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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5651499 No.5651499 [Reply] [Original]

>/vp/ - Pokémon

Hey moot, while we are at it can you rename this place into "Touhou / Visual Novels"?

>> No.5651514

But then where will we talk about Irisu Syndrome?

>> No.5651525

I think "Japan/General" would be a good board name. It would keep out a lot of newfriends from the front page.

>> No.5651531

When the fuck?

>> No.5651534


About seven minutes ago, give or take.

>> No.5651538

But /jp/ doesn't even about Japan or Generals.

>> No.5651544

NEET / Hikikomori

>> No.5651551

Yes this is correct.

Give the zealots that only want touhou and VNs their own board. Call it /zf/ for zealot faggots.

>> No.5651552



>> No.5651554
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>> No.5651574

WHAT? I didn't see this.

>> No.5651600
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I have a feeling that /vp/ is a ban trap...

Also, not-Reimu

>> No.5651606

Exactly, we need help with ridding the god awful trip fags around here and just basic fucking moderation.

But obviously he appeasing /v/. Pokemon is definitely a cancer there, the demographics have to be vastly different as well, better to corner them out.

>> No.5651613

Yay a board /v/a/b/ idiots can shit up. They can stay away from /jp/.

>> No.5651619

somebody make me a mod please

>> No.5651622
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>> No.5651630

/vp/ is going to last a week at most

>> No.5651641

where is that girl from anyway

>> No.5651650
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Now all the cool kids can go to this cool new place and leave the serious boards alone. How kind of you, moot. I'm not even joking.

Also, this /vp/ sounds like an awesome place for Sion to shit up

>> No.5651661

nobody post anything other than Touhou and Visual Novels

don't blame them, it's your fault for not posting non Touhou/VN topics

>> No.5651668

I think everyone would be happy if we could just get 2d/3d /jp/ split.

>> No.5651685

Can't you just ban people with your akido?

>> No.5651692

It has 7k posts already? Holy shit.

>> No.5651709

Do you guys remember back when /vp/ was good?
Ever since 3k posts it's been complete shit.

>> No.5651726


>Pokemon is definitely a cancer there

What? But it's one of the few video games that are actually fun.

>> No.5651745

I stopped posting on Pokemon threads when people started shit talking me and ignoring me altogether.

>> No.5651751

Yea right. Any time we do we get told to get the fuck out and told to go to some other board. That is when you are not just terrorized. When /jp/ started this was not the case.

Moot give these fuckers their own board.

>> No.5651757

sadly I can't

>> No.5651805

If we wanted a proper description, It'd be a bit long. Something like. Touhou, VNs, Umineko theories... Actually scratch that, theory. There can be only Shkanon after all. Idols, Kigurumi, the occasional niche multiplayer game, praise/scathing posts about NEETs and finally miscellaneous troll threads, often by people from other boards. Oh, and more Touhou.

I'm not really sure how you'd define all that into a convenient phrase. Either way though, I think that's pretty much everything that goes on in /jp/. Feel free to mention anything I forgot. Surely there's some word or phrase that would describe it perfectly!
... Or perhaps not.

>> No.5651826

Doujinsoft / Galge

>> No.5651870

It's not like the description has to be ultimately adhered to. If the board was named Touhou/VN's it would at least make retards realize what our main topics are.

>> No.5651878

A completely new board named that where all you fucking misanthropists can go I am all for.

>> No.5651918

I'd laughed.
