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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5691059 No.5691059 [Reply] [Original]

1. He must be quiet and unassuming 2. He must be intelligent and have a good standard of education and be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life. 3. Good mannered in all respects. Notwithstanding this day of equality, I want him to e.g. a. Hold the door for me - Car, particularly if he is taking me out for the night and I have dressed especially for the evening: House door, and make sure I am safely inside. By this he must not be flamboyant in his approach, so that it looks unnatural, but do this as a matter of course as it flows from his upbringing. b. Stand up when a lady enters the room. c. Hold the chair for me at dinner particularly when out at a restaurant. d. See me to the door after a night out and make sure I am safely in. e. Not embarrass me in front of friends, family and neighbours, e.g. shouting to me in the street "well, are you coming in?" and letting everyone know we are having a row. 4. Not to treat me like a sex object 5. Not to treat me like a possession i.e a car, tv, dog etc. 6. Not to take me out just to show off to friends and outsiders "look what I have". 7. Treat me as an equal. 8. He must trust me in all things and not be suspicious of my motives and he must be trustworthy. 9. Not assume that I will always fall in with his plans 10. Talk matters through with me first and consider, and most of all, value my opinions, after all, he should want a partnership. 11. Not to be domineering and have the need to show all and sundry that "I am the man, and I wear the trousers!" 12. He must respect me as a person, intellectually. 13. He must be forgiving. 14. He must be slow to anger. 15. He must love me unreservedly.

>> No.5691110

WTF? Is she picky enough? She is hardly worth half that effort.

>> No.5691124

the majority of /jp/ seems to be just as picky

>> No.5691139

you turn around and she'll be fucking niggers...

with girls like that you have to be like Mel Gibson

>> No.5691145


I lost

>> No.5691151

>1. He must be quiet
>2. He must be able to hold a good conversation on any level with anyone he comes into contact in his daily life.

Make up your fucking mind, woman.

>> No.5691166

>hold a good conversation on any level with anyone

Nobody can do this. There are just some people that are impossible to talk to.

>> No.5691167

As a part of my specifications, I'm the only one allowed to be picky.

>> No.5691191

Inb4 "BITCHES AND WHORES XD" faggotry.

Just like how there are fratfaggots and true NEETs among men, there are shallow/self-absorbed sluts and there are reserved/self-respecting human beings.

Not all women are like this.

>> No.5691200 [DELETED] 

You know, the two things aren't mutually exclusive. He just want someone who's be able to be good at conversing with people yet he knows not to speak out of turn just to say dumb / embarrassing shit. Is your alpha male too small for you to understand this?

>> No.5691203

Well a lot of /jp/ is going to die lonely virgins then.

>> No.5691219

/jp/ has standards similar to hers

>> No.5691221

You know, the two things aren't mutually exclusive. She just want someone who's be able to be good at conversing with people yet he knows not to speak out of turn just to say dumb / embarrassing shit. Is your alpha male brain too small for you to understand this?

>> No.5691233

Virgins, maybe. Lonely? Surely not.

>> No.5691248

I can satisfy all of those requirements,
but the mere fact that she needed to type up gentleman etiquette demonstrates a needlessly picky and probably very high maintenance girl

Where is this taken from anyway?

>> No.5691257

Herein lies the problem. If you have high standards for a girl, she'll also hold you to her own high standards.

What a conundrum.

>> No.5691264


Yeah, after all, we do have each other to confort.

>> No.5691269

Dunno, most of those are either personal preferences (a quiet guy) or generally reasonable (treating the girl like a lady when you go to a fine restaurant, respect, etc).

>> No.5691277
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/jp/ has been too silly to comfort me.
My waifu, however, is the never-fading brilliance that illuminates my daily life.

>> No.5691273

The two sorta go hand in hand most the time.
The point is she expects way to much when she is probably a pain in the ass little bitch that is hardly on par with someone that is that perfect. If this is a honest post of what some girl expects i hope she gets raped by a pack of niggers because she deserves it! (fucking Mel Gibson racist rage lol)

>> No.5691298

Im not a fan of gay sex sorry lol, having bros around to make you happy and not lonely, is a lot different then having a girlfriend. For one bros are not supposed to do a lot of the stuff girls do lol.

>> No.5691307

Thats a cartoon brah

>> No.5691335
File: 57 KB, 586x212, 1279083073150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahaha, how funny.

I'm gay and I wouldn't expect that of nor do most of that shit for another man. It is amusing what women can get away with in our society.

#3 is the one that perplexes me the most. I've never understood what it is with some women and having the door held for them. I suppose they like to feel important.

>> No.5691341

I don't expect myself to ever find a bf that meets half of those traits. Guys like that wouldn't want much to do with me

>> No.5691369

In this post a girl that is actually worth your time personality wise.

>> No.5691374

So it's alright if I'm ugly as hell but I fulfill all of those?

>> No.5691394

Don't trust anything a girl says about what she wants in a man. The end.

>> No.5691408

Women don't want any of this shit, they want a guy who shows his dominance as an alpha male and doesn't care for her at all. Every thing on that list is just for appearances' sake, so that the rest of the world won't think she's the shallow cunt that she really is, and so she can feel secure by finding someone who will listen to her problems and pay for her habits. In her teenage years, you call that person "friendzoned", later in life, you call that her husband. Either way, the one she gives any shit about is not that guy.

>> No.5691418

This, they will go chase a complete asshole long before what is described above, its basic human nature. The only girls that do not do this are the ones who have developed into a being that is more logical somehow or girls that are desperate and will take anything that they can get.

>> No.5691432

I probably would meet all of those but I'm ugly and poor.

>> No.5691476

Then you obviously lack education.

>> No.5691487

>Women don't want any of this shit
Thats not true but the alpha point is somewhat correct. But your point about >finding someone who will listen to her problems and pay for her habits
Is very interesting habit I've seen. She is indeed setting the baseline to a level so at the very least it is entirely a gain situation out of the relationship.

As for the alpha part, its amazing how hypocritical women get with their own standards when a hotter guy is involved, all of a sudden the rules start disappearing the expectations aren't enforced just kept down a little as a exit strategy.

>> No.5691493

you go girl

>> No.5691517

What a load of shit. Whoever wrote this would fall right into the hands of some attractive, rich jock who treats her like shit but showers her with cash and good sex.

>> No.5692975

I have know more then enough girls that have dated that type and they usually have had pretty small penises and dont give a shit about how the girl feels during sex so thats not even true. Its just a loose loose.

>> No.5693011

Actually I'm poor because of my education.

>> No.5693033


What the fuck is up with that shirt? Gosh, it's freaking me out.

>> No.5693036

What is she even doing with that hat? It's like she's trying to be classy while looking white-trash, and failing entirely.

>> No.5693039

Well you wont be forever then lol

>> No.5693062

Where's "she's not 2D DO NOT WANT" response?

Is this REALLY /jp/?

>> No.5693071


Not all of us are homosexual.

>> No.5693076

You say it's not true but then basically agree with it. The point is that those aren't the qualities they actually want in a man, but those are the qualities of a sucker who they can use for emotional and financial support while they fuck the football team or their personal trainer.

>> No.5693081

She's my wife.
Don't insult her

>> No.5693087

it was all going well until i saw number 4

>> No.5693107

Thats all their good for anyway, most of them anyway.

>> No.5693130

Before I send my evaluation self, please note that I am the only son of a CEO of a certain multibillionaire company.

1. check
2. check, although I might fail in several situations.
3a. check
3b. depends on how good is this "lady".
3c. check
3d. check
3e. check
4. check
5. check
6. check
7. if you mean I can enter woman's changing room along with you, check
8. check, but we need further talk
9. check
10. check, but not in several circumstances (i.e. surprise party, a gifts, etc)
11. check
12. check
13. check
14. check
15. Not check

Because you are not my type.

>> No.5693164
File: 64 KB, 1024x768, patrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please note that I am the only son of a CEO of a certain multibillionaire company.

Liar liar plants for hire.

>> No.5693176

I don't mind if /jp/ don't trust me.

>> No.5693196

I'm not that picky.
I want:
Doesn't do retarded shit like facebook
It would also help if she was a childhood friend but I'm not too picky about this as I don't have any.

>> No.5693202
File: 32 KB, 350x532, news_article-image-jimmy_choo_at_the_college.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back to bed, Danny.

>> No.5693220


No you don't.

>> No.5693229

You don't know what I want.

>> No.5693250


Yes I do.
I know alot of things.

You and everyone else who says they want a yandere don't know what they're talking about and are just saying it to be unique and cool.

>> No.5693251

Virgin and Beautiful is negatively related to each other though.

>> No.5693257

No, I like yanderes. Fuck off. Who the fuck thinks they like yanderes to be cool and unique? A lot of people here like yanderes.

>> No.5693288

>Education == money.
This is what women actually believe. When they ask for an educated man, what they really mean is a guy who can pay for all her shit.

>> No.5693290

I'd like a mild yandere just because you know she'd be completely loyal and devoted to you.

>> No.5693308

Sounds like OP wants a robot.

>> No.5693313


>> No.5693320

No I know what a yandere is. That other faggot thinks it's someone who's psycho.

>> No.5693360

Yandere, like tsundere, doesn't exist in the real world. 3D girls have no dere.

>> No.5693401


You will never find a girl with dere ;_;

