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File: 21 KB, 643x476, 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5645575 No.5645575 [Reply] [Original]

Ryukishi really likes those lesbians, doesn't he?

>> No.5645584

Erika is canon bi.

>> No.5645592

Dlanor is just playing the part of Erika's ex boyfriend now isn't she.

Erika confirmed for non virgin ;_;

>> No.5645593

Ryu is just stupid, he's a lonely bitch and need to fap to his own creations

>> No.5645595
File: 323 KB, 636x475, WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it.

>> No.5645597

I was hoping for some beautiful hatesex. Instead we get Erika going nuts.

>> No.5645612

He likes homosexuals more.

>> No.5645615

I think Ryukishi is trying to get out of the closet or he desires to be a girl.

-Lesbian Erika and Dlanor
-He pictures himself as a woman (Featherine)
-The whole Umineko story is about "love".
-The episode 7 portrait guy is bishonen.

>> No.5645617

I find the concept of a relationship between those two interesting. I mean, Dlanor is a 'murder doll', and Erika is an obstreperous bitch, who doesn't know what a heart is.

>> No.5645627
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Oh you'd like that happen to you, ryu, wouldn't you you swine!
I came so hard

>> No.5645635

I like how love between George and Shannon is basically false now that shkanon is true and all couples with "true love" left are basically lesbians.

>> No.5645642
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Don't forget Bern/34, which is like the flagship lesbian pairing for the series. And there's Ange/Mammon, Kyrie/Levi, and Bern/Erika. Then there's Lia/Gaap, if you want to delve further in.

>> No.5645649

It is 100% confirmed now.
Shannon is modeled after Sakuya.
Both are meido and uses PAD.

>> No.5645650
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Erika was using male pronouns that scene, and curiously also swiched between Boku and Ore, so I think it's safe to assume she was quoting her 'ex Boyfriend'

>> No.5645661
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>> No.5645664

You forgot NatsuhixEva, the fans love that pairing.

>> No.5645669
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Why is there so little good fanart of the two?

>> No.5645674
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I had a sneaking suspicion that she might've been the second Battler/baby from this line, but I think she's just really hurt after Ep 6.

>> No.5645697


She's too young for that though. Also yeah, it's pretty likely that she just was hurt pretty badly before.

>> No.5645699
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>> No.5645700
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>> No.5645711
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Superior pairing

>> No.5645717


R07 could be a woman and that guy that shows up for shit is just like the masked guy Featherine uses for signings.

But if Featherine is his proxy, he also sees himself as a "monster". So, hum.

>> No.5645718
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>> No.5645722
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>> No.5645729
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>> No.5645732
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>> No.5645734

I came.

>> No.5645739

Only reason I still read Umineko, that and the soundtrack.
Everything else is stupid shit, R07 should just give and only write about Bern and Lambda lesbian antics.

>> No.5645743
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So tsundere♥

>> No.5645764

Most brilliant thing to come out of Japan; a wedding ring rape scene, with a too-tight ring being lubed up to go through Battler's virgin finger. Shit I remember downloading it the day it came out, comming onto /jp/, explaining how this scene goes down, and everyone was like wut, u lie, etc.

>> No.5645785
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>> No.5645792

>Everything else is stupid shit, R07 should just give and only write about Bern and Lambda lesbian antics.
I second this sentiment.

>> No.5645824
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Good end.

>> No.5645831
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>> No.5645845

>>wedding ring rape scene

Yeah, that was pretty unsubtle symbolism.

>> No.5645851


Doujin fucking where

>> No.5645862
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>> No.5645884

I'm tired of VN having a huge amount of lesbians.

I'm fine with 2 lesbians lover, but jeez, when every girls start to have lesbian subtext it really ruins the mood and setting for me, it's just stupid.

>> No.5645897

I'm sorely tempted to writefag up some Dlanor/Erika. What kind of shit would you guys like to read about them?

>> No.5645917


I'm all for some sweet loving. Like in the middle of the night after Erika and Dlanor had that battle over her old boyfriend Dlanor notices her crying on her bed, goes to comfort her and they share a moment on intimacy...

Sorry, I'm a hopeless romantic.

>> No.5645939

does anyone know where to download the game/patch, I just got into visual novels and want to try this out.

>> No.5645946


>> No.5645960

Fuck off pirate scum. You are not welcome here.

>> No.5645972

>Fuck off pirate scum
implying everyone on /jp/ pays for there visual novels

>> No.5645973

Buy them.

>> No.5645982

You can fuck off to /v/ together with him.

>> No.5645990

>pays for there

>> No.5645991

Play something else first, Umineko will rot your brain and you could become like these brainless faggot if you try it first.

>> No.5645994


The Dlanor scene is a misunderstanding, with Erika muttering half-asleep about her ex. The only canon lesbians in Umineko are LD/BK.

>> No.5646006
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I'd apreciate it if from now on you'd try looking for it yourself first, before asking. It's really not that difficult.

>> No.5646010
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>you could become like these brainless faggot

>> No.5646027

>he doesn't pirate his games

>> No.5646035

You guys want a real headfuck? I think that Erika's ex is Battler. He takes after his dad alot after all. He even said 'I'd rather play around with everyone than just stick to one person'. I can totally see him going out with her and fooling around behind her back. Erika knew where Battler was going to be that weekend, and jumped off the boat while it passed near Rokkenjima intending to commit suicide. But maybe she made it to shore by some miracle...

>> No.5646055

I know that type doesn't remember their exes, but shouldn't Battler mention this somewhen?

>> No.5646070


I'd be totally behind this theory, except for one thing: the only thing we know about Erika's ex is that he was into theatre. Some kind of an actor or something. And I'm pretty sure there's no such thing mentioned about Battora.

>> No.5646082
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Excuse me for supporting the people that make the games I enjoy.

>> No.5646084


Still, it's a nice theory and I wish there was something more firm to support it. It would not only connect Erika into the plot by better means than "random dead girl lol", and it would explain why the fuck she's got such a mad-on at Battler.

>> No.5646088


...What kind of a sick pervert would exchange money for goods or services?!

>> No.5646094

A crazy wasteful fuck.
Money is for sustenance, not entertainment.

>> No.5646119

He has mentioned in the past that one of the girls he knows warned him that he needs to be more serious in his relationships.

As for why this wouldn't have been mentioned, well... Since most of these tales are 'forgeries' written by people who have deduced enough about the events on that island (according to the message bottles) to be able to write convincing tales themselves.

One author heard about 'Furudo Erika, who vanished from a ship while passing Rokkenjima' and decided to write her into the story as something of a Mary Sue detective character. This author might not have suspected that Erika had a connection to Battler, or might have dismissed that idea so she could have Erika play out the role she was given.

Anyway... This is just one possible truth. Make of it what you will.

>> No.5646128

Theatre? When was that mentioned...? Did I miss that?

>> No.5646151


It was in the same scene (with Dlanor) where Erika complains about her ex. I don't remember the specific wording, but there were multiple references to the ex going to practice or stage or something.

>> No.5646159 [DELETED] 

SToP_atTacKIng wwW.AnODoNuTStALk.sE rEPlACe dOnUTs_WiTh n
fekyiztlcdq j m wc wr znmbrcssrpuvv g d wa

>> No.5646179


We don't really know what Battler did in his years away.

>> No.5646185
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>> No.5646187

I don't think anyone who read the whole scene could think there was lesbian subtext going on. Dlanor and her are only vaguely friends.
But it does mean that she's used goods.

>> No.5646196
File: 39 KB, 640x480, battler is a steroid freak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lifting weights and injecting steroids.

>> No.5646231

Ah, just reread that. Okay I see what you mean.

But I think this falls into the same line of reasoning that convinced Erika that her ex was cheating. The 'theatre practice' and all that might have been lies on his part to cover for his philandering.

Still, that person seems a bit too cold to be Battler. Who knows though.

>> No.5646235

Battler might not recognise Erika, because her hair is dyed blue. Also that dress and her over the top facial expressions could be offsetting her appearance.

In one of the scenes in Ep 5 when Bern is scolding her, she says that she gave her her blue hair.

You could take that to mean in mystery side, she dyed her hair after being dumped like some women do. Erika Furudo is probably an alias too.

Come to think of it, in the flashback, it says "take my blonde hair". Maybe hair is an important clue?

Maybe Erika was previously blonde like Battler liked... Jessica is blonde, and she's wearing her dress...

>> No.5646245

I should stop reading these threads, it's getting more and more stupid which is pretty hard to believe.

>> No.5646246


When Erika was ranting about him and the stuff he said to her.

Also, Battler seems like a decent actor...

>> No.5646247


I like this theory. It's a far fetch, but I like it.

Erika always seemed a lot angrier at Battler than seemed appropriate. And the forcible wedding scene... need I even say anything?

>> No.5646250

Erika is Kinzo in disguise.

>> No.5646257


Whooooa. Mind blown

>> No.5646263
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>> No.5646280

It's unlikely, but this would be a nice plot twist.

>> No.5646281
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Knox's 1st
It is FORBIDDEN for the culprit to be anyone not mentioned in the early part of the STORY.
Does it means that to you, ERIKA-SAMA and Beatrice are not the CULPRIT?

>> No.5646286

I think the problem with the Battler theory is that Erika was actually going out with someone, while Battler has always just played around with a lot of girls at once. Also, Erika threw a bunch of evidence on her boyfriend and he still tried to say he still loved her, but eventually told her to fuck off. I don't think Battler would do that.

>> No.5646292


Erika wasn't the culprit, except in Episode 6, but that was purposely fucked up anyway.

>> No.5646299


Maybe they simply had a different idea of how serious the relationship was. Battler aiming going for a quick fuck and Erika was hearing the wedding bells in her head. It happens.

Though I suppose the language used ("get lost, bitch") would be uncharacteristically cold of him.

>> No.5646301


Could be another character's ex. It seems a bit crap to make the ex unknown.

But think about how Battler treated Moe~ Beato because she wasn't the real Beato.

Erika wouldn't have been the real deal either, with a flatter chest. No matter how much he might have wanted to, he couldn't bring himself to stay with her because he wasn't physically attracted.

Also, at the end, where Erika says "You'll never get a normal girl to like you..."

>> No.5646305

Define 'culprit'. Erika did, after all, kill the victims of the first twilight in this game, and saw their heads off.

>> No.5646308
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>> No.5646309


He does tell her "go to hell".

>> No.5646330
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Even if this isn't true, someone needs to email this shit to R07 so he can retcon it in. It's too hilarious not to be true.

>> No.5646332


And she does!

>> No.5646338
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>> No.5646341


Seconded. Moonspeak squad, your objective is clear.

>> No.5646343

Both of those were special circumstances and I don't think he would act that way towards a girl in normal situations.
Maybe I'm just going by an overly naive reading but it didn't seem to me that Battler meant he was playing around in the same way a dudebro(or his father) would fuck random women and play with their hearts because he can.

>> No.5646349

George also says that kids her age have issues with their identity...

>> No.5646352

So...maybe to be with Erika (who made Battler forget about Shkannontrice) is his sin.

Nonsense, I know.

>> No.5646359


Yes please. It's such a good theory. It ties in Erika really well.

>> No.5646362


Not him, but i played various VN before Umineko, including Ever17, and i'm still liking it.

>> No.5646364


How do you know Erika wasn't a special circumstance? I mean, she's nuts. She could have been stalking him and using tape and going completely paranoid, and that might have driven him nuts too.

Also, his interpretation of Battler's actions could have been coloured by her own paranoia. After all, he just played around with girls, and she is a very serious person at heart. After all, she said herself that love can actually obscure the truth instead of revealing it.

Because she wasn't able to see things from both points of view, hers and Battler's, she never understood his actions.

>> No.5646370


Maybe I will after I finish this game of mahjong.

>> No.5646375


I'd buy them if they had nicer covers, honestly. I might get the 1-4 for that reason, but I'll wait until 8 is released, get them all in one big boxset. And hopefully they'll be some figures out by then too, have a neat little display.

>> No.5646388


*her interpretation

Not trying to imply anything...

>> No.5646397


You opened the case?

I have 1-4 and I ain't taking that fucking shrinkwrap off.

>> No.5646404

Battler being Erika's ex is the most brilliant thing I've seen on /jp/.

>> No.5646410

Nah, only Lambdadelta, Bernkastel, Jessica, Dlanor, All of the Siestas, Ange, and Mammon are lesbians.

>> No.5646431

Don't forget Cornelia and Gertrude.

>> No.5646432
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I laughed when the narration said that Jessica was attracted to Kanon FOR SOME MYSTERIOUS REASON and not any of the boys at her school.

>> No.5646438

Fat fucks all of them.

>> No.5646440


MINDFUCK: Shkannon isn't true, but Kanon is actually a girl anyway.

Even worse, Kanon is Beatrice, but not Shannon.

>> No.5646447

It's a one-sided crush by Cornelia, Gertrude is respect

>> No.5646452

That would make senes.

Thits too small?

>> No.5646479

Well, if one popular theory prevails, she can't help it. She has Rudolf's "fuck all females" genes, after all.

>> No.5646492

Even back then Erika was pretty crazy. A healthy woman wouldn't collect, catalogue and list 246 (or smthng) pieces of evidence against their suspected cheating boyfriend.

>> No.5646496

Erika has OCD, hence the duct tape and attention to detail, it can't be helped. She's like Monk.

>> No.5646539


She's a super detective, can't be helped.

>> No.5646540
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Poor Dlanor, losing her waifu. Who will she be lesbians with now?

>> No.5646547


They were just friend, i doubt Dlanor can feel any love.

>> No.5646558
File: 16 KB, 244x237, E3screenshots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may not have sexual intercourse often, but when I do, it's with other women.

Stay fabulous, my friends.

>> No.5646562

She's in love with her senpai and rival Wright.

>> No.5646591

Is there any contact information for Ryukishi07 availible? I might have to google for his mail adress.

>> No.5646603


His has a 'Contact us' form.

>> No.5646604

Check the official site.


>> No.5646627
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I've seen some theories that say Erika is Jessica.


>> No.5646641


does he speak english?

>> No.5646648


when was this stated

>> No.5646650


I doubt it.

>> No.5646656



>> No.5646668

Because she has Jessicas old clothes?
It's most likely just some dumb shit you heard.

>> No.5646679

Hence my "wut", good sir.

>> No.5646683

You're going to tell him/her the Erika/Battler theory?

>> No.5646684


What the shit?

>> No.5646690


That's the plan.

It's too good to waste, innit?

>> No.5646704


Ep VII confirmed it, he's a she and the R07 we know only poses for her.

Also, She was in love with BT, so next episode will be about Faetherine shouting "BBBBTTTTTT"

>> No.5646709


>> No.5646710

I actually like the theory, but I hope he doesn't call us stupid in EP8, if that's not true.

>> No.5646725

He'll call us stupid no matter what.

>> No.5646737

What's the battler/erika theory?

>> No.5646742


I hope it's really sent to him. It's brilliant!

>> No.5646743

if Jessica is a lesbian, then who loved Battler and was hurt by him? Shannon? But Shannon already has George/Jessica...

Also, it should have been mentioned that Battler was never in a relationship. Whereas Erica clearly was in a relationship with her ex.

>> No.5646752

we already now that Shannon is Beatrice

>> No.5646777

Battler says in one of the early parts that he's been "playing around" with girls and hasn't been in a serious love affair. But that's only his interpretation of things. He could have thought his hypothetical fling with Erika was just casual, while Erica thought it was deathly serious.

>> No.5646787

>"playing around" with girls

Like father, like son.

I doubt Rudolf thought he was doing anybody harm either, when he left a trail of broken hearts behind.

>> No.5646798

I don't think he would call it playing around if he said I love you to the girl, which Erica's ex said and even tried to prove.

If Erica "found" Battler cheating, he'd just shrug if off with a "so what" or tell her to bug off.

>> No.5646804

The whole point is that Sayo is a whore.
She wants to suck George's fat cock. while Battler fucks her in the ass and Jessica licks her cunt.

>> No.5646807

Honestly, Jessica probably doesn't know that Kanon and Shannon are the same person. Think about her phone call to Battler in Episode 4...

>> No.5646819

That's because they're not.

>> No.5646820

From what Kyrie said Rudolf knew full well what he was doing, to the point where even she said he was a horrible person. And I still don't see Battler as the type to fuck guys and then tell them to get lost, it seemed more like he just liked flirting.

>> No.5646827
File: 399 KB, 652x2526, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jessica was clearly trolling in episode 4, but for what?

>> No.5646831

>And I still don't see Battler as the type to fuck guys

Me neither.

>> No.5646844


Jessica's phone call is weird. From my perspective, it makes only sense if Jessica is Beatrice... but Ep 6 made it double extra super clear that Shannon is Beatrice, and Jessica probably isn't Shannon.

Maybe Shannon is Beatrice and Jessica is an accomplice for some reason. Idunno.

>> No.5646858

Jessica and Kyrie discover that Sayo is fucking crazy, they realize that they're going to die, and that the only way anyone(Read: Battler) could be saved is if they get Battler to remember his sin.

>> No.5646863

Doubletrice was here.
Our time will come.

>> No.5646877

Sayo lured Jessica into her service with promises of hot seckings.

But yeah, shit's confusing as fuck.

>> No.5646919

My theory is that Jessica and Kyrie were both dying of bullet wounds, and thought it would be HILARIOUS to troll Battler just one last time.

>> No.5646924

Okay I wrote something, but I'd like someone to look over it before I send it, so I'll just post it here. Point out any errors or things I've forgot please.

07th Expansion のみんなへ、




かもしれない、これで島の近くでいることも説明官能です (ライブじゃ



>> No.5646934

Can you post it in english?

>> No.5646943

Jessica's phone call makes perfect sense if, for example, she only found out just then that Shannon and Kanon are the same person. Sayo shows up for the test but she's been in such a hurry that she slips up and is wearing Kanon's clothes or something. Jessica freaks out, and Sayo puts the gun to her head and tells her to call Battler etc.

Jessica is terrified, confused, and just CAN'T STOP LAUGHING about how absurd a development this was.

Kyrie, on the other hand, plays along but tries to put some kind of cleverly coded statement in her call to give Battler a clue to the truth of things. She might have outsmarted herself though, as Battler couldn't figure it out.

>> No.5646956

>Sayo shows up for the test but she's been in such a hurry that she slips up and is wearing Kanon's clothes or something.

>> No.5646967

The issue with that is that Jessica knows she is already dead, and her speech patterns indicate that she is earnestly trying to convince Battler that magic exists.

She has no reason to lie to Battler, and she knows she's going to die, she's seen George's corpse.

>> No.5646971


Say something about how it makes the wedding scene more meaningful and how it connects Erika to the happenings on the island.

You know, the reasons we think this is a good idea.

>> No.5646982



>> No.5647007


That would kind of defeat the point of finding the errors in the Japanese, but what I wrote is basically along these lines.

Dear 07th expansion,

Me and some friends from the internet came up with a theory, that is namely that Battler might be the ex-boyfriend of Erika.

The reasons for this conclusion are as follows:

Battler was said to tend to play around with women like his father
Erika's previous boyfriend was said to like theatre, and isn't playing around with girls a bit like acting?
The fact that Erika can't seem to get along with Battler at all would also be explained if they used to go out
As stated in the game Erika seems pretty deeply hurt about love, wich might be the result of breaking up with Battler, wich also might have caused her to become this paranoid
It was stated that Bernkastel granted Erika the blue hair, so maybe she dyed her hair after breaking up with Battler and that's why he doesn't recognize her
Erika might have chased Battler down and decided to kill herself close to where he was spending this weekend, wich would explain why she was so close to the island (even though the life jacket gets in the way of this part)

It might not be a red truth, but maybe this is also one of the countless truths?

We would really like to hear your opinion


Will do

>> No.5647014

>MINDFUCK: Shkannon isn't true, but Kanon is actually a girl anyway.
>Shannon is Beatrice

I think that is something like that.

Worse I would call this - Batller falls in love with Kannon.

>> No.5647030

Guys guys, you might be altering Umineko's truth and reality itself? >>5646965

>> No.5647062

Okay, I added:


Should I send it now?

>> No.5647092

>Erika's previous boyfriend was said to like theatre, and isn't playing around with girls a bit like acting?

I think this is too far-fetched. Better leave this part out.

>> No.5647135

Of course we are.

I realized that the 'truth' was far less tangible than most people believed a long time ago.

The whole issue with the 'logic error' and Erika's retroactive changes to previous actions (and offers to Battler for him to do the same to avoid this error) made it pretty clear that the 'truth' of Rokkenjima can be anything not yet proven impossible.

Why the hell else would they have been making Schrodinger's Cat analogies in Episode 3 if not for that? Virgilia even said it in almost as many words.

It's gotten to the point that if I were inspired to write fanfiction I could probably write a convincing 'Forgery' myself in the time before Episode 7 comes out.

But what's the point? I already know whats going to happen more or less. All that remains in my mind to explain is 'How can a good resolution to these events be found in Episode 8?' There are alot of factors that are needed to avoid a tragedy in this story, many more than Higurashi.

Since Bern is the GM of Episode 7, I'm gonna guess that Erika won't be appearing. But I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that her making it to the island alive is still one of those 'conditions' that is going to need to be met.

>> No.5647167

I don't think there's going to be the "happy ending" we expect in Umineko: I think it's already been made. It seemed pretty clear that GM Battler only cared about putting Beato to rest, and not saving his family in a particular kakera. The resolution for all the characters appeared to have happened in ep 6, and ep 7 is really just for the readers to understand what is going on.

>> No.5647176

Probably better to suggest that perhaps the theatre activities were a lie or exaggeration on her ex's part. She assumed it was because he was cheating.

And we all know how Battler likes to exaggerate to girls, right? Maybe he joined a drama club for a while on a whim? Maybe he played up his role in the drama club to impress her since she seemed to like watching him act. And then she caught on to his lie...

>> No.5647184

You assume it is for Battler's sake that the story keeps repeating.

>> No.5647198

Okay I changed the acting part a little and sent it now. If I get a reply I'm gonna tell you guys.

>> No.5647234
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>> No.5647244

Let's pray.

>> No.5647295

For some reason I bet that Battler very well could have an interest in theater, acting disregarded.
He has been explained as a rather vivid reader, and he seemed to read mostly classics.

Him going to the theater wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.5647327

Good point.

Further, theatre seems to be a theme pushed throughout Episode 6- We are introduced to the Witch of Theatregoing, a pair of very theatrical demons, and all of the crimes in the game were just an act (at least until Erika came along...).

Battler having an interest in theatre wouldn't come as much of a surprise after seeing the game he constructed.

>> No.5647412

Going even beyond that, all of Episode 6 could be said to have been theatre itself.

I've seen it suggested that Battler, the writer of that play, intentionally wrote himself into a corner he couldn't get out of to force Beato to awaken. And that his entire game was orchestrated to that effect.

>> No.5647434

Which brings us to the fact that Battler is VERY through when it comes to hiding his powerlevel.

Books? Lolno XD

>> No.5647441

No, I don't 'read' books. I fucking consume them.

>> No.5647489


Just by the existence of this alone, we have deduced that R07 is a fag. How's that, everyone?

>> No.5647499


I had to google that word.

>> No.5647511
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Dear god, is there really going to be no good end?

Fuck man, what about Eva?

Her family died because of a shitty maid.

>> No.5647525

Also Ange. If we're lucky we might have Battler and/or Jessica survive, but I doubt it.

We'll just get the family "put to rest" or some shit.

>> No.5647535


>> No.5647552


Fifty bucks says that in ep 7 or 8 (whichever is the last), Bernkastel is sent back to Hinamizawa or a close facsimile of it as punishment.

The "good end" of Umineko will be that the heroine of the previous series is tortured for eternity and all the characters in this series are either dead, unreal or both.

>> No.5647554

Too bad everyone else is dead for no reason.

>> No.5647566

Well, the message of Umineko seems to be this: "Mass murder is a-ok if you fell in love with a twelve year old who you knew for like two days"

>> No.5647576

Well, the final message might as well be "Love is destructive" anyway.

>> No.5647621


Bernkastel isn't Rika. Bernkastel is some kind of a mental cancerous growth on Rika, made entirely out of cynicism, despair and hate. She's what Rika had to leave behind to return to her normal self in the last episode.

I have no idea what Lambda's deal is though.

>> No.5647678

Lambda didn't play on the Higurashi game board, even though she might have been born from Miyoko. It should be noted that Lambda existed long before Higurashi.

That game board was entirely the culprit versus Rika, and was 'created' by Aurora who lost the initial idea along the way - and apparently, it seems to continue until now.
Saigoroshi was something like reboot of the game from AuAu's perspective, I guess. Hanyuu realized what was she actually supposed to do and turned dead serious after she realized that she actually let Rika win.

>> No.5647692
File: 62 KB, 656x518, god damn it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god, I can't believe I fell for this shit twice. Fucking Erika, even if she has a bad past or whatever she's still a fucking bitch.

>> No.5647693

Why would Hanyuu be upset at Rika winning?

>> No.5647701

>Lambda didn't play on the Higurashi game board
You sure about that?

>> No.5647770


My rule of thumb is that any sob story offered can only explain a villain's behavior - never excuse it.

>> No.5647796

I am not sure because of the single sentece about her placing all of those her pieces on her sides, but I am going from the TIP where she says that she gave the power to eventually become a god to a certain girl (Hanyuu, might as well be Miyoko), that girl 'created a new witch and sent her to her', but she never saw her again until she met Beato. I guess she WOULD notice if she played such an endless game with her.

>> No.5647803

Then why did Battler make episode 6 in Beatrice's favor?

Like, I was pumped in episode 5, I thought that Beatrice, whoever she was, didn't commit the murders.

And yet she did. I won't mourn Beatrice when she kicks the bucket, for hopefully the final time.

>> No.5647834

I don't think episode 6 was meant for us to feel warm and fuzzy.

For example, Kanon's love towards Jessica comes across as really jarring and scary. Beatrice's love towards Battler feels downright obsessive, and Shannon's love towards George is ruined by the fact that she herself knows that they won't get married.

Even the faux-ending, with the family happy, and Kanon "rewarded" really felt like something more sinister.

Battler is living in a fantasy, but things simply can't remain that way. People died a pointless and tragic death, and that is the truth of all things.

>> No.5647860
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Would she be forced to engage in wacky antics for all eternity?

>> No.5647871

Kanon and Shannon's duel did it for me.

That bitch is crazy, and needs to be put down.

>> No.5647873

So which one is the real scenario ?
I think its an event where only Eva survived but it isn't "Turn".

>> No.5647878

>>5647834 episode 6 was meant for us to feel warm and fuzzy.
It was very depressive at first, very creepy after that, very depressive again, and in the end "this is certainly a lot of awesome there, but why do I have the feeling that I am getting trolled by accepting scenes that are completely fantasy, when Beato could earlier even make an illusion that she doesn't exist without much trouble only to show Battler that he SHOULD NEVER BELIEVE THIS SHIT AGAIN?

>> No.5647905

I said I don't think that.

Even the ending with Battler getting married to Beatrice feels off.

I'm almost thinking the main character is Ange at this point.

>> No.5647923

Well, let's think about it like this: Hachijou Tohya might pretty well be Asumu. Asumu, for some reason, knows what happened.
The first bottle stories, which are supposed to be original, are altering reality, because Eva survived. Only Banquet is getting close.

Why not just accept that Asumu had everyone killed somehow and then wrote all of those stories herself?

'19 years is the time it took to write this tale'

>> No.5647960

This. The duel was the most awesome thing there, so... why have I hoped for Kanon to win? Why is Shannon such an unsympatic character when Jessica is even more suspicious than her and I am still hoping that she is in fact a fucking awesome culprit?

Well, Kanon and Erika shouldn't have died, but at least they went both with a bang.

>> No.5647978

What are these 4koma called? I looked on /rs/ for "umineko 4koma" but they only had the old ones and i assume that the one who made them made even more

>> No.5647989

It's quite simple. Jessica was one of the few characters who didn't go with the flow in episode 6, at least intially. Everything else felt... creepy and unnatural.

Shannon's first dialogue with Kanon is perhaps the scariest thing ever.

It's like she's mindraping Kanon.

>> No.5647998


Search for "rifyu".

>> No.5648000


>> No.5648016

Where is Umineko EP6 stream?

>> No.5648020

fuck yes i love you guys

>> No.5648055

Kanon: I LUV U MILADY <<<<<<<3
Jessica: Well, for some shitty reason other than your lack of penis i love you to, let's date to see where this go--


Jessica: WAIT WHAT ?! What the tits were you smoking ? FINE GEEZ..

Episode 6 - Dawn of the Golden Witch

>> No.5648060

Shannon in this episode was fucking creepy. I think she's starting to reveal her true personality.

After all "This is not a hint, but a confession."

>> No.5648068


I don't think Shannon is that unsympathetic. People just think she's crazy DID maid and don't look at anything else. Like everyone talked about how she was so horrible to Maria in the duel, when all she did was protect Kanon and squash Maria. It was pretty tame.

>> No.5648077

That's pretty much it.

>> No.5648082

>i love you to
No, she was like, 'I kinda like you and I WANT to fall in love with you but I'm unable to think of a reason'.

>> No.5648092

>People just think she's crazy DID maid and don't look at anything else.

I really cannot think of anything that would excuse her killing these people the way they are killed. Not unless there's a hidden rape dungeon somewhere on Rokkenjima and the Ushiromiyas have collectively kept her there for the past six years.

>> No.5648096

Fuck yeah rape dungeons

>> No.5648120
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Is there a problem they _don't_ solve?

>> No.5648126


Wouldn't put past Kinzo.

Though it's not an excuse. I think there is something more there though. Shannon is not shown to be unsympathetic and Beato is damn near shown to be a hero for the most part. Something isn't adding up here.

>> No.5648169


There's also a lot of stuff that isn't seemingly used anywhere... Stuff from Kyrie's past, Rosa's past, the allusion that Kyrie is somehow supported by Lambda... The thing Ange saw in the future in the tatami shop... they can't all be red herrings, can they?

>> No.5648183

I have a little bit of hope based on Ange and Featherine also pointing out that shit is weird, especially with Beato, but EP6 bothered me in general in the way it seemed like it had a raging boner for all the creepy-ass shit it presented about ~the power of love~.

>> No.5648210


I think that was just Ange being in denial her brother was in love with someone she hates.

>> No.5648216

Yeah. I used to hate Jessica, but goddamn, if episode 6 is the most accurate reflection of the characters she's one of my favorites now.

>> No.5648255

I still find it odd that she doesn't quite love Kanon like Battler and George love their waifus.

I find it oddly refreshing, and I'm glad we have at least one person on the island who has a mature approach to love.

>> No.5648257

While we are at it, how much true is that Ryu is drawing these himself? I heard he confirmed it in an interwiew, but...

Well, in mystery novels, the strangest shit happens during confessions after all.

>> No.5648281

You all thought i was crazy for calling ange's bodyguard the bad guy who killed her.. WELL WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?! AHAHAHAHAH.. Poor ange burger ;___;.

>> No.5648285


How much clearer could r07 make it? Fucking shit. Bern let her get erased just like she said she would, wasn't even there for her final moments.

>> No.5648307

That's why I think there is something more to this, and despite episode 6 being "confessions", we have to be missing something major.

Jessica is attracted to Kanon, but she acknowledges that it is an attraction, she really isn't madly in love with him. An ending that would have her with him for eternity feels bad. It isn't true love, it could become something like that, but Jessica wanted time for the relationship to grow, time she would not be allowed.

Episode 6 could very well be a brutal deconstruction on love. In the very least, it showed me that Beatrice is a dangerous and immature romantic.

A game without love is exactly what we need, but knowing Bernkastel she'll miss the point too.

There needs to be a happy medium, and I'm hoping Ange finds it.

>> No.5648324


No, Erika was a bitch.

>> No.5648341

Of course she is.

That doesn't change she was severely fucked if battler didn't take pity on her. It also doesn't change the fact Bern forced her into not using detective authority. It doesn't change the fact she had to come up with a plan to try and win that game without it.

>> No.5648345


I don't think it's strange. It's pretty realistic. She barely knows Kanon (obviously) and wants to take that step to get to know him and fall in love. She's also not very open with her feelings for the most part.

>> No.5648361

No, I know it's realistic. That's precisely what's odd with it.

The other relationships are fucking crazy.

>> No.5648365


Well, yes but that doesn't make her that sympathetic to me. She's still a murdering crazy bitch who fucked with everyone. She tried to save herself and couldn't. Good try, but too bad.

>> No.5648379

Let's see what you do with Bern as a master.

She's the most pitiable character in the series.

>> No.5648394

Difference between her and Beato.

Erika kills to keep herself alive, Beato kills because she's fucking crazy.

>> No.5648409

She was picked out by Bern because she had already shown herself to be a crazy bitch who only cared about the cold hard truth. You can pity her but that doesn't excuse anything she does.

>> No.5648410

Erika with Rudolf?

>> No.5648428


No, she's not.

>> No.5648430

>Erika kills to keep herself alive, Beato kills because she's fucking crazy.


I don't even understand how you've come to these conclusions.

Erika and Beato are both not killing anyone. That's the entire point of the series.

>> No.5648434

I only care about the cold hard truth at this point.

We're not dealing with someone who just used magic to prank people and entertain small children, we're dealing with a mass murdering psycho.

Damn right I want the truth.

>> No.5648445


You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.5648453

That's nice, care to indulge me on how I'm wrong? If all the episodes reflect the truth of what happened on that island, and if Shkanontrice is true, guess what?

She killed everyone!

>> No.5648454


You are a little too worked up about this to be honest.

>> No.5648465

Clarifying this for myself because I think it's fucking stupid.

Everything we've read until now has been FUCKING FICTION?! what the fuck is that?!

I have only just now reached the first twilight and I am already pissed off at R07.

>> No.5648474

Shut up, it's deep.

>> No.5648475 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 656x518, fffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anything I can do to fix this?
It just freezes on loading.

>> No.5648478

NO, that isn't deep. It's fucking stupid. Worse than "it was aaaaaall a dream"

>> No.5648542



>> No.5648549


Of course it is, did you think Umineko was real?

>> No.5648550

All im getting from this is MAGIC CHEEEEEEEESE.

>> No.5648560

Someone clearly doesn't understand this series.

>> No.5648577


The Magic cheese was a small exercise in thinking out of the box and using the words of the game against it's self. Or, in other words, actually taking things at face value and USING it to win instead of twisting nothingness into a solid attack.

Probably. Maybe.

>> No.5648584

So let me get this straight.
Some red passages count Shkanon as 2 seperated people, but then we have the large amount of white/troll text stating otherwise.

>> No.5648596

>Mystery Novel
Mystery Novels usually stick to realistic logic.
The multiple personality thing would never work in a court room, and no lawyer would be able to go "But your honor, my client wasn't in the closet! Personality X was!".
And while court rooms may not be that common, detectives are and they play by the same rules.

>> No.5648607

The episodes are similar to presenting possibilities of what the inside of the Cat Box could have been. Episode 6 talked about the concept of multiple truths existing and this is something that applies to the entire series in my opinion. The events on the island have been shown to play out in different ways but the final "result" is that everyone is dead in most cases.

Unless you accept that magic is real on Rokkenjima then you have already known that most things that you see are fiction.
I can't really decide how real the ideas of kakera and the meta-world are in Ryu07's world so I will stop there.

>> No.5648617

The culprit is mysterious.

>> No.5648622

Though it can still be a good novel, it's just isn't really a proper mystery novel.

The inclusion of Knox's guidlines felt kind of off though considering it isn't a real one.

>> No.5648632

Seperate people, 1 body.
Multiple Personalities.

What didn't you get?

>> No.5648648

You know, authors really hate it when you think X character is based on them for various reasons. Featherine clearly has some R07 traits, but she's also her own character.

>> No.5648658

Actually, they can plead that in court. It's called pleading insanity.

>> No.5648661
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Erika is so mean to her waifu.

>> No.5648664

He would be exceedingly naive to write a character like that and says the things she does and not expect people to think she's an insert.

>> No.5648684

Well yes, but it doesn't change much other than the final sentence.

You know, forced mental care due to insanity instead of prison.
I'ts also why the insanity card is rarely played, simply because it's not a way out more as it just lessens the punishment slightly.

>> No.5648686

Some of her is taken from R07 and she is used to speak R07's thoughts, but that doesn't mean you can go and say everything about Featherine reflects him.

>> No.5648700

I agree but the point is that he should have known that people would think of her like that and he still wrote her that way. Not to mention it's hard to tell what exactly is the character and what's his own opinion, considering that he trolls his audience even without her.

>> No.5648705

But in the case that they really are insane and have multiple personalities, some personalities will be innocent while others will be guilty. The difference is in notion really. Prison is for people who sanely did wrong. Mental hospitals for the criminally insane are people who are insane and dangerous because of it. I bet Battler thinks he can stop murders from occurring and bring a sane Beatrice off the gameboard in the form of Sayo. He probably would have done that in the 6th game if Erika didn't start killing.

>> No.5648707

Her comments about the readers are obviously from R07's mouth though.
Same for Lambda's comment about the mystery people in episode 5 or Beatrice comment about the device of the last closed room.

>> No.5648743

See, the issue with Shkanontrice is that ALL the personas ARE guilty.

That's what the duel told us, Shannon, Kanon, and Beatrice all want to open the golden land.

>> No.5648909

Here is my reasoning for disliking this turn of events;

The most important part of Umineko to me is the characters. And now, all the connection I felt towards them has been completely shattered. I could enjoy Battler's exploits and was waiting for an explanation as to why things were going on from HIS mouth. But now, all he and the rest of the characters are are phantoms with minds and pasts easily changed by the hand of another character inside the story. Everything that happened until now is bullshit, even if she is "trying to show us what REALLY happened by showing us what DIDN'T happen", it's a dick move and at this point I'd rather have had it all be fantasy and for Battler to lose.

>> No.5649006


But it was said that the things that AuAu wrote had the same names as EPs 3 to 6, but it was also said that Auau's EP 3 showed Eva escape to Kuwadorian, while Ryukishi's EP 3 didn't show us what happened after Battler's death.

So maybe she wrote similar stories in Ange's world, but they aren't the same stories that we have been reading.

Also, what is so different between"everything after EP 3 is fictional" and "everything occurs in differents universes/kakeras/etc"?

>> No.5649016

Bernkastel will be the one to do what Battler should have done. She will bring a cruel justice, and she will have fun with it. I believe in her, I'm on her side.

>> No.5649066

The fact that someone is MAKING them up is what's different. Picking out a kakera and showing those events is completely different from someone making up their own world.

>> No.5649073

How can anyone stand this horrible writing?

>> No.5649092

Your taste is shit.

>> No.5649094

The simple fact that the logical error exist in Umineko proves that that the fiction theory is true anyways.

>> No.5649100


But what if she is Asumu or a survivor from the island, telling the massive amounts of events she saw in the island in her 3 stories?

Actually, disregard that, I just remembered what happened to her in the ending.

>> No.5649109

I'm just going to read the rest of the episode now.

I am supposed to "trust" R07 after all... Hope he doesn't let me down further.

>> No.5649110
File: 351 KB, 640x480, HOLY SHIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahaha, oh wow.

I JUST got to this part, and went to /jp/ to post a screen of it. Damn guys, get out of my mind.

>> No.5649119

She's quoting her boyfriend

>> No.5649129

Magic exists outside of the gameboard. Though Ange mentions two types of magic, there's actually the existence of real, non-illusion magic.

Battler recognized that real magic exists at the start or at the middle of EP5.

>> No.5649141


When the fuck did she have a boyfriend? Who in their right mind would want her to begin with?

>> No.5649159

Someone clearly didn't read EP6.

>> No.5649172

Do they get through the whole epitaph in ep 6? first twilight just came around and I'm wondering how much more reading I've got to do.

>> No.5649179

Because she, after all, is a mary sue, which means she's perfect, she must be a popular and extrovert girl that managed to confess to a guy, but her obsessive behaviour with hew boyfriend and finding the truth terminated that relationship.

>> No.5649213

Last time I checked, Mary Sue's don't have an abusive master and don't die a horrible death.

>> No.5649256

>Who in their right mind would want her to begin with?

See >>5646035 but prepare to get (falsely?) spoiled.

>> No.5649298

I'd take Erika. I'd assume that pre-NTR, she was an okay gal.

>> No.5649317

Except being ugly and 8 years old looking

>> No.5649326

I think she's cute.

>> No.5649331

>8 years old looking
Why is this a problem?

>> No.5649341

For some reason when she started quoting random lines it just made me laugh.

>> No.5649362

Cause that things is barely grown up.
It's one thing to have young girls and another tiny kids it does not even fit in.

>> No.5649371

She looks like she's 14, confirmed by everyone on the island and Battler said it.

>> No.5649377


That doesn't change the fact that she's an unlikeable fuck who nobody in their right mind would touch with a 10 foot pole.

Maybe it's just that I don't like her for being Bern's canon slave.

>> No.5649383
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>> No.5649392
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Erika is a good girl.

>> No.5649393
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dat face

>> No.5649399

Just use her wedding dress version, you can see them better there.

>> No.5649400


I like Erika.

>> No.5649410

I don't care that she was quoting her old boyfriend, Erika/Dlanor for fucking life.

>> No.5649412
File: 424 KB, 2080x2594, stand on one leg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever, ryu.

>> No.5649419

I capped all of these.

>> No.5649426


I think I made that before we ever saw the weddng dress.

>> No.5649430


Well, I find Erika and Lambda both unlikeable, and not because of the fact that they take Bern away from me.

Lambda seems to be trying too hard at acting cute and I really wish she would drop the playful act more often and show her true colors.

Erika is just a horrible bitch who isn't really good at the whole cruelty thing. She's living in Bern's shadow.

>> No.5649433


Oh, in reply to people who suggested 'corset' for the wedding dress, actually. I forgot.

>> No.5649437

I need to cap furfur and zepar's faces, they are reaction image material.

>> No.5649441
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>> No.5649453

The only thing I don't like about Erika is her 3 hairstyles in one.
>long bangs
>not completely short hair
Just let those twintails down and be Bern, I can't process all at the same time.

>> No.5649456
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>> No.5649471
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Everything R07 does usually is. The only person who can make better reaction faces is Rifyu.

>> No.5649492

I liked Lambda more this episode. She seemed like a bro and I was able to sympathize with her.

I would have been able to sympathize with Bern but she's turned up the bitchiness as of late.

>> No.5649533


I've never cared for her very much.

>> No.5649625


The part where Lambda throws the popcorn to intercept Dlanors attack was truely amazing.
When we were streaming it with ATLAS right after it came out chat went fucking crazy when Dlanor picked up that piece of popcorn.

>> No.5650314

One more bit for those who think Battler may be Erika's ex...

"Her family says that she might have drifted to Rokkenjima and gotten involved in that accident." when you execute Piece Erika in the TIPS. Plus it makes some sense why she'd slit the throats in the 1st Twilight... Because she's nuts and vengeful.

>> No.5650523


So, how would they know or suspect such a thing? Erika going to Rokkenjima, unless she had a motive and she told them. Maybe a suicide note?

>> No.5650990
File: 58 KB, 640x480, wait a second.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bern spent the question arcs as a mysterious, detached background figure, but in the answer arcs she dove headfirst into batshit insane random sadistic villainy and never looked back.

Basically she took the villain role that old Beato used to have, and it appears that there's a retcon coming that all of oldBeato's cruelty was somehow Bern's doing. See pic.

I'm okay with this. If they want to make Beato/Sayo/??? sympathetic, the first thing they need to do is wash her of guilt.

>> No.5651329


By shoving it onto one of the most loved characters in VN(and possible animu)... seems kind of cruel.

Also the Bern isn't Rika is bullshit, all those are fan theories. It hasn't been outright confirmed, but insanely heavily implied. Nowhere has anyone mentioned that Bernkastel is some kind of entity Rika "threw away".

Also, in Higurashi, when she's lamenting about her hopping from kakera to Kakera, she's drinking wine and comments "... I'm not Rika anymore. I'm the wine."

Bernkastel is a region famous for it's wine. Do the math.
