For drama or some shit? Because you sure don't need them for the mystery.

>> No.5698364

But, but... My foreshadowing!
Gah, BRB, learning japanese.

>> No.5698373

Oh because of red text and mystery culprit X.
Remember ep3 when everyone died? Beato probably used shkanon to deny Evatrice.

>> No.5698380


Erika would have saved a lot of tears if she had just told them to repeat "nobody other than me is in the room".

She was left puzzling over an impossible escape, when there really was no escape at all - just a cheap trick where one of the pieces changes names all of a sudden.

>> No.5698385

Because that's like half of the story of Umineko.
Growing another personality within yourself.
The whole soul that was broken thing.
You can find these things in every episodes.

>> No.5698389
File: 413 KB, 632x472, testaftermath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She might have still been tricked if the somebody in the room with her was dead. For the red, people who are dead 'don't exist'. We see this from 'kinzo doesn't exist'

>> No.5698414

> [Request: 'Hideyoshi, George, Shannon, Kumasawa, and Nanjo are in the next room over!'] Acknowledged.
> [It has already been shown that Kinzo no longer exists, so please remove him from the word 'everyone'.] I acknowledge that everyone else is in the cousins' room.
...What about Erika herself?

>> No.5698422

This has always been a question. 'Erika doesn't exist' theory attempts to rectify this. It could be that she is just unspokenly excluded because her own location is already known though.

>> No.5698424

>I furudo erika have DUCT TAPE FUCKERS

oh erika you so crazy

kanon = battler

>> No.5698425

She is obviously in the corridor.
A: Group Shannon's is in Room 1
A: Everyone else is in Room 2

Basic conversation bro.

>> No.5698432

All right, I think I've got it. He may not leave, but depending on the wording, he may not have been required to enter. "No one but you, Kanon, and Battler entered the room, and no one but Battler left, is the claim." Kanon merely closed the door, but did not ever enter.

>> No.5698444

>Battler and Kanon are different people.

>> No.5698453

>Kanon, and Battler entered the room
>Kanon entered the room
Can you read?

>> No.5698460


Shannon and Kanon were confirmed dead waaay before the red web. Neither of them, personality or not, could have killed Nanjo.

Do you people believe in Shkanon so blindly?

>> No.5698463

If I need a detective, sure is /jp/ the last place I will visit.

Scratch that, /jp/ is the place I should NEVER visit.

>> No.5698464

He means Shkanontrice.

>> No.5698476

Kanon leading blind Jessica on, Beato helping Kanon fight the black witch.
I believe a smart anon such as yourself can solve this with what we are presented with in Ep6.

>> No.5698479

I wonder what an expert group of detectives would have to say about Umineko?

>> No.5698482

Not much, but give me the original red and I'll give it a shot. I'm not sure which line you are quoting, but it may have been written with the possible meaning of "no one but".

>> No.5698483

If people could be excluded of the statement under any circumstance, explicitly excluiding Kinzo would be redundant, as we already know he's dead and 'doesn't even exist'.
Still, there's the
> Erika repaired the chain lock.
So Erika MUST exist in one form or another.
And so I'm left dumbfounded.

>> No.5698484

Even if ShKanontrice happened to be true, it doesn'tmean that ShKanontrice is responsible for all the murders.
A minion at best.

>> No.5698489


"This is some sheer bullfuckery, my dear Watson."

>> No.5698495


>> No.5698499

A good detective would realize immediately that the maid is crossdressing, only the retards that compose the cast of Umineko could fall for this.

>> No.5698502

>At the time Battler was rescued, only Kanon entered the guest room.
>[Confirming definition. Can I accept 'three people' to mean to the number of bodies? You're saying that three bodies went in or out of the room, right?] Of course. Three people--in other words, three bodies--went in or out. Only you and Kanon entered, and only Battler left. It has already been said in red that all people can only use their own names. Therefore, the names Erika, Battler, and Kanon can only be used by those people.

>> No.5698508

I think we should note that half of the umineko cast might cast might be playing along with it. We can give Battler the benefit of doubt since he was gone for 6years.
Nevertheless it is still retarded. I am still hoping for a ryukishi miracle to save his story without rendering the previous 5eps useless.

>> No.5698513

I said the *original* text. And the exact line, please.

>> No.5698515

Yes, we are shown that conversation while Erika is in the corridor. But it's said EVERYONE ELSE not before mentioned is in the cousins' room. That would include Erika. There you have.

>> No.5698535

Example 1
Say some faggot ask you to go clubbing.
"Everyone else is going."
This doesnt give the impression that you are going.
I am not going but everyone else is going.

I mean in Erika case it was pretty obvious.
She was in the corridor, she was talking to Battler.
Why will the everyone else include her?

>> No.5698577

Methinks that's not how Red Truth works. 'Everone else' means 'everyone else'. But oh well, we'll have to wait and see.

>> No.5698581

>That would include Erika.
If person A and person B are having a conversation, and A asks "If C is asleep at home, where are everyone else?", then that doesn't include A and B.

Ryukishi can't write like a retard only because he tries to write a mystery novel.

>> No.5698595

I'm assuming that by the final two pieces of red in episode 6, the red isn't so absolutely clear. In the first place, Battler didn't say in red "Everyone except Kinzo", they just agreed beforehand that Kinzo would be excluded. Can't it be an unspoken agreement that Erika isn't included there because it should be already known without needing to be said? Battler's red in episode 6 relies on context a lot. Like how he uses "Acknowledged" a lot, or adds on with white after his red.

>> No.5698617

Also, Example 2:
Same faggot asks you to go clubbing.
'Everyone else is going'.
Let's say poor Goldsmith-kun, who was a member of the gang, died two weeks ago.
That doesn't give you the impression Goldsmith-kun is going, as everyone knows he's dead.
Still, Erika removes him explicitly from 'everyone'.

>> No.5698618

Yes. They have gold text to make something perfectly clear.

>> No.5698633

does anyone remember when this VN was about beato tormenting Battler

yea me neither

>> No.5698647

That's what people thought before episode 6, but with episode 6's use of the golden text it seems otherwise.
>You used magic to create a golden flower petal inside an overturned cup. It was a splendid bit of magic.
No matter what, that isn't exactly clear. Sure, a common definition of "magic" is the kind you get from real life magicians who rely on mirrors and sleight of hand, but that isn't perfectly clear, she could be talking about the fantasy kind.

>Interviewer: In EP5, we were told that Battler's use of the gold truth was proof that he understood the rules, including Beatrice.
>Ryuukishi: That's right. The gold text is something that anyone can use if they understand the rules of the game, so ultimately, even 'pieces' in the game can use it. That's probably why Beatrice the elder could use it too. It's like a hidden finishing move in a fighting game that anyone can use if they know the right commands (laughs).
It seems like gold truth is more complex than just objective truth without tricks, and with perfect clarity. There's something special about it.

>> No.5698656

>fantasy kind
It is definitely not the fantasy kind.
They clearly stated how magic can only exist if it is doable by human.

>> No.5698679

Well obviously it's not the fantasy kind, but couldn't that golden text still be used to mislead if was given alone? Generally, you'd say "sleight of hand", not "magic". The fact that we've been lead on to a certain definition of "magic" before the fact works in similar nature to the red truth. It doesn't show that the golden truth is any more objective and non-contextual.

>> No.5698681


Do you know plot not always stay the same?

>> No.5698696
File: 108 KB, 762x593, 1251012306933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly mystery fags.

>> No.5698713

To me.
Gold truth is something that you cant change in the gameboard. Once stated it is final.

Take Battler example of stating red text blindly and then finding loophole to make it real. You probably cant do that with gold text.
The last red lines seem to show this kind of behavior.
Since both 18 and 17 people is true.

>> No.5698787

Since the gold is supposed to be used by people who understand the "rules", then maybe. These "rules" would be things you can't break, things that remain constant. So you couldn't loophole them like you said.

>> No.5698803

Keep in mind they said there's 17 PEOPLE.

If we go by Ange's definition, that included personalities too.

And at least one person has "Beatrice"(or Kanon) as an alternate personality. So we can't really go by that definition.

>> No.5698804

That Shkanontrice bullshit is bullshit.

Obviously, Kanon blasted the wall that separates both rooms. With this, he began to blood from his forehead. But, just because he is a very badass guy, he jumped out of the window and rescued Battler.

Awesome Kanon.

>> No.5698806


That's one thing they never check. If there was any kind of hammer in the room or anything, and the wall was weak.

>> No.5698815

I think something everyone is overlooking, is WHY did Kanon "die" in the guest room. Maybe it was because he/she was in Shannon clothes but acting like Kanon, and Battler said "lol real funny Shannon now lock this door for me" and then Shkanon was like OH GOD WHO AM I.

>> No.5698821

Obiously impliying that Erika didn't place seals on the walls. That crazy bitch could do that.

>> No.5698838

Damn, this will take some work getting round. I'm damn sure there's something to the theory though, it should at the very least be a decoy.

Ah well, I still have my "Battler chopped up Kanon and fished the pieces out through the crack of the door" and "Kanon rolled under the bed and ate a hand grenade" theories to keep me company. Just because Shkanon is practically guaranteed there's no need to surrender to personality swapping bullshit.

>> No.5698857

There is your loophole.

>> No.5698865

how did kanon even escape again? not even about the seals or not, im pretty sure he would have been gunned down or been told to stop unless kanon escaped the exact moment hideyoshi was talking to Erika on the door

>> No.5698871

Remember, it was supposed to be a big prank on Erika. The guys with the guns might have been in on the prank.

>> No.5698883

That's not possible given the 'everyone' on the red referring that room. Unless Kanon does not count as 'everyone'. Who knows what Ryu-chan was thinking about when writing that?

>> No.5698885

The whole prank thing is so fucking retarded.
I can't believe Ryukishi actually used it.

>> No.5698908

>The whole prank thing is so fucking retarded.

I disagree.
I didn't expect there to be any kind of a motive or reason for anyone's actions to begin with, so I was pleasantly surprised by the "prank" idea that neatly explained why six people would pretend to be dead.

>> No.5698940

so what does the whole fake death thing tell us about the murders? so you don't actually have to kill people just to say you preformed a certain twilight

>> No.5698949


The twilight are actually not real at all. The murders pretend to follow the epitaph, but they really don't.

>> No.5698966

Except for the red confirming their deaths, and them having their guts hanging out in episode 2.

>> No.5698971

> Three people--in other words, three bodies--went in or out. No one but you and Kanon entered, and no one but Battler left.
I'm afraid I can't see the loophole, even though it seems the "no one but" interpretation is defensible.

Bleh. Battler's a Witch, right? Have we considered the possibility he may melt in water?

>> No.5698979


No, I mean the murders do not follow the epitaph. They pretend to follow it, but really different numbers of deaths happen at different times.

the killer wants to make everyone believe the murders are going like the epitaph predicts, but he's really doing them in whatever order.

>> No.5698999

Battler left the room while Erika had the door opened.
Kanon did not enter the room.

>> No.5699006
File: 230 KB, 400x500, warmsmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite thing is the part where Battler is suddenly a Beato fanatic, because while she may have killed his entire family, she did it for LOVE!

I mean, what the FUCK?

Eva and Ange have a shitty life, but Battler seems to be cool with it, because Sayo did it for LOVE!

The only good thing to come out of Shkanontrice is Jessica being a lesbian.

>> No.5699009

> Three people--in other words, three bodies--went in or out.

>> No.5699036

Is it 'at least three', 'three exactly' or 'not more than three'? During that period could be anithing, more if we take in account the affirmation impliying that any action will be instantaneus and at the same time (made by Erika, i think).

>> No.5699045

Fake guts made with sausages, fake blood spread everywhere. The killer stabbed them somewhere unobtrusive after they started faking. Nanjo didn't check whether they were dead for real, so nobody noticed.

>> No.5699047

>Jessica being a lesbian
I'm ok with this.
Also, the mastermind's identity has yet to be revealed.

>> No.5699052


but battler hadn't seen his family in 6 years and disliked his father, lets say he basically he traded his family for the woman of his dreams

i doubt that's the reason he didn't care but if anything he's getting played on again by beato just like in ep 3

>> No.5699075

>Three people--in other words, three bodies--went in or out. Only you and Kanon entered, and only Battler left. It has already been said in red that all people can only use their own names. Therefore, the names Erika, Battler, and Kanon can only be used by those people.

>> No.5699077

She may not have directly committed the murders at all.
And I'm sure Battler as much of a sucker for lesbians as the rest of us.

>> No.5699079

If Beato were still trolling him, I'd laugh my ass off.

As things stand, Ange is the protagonist of Umineko.... even though she's most likely... dead.

>> No.5699082

At this point Jessica and George are the only people that can realistically be suspected to be the master of the conspiracy.

Best bet is on Jessica. I'm still not convinced she died in Episode 2. And her phone call in Episode 4 was decidedly insane.

>> No.5699090

I think that Kyrie may be the mastermind (with all this "love can be a reason to kill" shit, also the willpower thing).
The murderer is obviously Shkannon. Though I don't like it.

>> No.5699091


Are you jocking?

>> No.5699098

Damn, R07 should have replaced Ange with the Eva of 1998.

>> No.5699099


When Battler say he didn't care?

>> No.5699103
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>Jessica is a lesbian
That's like the silver lining to the cloud of shit that is Shkanontrice.

Another pink elephant in the room that I think everyone is afraid of is everyone on the island being dead for good.

If the ending is that only Battler survived the island people will be upset.

>> No.5699118

I like how he knows about "the truth" (We all know that Shannontrice is true, at least), yet acts like an ass towards the Beatrice who acts like Shannon, who he said that he used to have a crush on in EP3, and goes "BAAAWWW I CANT LOVE HER WITHOUT HER TSUNDERE FACADE I MUST RESURRECT HER TRAUMATIC MEMORIES FOR LOVE'S SAKE".

>> No.5699119

Post Episode 5? It's more like he never said that he did. His personality did a complete 180 and we're left wondering why.

>> No.5699132

See, I'd be fine with Shkanontrice -absolutely fine- if she wasn't the culprit.


>> No.5699143


That's why he did murder anyone in ep VI, right? Oh, wait he didn't.
And also he needed to proof he found the truth.

And,most importantly, we don't know "the truth", and the whole "she killed for revenge" doesn't make any sense.
There is obvious a more complex reason behind these murders.

>> No.5699159


let's say the murders do happen as in the epitah, if were gonna get a "good" end that would probably leave 5 people left alive if im not wrong

>> No.5699165

I wouldn't put it past Ryukishi07.
Remember, brain parasites.

>> No.5699172

The thing is, ANY motive that ANYONE can have for these murders can only EXPLAIN them, not JUSTIFY them.

If Shkanontrice is the culprit, it'll be hard at best to feel for her, even more so if everyone is dead for real at the end.

>> No.5699176


I don't remember any brain parasites in Higurashi.

>> No.5699182
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>Remember, brain parasites.

>> No.5699187

Remember mysterious illness plot device x that made people go crazy?
Parasite or illness, it's the same shit.

>> No.5699192


Remember when you played Higurashi novels instead of watching DEEN terrible adaption?

I didn't.

>> No.5699211
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Still kinda disturbed by Kanon's memory of him hanging out with Shannon and Jessica at the same time.

But whatever, that is something to worry about at a later time.

>> No.5699229

Jessica should just get the fuck outta dodge and head to San Francisco.

>> No.5699259

she can't kill for revenge. Red text.

>> No.5699268

She can just as easily kill for some wacky epitagh shenanigans, and that is just as bad.

>> No.5699292

The epitaph murders are supposed to be meaningless for hern according to ep5.
Good luck finding a "why" in this mess.

>> No.5699319

She wants to be seen as a witch to gain magical powers. Naturally she uses guns, knives, and perhaps even a bomb. Because that's what magical witches use. Guns, knives, and bombs.

>> No.5699384
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So I wasn't the only one thinking he could've smashed the wall.
It's already said in EP5 they're thin enough.
Just bash it a few times, jump out of the other rooms window and it's motherfucking saving time.

>> No.5699411

The first thing I thought of was that he smashed through the floor, opened the door and walked the dinosaur.
But then I thought it would break the closed room definition.

>> No.5699468

I still want to know why Battler suddenly loves Baeto. Please Wizard-Hunting Wright deliver us form this love shit.

>> No.5699471


They'd just have to switch personalities rapidly.... I guess it could make for an interesting conversation?

>> No.5699491

Wasn't he leaning towards at least liking her during episodes 1-4? So after finding out the reason... he just... liked her even more...

Fuck I don't even know. I really hope there's a good explanation other than IT'S MY FAULT SHE WENT CRAZY AND KILLED MY FAMILY I FEEL SO GUILTY

>> No.5699497

Oh god, cannot unsee.

>> No.5699499 [DELETED] 
File: 1.67 MB, 567x2254, beatodeadlong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She is her ideal woman, he had mixed feeling for him since ep III and he discovered in ep V she was trying to help him all this time.

Are you one of those fag who watched the anime and then started with ep V?

>> No.5699516
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She is his ideal woman, he had mixed feeling for her since ep III and he discovered in ep V she was trying to help him all this time.

Are you one of those fag who watched the anime and then started with ep V?

>> No.5699519

Ever tried thinking from a normal person's perspective? I makes everything seem fucking stupid. Why would they need to smash a window and jump out when they can just open the door? It's just tape holding it together, they shouldn't give a fuck. But that defeats the purpose of the mystery, so whatever.

>> No.5699531

I don't know about you anon, but I always go through extra precautions in my daily life just in case some invisible viewer is watching me.

>> No.5699548


It still feels strange the he would react to Shkanontrice (if that's the truth he reached) in such a way...? Like if it really is Shannon killing everyone because of an offhand comment Battler made...

>> No.5699565


Well, obviously they didn't, if the "next room over"'s tape on the window was broken. It's just a way of telling if anyone actually left the room or not. Don't think of it as literal tape.

>> No.5699574

They're all pieces. Only the first game did people act in a way that totally ignored the meta-world. After that all the games were just for the sake of the meta people.

>> No.5699579


Because ep VI was all just a big prank.

>> No.5699590

Umineko = the Sims

>> No.5699598

Too bad Erika pranked them back.

>> No.5699599

Now you'll say that there was never any decease. Yeah, sure.

>> No.5699603

The problem there is that Episode 1 was still a gameboard anyway.

>> No.5699614

I still am calling shenanigans on the whole Jessica x Shannon x Kanon relationship.

Seriously, there's something else going on here.

>> No.5699618


It's about things are introduced, the number of clues and how are presented.

I feel the whole "lol brain parasites" came from Anime-only viewer.
Sure, it's not the best plot device ever, but i've seen worse, and in more popular VNs.

>> No.5699621

Don't you mean Shannoningans?

>> No.5699622
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And I loved every second of it.

>> No.5699623


Oh you

>> No.5699638
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I shitted bricks.

Overall ep VI was very bad, but some moments were awesome.

>> No.5699643


So like every Umineko episode, then?

>> No.5699650

It wasn't even the end of the first twilight yet so they didn't have to die.

>> No.5699667


The first twilight usually happen around that night, but they always discovers the murders in the morning.

>> No.5699686

Yes, that dumbass maid kills people in their sleep.

Fucking whore.

>> No.5699693

Which means that whatever happened in Episode 1 may not have been what actually happened on the original Rokkenjima?

>> No.5699697

Here is my problem with Shkannon...it's too in-your-face, pat, locked down, obvious. It's shouted to loudly in our faces.

Remember that cheese bullshit? If you apply common sense to it, you automatically think of a round of cheese, but if you didn't apply common sense, and were completely subjective, then the answer can change. That's a big blind spot for humans, as our minds are always filling in the the blanks with common sense. Unless we're prepared for it, we'll always want to use common sense. So this cheese puzzle may have been R07 preparing us for something NOT Shkannon.

>> No.5699705



Things we know about the original Rokkenjima:

1) Eva survived and recovered the head's ring.
2) The explosion occurred.
3) Battler was there.
4) Someone sent out two bottle letters either before, during, or after the incident.

...And that's really the extent of what we know.

>> No.5699711

I don't know.

Straight up Shkanontrice - That is, she's also the culprit - goes against the whole theme of Beato being a good guy.

Seriously, if you THINK about it, if Beato is the culprit, she's like George on fucking crack.

>> No.5699739

Yeah, but the real solution to the cheese puzzle was the obvious. Battler only brought it down to one cut by ignoring the rules.

>> No.5699741

By the way, the letters also said who died in which twilight, right?

>> No.5699753

Beato isn't a good, nobody ever said she was.
Just that her reasons for killing aren't revenge, hatred or greed.
That's where the whole SHE DID IT FOR LOVE come in.

There are lots of foreshadowing, like the whole connection with Maria.
What does Maria want? Why isn't she afraid of dieing during the 2 days?
Because she believe that she will go to the golden land where her mother will finally be nice to her.
Sayo has the same desire.

>> No.5699761


There are no Kakeras?

>> No.5699763

If Shkanontrice ends up being the culprit, and Ange just ends up with Battler at the end, with George, Jessica, Maria, Rosa, Krauss, Hideyoshi, Gohda, Genji, Kumasawa, Kyrie, Rudolf, Eva, Nanjo, and Natsuhi all dead, I will rage.

If they go for a bullshit AND NOW OUR SOULS CAN MOVE ON end, I will also rage.

At the very least, I want the innocent people to leave the world not with acceptance towards their killer, but with condemnation.

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

>> No.5699769


The letters were ep 1 and 2

>> No.5699770


The letters cover Ep1 and 2, so yes, they do.

>> No.5699775

Wait, Erika was in the anime?

>> No.5699776

If bu Kakera you mean fanfiction, there is.

>> No.5699778


Nope, only books.

>> No.5699782

They are stories

>> No.5699787


Why can't both exist?

>> No.5699791


Because magic isn't real.

>> No.5699802


Parallels dimension with no ties with reality whatsoever =/= magic.

And how did you explain the scenes with Ange and female R07?

>> No.5699821

Well, if Ange is dead, Eva is dead, and everyone's dead and there are no kakeras...

What's the bloody point again?

>> No.5699822

Ange and Hachijou talk about some story, what is difficult to understand?

>> No.5699825

To sum up: The only real characters are Ange, Amakusa and Eva, from 1998.
Ep 1-6 are forgeries, and are not real.
The real Rokkenjima is the one where Eva solved the epitaph, became the head and survived.

Did I understand it?

>> No.5699836

>Parallels dimension with no ties with reality whatsoever

Pretty much the definition of magic to me, dude. Anything impossible = magic. A magical alternate reality where witches, demons, and duct tape can frolic together = magic.

>And how did you explain

Ange's as delusional as her cousin, bro. Ep4 didn't make you realize that already?

>> No.5699837

Just as there are multiple pasts, there can be multiple fragments. The Fragment where Eva survived and Ange lives is just a single possible Fragment.

>> No.5699841

And there are 20+ bank cells with 100 millions in each, with the keys sent to all involved.

>> No.5699842

There is absolutely no foreshadowing whatsoever about parallel universes or whatever.
There is though lots and lots and lots of LOLMETA-FICTION everyfuckingwhere.

>> No.5699843
File: 219 KB, 600x607, Umineko-And-Her-Letter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true culprit is obvious.

>> No.5699852

3-6 are the forgeries, 1 and 2 were the real letters written by "Ushiromiya Maria" aka Beatrice.

>> No.5699855


Ange is the main character. The point of the story is her figuring out what actually happened on that island 12 years ago.

The point of the story within the story is about proving the truth of what happened on Rokkenjima in 1986.

Different stories, same overall goal.


Yeah, that's pretty much it.

>> No.5699856

Bern told Ange she would 'look' for a Kakera in which her family survived. But she didn't promise one exists. Lambda warned Ange that even IF Bern found one, Ange herself would never see it.

Perhaps we could interpret the 'Golden Land' as being the Kakera in which everyone survives. But it can't exist normally, it's going to take some kind of miracle to create it. Ange is looking for that miracle as she reads through the stories.

>> No.5699859

Was there any evidence found of people's deaths on the real Rokkenjima?
I don't want them pulling something like "they weren't really dead, they escaped and were just in hiding for years"

>> No.5699868


Which is of course where the gold ACTUALLY is. It was moved off the island and converted into cash years ago.

>> No.5699872


Maria's jawbone was found and Eva seems to believe that everyone else is dead.

>> No.5699880

No non-human animals are significant to the plot!

>> No.5699882

The gold is real and on the island. Confirmed in red bro. Quit talkin out yo ass

>> No.5699885

The issue is that she CAN'T figure out what happened, and also that she is dead.

Seriously, it's been 12 years since the incident, her theories are as good as my personal theory that a flock of militant seagulls tested a neutron bomb on the island.

>> No.5699897

Hachijou not just writes stories and they become truths. She simply observes the games through the eyes of someone/Reader. These games are played in the different Fragments.
Otherwise explain how can she write stories and don't know the real answers.

>> No.5699923

Think of it like this.
She looks at someone play a game, a RPG or something.
And after they finished, she does a retranscription of everything that happened.

>> No.5699936

~20 cells are about 2 billions. Gold's worth was estimated by George to be around 20 billions. Also it was said that 100 million is the sum average salary man earns working his entire life, therefore each of this cells can allow someone live without working for the whole life.

>> No.5699953

That's what I said. But it in no way denies any Fragment theory.

>> No.5699975
File: 95 KB, 600x607, umikinzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umikinzotrice, right?

>> No.5699983

It's not about discarding your fragment theory though, it's not a battle you know.
It's about understanding how Umineko works.

>> No.5700004

>3-6 are the forgeries, 1 and 2 were the real letters written by "Ushiromiya Maria" aka Beatrice.

What is the proof that 1+2 aren't forgeries, exactly?

>> No.5700014

Ange compared the letters to Beatrice's writing from Maria's grimoire.

>> No.5700028


That (kind of) confirms the same person wrote the messages and in Maria's diary.

It doesn't proof that the person writing them was not lying.

>> No.5700036

Just passing by.

The first closed room can be ignored if you assume that Kanon is Kinzo. Take in account that the seal was used and that Rudolf obviously wasn't acting, so just some people knew - if Kanon went to save Battler, he had to know and therefore has a 1/4 chance to be the new Kinzo(otherwise Natsuhi took his ring or the ring is in Kuwadorian and either Eva or Rosa managed to solve it - Eva didn't have time though, while Rosa having already solved it to begin with explains a lot in the game)
Were Kanon the Kinzo, he is not part of "everyone as concluded by Erika.
The other part, well, what about "Battler slammed the door of the closet too hard and accidentally hit Kanon with them at a very wrong angle, unconsiously killing him"?

>> No.5700044

*one-winged eagle seal on the letter, not the tape one, I mean

>> No.5700051

There are two versions. it is obvious that at least one contains lies. However, by being connected to someone who was connected to the event, it may contain some truth. There also exists certain truths, where the rest is unknown and can be filled in with noise. While you may not be able to find out the truth about the noise, there are certain truths you can know.

>> No.5700077

>Like if it really is Shannon killing everyone because of an offhand comment Battler made...

Didn't something similar happen in higurashi, with shmion and whatnot?

>> No.5700101

>It's about understanding how Umineko works.

The problem is, the whole Ange plot simple crumple if you deny kakeras

How did Hachijou know Ange was going to die?

>> No.5700107

Because that's what she plans on writing.

>> No.5700118


Shion massacre was caused by Mion telling her about the doll.

But it was really different, she killed for hate and revenge, and it the end she completely regretted it and wished for a world where that didn't happen.

>> No.5700120

Simple deduction. She's now the sole heir of ALOT OF FUCKING MONEY. If she dies, that money goes to the next of kin, that being Kasumi and the rest of the Sumadera family. And Okonogi would probably like to have free reign over the company, rather than having to toady to some 18 year old girl.

>> No.5700124

Because she wrote about it.
She implied pretty strongly you know.

>> No.5700132

>Simple deduction.

How do you deduce how a scene is going to be played, the dialogs and everything?

>> No.5700137

Also, how does she know the truth? A little post crime scene investigation wouldn't allow you to come to that conclusion.

Course, it could be that Ange didn't die in episode 4, and then Juuza ends up being Battler or someone, but I can't buy that.

>> No.5700139

True, but it was still something apparently insignificant that triggered a massacre.

>> No.5700142

What makes you so sure that it really happened that way?

>> No.5700154

Without Kakeras, the only characters we have left alive are Juuza, Okonogi, and Author Bitch.


>> No.5700155


Everything that happens to Ange makes sense if you accept that's she's as schizophrenic as Maria.

And yes, Hachijou plans to write about Ange dying, but we don't actually know if she does or not.

>> No.5700156


The fact that she got everything right until now?

>> No.5700165


Fun thing about Amakusa: His first name can be written to mean "13".

Both "0715" and "1129" add up to "13".

He can't be uninvolved with all this.

>> No.5700174
File: 165 KB, 700x918, 1263002030763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch as we get an Inception end





>> No.5700185

>Everything that happens to Ange makes sense if you accept that's she's as schizophrenic as Maria.

Yes, but that would make the plot completely retarded, ep iv would end up being a filler since NO KAKERAS ANGE, FUCK YOU.

>> No.5700189


And all those fat old people on Niijima!

>> No.5700191


The only decent explanation would be that he's Battler

>> No.5700197

And Jessica's name translates to Blood Princess, I fail to see your point.

>> No.5700213


Ep4 isn't filler. You just have to imagine that Ange is talking to herself whenever she's talking to her furniture, and besides, the stuff she finds out about Maria/Rosa and the 1986 events are still important.

This way, her journey becomes rather tragic, since there is NO WAY to bring her family back, and Amakusa's been ordered to murder her...


Yes, but only if he has amnesia.

>> No.5700222


...Which is probably also intention, but whatever.

My point is that Ryukishi LOVES playing with numbers. Hell, someone else figured out how to write "07151129" as "Asumu Ushiromiya".

>> No.5700226

>Jessica's name translates to Blood Princess



>> No.5700230


"Intentional", damn it.

>> No.5700231


Any other translation?

>> No.5700237


BLOOD PRINCESS Aka "princess of the Ushimoya Blood"
Because Beato is the princess of the Ushimoya, but not by blood.

>> No.5700249


Shannon means Plan.

>> No.5700255
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Did you read it? That's basically what Lambda said to her.

>> No.5700258
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>> No.5700270

That's what he promised to Shannon.

>> No.5700271
File: 120 KB, 527x600, wig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, don't worry, I'm sure nothing will come of it.

>> No.5700284

I'd pay cash money for a series where Eva and Ange were badass buisnesswomen being awesome and stuff.

>> No.5700290


Yes, that Ange, she's doing everything for the other Ange.

>> No.5700296

I still thinking the biggest hint is in this song


>> No.5700299


God, I love that face. It's like she's so happy that she's forgotten to breathe.


Have we ever seen any other Ange?

>> No.5700307


Because of Kakeras

>> No.5700310

I don't even think Meta-Battler really exists.

As for Piece-Battler, well....

His last words were most likely "Shannon you fucking bit-"

>> No.5700327

Battler was twelve, he had other shit going on in his life than remember a maid who had a crush on him.

Shannon was a very selfish women who is burning in hell, if a hell exists.

>> No.5700347

>Shannon was a very selfish women who is burning in hell, if a hell exists.

It's extremely implicit that our "Shannon" is just another personality and the owner of the original body is gone.

>> No.5700355

It's also implied that she is still alive.

>> No.5700364



>> No.5700371

The original owner may be the blond person in the EP7's portrait.

>> No.5700380

Ideal ending: George dies; everyone lives happily ever after

I'm ok with this ending: Battler is Juuza, and he has an obsession with money to care for blind moe Jessica. Ange gets closure and a bit of her family back, becomes the next head.

Meh ending: Ange realizes that it can't be helped, Ange and Juuza(who isn't Battler) fuck like rabbits, Ange becomes the next head.

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- ending: There was a survivor. That survivor is the killer. Ange forgives the killer instead of blowing her brains out.

>> No.5700381

The letters of episode 1 and 2.
Someone had to have written them.

>> No.5700384


No tits and blond hairs?

>> No.5700387
File: 306 KB, 848x480, [gg]_Umineko_no_Naku_Koro_ni_-_19_[39CA4F87].mkv_snapshot_06.05_[2010.01.20_16.29.10].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5700390


The Beatrice personality?


Too old.

>> No.5700404

And if Shkannon is true, how come Kanon doesn't have tits?

>> No.5700411

The letters exist, but the killer could have sent them before her death.

And with someone like Sayo, I'm sure the moment she realized her mass murder gambit did NOT make her a witch, she would have blown her freaking brains out.

>> No.5700414


You can hide tits.

>> No.5700418

It's kinda odd that the golden crest is at her leg, like Shannon and at the collar, like Kanon.

But whatever, she could also be the original Beatrice, which is more likely.

>> No.5700419

>murder gambit did NOT make her a witch

The culprit is doing it for love.

>> No.5700424

But Shannon's boobs are gigantic.
You can't hide them easily.

>> No.5700425



>> No.5700427

Because Shannon flat and bald. No wonder Battler prefers meta-Beato.

>> No.5700430


Then Battler is gay and made a promise to Kanon

didn't he say his first love was a man in ep v?

>> No.5700436

Yes, yes, but how does killing everyone earn her love?

If you paid attention to episode 6, the killer wants to open the golden land, where all her wildest dreams can come true, that's why she's buddy buddy with Maria.

The truth of the matter is, once she finished wiping her fiance's blood off of her hands and brushed her best friend's brains off her uniform, she would realize RUH ROH LOOKS LIKE I KILLED EVERYONE FOR NO REASON.

>> No.5700440

You can hide small tits, and medium sized ones would still show but they'd be about the size of small ones. Big ones, however, like Shannon's, wouldn't be able to be hidden.

>> No.5700453
File: 594 KB, 640x480, 2cntn44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Suppose Sayo is a man.

Now, the killer wanted to be accepted as a witch, right?

What MAN talks about how he did some PRETTY WACKY THINGS to be ACCEPTED back in the day?

>> No.5700461
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In addition, what two characters are stated to have extensive gun training?

Oh dear....

>> No.5700462


>> No.5700476

Them tits is real, babby, them tits is reaaallll.

>> No.5700477

I think Hideyoshi has been in the military...

>> No.5700479

Shkannon is a flat woman that puts on stuffing to appear more womanly when playing her female part, and hides her almost non-existant breasts when she pretends being kanon.

>> No.5700485



>> No.5700494

Well, there is foreshadowing for that. Jessica stops Battler from touching Shannon's teets, after all.

Meaning that this all could have been avoided if Rance were the protagonist.

>> No.5700501

Because they don't want to reason about what they consider a masterpiece and be hurt when they realize it was all useless.
"By that argument.........it really isn't a stretch to say it's like love between shy elementary or middle school-aged kids. ......Even though they really do want it, they don't have the courage to reveal their feelings, so they wait uncomfortably for the other person to confess......and by the time summer ends, nothing's happened."
"Heheh, sometimes they'll even go out with a different person. That's what my first love was like, ihihi."
Along with these one-sided feelings they can't express, they lament the passage of a summer which will never come again, and the days of their youth end.

tvtropes stated that Battler was saying this, so I checked, but no.

>> No.5700504

Meta-Battler doesn't exist, the best proof is that he exists on the same level as Erika.

>> No.5700506
File: 27 KB, 279x321, rance lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew that from the beggining.

>> No.5700514

But that would be easy modo.

>> No.5700517

Juuza is actually Battler

>> No.5700522
File: 659 KB, 680x2967, aristocrats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If, in retrospect, that scene with the tits represented the ultimate struggle between good and evil, with Shannon allowing Battler to touch her tits being a subtle rebellion of good, and Jessica denying Battler Shannon'stits being the ultimate triumph of evil, I will applaud Ryukushi.

>> No.5700525

Wasn't it said how Shannon's bust had "exploded" during Battler's six year absence? Or was that Jessica?
(Or am I just making up memories on my own?)

>> No.5700539

Tits usually do get larger over that long of a time for the age range she would have gone through, well for girls with big tits anyway.

>> No.5700543



>> No.5700552
File: 64 KB, 320x250, 3kyrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... guys... repeat after me....

White. Haired. Ange.

>> No.5700567

I meant to add "suddenly", but yeah you are otherwise right.

>> No.5700570

Now I know why Meta-Battler is an idiot!

The dude never existed in the first place!

>> No.5700571
File: 17 KB, 346x450, retard-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White. Haired. Ange...

>> No.5700572

Except Kyrie is fucking hot and Ange is disgusting meat and chub.

>> No.5700589

White Haired Jessica would be awesome. But Ange is pig-disgusting no matter what.

>> No.5700598
File: 27 KB, 272x311, 1273884036911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lost me.

>> No.5700603

Here me out on this one.
No one in the Ushiromiya family has red hair Ok well perhaps except Eva who has a somewhat natural tint for a westerner other than Battler.
I figured that Asumu had red hair and that Battler got it from her, but this now, Ange got the same red hair as her brother, yet they "don't" share the same mother.

How can this be?

>> No.5700607

Maybe a hidden true to be revealed?

>> No.5700613


Kyrie is both of their mother, most likely, and Kyrie as a young lass could have had red hair that went white.

Which means that sooner or later, we have to accept that Battler dyes.

>> No.5700616

When Kyrie was young, he had redhair. Now she is an old woman and has white hair.

>> No.5700617

Godammit, that scene gave me chills.

>> No.5700627

This thread is not bumping anymore.

>> No.5700631

I'll make a new one.

>> No.5700638

You know guys, hair colors don't come necessarily to your parents.

>> No.5700647
File: 36 KB, 640x480, 360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Red hair
>White hair
Turn your mind into steel, lose red, gain white , get a tan

>> No.5700650

New thread

>> No.5700651

I don't think you know how genetics work.

Yes I got what you're saying, but still, that sounded just bad.

>> No.5700734


>> No.5700878

The one thing that really bothers me about the seals is, why not just take the door off it's hinges / break the window to escape (besides being entirely retarded outside the meta world context)?

I'm almost entirely sure this is going to end up being solved by some wordplay using "Kinzo" who was excluded.

>> No.5700922

I dont think you should treat the tapes as literal tapes, just a way to confirm that that door/windows wasnt opened during time period x
otherwise it'd be easy enough to figure a way to cheat with them
