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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 606 KB, 1024x768, Tulips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5675728 No.5675728 [Reply] [Original]

Why should I go to Japan?
Also, what should I do there?

: )

I know nothing - plan me out /jp/!

This is my first time on this board, so be nice.

>> No.5675730


>> No.5675734

You shouldn't post on boards you know nothing about.

>> No.5675738
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>> No.5675774
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You should take a horse dick up your ass.

>> No.5675791
File: 120 KB, 280x268, MortePNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mad

>> No.5675799

/trv/ /int/

>> No.5675809
File: 57 KB, 450x300, 4712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buthurt faggots can't deal with the real world.

>> No.5675816

/jp/ motherfucker, do you know it? We don't care about Japan here. You won't get any good replies here, you are lucky that the shit level is LOW right now. This week is being really tough.

>> No.5675837

You realise this is probably a troll thread, right?

>> No.5675857
File: 241 KB, 1600x1200, 31239671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#1 I am not the OP.

Fuck you and your fucking "no Japan here!" bulllshit. /jp/ didn't start out this way. This is just bullshit a few faggots have forced on everyone else. I say fuck that shit. So does moot.

>> No.5675865

>/jp/ didn't start out this way.
/jp/ cared about gets at first too
but we evolved

>> No.5675873

/jp/ never cared about gets ever. Fuck off an die.

>> No.5675877


>> No.5675882

>I say fuck that shit. So does moot.
But moot is the one that changed the name from "Japan/General" to "Otaku/General" so you don't really have an argumentative leg to stand on, here.

Go to /trv/.

>> No.5675888


>Fuck you and your fucking "no Japan here!" bulllshit.

What you going to do about it smart guy?

>> No.5675897

This isn't the board to go to for travel advice. Doesn't matter if you wish it was, doesn't matter if moot thinks it should be, it isn't.

But you're a troll anyway so whatever.

>> No.5675931
File: 178 KB, 1698x1200, Tori-Gate_20070826_MG_3558-3560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post whatever I want about Japan and ignore all you babies.

Fuck you. When did you start paying the server bills? You're just some fat loser that camps on /jp/ 24/7 telling people to get out while you shitpost and post /a/ level tripe.

I can't see any of you assholes being able to stop anyone that wants to post about Japan and just ignore your infantile bullshit.

>> No.5675952

Feel free to post about Japan, I honestly don't care and even like these threads because it's better than some heavy shit we have been dealing with. I just told you that most people will come here and whine about it.

>> No.5675958
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>> No.5675959

Moot doesn't give two shits about this board or what goes on in it anymore. We have to resort to policing ourselves because of shitposts like yours that will never get addressed by a mod.

And the one thing we don't want is to cater to "hurr goin 2 japan to fuck azn bitches, where do i go" shit. We have /r9k/, /adv/, and /trv/. Stop bringing this shit to /jp/.

>> No.5675962

fucking this.

Reported for off topic thread

>> No.5675964

The entire thread is reported.

>> No.5675968

>policing ourselves

Have you ever sat down and wondered "Maybe this is why /jp/ is the shittiest board on 4chan"?

>> No.5675972

>pretending moot is on your side when every scrap of evidence points to the contrary

>> No.5675974
File: 60 KB, 255x326, 1251548979788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> : )

>> No.5675975

I rather have ""hurr goin 2 japan to fuck azn bitches, where do i go" than "lol u just got owned you summerfag! you are new hahaha you suck!"

>> No.5675967

so cp spam?

>> No.5675978

op already made a thread in /trv/

at this point it's just /jp/ trolling itself.

>> No.5675981

well? start one.

>> No.5675984

Actually now that I think of it.
It's probably because of my shitty posting.

>> No.5675988

>Implying I'm not /jp/'s most popular tripfag.

>> No.5675994

I'm just a nobody from /r9k/ anyways I only come here to shitpost and epically troll you all because of my autism XD

>> No.5675995


Awww how cute, I didn't know you lurked /r9k/ too, Suigin.

>> No.5675997

Just google this tripcode ^_^;;

>> No.5676000

This thread is a prefect example of why all the good content posters have left /jp/. Too many faggots that just can't take it easy and ignore stuff they don't understand or have an interest in. Instead /b/ level shit and anime gets posted. Enjoy your QUALITY threads /jp/.

>> No.5676004

That tripcode has been cracked. Only dummies don't know that.

>> No.5676005

>why all the good content posters have left /jp/
They haven't left you fucking newfaggot.
I bet you are one of those idiots who believe that the "SECRET NEET BOARD WITHOUT SHITPOSTERS XD" exists.

>> No.5676007


don't be mean to him

he is a valuable human being

>> No.5676009


>> No.5676015

Why can't people here learn to ignore posts?

>> No.5676017

(Not the same guy) I don't think they left (well, some did) but the huge quantity of shitposters overcomes the good ones so it end up being the same as good posters leaving.

>> No.5676023


You made me think there was something good to find.

You made me break my code of honor to never visit the archive.

It has inflated my e-penis significantly.

>> No.5676028

well considering we told op to go to /trv/ and he insisted in posting his shit here
it's like going to /cm/ to ask them for some music or something and refusing to go to /mu/ when they tell you to go there

>> No.5676031
File: 129 KB, 852x1200, pani poni jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Once again I shall post this. Why are you not following our motto, /jp/?

>> No.5676035

Compared to me you are a newfag.


>> No.5676041

>hurrdurr I can crack tripcodes
>Implying that will stop me

>> No.5676048


>> No.5676049

You can't read. The OP didn't post most of this someone fed up with the state of /jp/ did. /jp/ sucks because you can't take it easy and ignore stuff you are not interested in but choose to get all defensive and butthurt about things and engage in "user moderation" and shitposting.

>> No.5676053

It'd probably get ignored a lot more if you'd stop bumping it.

>> No.5676064

Take you green text back to /v/ and your impling back to /b/ rumpkin. Your tripcode was posted publicly. You are just another shitposting tripfrined circle jerking along.

>> No.5676067

/jp/ sucks because of all the shitposters (in before lol irony xD) and lack of moderation
it's not about threads you don't like or posts you don't like it's hard to ignore a board when it gets clogged with shit all the god damn time and all the idiots do is bump those shitty threads to the front page
don't try to put excuses this is the only reason

>> No.5676070

>someone fed up with the state of /jp/ did
I think you mean "an opportunist troll."

>> No.5676084

>Am I an oldfag yet?

I like how you think anyone gives a shit.

>> No.5676085


hahaha you really think he can crack trips

>> No.5676094

threads like this are small time problems compared to what we got in here.

>> No.5676098

What is sad is that is what you believe. You consider anyone posting about Japan trolling on /jp/ and anyone defending that is a troll. a ridiculous position.

>> No.5676103

Go back to /v/ the adults are talking.

>> No.5676104

all of them are problems
greentext tales
troll wannabe kiddies
reacting pictures
my face when
sion drum master
shitty scandaroon
thoughtless celestial
at least the maid put a semi stop on mugen and deleted got banned

>> No.5676118

no she is not

>> No.5676115

Yeah, that's pretty much everything that's currently shitty about /jp/, aside from the fact that all the good people simply left.

>> No.5676121

I thought you actually liked and supported some shit of that list.

>> No.5676132

>all the good people simply left.
but you are still here Alabama-kun!

and so are Kyon, RemiliaJam, Austria, Meiling and other people

>> No.5676137

/a/ shit is /a/ shit.

>> No.5676138

>all the good people simply left.
>but you are still here Alabama-kun!

I don't follow.

>> No.5676144

Why aren't you on that list?

>> No.5676145

It's pretty clear that the vast majority of this board doesn't want shit about Japan here, so yeah when you go out of your way to always start arguments defending it then your goal is obviously provoking others. That makes you a troll.

>> No.5676164

No actually it doesn't. You need to learn to take it easy and ignore it. The inability to ignore it is the problem. There is nothing wrong with posting it here at all.

>> No.5676167

ever seen me shitpost in a board related thread or make a shitty thread for the sake of spamming?

>> No.5676175

>63 posts

/jp/ has no self-control whatsoever

>> No.5676181

Guess what. The "vast majority" that gets trotted out is bullshit. You count yourself as the "vast majority" I do not.

>> No.5676191

That's because you're in the vast minority of posters on /jp/, the ones that truly get trolled by morons because you're incapable of taking it easy.

>> No.5676212

Actually I mostly ignore the bullshit and do what I want. I am anonymous no one knows who the hell I am. I ignore the majority of threads on /jp/ and almost all the tripfags because the good ones have given up and left.

I practice what I preach I take it easy and ignore that which does not interest me.

>> No.5676217


Curiosity: Who were the "good" tripfags?

>> No.5676226

Hong Meiling, no other good tripfags exist because none of them contribute anything to anyone anywhere

>> No.5676231

Don't worry you will never be on that list.

It's almost 8:00am I am going to bed.

>> No.5676236

Oy!... Don't forget me Señor...

I also did my share to make /jp/ a fun place for the whole family...

>> No.5676254

>/jp/ didn't start out this way.

the board was created as a toilet of sorts to flush all the touhou+vn shit from /a/. it's official.

>> No.5676277

No, /a/ is the dung pile that /jp/ left behind. You have it backwards.

>> No.5676283

trolling trolling trolls
