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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5679527 No.5679527 [Reply] [Original]

How about a room thread?

>> No.5679533

eww gross

>> No.5679545

And then one day the water pipe bursts.

>> No.5679649

No one?

>> No.5679655

Fucking reported for /g/.

>> No.5679659

This is on topic. I should have said, "What otaku culture related stuff are in your rooms?"

>> No.5679666

really creepy

>> No.5679679

Reported for autistic potential serial killer.

>> No.5679684
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>> No.5679725


>> No.5679743


>> No.5680072

Why are we having like 50 of these in a week? Stop posting this crap.

>> No.5681453
File: 422 KB, 1280x960, living_room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I really admire that guy for some reason... Perhaps it's the sheer audacity of his lifestyle. Feels odd looking up to someone that most of society would look down upon.

>> No.5681474
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This looks rad.

>> No.5681920

finally some style. but still unacceptable powerlevels.

>> No.5682001

whats wrong with showing powerlevels in your own house?

>> No.5682010
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>> No.5682039

Stop posting the same shitty image with the same extremely cheap stuff covering all the walls. Half those posters are from fucking Megami for God's sake.

>> No.5682050
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>> No.5682064

You guys should at least take new pictures with different angles of your rooms before making another thread. It's kind of boring seeing the same things over and over.

>> No.5682079

I will post my room in these threads when I finish cleaning it, moving shit around, buying new furniture, and redecorating my walls.

Who knows when that will be.

>> No.5682098
File: 775 KB, 4200x1050, My_room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5682154

So, do you just take an anime poster and wrap it around a canvas? Pretty good idea, actually. I hate the look of posters attached directly to walls, and they're rarely in a decent format to frame them in. Those things look perfect.

>> No.5682163

>rarely in a decent format to frame them

What the fuck are you talking about? Hell, I just spent 70 bucks on nice frames for a bunch of posters and that was really easy...

I honestly don't understand what you mean by that, so explain.

>> No.5682172

I'll wait for you forever.

>> No.5682174

Tempted to post...

>> No.5682187

Where do you live OP? Something from that room reminds me of a certain thing that was stolen from my house.

>> No.5682196

those are like $300 canvas prints. >>5682098 just has regular posters in frames by the looks of it.

>> No.5682203

Uh, what was it?

>> No.5682220

Is that message on your wall by your parents or something?

>> No.5682221

Haters gonna hate.

>> No.5682223
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>> No.5682224

>doing something
not happening bro

>> No.5682236

Eh, doesn't really matter, it was a non-descript item which I couldn't care less about and didn't hold much value to me (it wasn't data), so even if OP really happens to be that thief(doubtful), I couldn't really care less about it today(it wouldn't have been worth more than 100$ when sold).

>> No.5682248


You'd make a great mod. You're very bitter and angry.

>> No.5682241

I've done it before.

Someone asked for pictures of my Touhou stuff that I own and my Cirno wallscroll. I posted them, so fuck you.

And I have no idea where they are saved now so don't ask.

>> No.5682256

or you could just go the extra step to show your butthurt and take another picture

>> No.5682265

No he wouldn't. He'd probably over moderate on actual discussions, and who knows if he'd get rid of what should really be deleted(invasion and /a/ spam).

>> No.5682266
File: 183 KB, 800x600, 2of25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope, they're all canvas prints as >>5682196 pointed out.

>> No.5682268

I will take pictures when I finish with my room.

>> No.5682270

Either way, this isn't the OP's room, so good luck.

>> No.5682315

Well, looks like roughly the same result could be achieved through the method I mentioned. Doesn't sound like a bad alternative until I get a job.

>> No.5682348

Reading these comments makes me weep for /jp/ and for squatter anon.

>> No.5682436


Thanks, but I freely admit that my stuff is nothing compared to a few other anons that always post their places, and of course tripfags like BOOF and Mugen. Hell even the basement dwelling OP picture is deserving of respect in a strange sort of way.

It's nice to live comfortably, but career success and possessions doesn't mean I'm actually successful as CurryButt and others made pretty clear in a thread yesterday.

>> No.5682468
File: 68 KB, 182x204, Remi (4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

richfags everywhere.

I had to spend my free week helping my father to build a new roof.


>> No.5682496


What does 'richfags everywhere' have to do with you spending your free week helping your father? Your train of thought totally lost me bro.

>> No.5682575

I mean, we had to build the roof ourselves because we had no money to pay someone, and we used leftover materials... I hope that shit does not go flying because the wind.

>> No.5682646


Hey, whatever works. I grew up poor as shit living in trailers, and at one point camping all summer because we had no home at all. I wouldn't change any of it though. It's my history and I draw from it for motivation.

>> No.5682667

As a child, I lived in a very rural village. I had to dig the ground before I could shit. That rural.

Now I'm all urban with my Android and Tenga.

>> No.5682687

Most posters aren't richfags, but you are certainly a poorfag

>> No.5682838


How are the girls in your village? I always have thought that a girl from a rural village would be an ideal girl to marry.

>> No.5683063

as long as you don't push 2D purity values onto them, they will be what you imagine

back then, girls encouraged to be feminine (not loud), sometimes scolded if they played physical games, be extra helpful in household chores, if in a relationship, complaining about your boyfriend's abuse or bad habits also reflect badly on your face etc..
this is magnified in a marriage.. but all these were years and years ago when i was a small child, modernization came extremely quick in my hometown (about damn time) in the early 90's, and values rapidly changed
i don't live there anymore, but would like to go back again in my middle years

the good looking to passable to bad looking ratio is more or less the same everywhere, 1:9:90

>> No.5683156
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>> No.5683166
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>> No.5683176
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>> No.5683228

If you are still on, do you mind me asking where you got your Aria Wall Scroll?

>> No.5683284
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>> No.5683285

Fucking reported.

>> No.5683288
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>> No.5683326

I've been looking for you all day
post your right leg

>> No.5683530

Is there some story behind this? It's like the scariest shit I've ever seen.

It's like a dungeon. A dungeon of anime.

>> No.5683655

This is actually really awesome. I love the "get out" on the wall.

>> No.5683683


>It's like the scariest shit I've ever seen.

Bullshit... It's awesome and you know it.

>> No.5683717

It can be scary and awesome simultaneously. And it is.

>> No.5685460
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