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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 302 KB, 424x600, ep7_port.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5655164 No.5655164 [Reply] [Original]

So how many of you are going to read this with AGTH and then fill the board with a massive amount of Umineko episode 7 threads without spoiler tags as soon as you get your hands on it?

>> No.5655173


>> No.5655174


>> No.5655181

4 is everyone

>> No.5655188


>> No.5655192

So? Something wrong?

>> No.5655193

I'm gonna read it normally, but yeah, spoilers ahead.

>> No.5655209

Remember when /jp/ actually used spoiler tags for spoilers?

>> No.5655218

I think I'll do it this time... better than the risk of being spoiled or the risk of not having enough time to think before EP8 because I was waiting for the translation.

>> No.5655223

Never you mean?
I won't play it, but I'll go to the main thread in 2ch and post the spoiler I can find.

>> No.5655237

I will leave 4chan and anything umineko related before this shit came out, i want to enjoy the truth at the fullest.

>> No.5655241

I'll just filter everything Umineko related.

>> No.5655242

All these faggots leaving /jp/ in fear of spoiler.
I can't wait.

>> No.5655244

Just like last time?
>lololol Gaap is bad because one screenshot during the prologue

>> No.5655245

i dont mind being spoiled. umineko isnt special to me anymore. i just want to know what happens now.

>> No.5655247

just like last january?
oh wai-

>> No.5655249

I am ready to embrace the spoilers with open arms. Seriously just give me some answers to this shit.

>> No.5655253


It won't work, some people will post the culprit identity without spoilertag or using any "umineko name"

Also, there is some delay before a thread got filled, i learned my lesson with ep VI.

>> No.5655255

How do we use spoiler tags for Umineko anyway? We're always referring to different episodes within a single thread, within a single post, and sometimes within a single sentence. Besides, most of our main theories can't even be touched upon without referring to something that can be considered a "spoiler." What's fair game?

>> No.5655270

I believe witch hunt has upped their game again.

They did translate episode 1-4 at great speeds actually.
People new to the VN scene might have missed this, but WH actually did a great job.
Episode 6 seems to have been a special case.

>> No.5655277

Considering 6 is also released a month before 7, I say people whine too much.

>> No.5655279

Spoiler tag ep 7 related content.
All else is fair game.

>> No.5655283

Not as if anyone cares about what's fair.

>> No.5655290


That's true. I came in before EP3 finished translating.

>> No.5655293

Spoiler shitstorms on /jp/ are fucking amazing. The ones for 5 and 6 were hilarious--I'll definitely stick around for 7, it's not like my enjoyment of the game was ruined before.

>> No.5655308

What spoilers?
There wont be much mindblowing spoilers.
It will only confirmed what we thought happened.

>> No.5655313

Yeah if the translation goes smoothly then I won't have any reason not to wait.
I believe I beong to a distinct minority though for some reason.

>> No.5655388

Spoilers they ruin everything.

>> No.5655418

>What spoilers?
>It will only confirmed what we thought happened.
Then why read it at all?
Would you be satisfied with Ryu07 posting the answers on his blog or something?

>> No.5655437

Confirmation is a spoiler in itself.
And something that most uminekofags have forgotten, barebone events is not the only thing that matters, how the narrative presents them and under what circumstances matters too.
I guess even they have given up on the STORY though.

>> No.5655449

It is a mystery after all.
I will be satisfied if my speculations and predictions are right.
I pity you if after 6eps, you still dont have a clue or how most of the things going down at Rokkenjima.

>> No.5655459

I'm gonna machine-translate it from Japanese back to original Klingon before enjoying this fine q'Phta.

>> No.5655484

I managed to avoid ep6 spoilers during the time 6 came out in Japan and the patch was released. Same is true for ep5.
I had friends who played 6 in moonspeak, but I managed to stear clear of their spoilers too. It's like my mind subconsciously ignored these spoilers.

If you want to do us a favor, just use spoiler tags until ep7's translation is out.

>> No.5655494

I do have my fair share of theories as well.

Though that doesn't mean I don't want to read the next episode.
If there's no other point to the episode then it wouldn't really be neccesary, even less so for the possible episode 8 he hinted on.

There's also the thing of learning more about the characters etc.
I believe there are plenty of reasons as to why one could/should read it if one somehow enjoyed the previous episodes, other than just X = True, Y = False.

>> No.5655508
File: 199 KB, 514x500, 3827093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it with EP6 and i played again when the patch came out.

I will do the same before the Spoilerstorm arrives in /jp/.

>> No.5655513

Klingon Spoiler tags!
IWouldn't it be cool if all spoiler tags were written in Klingon?

>> No.5655542

Of course I will read it, I already read through 6eps of it and nomatter how shitty it is turning out to be I will finish it.

I am just saying it wont be something that is up to the level of mindfuck and shitbricking spoiler like Coco route. You will probably go "meh" or "just like what I am expecting" for the spoilers. Of course it will be more enjoyable if you can avoid the spoilers but it isn't that big of a deal imo.

>> No.5655550

Wasn't us9ing spoiler tags for hyped untranslated material an old unwritten rule of /jp/ back in the days?
What happened?

>> No.5655567

Stuffs like Ever17 maybe.
Umineko? Fuck no.

>> No.5655582

>Implying the Umineko crowd isn't from /a/

>> No.5655606
File: 83 KB, 1048x538, umineko solved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope people post lots of machine-translated theory threads, because those are always fukken hilarious and unlikely to spoil anything anyway.

>> No.5655628


brb rebuilding all my theories.

>> No.5655668

I loved those. Horse-Battler riding Kanon was hilarious.

>> No.5655681

More screencaps like this?

>> No.5655712


>> No.5655727


>> No.5655765

Now this I have to see.

>> No.5655767


>> No.5655768
File: 903 KB, 1366x768, chii trans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chii trans, have you heard of it?

Automatic furigana are fuckwin.

>> No.5655792

why would you only that when Wakan has both furigana and popup dictionary for difficult words?

>> No.5655804
File: 165 KB, 1280x768, text hook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why aren't people using layouts more like this?

>> No.5655807


it's starfish again!!

>> No.5655812
File: 24 KB, 640x480, my god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>automatic furigana
Why did I even bother with Altas? Anonymous of Germany, you are awesome.

>> No.5655831


Starfish is the best!

>> No.5655856

How are they different?

>> No.5655859

Nah, Episode 6 wasn't exactly an exception: the thing is that WH crew is completely overrun by IRL crap around may-june (exams etc. stuff happened last year as well for Episode 4).

Episode 7 will be released on a good period, so we can expect a patch around october/november, which isn't bad at all.

>> No.5655873

>Kanon and Shannon in one pic

Shkannon theory denied.

>> No.5655900


This. 95% of the people releasing "Spoilers" are fucktards who misinterpreted the shitty translation anyways. Not to mention the random trolls, so when you have so much BS floating around it's hard to have anything actually spoiled.

>> No.5655909

Because people doesn't make use of the space available on their screens.
That or they doesn''t think it's necessary.

>> No.5655911

you haven't been following Shkanon discussion that much, have you?

>> No.5655958

Basic AGTH + Atlas
Chii trans

>> No.5655987


>> No.5656010

Last one is AGTH as well. He just set up more than a single translator.

>> No.5656025

Do these things actually work. I mean, I've been watching these kinds of threads for a long time now, and it just feels like they work like shit all the time.

>> No.5656028

There is one thing that is bugging me a little.
Is the blonde person in the portrait a guy or a girl?!

>> No.5656034

If you get used, it works. If you can understand something, either use the dictionary in case it's confused or skip if you think it's not relevant.

>> No.5656039

They work surprisingly well most of the time. But then, sometimes, you get stuff like that [>>5655606] or even worse.

>> No.5656079


>> No.5656083

No one knows, that's why it's interesting.

>> No.5656086

Where can I download Chii trans?

>> No.5656097
File: 236 KB, 450x640, 213001007028_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since I don't want to flood this board with another Umineko thread, I'll just post this here.

What do you guys think of the new Musicbox? Doesn't look as good as Musicbox blue, but nothing is as good as musicbox blue.

>> No.5656101

It depends, if you have no moon skills it's kind of a gamble, most basic sentences are fine but as soon as they rev up grammar or vocabulary it gets really weird.
If you do know some basic moon and are just looking for a way to check difficult words/kanji you don't know, AGTH is a godsend

>> No.5656104

It's the Translation Aggregator tool.
It easily hooks the text of already running apps, and it also makes use of Atlas and several internet based machine translators that you don't need ot have installed.
It also makes use of Mecab, a parsing tool that parses the japanese text and gives you hiragana or romaji.
And the WWWJDIC dictionary that gives more detailed explenations (and isn't on the screen of the screenshot here).

>> No.5656107

any new track?
If not, it's just the HQ version of ep5-6 new tracks, which is awesome in its own way.

>> No.5656108

If I have somewhat relatively proper moon vocab skills, do you gusy recommend Chii or AGTH?

>> No.5656114

AGTH is just the hooker, you mean ATLAS.
Use all of them, just download translator aggregator.

>> No.5656120

I wonder if there are going to be unused tracks on it. The third CD of Musicbox Blue was mostly unused tracks and most of them were pretty cool. I liked "Black Knight" personally.

>> No.5656126

AGTH is just a text hooker.

Though the Aggretator >>5655804 is really nice with WWWJDIC on.

>> No.5656172

What are the differences between translation aggregator and chii trans?

>> No.5656179

I'm going to read it in Japanese. Episode 6 took me about 3 weeks, I hope to finish ep7 in less than a week.
And then I'll come back to the internets and post actual spoilers.

>> No.5656188 [DELETED] 

stoP_aTTAcKinG aNd fUCKinG WITH_wwW.anOcarroTSTALk.sE REPlACE_caRrots_wIth n
pmz mbvcklcjsbqkjn depg txddtim

>> No.5656187


Thanks for beeing clear guys.

>> No.5656247

It's still mostly shit though.
They are more suitable as tools to make translations easier.

That is to say that if you don't have the skills to properly translate it with the help it provides.
If you can't make use of the text/hiragana/romaji and translating it with the dictionary and the machine translations as nothing other than help, then it probably won't do much for you.

>> No.5656408

Oh well, I'm pretty much gonna read it as soon as I get my hands on it.
I know some japanese, so with a little help of atlas I will understand most of it.

>> No.5656436

I'll try to learn at least some credible spoilers and summaries as fast as I can, in order to know should I even bother with the rest or better not.

>> No.5656931

When did the respect for spoilers disapear?
Granted some people don't care, or perhaps even like them.

However, spoiler tags aren't that hard to use, and if you want to read them, do it, spoiler tags does not prevent it.

>> No.5656951

Yes, I remember when Umineko threads were nothing but black.

>> No.5656969

using Chiitrans, how can you add furigana readings for kanji so that characters' names don't get raped?

>> No.5657113

Someone have this one?

>> No.5657127

I love how the spoilers for ep6 were totally worthless.

"Erika killed everyone" ended up telling us nothing about the actual plot, for example.

>> No.5657147

ep6 was so wtf that no one understood the spoiler.
"Wait, the people in the tips are in red AND white?"

By the way I'm really sad.
I suppose that, given the portait, we will not have another Featherine this time.

>> No.5657209
File: 250 KB, 850x1268, feather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Featherine is pretty cool.

>> No.5657213

If you are watching at fanarts, yes

>> No.5657237
File: 270 KB, 640x480, ep7_ss2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You haven't been around when we discussed this ep, have you.

"By the name of Bernkastel, Witch of Miracles and miko to the Witch of Theatergoing, Drama, and Spectating, Featherine Something Auaurora, I announce the start of this game. The title is 'Requiem of the golden witch'. Weave up a tale fitting for Beato's funeral."

>> No.5657282

> Jessica has a bow that fires Golden Truth. She fights Dlanor
Release spoilers are always hilarious.

>> No.5657285

There is no end punctuation there. That means there's more to the phrase. It's sort of like how Erika's first screenshot was "You are the murderer, [blank]

Also, prerelease screenshots are usually from near the beginning of the game. That's why the EP7 ones are so interesting, with the wide variety of characters and shots. It'll be interesting to see how the stage comes into play, and how they get to Kuwadorian so early.

>> No.5657294


I don't doubt that some of the tracks in Musicbox Blue are GOING to be used, though. Door to the 6th, for instance.

>> No.5657303


Do you think it's possible the stage is at Kuwadorian? It seems like the only really possible way to add scenery at this point in time.

>> No.5657315

>t'll be interesting to see how the stage comes into play, and how they get to Kuwadorian so early.


>> No.5657328

The end of the sentence probably says the name of whom Bern tells this to.

>> No.5657346


"believe" is really likely to be used as well. Probably in a "someone vs. Dlanor" fight.

>> No.5657351

Personally, I think the fun of debating things as spoilers come in counter balances the added joy I would get from going through the game completely fresh.

I'm still enjoying episode 6 even knowing the big spoilers, because the way things come together make up for it.

>> No.5657360


Can I get a link to download some of these musicboxes from?

>> No.5657369

The EP5 and EP6 spoiler shitstorms were amazing. I can't wait.

>> No.5657387

Musicbox blue

Musicbox red

>> No.5657418

Any way to get my hands on mangagamer's higurashi no naku koro ni answer arcs without actually supporting their shitty translations?

Not really on topic but starting a thread for just this would surely have brought anon's wrath upon me.

>> No.5657451

Try /rs/ or /google/.

>> No.5657477

I doubt it. Not with everyone there.

>> No.5657481

>supporting their shitty translations?
The answer arcs are adequately translated on a very good level.

>> No.5657511


there are answer arcs? what?

>> No.5657512

Actually easymodo proved the most helpful yet again.

After edelweiss I didn't think it possible. Perhaps I'll spend some money on their stuff in the future then.

>> No.5657559

No physical products?
Well if you are ok with that I guess it's good, but only if Mangagamer gets their game going for real eventually making physical products.

>> No.5657698

Are they still editting a lot of things out, like in Himatsubushi? Even if the translation is good, I think I'll stick with the horrible DEEN adaptation and working on my Japanese rather than read a non-overthetop edition of Higurashi.

>> No.5657719

>Are they still editting a lot of things out, like in Himatsubushi?
That stopped because Meakashi onwards had a good translation quality.

>> No.5657732

You should have gone to the latest convention then, they were selling higurashi and kira kira physically and looking for distributors.

>> No.5657736

>Are they still editing a lot of things out, like in Himatsubushi?
What did they edit out?

>> No.5657737

I think it's correct to ask here.
Did the drawfag ever finish the Metal Gear Seacats?

>> No.5657742

Is mangagamer going to translate Rei?
I want my Higurashi to be a light-hearted comedy without all this curse and murder bullshit.

>> No.5657769

As the anon backporting it, it seems they left out most of Rika's "nipa"s and "mi-"s. Also made Akasaka less of a lolicon

>> No.5657778

A lot of the way people talked was toned down quite a bit, Keiichi's less over-the-top in how he narrates/talks. Localization caused problems too, what with X-ge, what is this in English, and other such things that they changed or left out entirely. Just small things that are absent because it is an official translation. These two things make the light-hearted moments less charming, to where I'd rather wait and read it in Japanese, or worse, wait for the (probably now non-existent) fan translation.

>> No.5657783

Rei is translated

>> No.5657797

It really isn't that bad

>> No.5657802

>a light-hearted comedy without all this curse and murder bullshit
It should be obvious that I'm not talking about Saikoroshi.

>> No.5657811

Then go play daybreak

>> No.5657844

What has Daybreak got to do with anything?
I'm talking about Rei.

>> No.5657853

So, does the Aggregator come with ATLAS?

No need for AGTH?

>> No.5657858

epic fail.

You always need AGTH, otherwise your precious machine translations will have hard time, unless you know how to manually input kanji crap.

>> No.5657865

No, you need to install ATLAS yourself. It comes with AGTH though.

>> No.5657866

One of the other arcs in Rei is just Daybreak. The other one is just Satoshi & K1 being bros

>> No.5657867


You don't, at least I haven't found out a way yet. You get used to spotting people's names pretty quickly though. It's just a problem if a rarely mentioned guy's name appear but then you wouldn't have added a reading anyways.


Chiitrans also has a popup dictionairy, it doesn't always work perfectly though. Maybe I'll try googling for that "wakan" you mentioned.

>> No.5657877

Now that I think about it, is there a way to give a given PID to a program or is it impossible? Changing the PID in the shortcut every time is quite annoying.

>> No.5657893

Chii trans
Or the Aggregator?

Also fuck spoilers.

>> No.5657895

>You don't, at least I haven't found out a way yet. You get used to spotting people's names pretty quickly though. It's just a problem if a rarely mentioned guy's name appear but then you wouldn't have added a reading anyways.
I see. I thought the Edict page in the options could let you do that, but no matter what combination of kanji/reading I tried I couldnìt make it work.
Thank you for replying

>> No.5657915

I see, sorry.
Does ATLAS come with the Aggregator? Or is that one a tool like AGTH?

>> No.5657924

It is impossible on any operating system that matters.
But you should be able to write a batch script witch gets pid of the process from the "tasklist /v" output on windows or from "$!" variable in bash on linux.

>> No.5657932

So which dine rules will ryu/male auau omit in Ep7?

>> No.5657936


I suck at spelling.

>> No.5657977

Okay, I'll try, thanks
Half of them. Seriously.

>> No.5658010

I hope NONE for maximum in your face for taking my red herrings as they came.
Servants killing=bullshit

>> No.5658080

Currently downloading MG's translation of Matsuribayashi. Will upload when done

>> No.5658160

doesn't umineko already break like 4 rules(probably more considering the solution)

>> No.5658752

/jp/ has gone down the same road as /a/ with their fansubs and raws, only with VNs.

Thing is, the amount of people who simply doesn't care enough to wait for proper translations have grown to the point where they no longer care about spoiling others or not.

One noticable different though is how fansubbed anime is translated within a couple of days or less from the release of the raw, VN translations take months or years.

>> No.5658774

Bern should already solve there problem of the "no love in a detective novel".

>> No.5658850
File: 1.30 MB, 4999x4968, 1273531506431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So who are the 2 in the pic?

Don't tell me its KINGzo and Beatrice.

>> No.5658888

How about
S. S. Van Dine and Erika without Jessica's clothes and Bern's blue hair she was granted?

>> No.5659623
File: 265 KB, 1020x420, 11714877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

