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File: 89 KB, 800x600, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5659482 No.5659482 [Reply] [Original]

How long is this shit gonna last /jp/?

>> No.5659495
File: 12 KB, 190x126, maintenance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Er, herk, herk...

>> No.5659502

Three hours?!

>> No.5659526


Also I forgot to spend hours doing quests. Now I'll never get an Izuna by the 29th...

>> No.5659540

Be quiet and play some VNs and/or watch some anime in the meantime, Anonymous! You'll only make our Japanese overlords angrier if you don't!

>> No.5659567

I'm not that mad just because the server is under maintenance...

Just I was doing that one last mission with the sword bot, almost won it...

>> No.5659601
File: 56 KB, 800x600, alligotwasthisflower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Ouka mission?

How in the world are you supposed to make the 2500 point target score, anyway?

>> No.5659620

Shit, I was doing the 0 score one, cause I noticed it...

What do you get when you win it with the 2500 score by the way?

>> No.5659629
File: 1.32 MB, 2347x1877, 10630841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lily Rain x Bee is my OTP

>> No.5659639
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>> No.5659652
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>> No.5659676

See pic title. Seriously. Same one you can buy at a store for 4000 UC. Dunno if you get THE REAL DEAL if you meet the point quota.

Not that I'm getting an Ouka in my lifetime. Yeah, good luck spending 150,000 UC for a <5% of winning her.

>> No.5659725

Just the sword?

damn it...

>> No.5659747

I...I feel like I've missed something here.

All I recall getting is 500 UC and a dumb cheapo generic non-promotion flower. Then again I only got a mere 1600 points.

>> No.5659764

So it depends on the points.

Ill keep trying, I need a better bot... All I got is one small, and whatever weapon I get she can't hold it, and I look around, everyone got a small type bot, but somehow they made it to medium, and can hold M or L weapons... How do I make my bot go to M, I suck at this game...

>> No.5660000

Bot "size" tiers are fixed. They're either using a smallish M bot or an S bot with weapons that look big but are still M- or S-sized.

>> No.5660661

Any suggestions for setups that involve a Gun Striker or L-11 Bayonet?

(I guess Ivis doesn't benefit from either, and doesn't from Barbarian Claw as well)

>> No.5660712

Ive seen a bot that's impossible to be M, yet they have rockets in both hands. A charactristic bot, not a robot bot.

>> No.5660718

Use the gun striker with hound dog AM and make sure it's not the last part of the combo because it has a large recovery time and makes you open to counterattacks

>> No.5660721

Or I guess they got it as a gift, when you level up and such.

>> No.5660814
File: 935 B, 50x24, smallmissiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bazooka shells, or missiles?

There are a number of bazookas out there for Small bots, and apparently also a couple of S-compatible missile launchers.

I wouldn't know otherwise.

>> No.5660837

Damn, how come I never saw that...

Ill look for them when the server gets back.

>> No.5660879

newfag here, what game is this?

>> No.5660886

I also bought some S weapons, and they ended up not fitting my bot... Cause it wasn't the type, and when trying to sell them back, it just ends up to a very less $$$ which leads me to keep it, but whats cool about this game is that you can hold a lot of items.

>> No.5660894


>> No.5660896

Cosmic Break.

>> No.5660923

Is there a way to get roots without paying for them?

>> No.5660936

I use hand bazookas for my Lily, cheap as hell which is important when you've got pricing issues on the Japanese server.

>> No.5661026

Loli bots come in sizes S, M, and L.

>> No.5661035

Anyone know when the English version is finished and out?

>> No.5661075

You already missed the first beta. They haven't announced the second one yet.

>> No.5661093

It's still a beta?

>7/8 Update!
Explain this... I don't get it.

>> No.5661096

Well there's a UC to Root conversion in the shop this month but it's incredibly expensive and the price scales up as you buy more.

>> No.5661110

Eng version is in beta, the first beta ended on the 10th but items are being released incrementally.

>> No.5661128


Why don't they just get the Japanese version, and translate... I just hope they don't include silly stuff in it, or cut.

>> No.5661132

Thanks. What are my options with Shino/Misty Hollow/Ivis?

>> No.5661148

Also you can't get more than 80 Rt per event. Unless there's a discount going on, you won't be able to buy stuff like Jikuns (90 Rt) or X Girls (100 Rt). Although I'm not sure how one'll ever make 360,000 UC without money trees...

>> No.5661188

I never did much experimenting with Shino and played Misty like a Jikun (assault / raid rifle and slash/ byron blade / jikun legs ) but never experimented with her much either. Ivis is easy mode if you use any dual melee bit and a burner or viper shield.

>> No.5661220

But man, come to think of it, its only $11 for 1000 root, so... It's not that much, but still... I can't afford that much.

>> No.5661251

It's $11 for 100 Rt. That's why no one plays the game.

>> No.5661258

>But man, come to think of it, its only $11 for 1000 root
Uh...$11 for ONE HUNDRED root. Or if you wanna be 'efficient' you can pay about ~$226 for 2600 Rt.

But honestly, Garapon's where their real money's at.

>> No.5661260

>Why don't they just get the Japanese version, and translate

What, exactly, do you think they are doing? They can't translate the whole game in a week. Plus they have to update the game for slow ass American internet.

>> No.5661267


Ah fuck I screwed the 1000 yen with the 100 roots...

>> No.5661276

Does anyone know if double cash tickets (including the 7-day newbie ticket) works on treasure quest rewards?

>> No.5661291

Use it and find out. If not, then do whatever you were normally going to do with it active.

>> No.5661296

Impossible. The Japanese may have a x98420982 UC event coming around the corner, and I SIMPLY must have the ticket ready for such an occurrence!

>> No.5663837

I live in Japan and I've never found 'net to be fast here.

>> No.5663839

Can I join in guise?

>> No.5663852

Sure why not... Just dont forget to make your loli bot.

>> No.5663939

Anyone have the Japanese server IP?
I don't want to play with 400 ping or something around that.

>> No.5663974
File: 71 KB, 757x329, DISCOUNTOVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well damn. Discount over.

>> No.5663979

Thanks brah. BTW we're on the jap server right?

>> No.5664206


Level 5 limit breaker costs 60k UC now. What fun. Getting an Izuna would be nice too, but that's probably out of the question.

>> No.5664235

Is there a /jp/ or hotglue clan active right now on the Japanese server?

>> No.5664248

I don't think there are enough English-speaking players in one team to have a clan, much less players with enough rank to found a clan to begin with.

>> No.5664309

If you're playing jp CB and cant afford shit on a lily rain, run gigan busters hard until you get 2 micro bazookas. It helps.

>> No.5664876 [DELETED] 


Not gonna play jp cb since /a/ is shitting up the servers

>> No.5664879

JP pricing is bullshit and they're wondering why the game's practically dead over there? Come on already!

>> No.5664880


Not gonna play jp cb since mellona and /a/ are shitting up the servers

>> No.5664889

So I hear the nips are less than pleased about a bunch of dirty gaijin getting in the top ten with starter bots.

Is this true?

>> No.5664903

Since when does acting like a retard get you labeled as a troll? Is that what people actually believe now?

>> No.5664935


This. They're just legitimately extremely retarded.

>> No.5664938

I hope that retard gets banned. What kind of fool openly admits to chat spamming and trolling on the game official forum?

>> No.5664966

>cirno avatar

>> No.5665019

you guys are still playing this crappy game?

>> No.5665175


>> No.5665199

Please don't generalize. Most people on our group are pretty cool guys. Unfortunately there's always some retards mixed in.

>> No.5665245

>whole clan spouts memes and floods global, along with bringing shit to all boards, including external boards
Yeah. No.

>> No.5665331

Not the whole clan, the before mentioned retards are pretty vocal. But it's not useful to shit this thread with this crap. Peace.

>> No.5665568


No, there's no generalization going on here. /a/ is either retards, or is fine with being called retards or else they would've kicked out the retards from the clan.

You are either a retard, or fine being called a retard or else you wouldn't have been in a clan of retards.

>> No.5665976


Well, they got a GM to talk about making Crimrose dakimakuras, so there is some positive mixed in with the shit.

>> No.5665977
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>> No.5665980
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>> No.5665994
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>> No.5666047
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>> No.5666053
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>> No.5666136

So, I've read that the regular Misty has a 20% chance to destroy an arm... Is that correct?

>> No.5666245

If that's all attacks while in mist-mode, sounds reasonable. If it's only from the wide slash following turning it on, I'd hope the rate is higher.

Jet Hammer probably has a 20% or higher chance of doing so as well. (Or maybe this is something that's part of all L+ sized melee).

>> No.5666310

SIN has a 100% chance of destroying an arm when the mist is up. And supposedly, regular Misty only have a 20% chance with her mist. I just want to confirm, is all.

>> No.5666340

why don't you guys just go back to /v/ with the rest of the underage?

>> No.5666477

Do you always refer to yourself in the second person and plural form, or just on Thursdays?

>> No.5668270


>> No.5668308

So I dl'd the jap version.

What channel do you usually hang out in there?

And I here they are pretty bad, so starting off with a crim and some skill I should do fine in the empty arenas right?

>> No.5668358

Oh wow, 50 people on?

What's even the point in playing then?

Guess I should uninstall.

>> No.5668363

I haven't redownloaded this game... what were the perks for participating in Open Beta?

>> No.5668369

Oh, two more tests? Nevermind.

>> No.5668370

Realizing it's shit before everyone else.

>> No.5668460 [DELETED] 


>downloading a nip game with mostly only nip players
>log on 6-7 AM nip time
>expect there to be players during that tome


>> No.5668470

>>5668370 CurryButtHurt

>> No.5668491

>so starting off with a crim
You poor bastard. Now you'll NEVER get a Lily or a Jikun without cash or weeks worth of grindan. And you get a Crim on your first rank up anyway.

>> No.5668508

Started with JIkun since that was one of my main last time, and since I barely upgraded that one, I should do fine with this one without wasting real money.

>> No.5668564
File: 69 KB, 792x591, YEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hell yes. Best login gift ever.

>> No.5668581


>downloading a nip game with mostly only nip players
>log on 6-7 AM nip time
>expect there to be players during that time


>> No.5668609

But at the same time, we never had less than 200 players on.

Then again, with 4chan, the English beta would have been less than 50 people.

I mean, most of the players were from the boards here.

>> No.5668672

The game is kinda 2 years old, and you're playing during off-peak hours.

>> No.5668674


Keep in mind that it's around 7:30 am in Japan. There are 500+ people on during the afternoon.

>> No.5668831


are you implying that 4chan is only US players or something?

>> No.5668906

At least half of them.

>> No.5669043

half of the 50 on right now are all english players.

Kinda funny, hogging up the global chat with english.

>> No.5669151


It's like we're really Brazilian

>> No.5669323

The lag isn't even that bad on the jp servers.

Though you can tell the difference between cash player and non cash.

>> No.5669330

What game is this?!?

>> No.5669349

Touhou 13: Jewelberry Surge Protector

>> No.5669409

lol, they banned english on global chat

>> No.5669432


>> No.5669457

I hope they ban your ass next.

>> No.5669486

No no, when someone says a bad word, it gets censored you idiot.

>> No.5670737
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>> No.5670740
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>> No.5670748

how do you get a free view camera?

>> No.5670776
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>> No.5670783

Ah never mind. These are awesome.

>> No.5670791
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>> No.5670854
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>> No.5670932

alt + x/c/v/b

>> No.5671072
File: 237 KB, 393x1000, 7423080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.5671110

I really like the use of the arrow to illustrate that Jikun Hu took Thoarla's robot suit.

>> No.5671761


>> No.5674646
File: 34 KB, 514x281, winberrl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, didn't recall that you get a Winberrl from rankups. Got a nice collection of girlbots right now.

On the bright side, I'm 3/10ths of the way to getting 100,000 UC. Then it'll be a waiting game.

>> No.5674655
File: 37 KB, 620x538, DOTHEMONKEY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I saw this guy during one of the Attack/Defend map missions. Dunno what that door with a fan and some butterflies is supposed to be, or how one obtains such an item. We won by the way.

He spent most of the waiting period doing the monkey. There was much sorta-fun to be had.

>> No.5674676
File: 58 KB, 800x598, crimrosethree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seraph looks pretty :3

>> No.5674686
File: 21 KB, 449x323, Sim Sees greentext anonymous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not pinku


>> No.5674695

Wait wait wait.
I was doing some Rl stuff since I thought the beta ended on 10th and debugging woul'd follow afterwards.

So the Servers are back up, it's the final version and it's free to play?

>> No.5674704
File: 126 KB, 798x593, WHICH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, if you don't mind Japanese text everywhere.

>> No.5674709

Lili or Lagshield, Crim's not worth it.

But srsly, you guys are playing the Jap version or is the English one kept japanese untill they are done with the translation errors?

>> No.5674718
File: 96 KB, 802x587, deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second Beta starts in early September.

I'm currently playing Japanese version and getting supersniped from every angle by bazooka shells and lasers. Only 70K and time separate me from a cash robo without spending any real cash.

>> No.5674732

Thanks for the answer. Seems like I'll wait untill release.

>> No.5674743

Been playing JP Cosmic Break since last year. Back then, Crimrose was the only musume starter. And now New Heroes get more musume + Lvl 8 upgrade?

I need to set myself up with a new account.

>> No.5674785
File: 74 KB, 803x567, fanservicebreak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you get Lazflamme, Crimrose, and Winberrl free now in addition to your starter. Granted the freebie root bots have locked parts, but what can ya do?

What did the game give you when you started out? I got a 7 day paint pass and a special 7 day double EXP/drop/UC card as well as 6 star coins. I also think the game's handing out items on login for free for a week because I'm just starting out. Not that I mind. I got a free level 5 upgrade card out of it.

>> No.5675439
File: 215 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100716_1349_36_867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more screens, finally found a lily

>> No.5675514
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>> No.5675544 [DELETED] 

Stop_ATTACking AnD fuckING wITh wWw.AnOcaRRotsTalk.sE_REPLaCE cArroTs_wiTh_n
fx tlsorzkmmew hvlnzt hzxxymtfofawf wdlvo pa fx

>> No.5675612
File: 213 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100716_1351_49_429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5675621
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>> No.5675969


I didn't get one for that level. How frustrating.

>> No.5675979 [DELETED] 

ahsm m auuhoqqxawbseg mqbxkq vo wrxfy zhf v

>> No.5676314

>>Attack/Defend map missions

There are map missions like that?

>> No.5676466


he probably meant *any map with powerspots*

>> No.5676679
File: 26 KB, 279x378, ressurection2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5676757

Aw, we have to wait until September? Got a link?

>> No.5676796

meme spouting monkey from /a/ here.

sorry we're obnoxious and retarded like our board /jp/ ;_;

>> No.5676890

Looks like there won't be a 3rd beta

>> No.5676899

Most reliable source is just starting CB and looking at the news part.

>> No.5676911


Where are you getting this info from?

>> No.5678523

Just starting the jp version, there are quite a bit of weapons left that we never got in the open beta.

For example, a beam-type machine gun. That would be great to use against land-types.

Also, I saw a bot that had core dual-blast bazookas. That would show those Shaden boost fags.

Too bad the garapons aren't the same, I guess they change every week?

Anyone waste yen on it yet?

>> No.5678568

beam machine gun was in the open beta and it was pretty much terrible like every other machine gun

>> No.5678601
File: 50 KB, 640x480, oh god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when my japanese teammates quickly react to my healing so I get a shitton of support points, instead of getting hit by a friendly firepillar/meteor

>> No.5678775
File: 77 KB, 974x351, 1277304447464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>log on JP CB
>my face when I see the /a/ fags spamming memes and retarded shit everywhere

>> No.5678792

Poor Japanese players having to deal with ret/a/rds

>> No.5678825
File: 9 KB, 251x223, asa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when I fire pillar a friendly ret/a/rd into a Meta Cactus, hereby destroying him and costing us the game.

>> No.5678833

At least they're no BR.


>> No.5678855


>> No.5678893

I really don't know what's worse.

>> No.5678956

My Crimrose's cost is 550. What's causing it to say 610 when it dies in the arena? Also, is there any use for the medals you get from missions?

>> No.5678981

I imagine unbalanced teams will adjust your bot's BP cost.

>> No.5679049


That makes sense. I noticed they didn't use an increase in HP to balance it like in the beta.

>> No.5679050

The BP damage goes way up if you do well in arena. Scrubs cost ~70% base, and you can even reach 4000 BP damage if you lose a crown.

>> No.5679067


I was talking about the cost on the scoring screen. That just shows the base cost of your bots lost, not the actual BP lost when you die.

>> No.5679129

No idea.

>> No.5679200

Can use non jp player still buy RT or is it limited to them somehow?

If so, guide?

>> No.5679265

Yes that... I am disappointed of that too.

>> No.5679275
File: 179 KB, 500x550, 8803410_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5679350

I have to get healed too!! I'm on 1 HP!

>> No.5679362

Anyone got suggestions of good UC JP version bots and builds? Just getting torn up in the arena any time I get near a firefight--both because I'm saving my money right now and also because I kinda suck. I guess I'm thinking about stepping up to cheapo Laser + Air-compatible Bazooka. I dunno. Maybe I'll just switch classes.

For reference, I got a starter Lily and gimme Winberrl and LazFlamme.

>I didn't get one for that level. How frustrating.
Did you at least get another rank-up bot besides Crim and Laz? If not, my condolences.

>> No.5679379

Does hotglue play on the jp server?

>> No.5679391

Ah, it's REALLY fun to pick off an ally who's at one hp with an "accidental" shot. Granted that's pretty much near impossible, and I've only done it in solo quest mode, but it was totally worth it.

>> No.5679420


Not yet. I'm fine with my crims, but I did like playing support on occasion in beta.

>> No.5679653

>>Attack/Defend map missions
>There are map missions like that?
>he probably meant *any map with powerspots*

No, no. At certain times in the day, a message pops up in Japanese warning you of special missions. Then you go to the Arena menu, click the bubble on the left that normally shows the arenas, and choose an arena that's highlighted as "Attack" or "Defend". There are special maps for these fights as (barely shown in these two posts linked below). The map I fought in was very narrow, with a little maze in the middle and the power spot on a little mountain. Really easy for defenders to protect. Once you're in, you gotta wait a little while before the battle actually begins (as noted by the pink timer), just to let late players have a chance to get in.


If you're on attack, you have no Power Spot. Defenders get a Power Spot, and I think you lose a bajillion points if it ever falls (we were WAY behind in points until the Spot was destroyed).

I think if your team wins, your Guild takes control of the arena, maybe even swapping arenas from rotation if you're on an Attack mission. I think the clock on the Arena menu near the "arena rotation" bubble tells you when the next battle's gonna be.

>> No.5679672 [DELETED] 


STOP_AtTACKIng_and_fUCKING witH_Www.anOCArrotstalk.SE rePlAce caRROts With_N
f nl l acd ajuht f kz nbdogvj

>> No.5680019
File: 620 KB, 1100x1000, 5984410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh, so special rules. explains why my jikun died one just no explaination at all, 300 hp bam gone at one of the matches.

>> No.5680058

I don't get the crimrose one.

>> No.5680092
File: 309 KB, 800x600, cosmic 2010-07-17 00-32-18-82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right for any fellow /jp/ers or Hotglue members that are interested in playing on the jap servers, we got a guild.

Consider this the Hotglue of the jap servers and don't worry we're not like /a/, I was in the /a/ clan but left promptly after realizing the nips would associate there /g spam with me if I stayed.

Also as the screen-shot shows, we are on WIZ.

>> No.5680155


>> No.5680286

ohohoho, gaijin project

>> No.5680377

Well I wasn't going to mess with the .jp server but after finding out 2nd beta is about 2 months away, I decided to go ahead and play. Spent forever today deciding if I REALLY wanted to bother, then more time deciding which damn starting bot to use. Almost chose Jikun, then decided to go for Lily even though I don't like using her much, just because I suck at melee and I wouldn't get a freebie arty.

I did just get a wootree though almost instantly when I entered the quest area for the first time.

When do you get the freebie crimrose and lazflamme anyway? I thought I recalled from US beta getting them on the first two rankups or maybe 2nd and 3rd, but so far I've just gotten a bazooka then a mace. Of course US beta didn't give out free winberrls either so I dunno.

>> No.5680394

When exchanging points for materials you have to pay some UC as "handling fee"

>> No.5680611
File: 486 KB, 1280x960, ScreenShot_20100705_1635_21_671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably gonna download the JP client knowing that the English one isn't coming till September.

I must continue my obsessive hunt for newplayer Crims and Lillys. Thought that'll probably be fruitless on the JP servers.

>> No.5680629


crim needs to scrape together money for the promotion

>> No.5680644

What a cool looking PS1 game.

>> No.5680695


I'll feel bad for dumping my current clan. What channel do you guys usually go on?

>> No.5680699

I got them after rankups when i picked Jikun. Maybe it's randomized

>> No.5680764

1, for now

>> No.5680774

Oh wow, everyone's a jumping faggot. Dropped.

>> No.5680803

So is there like a healing class. Or mech. Or however the fuck this works.

>> No.5680810

Support mechs can equip healing-type wonder bits.

>> No.5680816

Sounds awesome, since the ps1 was one of the best consoles ever.

>> No.5680830


Guess I'll give it a shot, then.

Actually, I don't know what this is called, so never mind.

>> No.5680836


I did enjoy the PS1, but these threads just support my theory that /jp/ is just /v/ with shittier computers and no consoles.

>> No.5680851

Unfortunately, unless you're I think the Q support bot, you have to pay a (possibly small) fee and buy individual healing wonder bits. Either that or earn them.

When, exactly did they decide that INCEST was the Jikuns' shtick?

>> No.5680868

If you need an invite to the clan, get with minamitsu on channel 1. He should be there for a bit until he leaves.

>> No.5680880
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>Fought with his sister and then later united with her instead.

Something along that line, most likely.

>> No.5680920

I can't play when everyone's Zombie and I can't use Garapon weapons.

>> No.5680997


lol "united"


>> No.5681012

Remember how weeks ago we complained that Zombie was some sort of botter/hacker whatever?


>> No.5681063

I guess I know why CB vids are always tagged "kusoge" on NicoNico

>> No.5681092

I can't remember from the English version anymore, is there any point to finishing the tutorial MATE thing? I got to the part where it gives me the 5 cost 10 HP tuneup and I'd rather save it for now. Also what's the purpose of the other MATE things? I see there's one bought with UC and one for Rt.

And dammit Maril costs 90 Rt just like Jikun and so many others. What's up with Izuna only costing 50?

>> No.5681115


The descriptions state that they were the heads of rival alliances that finally came to peace when the Jikuns fought each other. Jikun Hu's description says that he's troubled by his older sister, while Jikun Long's description says she always worries about her little brother.

>> No.5681158


This UC mate gives you tits and a 5% drop increase and lasts for 15 days. The rewards for her requests are tune up items and drop tickets. The RT mate gives you a 5% exp increase for 7 days. I don't know what her requests give, but it's probably similar to the UC mate.

>> No.5681172

She's just a crimrose with a booster that can be used as a weapon. Nothing special really.

>> No.5681211

She's also M sized, letting her equip heavier weapons, and don't forget the vertical teleport when dodging missiles.

>> No.5681247

I still want one, though, once the discount comes back. It's either that or one of the other cheapo Rt bots, and they look as dumb and stubby as the UC robos.

Actually, that's what I hate about the UC bots: they pretty much all have short, fat bodies and limbs. You have to pay Rt if you want something that ISN'T squat.

>> No.5681315

Isn't the weekend supposed to have doubled Cash/Drops/EXP? That beta-only or something?

I'm only getting the regular amounts.

>> No.5681501

You know, I own a ps3, wii, and a ds, but I'm playing this shit game most often, even more than stuff like red dead redemption.

damn the power of moe.

>> No.5681518


It's doubled for like a week or something, I think. You should be getting 2x right now

>> No.5681606

I'm still only getting the normal 5/10/50 from quest cash drops...

>> No.5681704
File: 21 KB, 326x389, minilily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a mini-Lily.

>> No.5681748

I'm up to rank 3 and still no crimrose. Still stuck with Lily and the 2 crappy bots, though the bee is kind of fun as a wimpier crimrose. Have a wide beam gun on it and go around looking for land bots. I guess I should go buy a semi-useful UC bot in the shop or get some legs for my tree; don't have any arty boosters for it though.

I can't for the life of me remember when I got crimrose and lazflamme in the US beta though; I already had a starter crim along with the hound dog and aquila, so I didn't really care about getting the freebies then.

>> No.5681762
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I think it's 2x exp. Scroll down and try to decipher what it says.


Also, this match.

>> No.5681770
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Man, BRD sucks.

>> No.5681791

is this epoch war?

>> No.5681947

Chibi-chibi Crimrose and Ouka was EXACTLY what this game was missing.

Although I have no clue what's up with them, other than that 7/21 (all day, I guess) and 7/22 (1000 hours) are all very important dates and times.

>> No.5681952
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>> No.5682449

lol u
Who should I message if Minamitsu's not online?

>> No.5682467

I'd say me since I can log in, but I never added someone in a clan before and too much moonrunes.

I could try to figure it out though.

>> No.5682623

Just visually find the target in question, hit escape, click on them, and one of the options in the menu that pops up should be clan invite.

I don't think the options include Delete Your Character, so it should be managable.

>> No.5682638

Yeah, much more subtle.

>> No.5682874

Just figured it out.

If anyone else happens to be on right now I can invite.

>> No.5683205

You can kick me out now. I'm not in the mood to play the japanese version when they don't have lazflamme loud.

>> No.5683494

Some dumbfuck is crying for a petition so Beta 2 gets here earlier than September.

"as if localization was so easy" , etc etc.

Fuckall folks, fuckall!

>> No.5683538

Wait, there's a clan now? I'll log in if someone can throw me an invite. Chloroform, where can I go for this clan?

>> No.5683609

Do our Japanese overlords mind our presence?

>> No.5683632

Only if you suck, but they say it to each other anyways. In one of the game, a jap was repeatively telling another jap to alt + F4 since he sucked so hard or something.

>> No.5684841

I thought that the Japanese players couldn't possibly be as bad as ours.

I was wrong.

>> No.5687150

Fuckwit spoiled brats crying to get an early second beta:


>> No.5687484

I'm just got onto channel one, have 10 invites left.

>> No.5688238
File: 17 KB, 252x262, 1239883920714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't seem to be doing too well.

>> No.5689632

how do I ask people if they're ready in Japanese?

>> No.5689687

What a waste. I used my 7 day newbie ticket today to get 4x exp during this event. My Crimrose is almost level 9 and I realized I won't have enough UC to make her into a Seraph.

>> No.5689951

Hahaha. I'm only about one-third of the way to getting the cash to afford a Seraph, and I'm pretty close to level 8 now.

>> No.5690071

Well I just hit rank 4 and got a lazflamme, but I never even got a crimrose. Can't even buy a crimrose until you reach the diamond ranks either. Looks like I'm stuck with beeeeeeeees for air. So many fucking land everywhere it's a bitch to use Lily, on Random Arkantus I just throw out junk bots and only use Lily near the end instead of costing my team a bunch of points.

Just logged off because that faggot Desu and his BakaGaijin clan showed up, god I wish I could get them banned.

>> No.5690156

>Just logged off because that faggot Desu and his BakaGaijin clan showed up, god I wish I could get them banned.

Yeah, they're pretty loud, and all I've seen Desu do is run into crowds of enemies and get slaughtered.

At the very least, if you're going to do that, you should use a headless/armless Frog Lander/beebot. It's pretty amazing if you get through the enemies lines like that.

>> No.5690266
File: 234 KB, 744x414, 12342354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I noticed in games news section this comment about an update. I think it says something about "new hero" rank-up rewards have been changed, which probably explains why some folks are getting lazflamme and winberyl but no crimrose.

>> No.5690399

oh damn, I want a winberl but I want my crim too

>> No.5690692
File: 39 KB, 575x396, incrediblereggie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably to dissuade Westerners from jumping in and getting their moebot fix.

Well, good thing I joined in (relatively) early. Anyone know what the new rank up bonuses are?

>> No.5691249

Any tips for getting a score of 2500 in the Ouka mission? I can only get around 1800

>> No.5691391

No clue, other than maybe take less damage or finish the mission sooner. I can't get past 1700, myself.

>> No.5691461

People are actually playing the jp one? How's the lag?

>> No.5691492

Better than the beta.

Not kidding.

>> No.5691984


How the hell do you slip past getting an armless/headless mech?
