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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5642643 No.5642643 [Reply] [Original]

So! I started blog. What should I write about?

>> No.5642648

You should make it a whiny diary about why you're such a worthless faggot, and get hype but declaring you'll kill yourself after, say, 30 posts.

>> No.5642649

But you already have a blog.
It's called /jp/.

>> No.5642647

Your eating schedule. When do you get hungry, what do you eat, etc.

>> No.5642652

If I made a tweeter account would you follow it :D ?

>> No.5642654

How it feels to fap to little girls.

>> No.5642656

fuck look at that sky, imagine falling into that shit.

>> No.5642658

post it on here so we can spam it for like 20 seconds and never see it again

>> No.5642659

Your bowel movements.

>> No.5642661

Your everyday life and things that interest you?

Why start a blog in the first place?
Unless you're a little girl, don't bother.

>> No.5642662

congratulations, you just made me ill over tcp/ip

>> No.5642669

Sounds boring.
Maybe later.

>> No.5642670

Your addiction to the bloggosphere and your trembling attempts to gather courage to exit it.

>> No.5642671

Hey /jp/.

I want to dream about FES-sama to deride me in her cool voice
while grinding her boots into my ass
till it hurts so much it feels like my eyes are gonna fall out
Then get drunk on the feeling of stopping at the last moment like, will she spit on my face from above or not
I want her to slowly cut my throat apart with a knife
I want to breathe my last as she says, you're an eyesore.

>> No.5642672

point there, why do people blog anyway? sincerely waiting for an answer

>> No.5642676

Make it into an observation diary of little girls in your neighborhood. Also include pictures.

>> No.5642680

this will definitely get some responses

>> No.5642679

Did you at least sign up to one of those jap blog sites?

>> No.5642685

I made a twitter about the annoyances my neighbors cause me. I forgot all about it until now.

>> No.5642692



>> No.5642705

They want to share experience?

>> No.5642707


There's only one post because I forgot about it. One of them had a GoPed and was riding it up and down the street the other night. I should have whined about it on there but instead I bottled up my hatred to unleash it at a later time.

>> No.5642708

it makes people feel important. like there might be a couple of people actually reading about your life and giving a damn.

>> No.5642746

>Someone parked infront of my house and I don't even know who it is.

YEAH, I get this every single day, probably because I'm really close to the city center.

>> No.5642762 [DELETED] 

sTop_fuckInG ATTACKINg WwW.anoLAwLtAlK.Se_rEPlAce LAwL WITH N
kp ap uawb u pghgupq pvzsdjaxdlb se nqg kxccztyvgia x

>> No.5642770

I think I might just start my own twitter about my inane daily life. No one will read it but I'll at least be able to get a laugh out of how pathetic I am.

>> No.5642776

Why not just write it in a diary?

>> No.5642798

i think you should write about your love of spambots.

>> No.5642819

Make a blog about how you're working on a translation project for some VN everyone wants translated. Every week go up by something like 2-5% complete with mock up images and stuff, when you get to 100% claim you trolled everyone.

Massive lulz will be had

>> No.5642826

Good point. I did keep one for awhile. But something about making it public appeals to my M side even if I know no one will ever read it. Like wearing pantyhoes under your pants when you go to work.

>> No.5642867

So? What should I write about? Umineko? Touhou? Manga? /jp/? AUTISM?

>> No.5642895

Autism, definitely autism.

>> No.5645351


>> No.5645408

What the hell, this thread is still here?
