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File: 69 KB, 333x250, 126894589351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5693903 No.5693903 [Reply] [Original]

I've been wondering guys: Why does CurryButt keep on living? I mean, I understand that he's a NEET, mooches off of everybody, is a fag, pretends to haul chicks when in reality he hoards them in his mouth for breakfast, has no job, and has no visible future, but most NEETs out there have some sort of talent on the Internet, whether it's been a WOW fag, Gaia contributor, etc. CurryButt has absolutely ZERO skills and went to a psychologist, yet he keeps on living.


>> No.5693908

He's Master Shake.

You cannot deny this.

>> No.5693914

Even more mysterious is why you just made a thread to give him attention.

>> No.5693916



>> No.5693925
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>> No.5693930

inb4 currybutt calls op kog like he does everybody he disagrees with

>> No.5693937

>most NEETs out there have some sort of talent on the Internet,
Haha, good one.

Also you don't know Master Shake, you should go kill yourself.

>> No.5693938


Maybe he still has his pride?

>> No.5693941
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>pretends to haul chicks when in reality he hoards them in his mouth for breakfast

>> No.5693948
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>> No.5693954

Guys, stop hating on Curry. /jp/ is all he has. Let the autistic/ADD/whatever kid have his fun.

>> No.5693958

Holy shit that is a brilliant comparison.

>> No.5693962


why don't yuo create a fucking meta thread about him

you fucking spergloid

>> No.5693966

Why do trailer trash continue to fill up all the trailer parks when they live on welfare for years and years?


>> No.5693976
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>He's Master Shake.

>> No.5693977

Shut thef fuck up faggot

>> No.5693984

pretty much this

>> No.5693990

I live in a nice neighborhood in a rather expensive house about 8 minutes from the beach if there is traffic. Sorry to disappoint.

>> No.5693997


All of which you didn't pay a cent for.

>> No.5694004


Why don't you travel around the nation running a curry stand?

>> No.5694006


>8 minutes from the beach

How was the New Orleans festival last year?

>> No.5694009
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>> No.5694016

I still get to reap the benefits. I'm sure you will never enjoy living a life like mine, so I don't mind not paying for it when I get to have a life above plebeians like you without me doing a lick of work.

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to feel ashamed or something for enjoying what I am given in my life, but sorry that I don't if that's what you were hoping for.

>> No.5694019

I live in southern California, everyone knows this.

>> No.5694020

Can't broski, Americans don't like curry as much as Japanese do.

>> No.5694035


>I still get to reap the benefits
>I live in southern California

Suddenly, everything makes complete sense.

>> No.5694044
File: 567 KB, 1600x1200, currykart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because my life and head have changed too much.

>> No.5694047

California? No wonder you're such a autistic dickhead. California has the most debt of any state in America. You can't mooch forever faggot; CA will be the first to go, trust me.

>> No.5694053

I agree, this state is horrible, but free stuff is free stuff, and nobody will tell me otherwise.

>> No.5694054

I am not on unemployment or the other form of disability.

I am not paid by the state, I am paid directly by the US Treasury.

>> No.5694060


There's the currykart picture... I was sort of baiting you because I wanted to see you post that again.

>> No.5694061


Let me guess: Your parents are the "I will take of my son forever because we love him" type, and you completely take advantage of their kindness.

You make me sick.

>> No.5694063

Every night Curry gives me a new reason to want to want to die.

>> No.5694064

Believe what you want, friend.

>> No.5694069

I would have posted it if you just asked, anonymous-kun~

>> No.5694072
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>I am not paid by the state, I am paid directly by the US Treasury.
>I am not paid by CA, I am paid by the US


>> No.5694074


Which means I'm technically paying for your lifestyle when the fed rapes me for $15,000 in taxes.

>> No.5694075



Did somebody leak Curry's trip?

>> No.5694076

There is a difference when talking about state debts.

There are two types of disability - one is paid by the state itself.

Mine is paid by the Federal government and the Treasury, not by the state.

>> No.5694080

What exactly do you do then, if I can ask?

>> No.5694082

Too bad, so sad. There's nothing you can do about it, so bend over and take it like an American.

>> No.5694083

The time doesn't take exactly 1 full minute between posts if you just keep pressing F5 and enter until it posts.

>> No.5694087
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>> No.5694091
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>There are two types of disability - one is paid by the state itself.
>Mine is paid by the Federal government and the Treasury, not by the state.
>implying that you receive disability from the Treasury
>implying that you receive disability
>implying that you actually DO have autism

>> No.5694094

No one is stupid enough to not realize you aren't using an actual tripcode.

Like I said, I'm on disability but there are two types of that. I am on the type paid by the treasury - not by the state.

>> No.5694096




>> No.5694098

Oh, okay. Thanks

>> No.5694103

I am on record for receiving disability due to agoraphobia and social anxiety, actually. Sorry to disappoint you.

>> No.5694117


>agoraphobia and social anxiety

Your pop must have some serious connections, because that's the lamest case of disability I have EVER heard of. Hell, I can name 20 people right off the bat who has that. I remember one tried to get disability for it and was laughed out of the center.

>> No.5694118

CurryButt gives NEETS a bad name.

>> No.5694124
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>this thread

>> No.5694125

   /ˌægərəˈfoʊbiə/ Show Spelled[ag-er-uh-foh-bee-uh] Show IPA
–noun Psychiatry .
an abnormal fear of being in crowds, public places, or open areas, sometimes accompanied by anxiety attacks

Quick, somebody find out where CurryButt lives and drag him into a massive crowd, watch reaction, post on /jp/ ✌

>> No.5694126

It's not really that hard to get approved, I get it for depression and social anxiety.

>> No.5694127


I get $800 a month for social anxiety and (faked) schizophenia

lol @ u

>> No.5694137

Your friend was probably faking it and doing a bad job of it.

I used no connections other than submitting the paperwork they asked for and not trying to play pretend.

Your friend probably read NHK and did the usual retarded faggot thing of WOW SO KAKKOI IM A HIKI BECAUSE IM OUT OF SCHOOL FOR SUMMER.

>> No.5694138


Wait, I thought that if you were diagnosed with agoraphobia, you were required to visit a therapist every so often.

>> No.5694145

See? This is why welfare and related state provided help is bad for a country. It allows for scum like this to exist.

Eiher you work or you die. That is the only right path.

>> No.5694148

Back to /r9k/.

>> No.5694151


So wait, you get a paycheck every month for the rest of your life just because you're afraid of people?

This, my friends, is America.

>> No.5694152

I am not required but I choose myself to go, though I haven't in awhile due to unrelated issues of them moving to a new building and absorbing another group and such. But I plan on continuing to go once they are finished.

>> No.5694153

Do you guys not have to do things like report to the government once in a while or try to work at home or something? I get giving people money but do they just give it to you forever without any requirements from you?

>> No.5694163


No, this is wrong. Either you work or you get shot by a state-approved murderer. This whole "work or you die" crap is horrible, since I don't want to die a slow death. If I choose death, I should have the RIGHT to a speedy death.

>> No.5694169

I have to have required check-ins every now and then with a psychiatrist who works for them.

But because my case is so bad, the next time I have to do so is in 3 years, though they do sometimes (about every several months or so) call me in for red-tape stuff just to see how I am doing and to make sure my situation for receiving money hasn't changed as they are required to give me more/less depending on my living situation.

>> No.5694170

This is a conspiracy to get gullible retards to try and apply for disability welfare. You're just trying to get people to waste their time and look stupid when they get handily rejected.

>> No.5694174


That's it? Gosh I hope you have plenty of other sources of income.

>> No.5694181

If you are not paying for the bullets you have nor ight to them. Jump off a bridge you leech.

>> No.5694185

Man, if I got free checks from the government every month due to some bogus mental disorder, the things I would do on the Internet are limitless:

- I'd learn how to do decent video editing and make videos on YouTube
- I'd learn how to program and make some awesome fangames, some 4chan-related, some not
- I'd start a site that archives links to every VN download possible

Unlike CurryDick who does what? NOTHING. All this freetime, and he chooses to spend it acting like a fag on an anonymous image board.


>> No.5694187

And they don't require you to look for some form of work that you can do at home or anything?

Anyway I think I'm too materialistic for something like that. I'm definitely lazy and enjoy being home all the time but I'd rather have some sort of job I enjoy and have some extra spending money than lie and live minimally.

>> No.5694205


A bullet costs what, a buck or two? I'd gladly work flipping burgers for an hour to pay for the bullet.

>> No.5694206

800$US a month?

You have your own home I presume? Because $1300 is what I use weekly in assorted expenses, nevermindsupporting my mother and sisters.

>> No.5694212

Yeah, you'd do that for the first few weeks and then lose all motivation.

>> No.5694216

I don't have to go to a psychologist, though I do anyway so they don't think I'm not trying to get better.

>> No.5694226


>And they don't require you to look for some form of work that you can do at home or anything?

This is what confuses me and makes me think Curry is lying. You would think they would get him trained for SOME sort of at-home work, since there's no excuse for him not to have an at-home job.

>> No.5694230



>> No.5694236

What I really want to know is why this thread is still here?

>> No.5694244

I am doing things, but they are none of your business.

In some cases they do, it really depends on the REASON you are on disability and SEVERITY of that reason.

Mine makes me exempt from the 'you have to at least be looking for work' thing. As much as /jp/ won't believe me probably (I don't care anyway), I have a very severe case, which is why I don't have to see their guy except for once every few years, and don't have to look for work or anything else.

>> No.5694245


Those who say they'd lose motivation have never had ample free time. Trust me, if you actually know the sheer amount of stuff on the Internet, you will never get bored.

>> No.5694247

I for one wouldn't take money from the government... First of all, they wouldn't give me enough, and secondly, I love my job.

>> No.5694252

They would. You can only be on welfare for so long before they will try to put you into some kind of rehabilitation job training thing.

>> No.5694256

That's what I would think too. I don't know anyone on this kind of disability but if you're physically able to work it seems like they would try to make you find a job based around your situation. Having social anxiety doesn't mean you can't perform any sort of job.

I'm just basing this guess of Canadian employment insurance though, where they give you money if you're jobless but you have to be looking for a job and report in pretty often proving it somehow.

>> No.5694258

>$1300 is what I use weekly

You've got to be shitting me. I ate out every day for a month and it only cost me $500 dollars.

>> No.5694264

They've never told me to get a job or even try to.
What the fuck do you buy that costs that much?

>> No.5694265


You know what pisses me off more than a faggot? A mentally disabled faggot. Honestly, you have free money for doing nothing and endless free time, and what do you do? Spend it on /jp/ and act all pissy towards everybody. You have the life, kid. TRY TO ACTUALLY LIVE IT.

>> No.5694271

I already said this but it depends on the reason and severity of your case.

They do extend the possibility of helping me try and find work I can handle, but it isn't forced.

And the paperwork I've signed all says clearly they can't revoke my payments due to me not finding a job. Actually it clearly says I do not need to seek work or training due to my condition and at most "should" seek out a psychiatrist or trained therapist but it is not required either in my case.

>> No.5694274

He wouldn't lose the motivation to browse imageboards and collect dirty pictures but he would lose motivation to do those semi-productive things he mentioned, pretty fast.

>> No.5694287


>800$US a month?

You have your own home I presume?

Well I sure don't. I live with my parents. What's so wrong about being payed for being a hiki neet?

Rightfully so

>> No.5694292

That is how all Unemployment here works, and many cases of disability as well - but not all.

>> No.5694295

So we have hard-working adults struggling to pay for their families, and they get penalized and taxed by the government, but piles of trash like CurryButt get a free ride due to some made-up social disorder?

All hope is lost.

>> No.5694296

I'm a consultant and have to travel a lot. And I like pretty stuff and good food. Cannot live without those.

How one manages to live with 800 is beyond me.

>> No.5694302


>I have a very severe case

Well I think you're a pretty swell guy most of the time. Heck I'd even hang out with you, even if you did run and hide under a table.

>> No.5694308


>> No.5694311

Regardless of severity of social anxiety or crowds, you'd think they could source a job for you to do at home through a job agency or something. Even if it was just through emails.

I mean, you clearly have no problems being shy online. But oh well, their money!

>> No.5694321


$650 for rent
$1-$2 a day on food (rice, beans, ramen, etc.)
$20 on Internet
$10-$20 on electricity

People that spend more than $500 a week for one person on average make me sick, but you said you travel a lot, so you have an excuse. Traveling is expensive.

>> No.5694330

Being shy online and in real life are very different things. I can talk to people online fine, as long as it's text. When I used to play WoW years ago my guildmates would constantly nag me to talk on Ventrilo and I refused, it's one of the reasons I sold my account and quit.

>> No.5694332


Why are you so. fucking. jealous?

>> No.5694333
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>He doesn't get to fly for free

I love how I have insane benefits like having an airline pilot for a brother and being able to fly anywhere in the world for nothing and getting a super huge discount on hotels


While people like you have to pay full price.

>my face

I actually do have problems online too. /jp/ is pretty much the only place I can handle being myself, if I do so elsewhere - which I sometimes can handle, I still have a lot of bad problems.

>> No.5694338

Should've thought of that before you took on the responsibility of having a family.

>> No.5694343

I agree, that's probably fairly common which is why I'm saying I find it odd they wouldn't make someone try to do work that required 0 interaction.

>> No.5694349


>> No.5694350


>hard-working adults struggling to pay for their families, and they get penalized and taxed by the government

Believe it or not, the taxes aren't too awful until you pass 80k/yr. All the hot-air that the lower income families blow about taxes is unjustified. They should see how badly a single guy making 100k/yr gets hit.

>> No.5694351

Also, I can't handle official things online either or business. I've tried both, I get the same way I do in person, or in some cases I get like I do on here sometimes and own someone I really shouldn't - which one time almost got me arrested.

>> No.5694358

Yet you claim to have bagged many girls in the past. Where do the lies end, and the truth begins?

>> No.5694361


>> No.5694362


You're doing it wrong.

>> No.5694371

In all fairness though, I doubt the government has any programs to train people to build porno websites or deal diapers on Ebay.

>> No.5694383

Where is that guy from...yesterday who is making six figures playing online poker?

>> No.5694388

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.5694389


It's /jp/. Where do you think?

>> No.5694391

"In the past"

You answered your own suspicions.

My life changed, my head changed, my situation changed. Since then I've simply gotten lucky and found girls by chance or online, and in both cases also got lucky they were understanding of my situation and things went fine because of it.

Just like I am on /jp/, I can relax around the girls I'm interested in. I don't know why, usually people are shy around the person they like, but it's the opposite for me.

>> No.5694398

So basically, CurryButt's disorder is fine in small situations, with people he knows, or on /jp/, but in any place that he actually has to do any WORK, he suddenly is incapable.


>> No.5694399

Where do you find girls offline if you're so mortified of human beings?

>> No.5694401

No, I can't go out to do things I want to do either, I can barely handle going out (and sometimes cant) just to get disgusting fast food.

Don't make things up based on assumptions, thanks.

>> No.5694404


Don't you fucking insult CurryButt, I know exactly what he's talking about and it's real

>> No.5694406

The few times I am forced - or that I am able to force myself - out into the world. I know it's too much 'movies and books and anime' but chance meetings do occur in real life too.

>> No.5694414

Okay CurryButt, you've got a mental disorder, you get a free ride, FINE, I can accept that. However, when I see you on /jp/ trolling like a dick and making fun of people working at low-wage jobs like Wal-Mart, McDonald's, Starbucks, Gas Stations, etc., it's incredibly hypocritical. When you get a free ride, you have no right to criticize ANYBODY'S job, no matter how bad it is.

>> No.5694418

Dealing with authority, deadlines, and the overall fakeness of a work environment raises the stress level exponentially.

>> No.5694421

Oh and again, in the past I wasn't like this, so that should explain how I got them back then.

And there are a few places I go to semi-regularly like my therapists which involves sitting in a lobby for awhile because I get there early because I speed way more than I like to think I do.

>> No.5694424

This is for any normal person. Refusal of this is where 'disability' and 'disorder' is no longer applicable and it's just being lazy.

>> No.5694428

no one insult anyone there, buddy.

>> No.5694434

Just watch me.

>> No.5694442
File: 75 KB, 459x435, 1278002320154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is also very true, which like I said - I've tried work in a few ways online, and also tried doing online college, it's not easy and my stress is also part of my problems as it gets really high very fast and hits a point where I will just have panic attacks or my mind will shut down without me being able to do anything about it.

Haha wow, what? I don't even know what you're going on about with this gas station and wal mart shit.

>> No.5694443


>in the past I wasn't like this

Social disorders don't just build up slowly over time. Either you are born with it, or some sudden-event happens that destroys a part of your psyche.

>> No.5694451


I worked at Taco Bell once. Most stressful job I ever took in my life. You would think the customers would all be Mexican, but most of them were actually NIGGERS. Why do niggers love fast food so much?

>> No.5694453

You're an idiot.

There is a difference when somebody (mine in this case) has a stress level higher than that of a normal person TO BEGIN WITH even without dealing with what raises stress for EVERYONE.

Keep that in mind. You might have stress from a job, but my stress is already to that point, and higher just from interacting with other human beings - PLUS ON TOP OF THAT is the 'normal stress rise' from that situation. It's much worse than you can imagine.

>> No.5694456
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The point is that if you're busting your ass cleaning fryer vents at McDonalds because that's all you can do, then you're chumping yourself.

Think about it.

$800 a month for nothing
$800 a month for working fulltime at a totally shit job

>> No.5694460


>Social disorders don't just build up slowly over time. Either you are born with it, or some sudden-event happens that destroys a part of your psyche.

You are wrong, and slightly retarded.

Try saying this to any psychologist and you'll get laughed at.

>> No.5694462

What was the whole point in this thread?
Is he trying to defend that he's not an asshole or simply state his existence is not worthless?

>> No.5694466

currybutt.once you put yourself back in the fold the voices will xhut up
i mean,who actually needs a life

>> No.5694470

because it's cheap.

>> No.5694474

So you're always at elevated levels of stress? I wish you would be more like a normal person with social anxiety who is quiet and more reserved. It's hard imagining you getting all out of breath when handed a deadline but you spend all your free time posting complete garbage on /jp/.

>> No.5694482

If everything you've said is true, you've been born with incredible luck, but it seems like it missed the mark and you benefited in extremely banal ways.

>> No.5694483


>It's much worse than you can imagine.

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

>> No.5694488

Don't talk about things you don't have a clue about.

>> No.5694497

I did not make the thread, so I do not know.

I am always at elevated stress levels, and they will soar even just about thinking certain things - such as going out. Sometimes I have to throw up a few times before I can handle even going out to get something to eat and coming right back home.

"Throwing up" isn't a good indication of whre your stress levels are, but I'm just saying it doesn't take much to push me from where I am into the unbearable levels of stress that would make me COMPLETELY lock myself in my room again like I did in college for 6 months.

I am slowly getting better by forcing myself to do things from time to time and continuing therapy, but my stress does have a huge impact on how easy it is to just 'face my problems' and deal with them properly.

I've got a lot of issues.

>> No.5694499

was directed at >>5694443

>> No.5694505

I don't think it's lucky to be me.

>> No.5694538


>I did not make the thread, so I do not know.

Then, who did?

>> No.5694548

Compared to most(?) of /jp/, you definitely are. A lot of people can only dream of living the life you do/having relationships while having the same amount of social anxiety. But again, that's why I said it's benefited you in pretty boring ways.

>> No.5694561

CurryButt is a prime example of autism.

>> No.5694570

perhaps Anonymous did?

>> No.5694573

Why is it that the richest and best off of people in the world don't even know how to appreciate it while people who deserve it and are willing to work for it get shafted?

>> No.5694586


Does the thread have over 100 posts? Check.
Is the thread inciteful? Check.
Is the thread started with a reaction image? Check.
Does it have the standard "paragraph" followed by a "question"? Check.

It's King of GETs.

>> No.5694592

I'd rather not have had those relationships. To be honest, I have a strong feeling a specific 2 of them had a large impact on why I am how I am now mentally and emotionally.

>> No.5694603


why whine whine blah blah human nature this is the way the true world works

>> No.5694606
File: 15 KB, 347x357, fascinating2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think pretty much everybody knows that KoG made the thread. I don't care since KoG's being tame and we're learning about how retarded CurryButt actually is in real life, so I'm fine with it.

>> No.5694626


>> No.5694629

Nobody knows the answer to that stuff. Try asking God or Buddha. Life is just fucked the hell up like that.

>> No.5694636

This thread made me herp so much that I derped

>> No.5694644

>142 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.5694654

Guess how many of those were samefagged by KoG.

>> No.5694659

You don't know how my relationships were.

You can tell me otherwise, but the things I've had to experience - the extremely bad and painful things which were almost daily in this case, especially because of one of them, are things you won't ever be able to imagine or have to go through in your entire life. Maybe one or two of you, but it's unlikely even that many, and if you did you most likely wouldn't still be around to talk about it.

If you want to think I'm exaggerating that's fine too.

>> No.5694662

just cuz you hatin on curry doesn't mean you have to bring up kog every time he's around, stop stressing him out dude

>> No.5694667

sup KoG

>> No.5694679

Damn your daily life sounds rough...you must feel stressed out all the time *Curry spends the next 4 hours posting reaction images and green text 'implying' posts*

>> No.5694682


Comparing you to me is like comparing an Physicist to an English teacher. I won't know how bad you truly had it until you start giving specifics. "Waaah you never know the troubles I seen" makes me feel absolutely no empathy.

>> No.5694687
File: 171 KB, 351x549, iwonttellyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5694698

Go on, keep pretending you know me and my life just because you know bits and pieces that I've talked about.

I don't really care.

Plus I broke up with her so it's not like it's current, you moron.

>> No.5694702

Oh for crying out loud, HOW MANY DAILY KOG METATHREADS DO WE NEED EVERY SINGLE DAY BEFORE PEOPLE ON /jp/ GET THE HINT? It's made at the EXACT SAME TIME every day (00:00 - 02:00), it has the same text format, it has the same Alice/Cirno/Troll image, one of the image dimension is always less or equal to 250, and it gets over 100 posts.

I'm taking this crap to IRC and telling the specific time the janitor needs to be on. I'm sick of these KoG, mugen, Curry, etc. metathreads littering the front page.

>> No.5694706
File: 98 KB, 1280x720, KURU SUTORI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5694711
File: 16 KB, 320x240, sybok1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But we want to share your pain, Curry.

>> No.5694713

And the reason for this is that I don't feel like thinking about it. I'm in a good mood for once, I don't need to shit it up.

Believe what you want with your /a/ images, bro. I'm just answering questions and replying to comments, I don't care what you believe or don't or what you think of any of it.

>> No.5694714


Yeah, because you don't have anything to tell. You're either a bored troll or you THINK everything you went through in your life is so "rare" and "special" that nobody will understand or will cringe at the sheer mention of said things.

>> No.5694667,1 [INTERNAL] 

I'm in your thread, ghosting up your posts.

>> No.5694682,1 [INTERNAL] 

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==================  The Lucky Channel Idol Free Advice & Sage Opinions Desk  ==============
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>> No.5694720

No sybok, I am feeling content and happy today for reasons unrelated to women or /jp/. I'd rather keep that mood for as long as I can.

>> No.5694721

Did you even read that post?

>> No.5694722
File: 11 KB, 400x300, dawson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5694724

see the second part of this - minus the '/a/ images' as you didn't post one.

>> No.5694727

The thing I really want to know is why CB keeps coming back and posting even when he's treated like this (with threads asking why he keeps on living, continual insults, etc)

it seems like he's just a glutton for punishment

>> No.5694732


>> No.5694733


>> No.5694741

u mad?

>> No.5694749


One of the reasons we hate him is that he always acts like he's entitled to something and we should pity him, and yet, he never TELLS us anything about WHY he should be, and yet, HE NEVER DOES. He has nothing to tell, simply put.

>> No.5694755

What I'd really like to know is exactly what is beneficial about having names and tripcodes on this board considering these terrible threads!

>> No.5694760

>>5694727 here, nope, not samefag; I'm genuinely curious about how he could derive any sort of enjoyment from this.

>> No.5694764

I believe you, Curry. Mostly. I think you throw in some lies and half-truths to troll every now and then.

>> No.5694768

>166 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.5694769

People don't like talking about painful things they finally got away from. I don't mind talking about my disability - and I did so.

I mind talking about a part of my life, and other parts of my life, that were exceedingly painful and hard for me mentally and emotionally.

It's pretty basic shit.

>> No.5694782


>> No.5694796


>waaah waaah mommy hold me i'm too scared

>> No.5694798

Curry might believe so, but his pain as a lower person will never reach the equivalent of that of higher beings.
He doesn't know what it's like to make decisions that are important.

>> No.5694805

Excuses, excuses.

>> No.5694807

Neither do you.

>> No.5694809

Um, okay? I've never told my mother about most of the details either or cried to her because I keep most of my life to myself from everyone. What's your point though, as I'm not really getting it.

People tend to feel sad when they feel pain, no?

Sure thing, kiddo.

>> No.5694810
File: 5 KB, 126x126, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a mouthbreathing mongoloid summerfriend who doesn't have any clue about or regard for the hard work Curry does making /jp/ unpleasant for nincompoops. If you think he's an asshole it's probably because you belong in this category.

>some sort of talent on the Internet, whether it's been a WOWfag, Gaia contributor, etc.

Hang on. Did you just namecheck Gaia?


>> No.5694813


Anyone want to sum up this thread for me?

>> No.5694814


Pretty much this. All of his depression and stress comes from meaningless crap that EVERYBODY has to deal with. The only reason he's so messed up is cuz his mom probably doped up when she was pregnant.

>> No.5694825

Yes yes, I'm sure you really believe that which is why it will be funny when you yourself realize the world isn't as simple as that.

>> No.5694829
File: 395 KB, 450x675, XD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh please, its /jp/; don't expect shitty threads to be ignored.
But yeah, where is the gay porn dump when we need it; fucking Magical Type-Moon Faggot.

>> No.5694831


You're late dude, OP is confirmed to be KoG.


KoG makes bait thread with an easy subject, Curry and KoG samefag discuss for hundreds of posts, KoG gains pointers on how to better troll Curry, dawson images all around

>> No.5694844

CurryButt, you still haven't answered my question: what motivation do you have for coming here when the majority of the userbase vocally expresses its dislike for you? I can't possibly imagine what you could gain from this

attention, yes, but not POSITIVE attention

>> No.5694847


How am I supposed to believe otherwise? You keep spewing crap from your mouth about how you've been through "so much", yet you won't provide even ONE EXAMPLE of something bad that you've been through. You deserve every negative criticism thrown at you.

>> No.5694848

Which is also part of why I won't discuss the details.

>> No.5694856

Neither do I, but I know that relationships are nothing in the end. There are much more important things than friends, lovers et caetera.

>> No.5694860

Sure thing, kiddo.

>> No.5694861

But people like Curry.

>> No.5694867


Great, another thread ruined by KoG paranoia.

>> No.5694876

I assume that more people dislike him than people who like him

although I could be wrong, dissenters do tend to be more vocal.

>> No.5694877


>> No.5694878

Fucking christ. Can't we all agree on letting this horrible thread dying? Looks like meido is asleep already and she is also doing a lazy job lately. Please let this thread die

>> No.5694882

"Part" not all. The major reason is the one I pointed out already, I simply don't want to talk about those parts of my life with /jp/ or anyone else.

>> No.5694886

I don't understand why anyone would want to have an identity on a board about piss fetishes.

>> No.5694895


I know, right? KoG hasn't even been on 4chan for 2 months, yet you fags won't stop bringing him up all the time. He's gone, he's never coming back, stop using him as an excuse to ruin every thread you don't like.

>> No.5694905

sup kog

>> No.5694917



Sup kogs

>> No.5694918

What was there to ruin here again? From the beginning it was whining about a tripfag, the tripfag trolling back by first bragging about his life then whining about it.

>> No.5694929
File: 38 KB, 640x480, itsureissummer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CurryButt has absolutely ZERO skills

Obviously you've never heard this nigga play piano. Made my pussy go woo-woo and I'm a fucking DUDE.

>> No.5694942

So let me get this straight: Women are raped, babies are killed, young children are molested by their parents, people have various painful diseases, families have to watch each other die due to not having enough food, people who deserve something and have worked for it get nothing, and various other things, and you think YOU have it worse than EVERYBODY ELSE out there?

Get over yourself.

>> No.5694946

>I'm a fucking DUDE.
Sure bro.

>> No.5694953

I think it's pretty much a prerequisite to visiting /jp/ that you be a fucked up perverted NEET, but you're not supposed to brag about it

>> No.5694965

That's such a stupid argument. You can always find somebody in the world worse off than you. That's like saying nobody should complain about anything on /jp/ because at least we're not /b/.

>> No.5694968
File: 102 KB, 1280x720, 1273138633583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face


They ain't got shit on me.

>> No.5694979

And by being pleased from the bottom of my ass I mean it's nice that you liked my piano skills so much. Please keep listening, I'll do my best for my fans!

>> No.5694992


That's exactly what I'm saying, butt CurryDick over here automatically thinks that EVERYBODY on /jp/ doesn't compare to HIS pain that he's been through. Trust me, there's people on /jp/ who are FAR worse off than CurryButt.

>> No.5695008

inb4 not a single thing curry has said in this thread is true and he's trolling all you poor saps for laughs

>> No.5695019

I never knew CurryButt was Darks.

>> No.5695029
File: 70 KB, 500x375, Kick desu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to /jp/ and by the time I read to the end of this thread, I realized that I considered Curry to be basically a waste of space of the planet.

>> No.5695031

Compared to me, you are all small time.

Both in things I've endured and gone through.

And in how fucking amazingly awesome I am.

>> No.5695040


Welcome to /jp/ newfriend. We enjoy hearing more of your informed opinions.

>> No.5695051

I know, that doesn't matter though. Your pain is painful to you. Hearing that someone else supposedly has it worse doesn't comfort you. Why would it? All you know is yourself.

>> No.5695052
File: 119 KB, 323x328, aspergerssyndrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5695056


>Both in things I've endured and gone through.

Keep saying that bro. If you've been through "so much", you would think it would be easy to provide ONE example and stop right there. If what you have been through has been so traumatic, one example would be more than enough, but we keep getting these curry of excuses. You got nothing.

>> No.5695060
File: 22 KB, 228x180, ohwow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, there, butt. You've gone through so much shit.

>> No.5695065
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>> No.5695069
File: 284 KB, 1280x720, I Can't Lose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Your pain is painful


>> No.5695073


I'm not dumb enough to think that the universe revolves around me like CurryButt thinks.

>> No.5695084

>218 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.



>> No.5695091
File: 150 KB, 600x335, kyoukasama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a most wonderful fact, I, CurryButt, am omniscient and omnipotent.

>> No.5695095

samefaggotry and random people being retarded.

>> No.5695100


Lol, it hasn't even been 2 hours yet, but with KoG and CurryButt samefagging the thread at the same time with their samefaggotry skill, it's no wonder.

>> No.5695103


>implying Curry is a total dumbfuck and will give out any kind of exploitable information on 4chan.

You're gonna have to try harder, little guy.

>> No.5695108

Guess you couldn't see all that emotional trauma coming though, huh?

>> No.5695111


So basically, this thread is the equivalent of that one scene in Naruto where that old lady and red haired puppet masters duked it out with 100 samefag puppets at the same time? This thread is 98% KoG and Curry samefagging with each other?

>> No.5695112

Oh yeah, I'm sure you're a totally selfless and enlightened person, Anonymous.

>> No.5695127
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>> No.5695138
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>> No.5695139

Well I don't remove my trip. I can't speak for anyone else samefagging or not though, but my posts are pretty clear due to my tripcode.

>> No.5695141


You new here?

>> No.5695149

Oh shit son, this guy seems pretty serious.

You better get off the computer, Steven.

>> No.5695163
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>> No.5695171
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>> No.5695171,1 [INTERNAL] 

ITT newfriends talking to CurryButt for the first time.

>> No.5695171,2 [INTERNAL] 

Wrong board bro.

>> No.5695171,3 [INTERNAL] 

He should have never been unbanned.

I almost miss the image bombing of metathreads now. I know that it would just invite more shitting up of the board by the likes of king of shit though.
