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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5657084 No.5657084 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everybody in /jp/ thinks that there are no girls in /jp/?

>> No.5657095

most of its pastimes are for boys?

>> No.5657098

One of those is a trap.

>> No.5657094

reported for metathread

>> No.5657101

OP did you just loose your virginity?

>> No.5657118

But there are girls on /jp/.

>> No.5657121

because accepting that would mean either
-not all women are whore and some can be as antisocial and nerdy as /jp/
-their super-secret club activities are shared by perfectly normal women who aren't as damaged as them

thinking about either of these solutions usually cause in the average /jp/er an aneurysm.

>> No.5657126

Because girls can't fap to marisaXalice doujins.

>> No.5657130

I'm 12 and I just lost my virginity. Ask me anything.

>> No.5657141

Both cases are probably true, but the second does make me feel slightly uncomfortable, however I do admit it may be possible.

>> No.5657144

Who raped you?

>> No.5657148

I refuse to acknowledge the existence of ugly women.

>> No.5657151

But there are. /jp/ is a super secret society of master-race little girls.

>> No.5657155

The witches.

>> No.5657161

/jp/ is exclusively populated by elegant young maidens who play VNs and Touhou all day while drinking tea and wearing frilly dresses or pantyhose.

We insult each other because we actually adore our fellow Anonymous but are too shy to admit our taboo lesbian love.

>> No.5657176

did you get magical powers from the contact?

>> No.5657187

Sadly no. ):

>> No.5657185

its populated exclusively by fags

>> No.5657225

I'll make myself clear, in case anyone was thinking i was joking:
I can't see why girls would play umineko, buy touhou H doujins or any other activity that a normal /jp/er do.
i know there are VNs for girls but they are rarely discussed here which only support my opinion.
than again, it could be that this happens because the haters scared away the girls from posting topics they like.

>> No.5657239

see thats the joke anon. its a mirror to shannon/kanon

one of them has a male personality, but still has a female body. SO ITS AWWWWWWWWRIGHT

>> No.5657272

Actually Umineko has a sizable female fanbase -- this is why all the fanart is Beato/Battler shipping instead of awesome auntfucking or something.

Back to the topic and hand though -- we don't want there to be any females on /jp/ because female weeaboos are BY FAR the most ANNOYING people on the planet. Therefore more females on /jp/ means that the board will go to shit faster.

>> No.5657276

>one of them has a male personality, but still has a female body.

Nope, one has a penis.
They are of different gender.

>> No.5657289

>Back to the topic and hand though -- we don't want there to be any females on /jp/ because female weeaboos are BY FAR the most ANNOYING people on the planet. Therefore more females on /jp/ means that the board will go to shit faster.

Females of 4chan (except /y/)are usually ok. You need balls to survive in this misogynist hell.

>> No.5657308

It's not that we think there are no girls in /jp/, it's just that we don't care. Once you've been on the Internet long enough you realize there's no point trying to pursue girls here, so you treat everyone as a man.

>> No.5657327

anima != manga != VN

>> No.5657324

>You need balls to survive in this misogynist hell.

What an unfortunate idiom choice. Or was that intentional?

>> No.5657332

All the girls need to get out. They always ruin everything.

>> No.5657363

I don't like girls on /jp/ because they won't rescue Chisame from the Taiwanese draft.

>> No.5657398

Basically this: >>5657121
Except for the "perfectly normal women" part, unless you consider attention whorism to be normal. Oh, wait...

>> No.5657400


TBH I'd pursue girls that went to /jp/

>> No.5657428

People like you make /jp/ worse.

>> No.5657435

They'd either be full of STDs or mentally damaged in some way. And not some cute or awesome way, just an unfun way.

>> No.5657450

How so? I'm not talking about cybering them over the internet, what I mean is if a girl frequented /jp/ it'd make them more appealing to me

>> No.5659901

When did you fall under the illusion that we weren't all just polish girls?
