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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5662724 No.5662724 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.5662735

Does this count as a currybutt thread?

>> No.5662733


>> No.5662742


>> No.5662753


>> No.5662756

So does this mean perpetual bump?

>> No.5662758
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forbidden love

>> No.5662766

Cutiebutt is back~~

>> No.5662779
File: 245 KB, 1600x1200, 080509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So ಠ_ಠ, how are you doing lately? I've been playing MMOs non-stop even after ECO. Now I spend all my time on #hotglue. Haven't been on pchat for ages as well.

>> No.5662788


>> No.5662789

bump this thread

>> No.5662795

Awesome. Curry, welcome back brother. The long campaign is finally over.

>> No.5662810
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You're the cutiebutt, you cutie.

I'd prefer if you didn't post images that will confuse me about who you are and make me assume you are a filthy whore whom I used to be in a relationship with.

And I'm just waiting for XIV right now, playing atelier annie, watching anime I skipped over before (a lot of random shit i figured would be bad), went to AX, etc.

>> No.5662822
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Ok this might be easier.

>> No.5662836

Whoa, whoa! And yet another Paintchat screenshot with one of my drawings that I've completely forgot about surfaces.

>> No.5662846
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Most of the shows i thought would be shit are turning out to be awesome.

>He uses IRC


>> No.5662860

I always love the upside down Patchy.

>> No.5662863
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Many things happened. And I found this somewhere that has you in it.

>> No.5662868

What did you do at AX?

>> No.5662871

ur mum is funi


>> No.5662887
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I keep many screenshots but I don't post them often.

>> No.5662899
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It's been long enough where my shitty memory can't recall everything but let's see...

This was the best year - to me at least - in the past 3-4 years so I had done a lot. Lots of panels, bought a shit ton of stuff in dealers hall, gave Yuu Asakawa a present and got her signature, watched the Black lagoon 3 premiere, saw YOKO FUCKING KANNO live when she showed up mid-way through the May'n/Nakajima (basically macross frontier) concert to play some of the songs while they sang, other shit I can't remember right now.

The concert was pretty fucking awesome so it's hard to remember what else I did because that always comes to mind first.

I did do a lot though and had barely any time to shop this year and only watched like an hour of time in a viewing room (and thats only because there was a short break in my schedule), the rest was panels and events.

>> No.5662908

Oh right, I have a few videos on my youtube from AX but they are just bullshit right now as I'm too lazy to put together something real and not stephen hawking or short clips. I plan on uploading more but I just have 3 right now (one was some commercial in the viewing room).

Nothing worth looking at really.

>> No.5662909

/jp/ - Blog/Reported General

>> No.5662914

/jp/ - CurryButt General

>Reported for false reporting

>> No.5662919


>> No.5662927

One other thing, did you meet any /jp/sies?

>> No.5662929

But I did report you.

>> No.5662942
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You were there too anonymous? it really was amazing, I think it's the best thing that I've experienced at anime expo, and one of the few things that's gotten close to moving me. I wasn't one of the people crying (which a lot were once Kanno started playing) but I was definitely in weeaboo awe for a little while.

I was pretty obvious but I won't say why, but I've mentioned it before (like 8 months ago probably). I saw some people who seemed clearly like they were from /jp/ and who may have had suspicions of who I was, but no I met nobody. In reality - it's very likely a lot of /jp/ saw me and just doesn't realize it. One person who I think was from here was even listening in to a conversation I was having with a girl that came along with me, while also trying to talk sometimes in it.

>> No.5662944

Someone should just delete /jp/. This is dumb.

>> No.5662953

I have no excuses for that, and sorry to bring up ZAWA again. See you on another pchat sometime.

>> No.5662955

It's okay. And hope I can find the pchat you're all hiding in someday, if you still go to them anyway. Otherwise, I'm always here at least!

>> No.5662958
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I'm a fabulous, ultra sexy asian outside of my room. You should've come to my suite at the Bonaventure mang. I was all baller all weekend. Even got this Miku for free.

>> No.5662961

I take it that you're Jun?

>> No.5662965


>> No.5662967

Is Eraser-kun still hanging around in the paintchat?

>> No.5662973

But I live like 15 minutes away so I never go to the hotels.

I didn't get anything free, but one of the mangagamer booth guys did help my brother pay for something cuz their boss wouldn't lower their price on it. What a bro.

You know, I've never spent time in the artist's alley, but I checked it out this year and ended up spending like 100 bucks on shit. That was almost the ONLY railgun stuff and DRRR stuff.

I bought everything at the convention that was railgun, and I'm proud of that because I'm a faggot. Everything in artists alley, everything in any of the real booths carrying stuff from it too. Even a big ass towel I have no use for with biribiri on it.

>> No.5662985

>>saw YOKO FUCKING KANNO live when she showed up mid-way through the May'n/Nakajima (basically macross frontier) concert

Damn I missed that thing. Would have been there if I knew Kanno was going to show up.

>> No.5662987

Someday I will take a picture of all the things I bought, or at least put a video on my youtube. It's quite a lot due to posters, towels, and a bigass overpriced bed sheet which is the most comfortable goddamn thing in the world and looks awesome.

>> No.5662991

My apartment is in West LA but since school is out I'm about 30 minutes from downtown. I just bought a good amount of figures, talked up fat bitches to buy me shit, and have fun at the concert and clubs.

>> No.5663000

Well, May'n and Nakajima was really just "Macross Frontier" as they are the two main characters and the show has a huge focus on them singing.

The concert did have a few singles from May'n but anyway, my point is that the info said "Secret Guest" would show up...it was pretty obvious that it would either be Maaya Sakamoto or Yoko Kanno, being as they are the only other ones involved in music heavily that were also involved in Frontier.

Wasn't hard to guess, though yeah, there was no certainty to it. I'm glad though - had they said it outright it would have been flooded with faggots and they probably would have raised the price for tickets. I would have still been able to go but yeah. I also think it'd have had a lot of people bitching afterwards about the entire rest of the concert that she had no part in other than composing the music.

Besides, she only played a few songs and left, but it was still amazing.

>> No.5663006

Oh and really, it was a nice treat as the concert wasn't HER concert.

If they announced her it would have been a Yoko Kanno concert for most people - and not a Megumi Nakajima/May'n one. So I think it was actually a good thing that they kept it 'secret', because it gave those who actually wanted to be at this concert a special extra - as well as kept those two as the spotlight rather than giving it to Kanno.

>> No.5663024

I know I'm probably late to the party but holy shit I thought you were gone for good, welcome back.

>> No.5663030
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>> No.5663043

Which PaintChat do you use?

>> No.5663052

>>Well, May'n and Nakajima was really just "Macross Frontier" as they are the two main characters and the show has a huge focus on them singing.

You don't say! But yeah sounds awesome. My ass is still pained from missing that. You are probably right how it's better they didn't annouce it directly. Would have loved to see all those people freaking/sperging out when Kanno appeared though.

Also your trip posts are a billion times better than your anon posts.

>> No.5663068
File: 397 KB, 439x641, 563q537q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon posts
I have noooo idea what you're talking about!

And I mentioned them being macross frontier because a lot of people didn't know apparently due to rampant stupidity.

And yeah, there were literally a shit ton of people bawwwing their asses off and shit like that once she started playing - it was both amusing and kind of touching at the same time. The rest of the concert was really fucking awesome too, but the kanno part was definitely uncomparably awesome to the rest
