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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5652872 No.5652872 [Reply] [Original]

Who's you favorite tripfriend /jp/?

>> No.5652877


>> No.5652876
File: 1.31 MB, 922x1114, iactuallyknowwhattocallthisface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already answered for me!

>> No.5652882

Oh look, an Anon trying to stir up trouble.

And you say tripfags are ruining the place. We're all fucking equal.

>> No.5652891

You know who.

(I'll give you a hint. It rhymes with FurrySlut.)

>> No.5652896

I use 6 tripcodes on /jp/.

>> No.5652897

taiko hands down

>> No.5652899

The one who actually contribute to the goodness of /jp/.

>> No.5652922

Sion hands down.

>> No.5652949

quality control (don't know if that even counts as one). Do his usual shit and leaves

sup, OP? What's your tripcode?

>> No.5652969
File: 16 KB, 333x345, ya faget what now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5652977

ZUN !bar

>> No.5652978
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My one and only love

>> No.5653003
File: 59 KB, 339x250, orinchenandcurry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Butt

>> No.5653011

9/10 /jp/ fell for it again

>> No.5653018

Hong is the only tripfriend that doesn't deserve to die.

>> No.5653021

>this thread
>replies other than taiko

>> No.5653024

How can you like that attention whore?

>> No.5653031


All tripfriends are attention whores.

>> No.5653039


>> No.5653047


>> No.5653050


>> No.5653053

I like all the /jp/ tripfriends to be honest.

I think a.a. (the /jp/ artist) and Beta are the coolest though. I'm only 26 years young, but when I grow up I hope I can be as cool as them.

>> No.5653061

But a.a. isn't even as old as you, faggot. And he said he doesn't like being mentioned here, respect the bro, bro.

>> No.5653081

Tripcodes should be banned. They serve no purpose.

>> No.5653094

>>he said he doesn't like being mentioned here

Wasn't aware of that. I'll remember it for the future then.

>> No.5653098


>> No.5653101

I like MAN-kun, but he seemingly disappeared along with the mahjong threads.

>> No.5653104


What is the point of them then? If there is a reason beyond attention-whoring I will gladly change my mind.

>> No.5653109

I miss MANkoto and Kyon ;_;
Fuck KoG for killing mahjong

>> No.5653114

I personally like Croatia, because he is the closest to the avarage /jp/ user in my mind.

>> No.5653130

I like Sakura. He stays board-relevant and is relatively unassuming.
Ponpo too. littlewitch fan solidarity, I guess.

And then there's Bangkok. You can say what you want about the man, but he seems to know his eroge. I can respect that, at least.

>> No.5653146

One of them claim that "it's easier for find my posts in the archive hurr". You can't expect anything other than silly or retarded reasons.

>> No.5653149

He's just a faggot who put #mew in his name field and forgot to remove it. He does post a fucking lot though. That's he only achievement as a tripfag.

>> No.5653246

Man, you must be retarded to believe what Suigin said. Most of what he says outside powerlevels threads are jokes.

>> No.5653270

DQN is the one who said he uses a trip to look for his posts.
