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5664390 No.5664390 [Reply] [Original]

Time for another NEET/Otaku thread.

Today i noticed that my apartment is getting bit messy and i haven't cleaned properly in...few months. SO i got the motivation to start cleaning, i vacuumed....and my motivation to clean dropped.

How often do you clean? Do you ever clean "properly"? (includes wiping dust and shit like that)
Also, Do you live on your own?

>> No.5664413

My room is disgusting. Empty bottles all over the place, ash and empty tobacco pipes over my desk, stacks of books. I would clean once every month or two. Shit just piles up to the point I am even less motivated.

>> No.5664411

Rarely,now that a I put most of my figs under the glass. I just clean the few remaining once from dust regularly and that's pretty much all.

>> No.5664456
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My figurines are the only thing i clean regurally too. Also i keep care of my PS3 and shit like that, but anything else i leave in a mess.

I have the bottle thing too. I have about 16 soda bottles and over 20 energy drink cans behind me on a table/floor.
Cleaning is really annoying, but you should maybe at least take the bottles to recycle or something (im one to talk)

>> No.5664467

OP you are a disgrace to the finnish people.

>> No.5664477

>ash and empty tobacco pipes over my desk
Would you recommend pipes over cigarettes?

>> No.5664490

>finnish people.
Awww, they think they are people :3

>> No.5664508

They are different. I prefer pipes. It is much more relaxing to sit down for half an hour or so and all the different blends and flavors are great. Especially when you find one you enjoy (I like English blends, personally). I gave up cigs for pipes and never looked back.

In regards to bottles and shit, I usually refill them with water a few times then they do get recycled.

>> No.5664517
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I know. I hear that alot.
I thinking of being a bravefag and taking all the bottles to the recycle. Since i need more energy drinks.

>> No.5664543

i usually go several months without cleaning or dusting, but i try not to leave junk lying around.

>> No.5664547
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I can clean in my room, only if trash threaten to my health. But sometimes i have desire to get out in my room.

>> No.5664554

I live in the onion stink of my own sweat.

>> No.5664588

Why the hell are you sweating if you're just sitting in front of the computer?

>> No.5664594
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That's the i way i TRY to do it.
You are doin it right IMO.

How much time do you spend inside overall?

Holy shit....that's not really good

>> No.5664602

do you live somewhere cold?
Because this summer's heat has been killing me, I guess it's the same for him.

>> No.5664606

Im sweating all the time too since it's so hot in here.

>> No.5664607

Last week it went as high at 40 degrees Celsius where I'm staying right now. But the AC is at 18 so I don't sweat when I'm inside.

>> No.5664612

My room is clean. No garbage and anything like that. I'm vacuuming it once a week, sometimes often. Depends if it's messy or not.

>> No.5664630

It's hot as fuck, damn it. I'm practically glued to my chair and have to take regular showers

>> No.5664638

Seems like you are having it bit hard over there.
I take showers from time to time too. Had to go to the shower at night since i sweated so much
(more like in the morning sincei usually go to sleep at 6.am)

>> No.5664669

I'm almost 20 years old, but I still clean my room when my mom tells me to.

I just don't see why it's so important, I'm comfortable with a little dust, and no one else uses the room, so where's the problem?

>> No.5664697

I get rid of anything that would attract mice, bugs or spiders.

>> No.5664707

My mother cleans my room.

>> No.5664728
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Quite many of you people seem to live at home.
I guess a parent is a good motivation to clean, unless they clean it for you of course.

I live on my own so it get's bit messy at times i never let it get TOO messy.

Lucky guy ;___;

>> No.5664734

I clean weekly. That includes putting everything in order, vacuuming, washing the floor (I have hardwood), changing sheets and so forth. I do the dishes every day (I also clean up after cooking/eating/coffee), and I do laundry one to two times per week.

I do this because I am a dignified human being.

>> No.5664761
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That is highly respectable.
The way it should be done. I don't have too much dishes since i like to do the same as this guy.
Clean them after eating, but there are times when i don't want to.
Anyway, time for me to take those bottles to the store, get some money, buy energy drinks.

You can let this thread die or do whatever you like now.
Thanks for the interesting post's anyway.

>> No.5664807

A mouse managed to get into my house a month ago so I had to clean up my really messy room, it has been clean for a while now, I still haven't caught mouse, I blocked off his entrance to my room and put traps in the cupboard but he still hasn't gone for them.

>> No.5664821

I wish I had hardwood flooring. Carpet i s a bitch to vacuum.

>> No.5664838

I clean often, but reorganize every few months.

>> No.5664841


>dignified human being.

Get the fuck out.

>> No.5665951

I live on my own and clean up when it gets too messy or I have company. I don't get too much company.

>> No.5665962
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*knock* *knock*
You guys don't need to be NEETs if you don't want to.

>> No.5665984

when you know people are coming over, don't you get the incentive naturally?

you can also pay someone to do it. or just start with the hardest thing to clean first. and the rest will come naturally.

or but those like disposable wipes, and it actually kind fun, watching the gross disappear.

or cosplay as a maid, then you kinda have to

>> No.5665997

don't live alone, will soon though, I keep dishes out of my room, I keep laundry out of my room.

When I do move out if they fuck with my room they're gonna find some huge cum stains of the gallons I've dumped over the years, haha.

I only clean my monitor, keyboard, bedding, and chair really (chair costed $200)

>> No.5666519

I'm never going to have a stalker like her...
