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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 264 KB, 1280x1024, civ4_catherine_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5639156 No.5639156 [Reply] [Original]

Why do i want too fuck Catherine so badly?

>> No.5639163

You don't

>> No.5639162

Isabella is superior.

>> No.5639175


It pisses me off when she beats me in getting the first religion though.

>> No.5639181

Too bad she has a soft spot only for horses, right OP?

>> No.5639185

If you like crazy whores who declare war on the entire world and drive their countries into ground.

>> No.5639186

Fuck Isabella. The bitch always declared war on me.

>> No.5639187

But when i made her mad,she gave me this really tsundere look, got a hard on

>> No.5639191

What exactly does this have to do with /jp/

>> No.5639195


>> No.5639199

demanding rule 34 on Isabella and Catherine. I can't seem to find any at all.

>> No.5639201

Fuck you and your slander, frog.

>> No.5639202

I like how sid makes all the women really sexy.

>> No.5639215
File: 36 KB, 207x224, civ4bts-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there stalin,but no Hitler? hopefully he will be in civ 5

>> No.5639223

Wish my graphics card was good enough for this game...so I can use the Touhou mod.

>> No.5639233

Stalin murdered a lot of people, but he had no specific religious or racial targets. Plus, Jews are powerful, and Sid doesn't want to get his ass sued.

Of course, maybe he's a Jew too.

>> No.5639250

Link to said mod please.

>> No.5639253

Catherine was a slut, like literally, lord knows how many different men she slept with during her lifetime.

Also we all know putting Hitler in the game would have been way too controversial. It would have been made into a witch hunt had they done so.

>> No.5639254

There's a touhou mod?

>> No.5639271


>> No.5639276


>> No.5639278

at a first glance the mod looks rather complicated to me

>> No.5639295

Jews are so hateful. They really need to get over that whole nazi Germany thing. It's a thing of the past, and Germany should stop giving them so much money in reparation. There's nothing wrong with having Hitler in a civilization game. He was a great leader, and he doesn't deserve to be banned from everything like that just because Jews are still butthurt.

>> No.5639300

essentially it is Touhou nations, Touhou leaders, and boss units.

>> No.5639304


No, the jews would complain as they always complain ... God damn it, I am more mad about the Nazis failure with their Final (NOT) Solution that from starting it in the first place!

I swear if a World War starts I am going to join the side fighting the side the Germans are on.

>> No.5639316
File: 27 KB, 128x109, 1273206757520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate Suika in the Touhou mod. I spend the entire game trying to make her into my ally, even converted her. SUDDENLY, some CPU sneaks one missionary into one of her shitty cities and she converts to their alcohol. She's now annoyed with me and declares war a few turns later. I hope she liked catapults and knight spam, bitch.

>> No.5641592

Catherine was into femdom. So she is just right for /jp/

>> No.5641648


It's shit.

>> No.5641913

I like reading about the civilizations and the units.

>> No.5641946
File: 7 KB, 143x185, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you fuck her Civ 3 version?

>> No.5641966

I would always ally with her until she starts getting aggressive with my other allies. By that time, they all start getting mad at me and there are wars everywhere. ;_;

>> No.5641987
File: 231 KB, 1280x1024, hatshepsut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catherine is such a fucking bitch, but she was hot. I raped her good and forced her to fellate my peace treaty scroll after she fucked me over a dozen times in previous games.

Now Hatshepsut was a true fembro. Always the nicest and easiest of the leaders to team up with. It's too bad that everyone else in the game FUCKING HATES HER and will start attacking you because they want to declare war on her.

>> No.5642003

she was an IRL whore OP

she was legendary for it

>> No.5642091

civ2 is still my favorite civ game

I didn't like civ3 much, mostly because I'm OCD and the colors of some of the tiles bugged me. Like the floodplains, all spotted green and yellow, I hated that and had to start over again and again and again until my civilization found itself on a randomly generated continent that was completely green.

with civ4 I've mostly been playing the real world map, which kind of sucks after a while because you learn what all the computer opponent civilizations will do, it gets repetitive.

also I almost always play as Japan or Britain because being on an island makes me feel secure, as the computer opponent still doesn't know how to make and control respectable navies

>> No.5642120


Yeah, most experience I've had with their navies was seeing them land/declare war, load an earlier save and then spawn a bunch of privateers to sink their entire force before they can declare war.

>> No.5642137


Why would anyone give up power,once they had it ?

No,I think the day jews stop promoting the idea of zionism is the final day of humanity.

If you look into the past,you'll see that they're like cockroaches,every nation tried to get rid of them because they're such elitist jerks ,all the while failed due to their leaders being too fucking stupid and greedy for owning them money.

One could've said that they're just as bad as the muslims,except the latter doesn't have tight control over the major superpower aka USA.

>> No.5642143

right. they don't do anything with them besides sit them over oil platforms or keep them indefinitely in a city harbor

meanwhile I'm blocking straits and shit while patrolling oceans to keep barbarians from sinking my fishing boats and to block enemies from getting anywhere near my cities

>> No.5642227

This thread made me pretty horny for some reason, I want to rape that slut until she has a permanent ahegao.

>> No.5644992


>> No.5645078

No Okuu, not playing.

>> No.5645094

Civ 5 is going to be my favorite all time civ.

>> No.5645223

so, I would still at least try too fuck her first, if i had a time machine...

>> No.5645274
File: 42 KB, 324x370, 1272191919705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Okuu
>Leaders [...] Utsuho Reiuji
