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5678017 No.5678017 [Reply] [Original]

Including everyone there are 19.
Kinzo is however confirmed in red to have been dead since before the game, and so the number becomes 18.
The red lines spoken at the end of Episode 6 stated that there are 18 and 17, and they don't contradict eachother.

Now if
Kanon, Shannon and Erika all counts as full proper humans, then the numbers become 18 and 18.
18 and 18 != 18 and 17, False.

Kanon and Shannon counts as 2 people but only 1 full human, and if Erika counts as 1 full human, then the number becomes 18 and 17.
18 and 17 = 18 and 17, True.
It's a possibility.

Kanon and Shanon counts as 2 full humans, with Erika counting only as a person and not a full human, then the numbers become 18 and 17.
18 and 17 is technically a possibility, but this raises complications with how Erika claimed to be the 18th human, does it not?

Is this it or is there some other twist to it?

>> No.5678032

Who the fuck cares you faggot seriously this shit is dumb as hell.

>> No.5678048

True that it's pretty stupid.
It was fun reading the other thread just to see how fucking dumb Umineko is as a whole.

>> No.5678138

You forgot Beatrice.

>> No.5678334

Beatrice isn't human, she's a witch.

>> No.5678395

It's been said that the solution to the closed room in Episode 6 can somehow solve all of the closed rooms in the series. And that the solution is Shannon=Kanon.

But I have a hard time swallowing this. First of all, it assumes that at some point or another, some or even ALL of the adults on the island are aware of some kind of deception and lie about it.

Hideyoshi and Nanjo would have to know in Episode 1 at the very least, and assuming the family that lived there didn't know is rather borderline.

In Episode 2, I fail to see what bearing it even has on the chapel closed room- anyone could have done that and just left the door open (illusion of a closed room). It could explain Jessica's death- or could it? Rosa claimed to have been with Shannon previously. So she and Genji (who was also there) would have to know it was a lie if Shkannon was actually off killing Jessica. And what about the last closed room? Shannon was most certainly dead, and suicide doesn't seem likely since no weapon was found. Unless she rammed the stake into her own head...

In Episode 3, pretty much all the adults have to have been lying about finding Shannon and Kanon's bodies. Which would imply they all knew about the trick in the first place, or else why would they lie about finding Kanon's corpse?

The only game left is 4, which doesn't particularly disrupt the Shkannon theory.

I can't accept Shkannon until the inherent problems with keeping such an act secret are somehow rationalized.

>> No.5678427


This post. This post in its entirety.

>> No.5678461

At this point of time we have these choices:
1) try to find an alternative solution
2) accept that Ryu is fucking moron
3) wait for ep7
Really no point in denying anything.

>> No.5678493

And one final note: Why is Shkannon even necessary to solve any of the closed rooms in the first 4 games? I'm pretty sure I managed to solve, at one time or another, each of them without it. Or at least I found a possible 'truth' which has yet to be disproven.

>> No.5678542

My main concern is why they are ALL lying to Battler (parents, Kumasawa, Genji, Nanjo, not so sure about George/Jessica though). Sure, the guy didn't come for 6 years and threw away his family name but still... that's pretty fucked up

Not to count the fact that when a twilight happens, they don't instantly point their guns over Shkanon, or keep them under a rigid surveillance. It's like "hey! I know you are samefagging 24/7 but you aren't suspicious at all!"

>> No.5678556

>why they are ALL lying to Battler
Because battler sinned.

>> No.5678567


Why does everyone need to know about Shkanon?

I think Kumasawa, Genji, and Jessica do. Krauss and Natsuhi are pretty self-involved. Why would Hideyoshi need to know this?

>> No.5678584


Every single person that claims or is shown to have seen them together has to be in on it.

As of Ep6, that's every single person on the island.

>> No.5678590

One thing that bothers me about Shkannon is the Ep1 scene in the kitchen where Kumasawa, Genji and Kanon discuss how tragic Shannon's death was. Battler was secretly listening to it so it definitely happened.

For Shkannon(trice) to be true this scene can be explained by three easy ways, all of which lead to further questions:

The servants don't know about Shkannon.

The servants somehow knew Battler was listening and the conversation was designed for his benefit. Alternatively, Nanjo, who was also in the kitchen, somehow doesn't know about Shkannon. Staging it for Battler seems the most plausible answer, although it doesn't really gain them anything. If anything it makes them more suspicious as Kanon says Natsuhi should have died instead.

The servants knew about Shkannon, didn't know Battler was there, and the entire conversation was a subtle threat to Kanon. I don't think this is it at all, but it gives Kanon a motive for killing them later.

>> No.5678602

The Erika = 0 people are missing the point of the final red text. They're trying to twist the meaning into something Ryukishi07 didn't intend.

It means that the real number of people on the island is 16. Erika made it 17 but she's now gone so it's 17

It also "there are X" instead of "no more than X"

16 is the real number of people on the island. It can't drop anymore

>> No.5678619


Since when did we take illusions of the witch to mean that a character claimed it to be true?

>> No.5678629

You guys sure love to talk about the stupidity of Umineko.

>> No.5678631

Battler is an alien, therefore he doesn't count

>> No.5678653

Doujin link please?

>> No.5678661

It's just one image.

>> No.5678805

That's one of the main reasons I never liked Shkannon. FOr it to be true, either everyone is lying or everyone is too stupid to be alive.

>> No.5678822

Hideyoshi claimed, ALL THE WAY back in the first twilight of Episode 1, to be looking at the corpse of Shannon. Nanjo examined the bodies as well, and also 'treated' Kanon after his supposed attack. Can't really treat chest injuries without removing clothing, so I'm pretty sure he would have noticed if Kanon had tits. Unless of course that examination never took place because he was in on it (and therefore lied about examining Shannon).

Episode 2 proves that Rosa and Genji should be aware of it, because they (apparently) lie to cover up for Shkannon. Kumasawa lied as well, since she claimed Shannon was in the mansion with her making the beds or something when they crime was discovered (that was this game, right?).

In Episode 3 all of the adults going from room to room finding bodies have to have lied about finding at least ONE body, if not TWO (if you believe that 'Beatrice' became dominant and was the killer in that game). At this point the only adults not in the loop might be uh... I think Kyrie and Eva didn't go around searching, did they? I don't think Rosa did either, but she was already covered in Ep 2.

Gohda got coerced into lying for 'Shkannon's sake in Episode 2 as well, and probably in Episode 4 also.

Out list of people who -don't- know about Shkannon has gotten pretty short already. Kyrie (maybe. she lied to Battler on the phone though) Eva, and the cousins. Maria probably knows on some level, but she's too autistic to understand what it means.

So what possible reason does everyone have to lie about this when the bodies start piling up?

>> No.5678867


In episode 1, it could be a fake body.

I think Rosa was aware of something in Episode 2, but I don't know what exactly. But that's unique to episode 2.

Episode 3, I don't really know. You could say they played dead, and "beatrice" was the killer, or you could say that something went wrong in episode 3.

Either way, none of these kills Shkannon.

Keep in mind, I never liked Shkannon. I just came to terms with it when I realized that the story would probably use it only as the first part of the mystery, not the final solution.

>> No.5678934

>In episode 1, it could be a fake body.
#The identity of all corpses is guaranteed!
#No body double tricks exist!

Unless that was some other corpse entirely, like Kinzo's. But that still doesn't explain why Hideyoshi and Nanjo LIED.

>You could say they played dead, and "beatrice" was the killer

All of the victims were confirmed 'dead'. And we aren't allowing for body doubles. So no matter how you slice it, the adults LIED about finding 6 bodies. It isn't physically possible. And again, if 'Shkannontrice' was faking somehow in spite of the red, Nanjo again LIED about her being dead. This on top of everyone else LYING about finding a 6th body.

None of these problems kill Shkannon, no. But they are all still major problems.

>> No.5679076

>#The identity of all corpses is guaranteed!
>#No body double tricks exist!
She could have just played dead.
Nanjo quickly checked the bodies and said that nothing could be done.
The only one who checked Shannon was Hideyoshi.
Natsuhi wanted to close up and cover their faces but Eva freaked and opposed it, Nanjo was quick and agreed.
And then Hideyoshi and Eva were the next to die.
Calling it, Nanjo mastermind, ShKanon minions
Van Dine: 11. A servant must not be chosen by the author as the culprit. This is begging a noble question. It is a too easy solution. The culprit must be a decidedly worth-while person — one that wouldn't ordinarily come under suspicion.
Then again Nanjo is highly suspicous

>> No.5679263

17 people (people = living humans, counting each personality) = The four siblings, the four cousins, the three husbands/wives, Gohda, Kumasawa, Genji, Nanjo, Kanon, Shannon
Erika is the 18th human (humans means body, not personality, then shkannon is counted only once), since she arrived on the island, but as a corpse. Kinzo is the 17th.

Or else, 17 people (and we mean living people): four siblings + four cousins + three husbands/wives + gohda + kumasawa + shkannon + nanjo + genji + Beatrice if we want to put a pieceBeatrice on the island.
Then 19 humans (living people + corpses) on the island and Erika is the 18th, while kinzo the 19th.

>> No.5679304

>Then 19 humans (living people + corpses) on the island and Erika is the 18th, while kinzo the 19th.
But this doesn't work does it?
Erika took a number that already existed and introduced (added a number) herself onto that number, thus she should always be the last human so to say.
10 people? She is the 11th.
13 people? She is the 14th
17 people? She is the 18th

>> No.5679436
File: 56 KB, 481x359, toolbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EP6 closed guest room:

Battler uses a screwdriver to remove the hinges of the door without removing the chain.

>> No.5679446

I thought of something like that too.
My idea was that he detached the chain thing from the door without breaking the seal.

>> No.5679451

But Kanon let Battler out. So Kanon was the one who took the door off the hinges.

>> No.5679469

Yeah, sorry. I thought of this way before it was declared in red that Kanon saved Battler.

>> No.5679546

Wait. Wait...

Why do we have to assume the door hinges are on the inside of the room? If they are on the outside, Kanon could have taken the door off the hinges, taken Battler out of the room, and then re-hung the door.

>> No.5679567


Oh SHIT. I always thought Kanon just died, or he was Kinzo or something. Holy fuck. I shat bricks.

>> No.5679582

Door hinges are usually on the inside. Otherwise they wouldn't make the door very secure, lol.

>> No.5679599

I meant they wouldn't make the room secure, sorry.

>> No.5679600

Granted. But that possibility has never been excluded from consideration either.

Either way, they don't even HAVE to re-hang the door. It just doesn't make sense to take off the hinges when you can just remove the chain.

>> No.5679612

I don't know what door hinges would have to do with the nature of Beatrice.

>> No.5679624

You mean remove the chain lock from the door? Isn't that the same as removing the chain normally? Someone must stay inside to screw it back in.

>> No.5679632

And the same goes for hinges, fuck.

>> No.5679656
File: 50 KB, 163x235, erika wink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not so sure this would work, since the rescuer was defined as someone who 'reset the chain lock after Battler undid it'.

He is said to have entered the room but not left, so death in one form or another is pretty much all that can make him not exist suddenly.

>> No.5679665 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5679694
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Well, that much is true, I think. Unless I'm seriously missing something. How can you enter a room, and disappear but NOT leave?

As long as it is not Shkanon, I'm happy.

>> No.5679719

Maybe he left through the drain.

>> No.5679738
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>> No.5679741
File: 85 KB, 232x293, erika smirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This answer is cheating, but it's entirely possible that the 'guest room' that Beatrice was referring to was not the same one Erika was inside. The mansion has many guest rooms, yes? That 'Kanon does not exist in the guest room' red truth could refer to any of them that he wasn't actually inside.

Though, again, this is pretty much cheating, and I doubt any sort of reasonable solution.

>> No.5679787


>> No.5679815

I took this picture seriously though.

What if Kanon switched place with Battler. Locked the door and putted the chain on. And later when to the bathroom and started cutting himself into pieces?

>> No.5679820

What if Kinzo was the one who was raped?

>> No.5679825
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That'd be something awful.

>> No.5679836
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>> No.5679838

if kanon isn't shannon then he must be in the cousins' room among 'everyone else', which has remained a closed room until the very end. how can it be anyone other than shkanon to rescue battler?

>> No.5679874
File: 59 KB, 188x253, erika smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's simple. I gave this theory yesterday or the day before, in fact.

When Erika confirms the locations of all characters, it is before she seals the room. Magic does not exist, so Erika would have to seal either the cousin's room door or the cousin's room windows first; she cannot seal both instantly.

If she seals the door first, Kanon could escape from the window.
If she seals the windows first, Kanon could escape from the door.

The closed room is maintained in the cousin's room this way, by having Kanon slip out of the room during this gap, and does not violate any red truths as far as I am aware.

>> No.5679885

Cups and coins game (it was mentioned in the beginning but not solved). The soution to that game could be enlightening- you place one of the cups inside the other.

Kanon could still reach Battler's room as long as it was inside the cousin's room.

>> No.5679900

It can also be used as a metaphor for Shkanon.

>> No.5679976

That theory is a bit far out, who builds a room into another room anyway?

But you know what? It's impossible anyway, because do you know what's outside of the guestroom battler was in? A corridor, and corridors seperate rooms from eachother.

>> No.5679992

Sort of, but not really. That's like saying the solution to the game is putting one of the coins inside the other. I personally would have used the fake coin test allegory, but whatever.

>> No.5680033

>who builds a room into another room?

Kinzo. Hell, he built a house inside his house. Argument invalid.

>> No.5680088

There's a reason that George could still see Shannon's face in Ep1, because she was still alive

>> No.5680266

That wasn't a real argument, I just claimed that it's farout.
People commented on Kinzo's study/house several times because it's odd.
If other rooms were to be built like it then there would have been comments about unusual guest rooms.

>It's impossible anyway, because do you know what's outside of the guestroom battler was in? A corridor, and corridors seperate rooms from eachother.
This was the argument.

>> No.5680322

Okay this is something I thought up yesterday. It's a pretty messed up theory full of holes and it contradicts some red truths but it's something to start working on:

- Battler is inside the guest room
- Kanon is dead (whoever Kanon really is)
- Kanon's corpse is inside the guest room
- The chain lock is cut.
- Erika comes into the room
- Corpses identities have not been proclaimed in red. Erika is actually examinating Kanon's corpse.
- Erika does not have the detective's authority. She cannot know the status of the corpse. Kanon corpse is actually in an Angeburger state
- Before Erika seals the room. Battler drains Kanon's corpse through the bathtub
- Before Erika seals the room. Battler gets the fuck out of there
- Erika seals the room
- Erika breaks the seals and fixes the chain
- Everything proceeds as usual

However this contradicts the definition of the 'rescuer' however Battler doesn't undo the chain lock with this theory

Also contradicts

"From the time you (Erika) entered the room to the time of the logic error, you, Battler, and Kanon were the only ones who went in or out of the guest room."

>> No.5680358

Under other circumstances I'd whip up a crude diagram of the scenario I am thinking of, but that's not feasable at the moment.

So I'll just argue this- it's not impossible to have a corridor inside a room. If, for example the 'cousin's room' were actually two adjoined rooms with a single enclosed corridor connecting them, it could work. The 'door to the cousin's room' just has to be attached to that corridor.

I'l make a diagram of what I am thinking of when I get off work in 6 hours, if this matter is still being debated.

We've never been given a diagram mapping the interior of the main house, so just about anything is possible. Dumb, but possible.

>> No.5680387

I'll just say one thing and go away, since it's been bothering for awhile.

Do you guys think that Umineko is just a set of closed rooms that need to be solved or do you actually, you know, CARE ABOUT THE STORY UNDERNEATH ALL THIS SHIT?

Looking at the threads so far, all these "alternate theories" and the likes, it feels like you guys only care about solving Umineko "mathematically" without caring about such thing as MAKING SENSE or BEING CONSISTENT WITH THE STORY SO FAR and shit.
I know that the story is very far from being good, and even downright retarded at time but the author still tries to make it consistent.

Reading all the threads so far, fuck I understand why R07 insulted his readers in a way.

>> No.5680408

Hm... I wonder if now that the "game" is over (unless something happens to change that) Episode 7 will be more like Episode 1, with very little meta/magic, besides possibly discussions between bern and featherine from time to time... That would be kind of nice. 6 had way too much meta and magic in some retarded places sometimes... (Did Erika's first argument with Maria really need to be portrayed like that?)

>> No.5680424
File: 222 KB, 500x445, erika zoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only prove that magic doesn't exist to a little girl by having magic battles with her.

>> No.5680569


People care about the story, but you can't do shit about the plot except speculate (see all the fake spoilers thread for ep 7) and wait for the new episode to come out.

In the meantime you can kill time by giving and trading theories for the murders, which by this episode are supposedly solvable. The whole VN encourages you to do so.

>> No.5680596

Why did Kanon need to switch places with Battler, anyway? I mean yeah, in the meta world it was to resolve a logic error and create a closed room with the red, but why would he need to do it in the real world?

>> No.5680626

Some people are making the stupid assumption that Kanon/Shannon/Beatrice are not the same person, they won't solve it like that

>> No.5680669
File: 54 KB, 166x256, erika grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's exactly the opposite. You won't solve it if you go for the non-thinking 'solution' pushed into your face by the witches' side. I will happily admit that Shannon = Beatrice is a likely thing, and I even thought so before Episode 6 came out.

However, Shannon = Kanon is something I am far more hesitant to believe blindly, as long as another sound explanation exists.

>> No.5680681

Other "sound" explanations only exist in a mathematical manner. Looking at the story properly, there is no other explanation.

>> No.5680694

Tomorrow is the reason people prefer episode 5 to 6.

>> No.5680700

That fucking expression

There's something that pisses me of about it... I think it's the eyebrows.

>> No.5680715
File: 173 KB, 436x450, eri_akuwaraia3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem, Nack?

>> No.5680725

Anyone else think that by the end of this, Battler is going to dump Beato and wind up with Erika? Seems like it's been foreshadowed at practically every turn.

>> No.5680742

You didn't know Erika was Battler's ex?

>> No.5680745

Dump Beato, the one based off his ideal woman? Haha no (Meta-Battler, at least).

>> No.5680749
File: 174 KB, 401x472, eri_akuwaraia1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be a third rate romance if he doesn't.

>> No.5680762

Why would Battler fall in love with a corpse rotting at the bottom of the ocean?

>> No.5680776
File: 106 KB, 244x213, erika dat ass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, it was just that expression.

>> No.5680792
File: 74 KB, 199x282, erika hee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, by that logic, the only explanation for all the crimes is that a witch did them. After all, the story shows that Beatrice kills a bunch of people, and that Kinzo is actually alive and summoned a bunch of demons to kill his family, even though he wasn't really alive.

That would make about as much sense as personalities being counted as people and being able to kill off those personalities counting as a death or that person not existing.

This is a mystery. A game where the entire point of the witch side is to force a false truth on you. As the GM, Battler is putting forth this illusion that Kanon and Shannon are the same person.

The story is the one entity in Umineko which is a bold-faced liar 90% of the time, especially about things it forces down your throat in no small quantity.

If you buy into that lie while denying all other possibilities, you are not looking at the story properly. You are not even thinking about it, much less looking at it.

>> No.5680820

The story has already clearly presented that magic is a lie, so no.

>> No.5680826
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>> No.5680864

So you admit that you're pretty much ignoring the story? Okay then.

>> No.5680910
File: 57 KB, 219x171, dot dot dot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, mister troll, that is exactly what I was saying. That I was ignoring it. Not doubting it and trying to see if there were a different interpretation or explanation other than the one some people accept for no other reason than that it's easy to justify with irrational arguments and that they can't think for themselves.

You expertly saw through my ruse, good work.

>> No.5680967

Battler is the killer and has h-syndrome inherited from Natsuhi. He is dueling with his delusions.

>> No.5681015
File: 1.68 MB, 1600x1200, 86d61cf1ab0c19dd1cc4668c83fd90da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This I can say.
The whole idea behind the mystery genre is that things truly aren't as they are first laid out.

Now in Umineko things are laid out as murders done by a witch, that however has been denied from the beginning so it doesn't matter.
So if we ignore the witch and look at what's laid out next, we get ShKanon among others.
If this is true, then Ryukishi has failed as a mystery writer and he shouldn't refer to his own work as a mystery novel, neither inside his work or outside it.

In a proper mystery novel there should be yet another sulution.
Not the one that's impossible, not the one that's first laid out after you ignore the impossible, but something else.

I guess we will see how good of a writer Ryukishi turns out to be soon.

>> No.5681033

Umineko is no more a mystery novel than Higurashi was.

>> No.5681050

If I remember correctly the story of Beatrice and the story of the witch in the forest were originally seperate.

>> No.5681074

Higurashi didn't have personifications of Knox and Wright together with thousands of references to mystery novels and characters that explains that the episodes (bottles) ar written works.

But otherwise yeah you can be right, if you are however Ryukishi failed more with Umineko than he ever did with Higurashi.

>> No.5681102

I'm not against looking at other theories at all, but it would be foolish not to realize what Episode 6 is apparently trying to make clear. The only real question is, as Ryu pointed out in a TIP, whether or not you think this is too obvious and want to turn away from it.

>> No.5681288

You know, the more I think about it, just like Shanon, Kanon, and Beatrice are all one person, I think George, Jessica, and Battler are all one person. There's actually a lot of evidence in the earlier episodes to support this, and it helps solve a lot of the closed rooms.

>> No.5681291



>> No.5681293

Where is this from?

>> No.5681307

It's the only way the love trials could possibly make any sense.

>> No.5681311
File: 98 KB, 401x238, confession.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didnt even read ep6? There is no point in denying unless you have read 6. R07 pretty much hammered shkanon into our head in ep6.

>> No.5681313

I guess, but wouldn't it mess up the family tree quite badly?

>> No.5681323

The family tree was never stated in red. Also notice how Battler was unable to say in red that he was Rudolph and Asumu's son. Seems like pretty heavy evidence for the Jessittlerorge theory.

>> No.5681325

I didn't deny anything.
I just don't remember where it was.
Where is the screenshot from?

>> No.5681336


More likely that Battler is Kyrie's child and Jessica is Asumu's.

>> No.5681338

What about 18th human and 17 people then?

>> No.5681351

That guy is just being retarded.
It is just another deluded denialfag not wanting to believe in shkanon making up any shitty theory can make himself feel better.

>> No.5681360

Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines. It's pretty plausible that Rudolph and Eva were the parents of Ushiromiya George, but Hideyoshi married Eva to cover this up, because incest would hurt the family's reputation. Then, George later found out about Ushiromiya Battler, who was killed by Natsuhi, and because of the guilt, this became another personality of his, along with Ushiromiya Jessica, the child that Krauss and Natsuhi were never able to have.

>> No.5681372

It's not a "shitty theory". Reread the first four episodes with the assumption that Battler, Jessica, and George are one person. Suddenly makes a whole lot of sense, doesn't it?

>> No.5681379

When you go to load an episode, a little paragraph shows up in the corner.

>> No.5681389

Right and we throw Battler POV/Narration out of the window and rendered the whole thing as his inner head delusion am I right?
I really cant believe there are people that is this deluded.
Shkanon works because Battler has never seen them in the same room.

>> No.5681398

That I know, but if you take a look at the posts then I >>5681293 asked where this >>5680826 was from.

>> No.5681403


>It's not a "shitty theory". Reread the first four episodes with the assumption that Battler, Jessica, and George are one person. Suddenly makes a whole lot of sense, doesn't it?

>makes a whole lot of sense, doesn't it?

...No. No it does not. I'll listen to your theory, but you gotta gimme more than that bullshit. How does it make any sense?

>> No.5681416

Disregard this post. It's a troll.

>> No.5681656

If that's the case, then every single Shkanontrice post is a troll too. Ah well, I'll be the one laughing at you guys when my theory is confirmed in EP7.

>> No.5681771

So then, Eva, Krauss and Rudolf are the same person?

>> No.5681860

I somehow don't think that ryu is that bad of a writer that Shkannon is the answer since its been suspected since like episode 2 and is now heavily implied. There should be two episodes left so im kinda thinking its just a misdirection for people that think they have everything figured out.

>> No.5681877

when does episode 7 even come out? i missed the release of 6 by quite a bit and don't want to do the same with 7.

>> No.5681881

Summer Comiket

>> No.5681932

thanks,so they come out at each Comiket? alright that makes sense, I'm surprised i didn't realize that ;_;
