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5636148 No.5636148 [Reply] [Original]

It's disappointing, but as great as Ep 6 was, I can't see how Shkannontrice isn't true.

The whole "not a full soul" thing... nothing else is possible. It's annoying, because it's going out on a limb so ridiculously far, not to mention that Battler mentioned that game board Beatrice looked exactly like the painting, even though she wasn't wearing the same clothes. If the similarity was that striking, he'd probably notice Shannon's features too.

>> No.5636168

Beatrice = Jessica

>> No.5636159
File: 58 KB, 640x480, wait a second.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a second - Bernkastel's taking the credit for the murders now?

>> No.5636177
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Storywise Shkannontrice is a must now, otherwise all this hints would have gone to waste.

>> No.5636172
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>> No.5636238


So am I, since the only sane way Battler could conceivably forgive Beato is if she's not the one who did it in the first place.

>> No.5636305

I can totally accept some sort of Shkannon theory for ep 6 now, but there's still the matter of overcoming the parlor scene in ep5 where they appear together with everyone else.

It works fine for ep6 alone, but applying it to the previous parts is a lot trickier (especially if you consider Knox 10, which only really seems to have been fulfilled in ep 6). There's certainly leeway room to make the argument, though. I expect there's going to be a debate about it at some point in the last episode or two.

>> No.5636326

ep 5 was all told from the viewpoint of battler, who as we later discovered is not an objective party in episode 5.

>> No.5636335

>>as great as Ep 6 was
Your standard must be pretty low.

>> No.5636342


I think it was pretty good as far as Umineko episodes go. Probably the second best since 1.

You're just asshurt and anally angry because he made fun of his readers and cemented in Shkannon.

>> No.5636347

Personally I was just bored to death for most of the episode.

>> No.5636357

His self-pandering and silly 'challenge' towards fans who do not read the way they are supposed to has been done since episode 3, if you only got after episode 6, you are slow.

>> No.5636364
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And Erika even had the power to see through any disguise.

>> No.5636372

I'm asshurt and angry because he spent the entire first half blogging about love.

I'm also asshurt and angry because spineless and servile Ep6 Beato is even more embarrassing than catatonic fucktoy Ep5 Beato. Go see a fucking therapist already, R07.

>> No.5636376

This. It's shit.

>> No.5636380

>I'm also asshurt and angry because spineless and servile Ep6 Beato is even more embarrassing than catatonic fucktoy Ep5 Beato. Go see a fucking therapist already, R07.

Feminist detected.

>> No.5636381

The thing is, Shkannon may be true, but this doesn't really seems to be related to the crimes. Battler forgiving a mass murderer because he didn't go out with her when they were kids? Doesn't make much sense.

I think we should focus on finding a culprit, maybe the sin and b0mb, instead of blabbling about Shkannontrice or whatever it is.

Just saying.

>> No.5636398


Stop complaining about DID

>> No.5636399

ShKanontrice was created first and foremost to circumvent all the red and make the perfect killer, idiot.


>> No.5636418


>Hi, I'm a feminist and I missed the point entirely becuase it wasn't a blunt message about women power.

>> No.5636420

That's the one thing I still can't understand in this whole mess. The motive.

Killing everyone because of a 12 year old's idiocy.
Man what.

>> No.5636423

Jessica couldn't stand being trapped on the Island because of her future as the head.

Kumasawa acts like a mother to her and teaches her "magic". This magic is the power of "imagination" or "fiction" tat helps her forget the frustration of being trapped on the island by making everything normal and boring into something fun and interesting: the old servant Kumasawa becomes Virgilia, a beautiful young witch, Tonove, a servant who would always follow orders without complaing, becomes Ronove, an impertinent butler etc.

In 1980 years ago she told Battler about her frustration and he promised to save her (maybe by marrying her and becoming) and take her to the outside world.

Jessica is really happy about Battler's promise but she feels like he's making a sacrifice for her so she decides to become the woman of his dreams in order for him to actually love her.

However he doesn't come back the next year due to family circumstances.

She is not discouraged by this and decides to wait for him to come back.

During these 6 years she keeps waiting for Battler and starts teaching Maria about "magic" when she learns of the bad things that happen to her.

>> No.5636431

She finally hears from her parents that Battler is going to attend the family conference in 1986 and thinks that the time is finally come for him to save her.

On the day of the conference she is excited and impatient and asks Kumasawa to tell Krauss and Natsuhi that she needs to go to Niijima to make some errands so that Jessica can use it as an excuse to go with her to greet the relatives and finally meet Battler (note that all the relatives say that it is strange for Kumasawa to go all the way to Niijima just to greet them).

When she realizes that Battler forgot about his promise she decides put the scheme she planned beforehand in motion.

She uses the murders in order to force the relatives to solve the epitaph and this can only have two possible conclusions:

A) Everyone gets killed (including herself) and the Ushiromiya family ceases to exist.

B) One of her relatives finds the gold and becomes the new head relieving her from the position of future head.

>> No.5636556

Regarding Battler's sin, all we really know about it is that it was 6 years ago, didn't involve Beatrice, and because of it many humans on the island die. It's also implied that somehow it led to Beatrice-Prime from 1-5 being spawned and gaining her thousand year lifespan. And finally, learning of it somehow made Battler go dere for Beatrice.

The logical idea would be that it somehow leads to the cause of the massacre there (or the stupid bomb theory), but there is an alternative that it could be referring to Amakusa killing Kasumi and her bodyguards 12 years later.

The question is what he did that could, in the non-meta world, lead to something serious enough it would provoke killings like that. Here's all we know that happened 6 years ago:
1.Asumu died, supposedly naturally.
2.Rudolph married Kyrie and concieved Ange.
3.Battler attended his last family conference.
4.Battler disinherited himself from the Ushiromiya family.

2 doesn't seem very likely. 3 doesn't necessarily have any inherent sin tied to it, but if they're somehow linking this to the "birth" of Beatrice, I'd expect it'll likely happen at the conference.

1 has the very obvious possibility of Battler, intentionally or not, killing Asumu, which could lead into murders if Kyrie was the culprit, since she wouldn't be on Rokkenjima otherwise, or if it refers to Kasumi's group, since she wouldn't have become the Sumadera successor. 4 could also be a possibility. It's likely that Kyrie is his birth mother, and his departure could somehow become a motive for her.

My personal crazy theory is that Battler was somehow the result of an affair between Kyrie and Krauss, which would make him the Ushiromiya successor, and his departure would cast the inheritance into doubt. But that's almost certainly crazy.

>> No.5636590

Guys, am I the only one who found Ep 6's music disappointing? There were a handful of nice tracks, but it felt like they were lacking effort, an example being liberated liberater.

>> No.5636608
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>an affair between Kyrie and Krauss

I don't think so

>> No.5636649

Yeah, given how much Kyrie worships Rudolf, that's pretty unlikely.

>> No.5636713

No, this episode was a complete shit, even regarding usually the strongest part - music. He just used <cool> and <popular> tracks all the time in the loop, never caring how they fit for the scenes or not. I'm really disappointed.

>> No.5636850

So, on other words, Ryukishi introduced the Red Truth (and then the Gold Truth) to create a contract of trust between Witch and human/author and reader in order to solve a mystery in a way that completely violates the trust of Red and Gold Truth?

... why am I playing MGS2?

>> No.5636881
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>ep6 great

>> No.5636893

Ryukishi created the red truth to make the whole thing more difficult, all while saying it was to make the whole thing simpler.

Without the red truth, you could call bullshit to some of the strangest death, which is what happen with Shannon and Kanon constantly.
But with it, you seemingly had no way to argue because SHANNON AND KANON DIED IN RED TIME TO MOVE ON.

Actually a smart move from Ryukishi I guess, without it, Umineko could never have gone past the second episode at most since everyone who isn't a complete retard could have solved it easily.

>> No.5636936
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Just by the existence of frills and pantyhose, ... this sort of move is possible for Furude Erika. What do you think, everyone...?

>> No.5636945

>>or if it refers to Kasumi's group, since she wouldn't have become the Sumadera successor

"A great many people die because of your sin"

"Ooops Lol we were refering to these people in the future"

Now that would be hilarious.

>> No.5636956

Is there even any possibility for Battler's sin that isn't forgetting a stupid promise?

>> No.5636990

6 Years prior, during Battlers last visit to the island, the cousins were up late playing games. Around midnight Battle decided he needed to sleep and went off to bed. As he looked at the alarm clock he saw it was exactly 12:00, he reached down to set his alarm. However, being tired and not paying attention he reached over to the wrong thing and set a 6 year timer for the bomb in the basement.

Battler's Sin.

>> No.5636993

ShKanon isn't true because the voices are different.

>> No.5636998

laughably bad

>> No.5637021


Awesome, I'm sold.

>> No.5637037

At least some logic in this thread.

>> No.5637027

I was thinking about that for a while but really couldn't get too far with anything. I started by thinking that Battler is just the recipient; the sin was actually Kinzo's and, as with the story of Original Sin, Battler inherited it in that way.

I lose direction at that point; ideas can go in many ways. Any thoughts?

>> No.5637046

Aren't you guys tired of talking about stupid shit all day?

>> No.5637053

She never said that 'great many people' refers to his family now.

>> No.5637071

Voices are smalltime for a flat, bald, crazy ultra-meido.

>> No.5637083

This. Ryukishi, read this.

>> No.5637085


Honestly I don't think we could figure out his sin just from the games. The only hints we get to what happened back then was the Battler family problems and Battler flirting with Shannon. So unless it has something to do with those its impossible to even really guess.

Its like the final piece of the puzzle, if we could know what his sin was I'm sure everything else would fall into place rather easily.

>> No.5637184

Don't forget Ushiromiya family inner scuffle. Why she even mentions the family name?
>Those six years during which you threw away the Ushiromiya family register were a significantly long period where you covered the Ushiromiya family in mud. Know the depths of that sin.

>> No.5637284
File: 36 KB, 172x200, Battlersuit2-8_8s_ib4f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in celebration of Ep 6's translation, here's the old sprite pack.
Do what you please with him.

>> No.5637335


It's said if you were on the island, you could figure out the whole puzzle. R07 said that himself, as did Hanyuu. So if you're on the island; you could figure out his "sin"?

Maybe he wrote on a tree "Hey witches; fuck you. Bet you can't kill my whole family, bitch. 'cause you don't exist. ~ Battler."

>> No.5637364

I wouldn't put it past Battler.

>> No.5637524


Wait, this actually makes the most sense yet.

Think about it.

In Ep 6, Bern admitted to causing most of the murders during the games.

It seems Bern, Lambda and Featherine set up the game, essentially, or cause the conditions where it could happen.

Bern is a witch, and a witch that actually "exists" since she's a Voyager witch, she isn't bound on whether magic exists or doesn't in a particular Kakera.

Battler, early on in the game, was dead set against witches. He outright denied their existence and was very firm in this stance.

People forget about this aspect of his personality. He denied witches, yet the girl that loves him is one.

Whatever his "sin" was so many years ago, it was probably something along these lines. Either he said to young Beatrice "witches don't exist, don't be a moron", doing the same thing Erika did to Maria(remember - it was that which caused Maria to turn into a crazy "evil" witch too), or did something so ridiculous involving that belief that it attracted the attention of the Voyager witches - much like doing the same seemed to attract Beatrice's attention at the end of Episode 1.

Kyrie, who might be Battler's real mother, also talks about a deal with Lambda & Bern("certain miracle", my master). There must be something about his coming back to the family, in specific. Everything seems to connect back up.

>> No.5637530

As for more general theories;

Okonogi and Amakusa also seem to be "in" on something. Amakusa could be related to Kyrie/Ange, and Okonogi is likely still with Tokyo. People dismissed any Higurashi connections; but it's called "When they cry" for a reason. The other three characters from the Hinamiazawa incident(or related to it) are the masterminds of the "game", and Okonogi seems to be the mastermind of something in 1998. We don't know at what point that story actually ended - it's implied it went on for longer than Higurashi showed as Rika wasn't really evil at the end of that.

Lambdadelta is either Takano or Takano is her piece, so she would also have ties with Okonogi, meaning she's related to the world in 1998. Bern went to 1998 herself to pluck out Ange - what if there was a reason for that? Aside from it being another 18 or 19 reference - tear apart the two that are close etc., but in specific, she goes into Okonogi's "Kakera".

Note how there's some secret between Okonogi and Amakusa, and Amakusa seems incredibly eager about the story(yet misses out on the end). Amakusa is probably Lambda's piece, and Okonogi is thrown in there so we can make the connection.

There's a lot of connections here people tend to ignore because they only focus on Shkannontrice.
