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File: 643 KB, 800x800, ep7_jacket_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5636057 No.5636057 [Reply] [Original]

Bern is setting up the game board.
Featherine grants Ange the possibility of her going to the island despite her sickness.
Battler isn't feeling well with the idea of Ange going to the island.
"why keep up with the illusions? The farces that are appearances will be taken away"
Back to purgatorio.
Beatrice & Battler aren't satisfied with the new game being set up.
In a way, Beatrice's presence isn't as strong as it was.
This time around, there's no one to support Bern in the same way she supported Battler.
Bern will be playing with the black and white pieces. No moves are hidden, with the intention to expose the truth.
But that leaves the board with a rupture. Beatrice & Battler make use of such rupture.
they will be their own pieces.
A 'new' guest appears. Unlike other games, she introduces herself to Battler. The one who found Maria, but she doesn't tell her name "to avoid confusions".
Wizard-Hunting Wright is her "assistant".

>> No.5636075

You know come to think about it, WH has never failed to give us a patch before the a new episode comes out have they?

w/e they are still too slow.

>> No.5636088

Imagine if we got translations for all Nitro+ games before they released a new one!

>> No.5636091
File: 148 KB, 767x763, demotiv_pic_1162-theoryfails2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I just finished the ep 6 and people are already spoiling the 7.

>> No.5636093
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, 1250817458426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's right.

They're faster than most, though.

>> No.5636094

Come back one month from now, when Comiket starts, and then post your fake spoilers.

>> No.5636103

Dont worry, only thing confirmed there is that Bern is the GM.

>> No.5636105

Fake as they might be, it sounds interesting that Battler and Beato are their own pieces.

>> No.5636107

No source, no game.

>> No.5636114

If this guy is realy Dine,Ryukishi will REALLY have fun crushing half of the story and theories so far.

>> No.5636116

Fake. We all know Battler doesn't care about Ange.

>> No.5636117

Oh ok thanks, I know that much...
But meh, just seeing this picture makes me... Bleh.
(Also the big portrait)

>> No.5636118

don't forget the romance. Van Dine hates romance in mystery

>> No.5636120


11. A servant must not be chosen by the author as the culprit. This is begging a noble question. It is a too easy solution. The culprit must be a decidedly worth-while person — one that wouldn't ordinarily come under suspicion.

>> No.5636121

Why can't Ryukishi hire a decent artist?

>> No.5636124


>> No.5636126

Kyrie-Asumu does count as a kind of romance, amirite?

>> No.5636136

You're mean.
He's really improving.
It's still not magnificent, but he is clearly improving.

>> No.5636140

I do believe its that time gentlemen.

>Episode 7: Requiem of the Golden Witch
>* Translation: 0% Editing: 0%


>> No.5636142


Lol bad quote.

It's one of the Van Dine rules.

>> No.5636146

Why couldn't Knox and Dine have a rule against DID?

Fucking faggots

>> No.5636155
File: 30 KB, 300x300, gambia_beach3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Meanwhile, at witch hunt...

>> No.5636157

Just saying that E7 is about destroying 'The Illusion of ShKanon', I guess

>> No.5636161

Because no good writer would ever put a DID for the lulz.

>> No.5636164

No problem: Shkannon is two servants. You know, he really thinks two personalities = two persons.

>> No.5636173

Een if Shkannon is true, it doesn't have to be the killer, anyway.

>> No.5636178

Tired of too much olev? The ep7 should clear that.

"Without love, it cannot be seen,"
said the girls.
Things you can see due to love.
Things you can't see because of love.
By knowing love and believing in magic, the door to the Golden Land was opened.
However, the tale of love ends here.
From now on, only a tale of the cruel tragedy and harsh truth will be told.
Because the new, twisted Gamemaster wishes for dying screams of agony rather than whispers of love....
Let's shatter the fantasy, stain your hands with the blood of tragedy, and tear out the heart of the Golden Witch!!
That is the path to the "answers" you seek.

v1: http://pastie.org/1031146
v2: http://pastie.org/1034876

>> No.5636187

Because DID didn't get so much attention until the 1970's. Before that, people just thought it was an advanced case of schizophrenia or just some form of general insanity.

>> No.5636188

Shkanon, as of now, is 90 percent confirmed.

Now, whether she's the mastermind or not, that's a comletely different issue.

>> No.5636200
File: 265 KB, 480x640, 85675bb3ca8f61b26116a8c871e8e9e20a9b6f8d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>said the girls

>> No.5636201

I accept ShKanon is probably confirmed, and, by being a complete retard at the moment, I can't figure out how it managed to get Battler out of his room.

Can someone explain it?

>> No.5636207


A servant can be part of the conspiracy though -- just not the sole culprit.

For example, a servant could be working to carry out the will of the actual culprit. That's not against Dine's rules.

>> No.5636209

Also, dyne should have some problem with B0mb/world peace:

> 19. The motives for all crimes in detective stories should be personal. International plottings and war politics belong in a different category of fiction — in secret-service tales, for instance. But a murder story must be kept gemütlich, so to speak. It must reflect the reader's everyday experiences, and give him a certain outlet for his own repressed desires and emotions.

>> No.5636219

Kanon entered the room, pressed the magic switch and became Shannon, derp.

>> No.5636220

Shannon become Kanon
Kanon enter is the room
Battler goes out
Kanon stay in the room
Kanon die or swith to shannon.

but you avec to play with words. A LOT.

>> No.5636222


Shannon is in the closet. Kanon (the persona) "died" and changed into Shannon.

>> No.5636225

He did it with magic

>> No.5636232

Yes, this I got.

However, how did he/she escape the cousin's room? Wasn't the seal intact on the windows and the door?

>> No.5636234


His art is improving, but whereas the character design was mostly quite tasteful up until now, he's thrown us a lot of colour puke with Zepar/Furur and Augustus Auau

>> No.5636241


The window was never confirmed.

>> No.5636243

What? An explosion doesn't go against that rule.

>> No.5636248

AuAu was a bit too colorful, yeah, but Jessie and James were supposed to be hilariously annoying.

>> No.5636254

Ah, it was the other room, gotcha.

>> No.5636255

He did it with magic

>> No.5636257


The seal in the room with Shannon was never confirmed sealed, only the one with Kanon. Since Shannon is to be Kanon in this theory, Kanon was not in the other room even if "everyone else" was.

>> No.5636260
File: 11 KB, 300x300, 1250712816422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>insulting adult Hanyuu

I want her to look down on me and make me lick her feet clean.

>> No.5636256 [DELETED] 

there was an interdiction os using blue truth with the windows, IIRC, amirite?

>> No.5636264

there was an interdiction osf using blue truth with the windows, IIRC, amirite?

>> No.5636266

Suddenly, it clicked.


>> No.5636269


The real question right now is :
Zepar / Furfur
Which is the male?

>> No.5636270

Oh God, Dyne kind of saw through ShKannon:

>20 [Things that shouldn't be used by good writers] (f)The final pinning of the crime on a twin, or a relative who looks exactly like the suspected, but innocent, person.

>> No.5636277

Enjoy your hanging.

>> No.5636279

Whoa, no.

Who said Shkanon is the culprit?

>> No.5636283

Well, I like the darl design of Zepar

>> No.5636291

Damn you, I felt exactly the same way, but I want Zepar to be the female ffs >_<

>> No.5636292


Dine is such a goddamn restrictive motherfucker.

If R07 is going to keep even half of his rules intact, there's not going to be anything left of Umineko but a giant smoking narrative crater.

>> No.5636293

i can't think of zepar as female at all. whenever i see him, i think delicious trap, must hit it.

>> No.5636297

The problem is, what's its use, then?
Killing every red. And?

>> No.5636304


>> No.5636308

Hell if I know.

But it hasn't been confirmed they're the culprit.

>> No.5636309

Exactly, same here...

(Oh, and I'd like to be in a bed with these twos anyway)

>> No.5636310

Zepar for whatever reason seems to have borader shoulders. It could be Furfur's hair just dangling above them. Though in that case, the hair could be to hide the wide shoulders, and they'd obviously be more concsious of.

>> No.5636327


And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.5636340

If it's true, I don't think they are.
But I have absolutely no idea of the interest of this thing.
It would allow one more person on the island, but the next ep HAVE TO allow one more person, for the detective,
And if the detective is someone we already know, knox rules makes an unknow character as the killer impossible.
So keeping the number of people at 17 would have been easier.

>> No.5636345

Ah well, give it a month. We'll probably know the truth by then.

>> No.5636384


I'm theorizing that the new male character on the cover, due to his similarities to Dlanor (blue coat, yellow eyes, and the same crossed keys symbol, only this time formed into an anchor) is a similar personification of SS Van Dine, who wrote a series of rules similar to Knox.

If that's right, Van Dine doesn't allow either servants or characters disguised as another to be the culprit, which double eliminates Shkannon.

I'm not...totally sold on the Shkannon theory being right outside of ep6 alone. It'll definitely be revisited.

>> No.5636390
File: 7 KB, 191x234, 1259454383991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I was the only one!

>> No.5636397


Maybe we already know the new person or at least heard of her in the beginning of the story.
It could be the Beatrice that appeared in EP1 at the end or EP2 to Maria.

>> No.5636401

Beatrice = JESSICA


>> No.5636406


Really, I think this is the only serious argument remaining against Shkannon: Dine is coming, and Dine will not stand for that shit.

Unless R07 does what he has already done and rewrites the rules to suit him.

>> No.5636426

And in episode 07... HERE COMES THE CHINAMAN !

>> No.5636427

DINE just prevents Shakanon from being the culprit

>> No.5636444


Maybe Dine will try to argue his rules for Umineko, only for them to be shown as invalid.

>> No.5636452

Dine will steal Beato from Battler and EP7 will be full of NTR

>> No.5636461

And in ep 08, Featherine will be the last Gamemaster

>> No.5636465


I'd read that

>> No.5636467

Fuck Nitro+, I want my Liar-soft translations.

>> No.5636479

On the other hand, if R07 can show that his story follows Dine rules with no fucking around and weasely wordplays, I might actually develop a respect for him.

Imagine it: Ep 7 begins. First words: "By detective's almighty authority, all people on island gather in the parlor and drop your pants. I'm going to check your junk and state it in red."

The applause from all over the world creates a tsunami that drowns Japan.

>> No.5636496

And what if Erika is here since the beginning?
Like, what if she's Beatrice?
What if Maria in ep 2 saw her?

I mean, she's the culprit in ep 06, and you know Knox...

>> No.5636516

How can Erika be the culprit if it was proved that she never existed in the first place?

>> No.5636517

Already thought about it, but to me there is not a lot of real foreshadowing... ep2 maybe...

It would be good if she had at least a tiny bit of background, like Bern/34. Other that ' LOL BERN REMEMBER WERE U WERE WORKING FOR ME?"

>> No.5636524

Tha's why ep6 also helped the Erika ball

>> No.5636526


Don't even start on Erikatrice please.

>> No.5636527

Erika is actually yet another personality of Sayoshkannontrice, which awakened after the ep4, because meta-Beato "died".

>> No.5636530
File: 810 KB, 1680x1050, 1247813757217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, have a Featherine background.

>> No.5636532

It was not proved, and she's a part of the illusion of the witch...

>> No.5636534

I would take Featherine home if she was like this.

>> No.5636544
File: 2.63 MB, 1818x1488, 1240254630242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was, once.

>> No.5636552
File: 398 KB, 900x787, 11691835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help us, Wizard-Hunting Wright. You're our only hope.

>> No.5636554

You would be surprised with how much it fits.
Real beato died => Erika is here
Real beato come back => Erika die.

>> No.5636555

Oh hey, I just noticed that his eyes has the same color as Dlanor's. That... DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING

>> No.5636571

No, but his having a pendant of a similar design to the logo on her hat probably does.

>> No.5636572

>The one who found Maria

Oh, Maria disappeared?

>> No.5636574

Actually, I'm half-serious. Not sure about Shkannon part of this though. Maybe Beato is someone else.

>> No.5636577

If that guy is really Dine (and the Jessica look like is actually a girl) R07 is the biggest and greatest motherfucking troll of all the times, after all the Shkannon bullshit.

>> No.5636579
File: 217 KB, 1080x813, erik3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5636583
File: 73 KB, 224x272, anchor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also has a key, like Dlanor, in his necklace. It doesn't mean anything either.

>> No.5636584

>Unlike other games, she introduces herself to Battler.

Aw man I wanted her to be a him

>> No.5636585

are these true?

>> No.5636592

Ange going finally to Rokkenjima seems pretty interesting.

>> No.5636593
File: 220 KB, 480x480, 8194263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Erika was pretty much a huge bitch, but I still feel sorry for her.

>> No.5636594

Yeah, I saw this, but I also saw at the end of ep5 in the tips that Dlanor had glasses, and that wasn't true at all.......

>> No.5636597


I killed and revived her a 1000 times

>> No.5636600

Isn't maria always lost in the rose garden?

>> No.5636602


What? Dlanor wears hear glasses during the wedding.

>> No.5636612


I wouldn't put it past R07. Rika and Hanyu being such amazing bitches and that point been hammered in is actually a bigger troll than that, not to mention Beato in Ep 3(and to a lesser extent, Erika in Ep 6, more than once).

>> No.5636613

If both Shkanon and Erika doesn't exist are true, there is room for a person X. Of course, you'd still have to explain the particulars of where that person would be in all the constraints of the red and things like Shannon absorbing both Kanon and Beatrice.

>> No.5636614
File: 147 KB, 434x480, dla_majimea3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5636620

That Wright guy looks like a pimp.

And I like it.

>> No.5636623


The anchor also hints to the SS part of Wrights Pseudonym, and with Wright being Dlanors colleauge, it doesn't mean anything either.

>> No.5636627
File: 43 KB, 181x172, Please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do ho ho.

>> No.5636642

I know I know, don't worry, was just trawling

>> No.5636650

didn't notice this

>> No.5636672

Well, it's more interesting to do this in the human characters section

>> No.5636678

I really felt sorry for Erika when Beatrice and Battler killed her at the end of the Episode.

She seemed so happy when she was introducing herself in red ;_;

>> No.5636698

And then, in episode 06, since we know that Erika never existed, we have a happy familiy playing a prank, then a member decapitating the actors for the lulz

>> No.5636700

But she does exist, as a dead human

>> No.5636706

Yes I noticed that one but missed the meta. It really seems possible for Erike to not exist.

>> No.5636709

>>since we know that Erika never existed
Only you think that though.

>> No.5636719
File: 39 KB, 500x281, shkanon about to be raped by moon-chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, how many personalities are you gonna pin on the poor girl?

>> No.5636726

It doesn't mean that she is still counted in the body count. especially if Shkannon is true.
If personnality = person, your personnality don't keep floating in the air when you die.

>> No.5636732

not necessarily on Rokkenjima it's just a theory some forgers created. Using the definition of the red used in EP6 we could say that it was possible for the events to occur (for the tale to be written) without using Erika.

>> No.5636734


missing human

>> No.5636736

No, on the contrary, it's a semi troll to answer at the people who said that to me wD

>> No.5636739

And what if Kanon was the real personality while Shannon was the one he made up?

>> No.5636743

that seemed sarcastic to me

>> No.5636745

Fuck, reading this thread make me understand why Ryukishi keeps insulting his readers.
His fandom really is fucking retarded.

>> No.5636753

And so Zepar and Hurrdurr represent the trapness of Shkanon?

>> No.5636757

I think 'it' should be able to handle at least six. Isn't it nice story? Of course, all extra personalities after Kanon don't count towards the number of people on the island, because olev and magic.

>> No.5636762
File: 120 KB, 200x470, Juuza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, fuck this asshole.

>> No.5636780

So, what is happening in the other part of the Umineko fandom in the west, in all these shitty sites?

Did they accept ShKanontrice or did they actually not see because they are THAT stupid?

>> No.5636786


How can you not like him after killing Ange?

>> No.5636791

So did Kanon make up his name (Yoshiya) on the spot?
Having split personalities is one thing, but hiding your personality's real identity with a fake name (Kanon)?

>> No.5636792

Exactly. not having an identity card in uminko = not existing.Battler should have asked her passport to Beatrice.

>> No.5636804 [DELETED] 

sTop_fUckinG ATTAcking_WwW.AnOlawLTaLk.sE_REPLace LAWL wITH_n
tfymy rzqq x tacmazyzedix fphxqs

>> No.5636802


He's just alone on his island, smoking weed, and dreaming all that shit.

>> No.5636805

After reading EP6 i think that Shkanon is a bit too obvious solution, i dont think this is the proper answer.
Also the way that DID works is bizarre at best unless its all a clever ruse like a Double Agent.

>> No.5636806

Sayo = しゃよ= よしゃ=よしや= Yoshiya

It's just an anagram of "his" real name, Sayo.

>> No.5636808
File: 47 KB, 350x550, 8c0714cc038e16c1fc5108c2da9b80c1a3d3437b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must be part of the 0.1% of fans who like Ange.

>> No.5636811

Ryukishi hates you

>> No.5636812

I thought she died from jumping off the building

gather info, went to rokkenjima, killed bitch and crew, return, jumped off building

>> No.5636815
File: 2.54 MB, 320x180, WOAH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, she was a bitch, anyway.

>> No.5636816

It's alright, I like her too.

>> No.5636821

And i hate him aswell.

>> No.5636824

>0.1% of fans who like Ange.
>implying Japan doesn't love her

>> No.5636827
File: 35 KB, 425x600, angemammonsakutaro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, I like her too.

>> No.5636829


Not really, she was saved by that net wasn't she. Also that phone call at the end hinted strongly that Amakusa recieved orders to kilL Ange.

>> No.5636836

Don't call my waifu a bitch.

>> No.5636838

So it's mutual now.

>> No.5636840

But maybe in the end he didn't kill her... because he's Battler...
Wishful thinking

>> No.5636844

that's forced, really

it's さよ not しゃよ...

>> No.5636846

I hated Ange in EP4.
But in EP6 she somehow became likeable for me. I don't know how.

>> No.5636851

I like her. I pretty much like all the characters aside from Kyrie's sister

>> No.5636859


It's しゃよ, for God's sake it's written with the same Kanji as しゃのん

>> No.5636861

She became a self insert for the reader and was less bitter and angsty.

>> No.5636867

No it's not forced.
Shannon is written with しゃ.
It's stated in the game that the furniture game is simply made up of the first kanji of the name + on.
We never see how Sayo is spelled.
So Sayo = しゃよ which is a valid spelling.
Anyways Japan agrees.

>> No.5636874

Simple, it's like me :
It's a bit a "long time no see"
Also, in ep 04, we think "OMG she will save the day" but she's useless...
In ep 06 it's "OMG she's a reader, she's useless"
And yeah, she's useless, but we know it from the beginning

>> No.5636876

Your waifu doesn't exist, even in the novels.

>> No.5636895

yeah, nevermind they actually gave the correct reading in hiragana between brackets and it was sayo, not shayo.

>> No.5636898

Umineko episode 7 - Shit gets real!

Real fucking stupid.

>> No.5636909
File: 6 KB, 634x475, d8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interested to see what this is all about. d8 is the square for the black queen.

>> No.5636910

Are you implying Umineko isn't already real fucking stupid?

>> No.5636911

Ronove = Genji
Virgilia = Kuma
Zepar/Hurrdurr = Shkanon?

>> No.5636921

She lives with the force. ;_;

>> No.5636928

Thanks for explaining I thought the spelling Sayo was mentioned in the game.

try being nice like >>5636867 next time

>> No.5636941

Gohda = ????????

>> No.5636943

紗代 (紗音) - Sayo (Shannon)
嘉哉 (嘉音) - Yoshiya (Kanon)

>> No.5636946



>> No.5636954

But she doesn't have a fetish for pots and pans...
Or.. Does she?

>> No.5636958

>thought the spelling Sayo was mentioned in the game.
It is, and it's さよ. I don't if they're trolling or are just that stupid.

>> No.5636960

Rokkenjima was exploded by a secret agency, lets call it Tokyo. They did this for world peace, and cannot let anyone find out the truth. But... why would destroying Rokkenjima bring about this world peace? What are they hiding? What does it have to do with love?

That's what I'm thinking.

I assume Shkannontrice is true, and that if beato = queen, she is shannon, if beato = king she is kanon, and if beato = knight she is beatrice. So I'm guessing we hear the story from the fucked up life of Shannon.

>> No.5636967
File: 24 KB, 227x320, another fan animation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of which

It seems like that Ep4 teaparty animator is making a fan animation for EP6 Kanon running scene, but I'm not certain...could someone translate this?



>> No.5636970

I don't care about the life of a mass murderer.

>> No.5636976

I don't remember Sayo being written in Hiragana anywhere.
But even if it is, you can just think that she used the spelling of her second name, Shannon, to create Yoshiya.

>> No.5636982


Well even the EP7 OP hints it

>> No.5636986

Well, maybe Gohda will be the next demon !!!1
No, the real problem is... Who is Gaap?

But now that I think of it...
There're 7 stakes, and 7 relatives
(I mean, the children of Kinzo and their wives/husband)

>> No.5636991

Gaap is the hidden passage in the well.

>> No.5637001


Don't forget that the whole thing gets cleared up by a cigeratte bud left on the scene that dog, that was actually the twin of another dog, didn't bark at so we knew it was familiar.

>> No.5637007

哉代 = Kanayo, another female name

now it's Kanayoshkanontrice, nice work guys

>> No.5637013

What running scene? When he runs to save Battler?

>> No.5637016

The new van dine character would surely appreciate this.

>> No.5637019

Gaap is Maria's rose

Lucifer = Natsuhi
Leviathan = Kyrie
Mammon = Eva
Belphegor = Krauss (?)
Asmodeus = Rudolf
Satan = Rosa
Beelzebub = Hideyoshi (?)

>> No.5637024

Maybe there're aliens on Rokkenjima? Or mysterious virus? Or both?

>> No.5637034


>> No.5637039

I makes sense this way, yes, but I've never understood why Kyrie got killed by her stake while Rudolf got killed by another one than asmo.

>> No.5637045

Doesn't Rudolf actually fight another stake than Asmo in ep 04?

>> No.5637047


>> No.5637049

some anon before episode 6 was suggesting that Gaap was Hideyoshi actually. Something about secrete passages he mentioned somewhere.

>> No.5637065


>> No.5637068

Yes, Belphegor killed him, but Rudolf was a pimp. I mean, he left 2 women pregnant.
At the same time.

>> No.5637077
File: 44 KB, 618x372, gohdalo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


come on
Gohda = Beelzebub

>> No.5637080

Has anyone figured out what Rudolf's truth was, that he wanted to tell Battler and Kyrie? And why in one of the earlier games, he told them he would probably be killed?

>> No.5637087

And the goat servants...what the hell do they represent?

The explosion?

>> No.5637088

don't you know? Kyrie=Asumu

>> No.5637090

What if Ange was Battler?

>> No.5637092

Beatrice was created because of Battler's sin; e.g. the fact that he took so many steroids that he was infected with a mysterious virus that, if released to the outside world, would kill all of mankind.

>> No.5637093

He found out about Shkanon.

>> No.5637094

He's gay, that's why he left his 2 women.
But gayness isn't tolerated in Ushiromiya family...

>> No.5637096

Other furniture... knifes and such, given the quantity.

>> No.5637101


Did you even read ep v?

>> No.5637102


hmmm? the master keys?

>> No.5637107

the sarcasm level sure is rising in this thread

>> No.5637109

I didn't know what person to use, so I just went with first person plural

We (?) tried to set up a plan
This time there is no time limit so we want to deliberity put that time to use.
We (?) also have work and other things to do
But it looks like we (?) might be able to finish it earlier than we (?) thought.
We're advancing step by step
By the way we're planning from that Kanon running scene until the end.
It's not only a long but also complicated part.
But with love it can surely be done.

>> No.5637110

I think that it's that Battler=Kyrie's baby, and that Rudolf switched them.
Since when?
Everyone is Battler, everyone is Beatrice, at the same time.

>> No.5637117

I'd say that Krauss is Lucifer, considering he's the oldest sibling with the most to be insecure about.

Natsuhi is more like Belphegor, since she's the one working so hard for the Ushiromiya name.

Hideyoshi kinda works as Beelzebub, consider that Mammon and her are pretty close, and he does seem to be a calming force on the others.

Asmodeus I would've put as Rosa, considering her big love quest and her being the youngest.

That would leave Rudolf as Satan, which doesn't make too much sense. Then again, how much do we really know about him?

>> No.5637122

But in the end of EP2, Maria and Rosa were trying to escape from them. And in the tips, their corpses (or whatever, since they went missing) were pretty much destroyed.

>> No.5637140

Yes but Kanon also fought with them in Jessica's room

>> No.5637147

jokes, your head etc.

>> No.5637148

Also Rosa is a slut anyway

>> No.5637151

I think the goats simply represent impending doom, from any source. Remember, at the end of 6, the characters took off goat masks.

>> No.5637155

I'm not allowed to share my opinion, or make jokes?

>> No.5637166

So what about Batnatsukymashkannotrice?

>> No.5637168

George killed those goats in EP4.

>> No.5637170

>It's not only a long...
awesome, I guess it will come out after the fourth voice drama

>> No.5637185

The entire thing was Shannon playing with her multiple personalities in her head.

>> No.5637188

So, the "girl" in the op is actually a dude?

>> No.5637189

And every year, there's a big gang bang on Rokkenjima, the whole family fucks... Bit without love, it cannot be seen.

>> No.5637195

I'm more a believer of Batnatsukykinkraujesevahidegeoruanasrosmashkannotrice

>> No.5637199


>> No.5637200

Kinzo gave birth to Battler, then he gave the baby to Natsuhi.

That baby was Jessica.

>> No.5637214

It might be. Look at the buttons in her jacket. Also, s/he's pretty much flat.

>> No.5637216


I seriously hope so.

>> No.5637222

Rosa is obviously Satan with her wrath and Rudolf is Asmo, since he's a pimp.

>> No.5637224

Seems like it
Even Maria has bigger breasts than "her"

>> No.5637234

>Kinzo gave birth to Battler

>> No.5637238


Homolust? In mai Seacats?

>> No.5637242

Rosa is a slut too, she's always fucking with guys then break because of Maria

>> No.5637253
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That never happened.

>> No.5637260
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>> No.5637261

Meh, at this point I'm just rooting for Piece Battler(Meta-Battler can go suck a dick), Gohda, Jessica, Rudolf, Kyrie, Eva, Hideyoshi, and Rosa to live.

Shannon and Kanon drank a bit too much of the kool-aid in episode 6, and George's NICE GUY rant annoyed me. As for the others, Genji is in on the murders too I bet, same with Nanjo, and Maria is retarded.

Krauss and Natsuhi deserve to die for not noticing they were paying one person two wages.

>> No.5637264

Actually, Maria's father is Battler.

>> No.5637269

No, Maria's father is Beatrice.

>> No.5637274

Battler is everybody's father.

>> No.5637275


>> No.5637277


>> No.5637278

No, but Ange's is.

>> No.5637283

In reality, it's Rudolf. He's such a pimp that he even fucks his siblings.

Oh, and he's Jessica's and George's father too.

>> No.5637286

Shannon and Kanon aren't the same person.

>> No.5637296

I love how this thread has derailed.

>> No.5637301
File: 594 KB, 640x480, 2cntn44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>George's father
>Jessica's father

>> No.5637302

>Krauss and Natsuhi deserve to die for not noticing they were paying one person two wages.


>> No.5637308

Even if they aren't, they still drank too much of the kool-aid.

Bunch of loonies.

>> No.5637309


>Jessica to live

Why the hell do you want Jessica to live? the bitch was also annoying in EP6

>> No.5637310

Agreed, you can't use Rudolf and Eva and generate that chair-loving faggot.

>> No.5637315

Kanon was filling in for Shannon on one of her sick days, Battler made a promise of love to him, thinking he was a she, when he revealed that he was indeed a he and not a her, Battler flipped a shit and broke his heart

that is his sin

>> No.5637317

I want Maria to have a happy end. Probably wont happen though..her jaw is found after the explosion incident.

>> No.5637323

She wasn't annoying. She was remarkably chill, she wasn't overly angsty or anything to that effect.

>> No.5637324

Even Eva would fuck his brother. I mean, look at Hideyoshi.

He's fucking ugly.

But. on the other side, if Rudolf was George's father, George would have inherited Rudolf's pimpness.

>> No.5637328
File: 286 KB, 631x472, diplomatic immunity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maria has diplomatic immunity from explosions now. She'll be fine.

>> No.5637329

Doesn't mean anything if Battler could prevent the murders

>> No.5637331

I don't know bro, I found her to be the voice of reason this episode.

Kanon - I RAAB YOU

Jessica - Ah, cool, let's date, see where we go from her-


>> No.5637341

Kinzo's penis is the true cuplrit.
You can't deny this.

>> No.5637345

>He's fucking ugly.

>> No.5637348
File: 14 KB, 334x339, MONKEY_BATTLER_8D_by_Hojo_Satoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, his sin was that, six years ago, he ate all the bananas. This caused Kinzo to fly into a rage and replace the candy with bombs.

>> No.5637349


I want both Rosa and Maria to have ahappy end and they should.

>> No.5637355

Why did I laugh so hard??

>> No.5637356

How could Rosa be happy with her retarded daughter?

>> No.5637363

Calling it now, Kinzo had something to do with Higurashi.

It's absurdly obvious.

Also battler is Keichii.

Also Shkanontrice is Rika's piece.

>> No.5637369

How can Maria not be retarded with Rosa beating the fuck out of her all day?

>> No.5637371

anyone have that rifyu comic about Maria?

>> No.5637373

It's Rosa's fault if Maria is retarded. She didn't give her enough attention. What kind of mother leaves her daughter alone to be with men? In Hokkaido? It's natural that she had to make up imaginary friends.

>> No.5637376

The thing is, Maria is supposed to have met Beatrice the previous years.Theories on this?

>> No.5637381

Yeah, somehow, Jessica managed to be the most rational person in the episode.

Keep in mind she turns into a terminator robot.

>> No.5637385
File: 129 KB, 326x198, MY HUSBANDOS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's fucking ugly.
Rudolf and Hideyoshi are the cutest faces in Umineko.

>> No.5637390

Shkannon dressed up as beatrice, performed "magic", and Maria needed to believe in it. After establishing that for a while, Shkannon guaranteed someone who would follow his/her orders perfectly.

>> No.5637394

Anyone noticed that George is getting over weight?

>> No.5637398

We should try making sure he doesn't go to bed past 7.

>> No.5637401
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>> No.5637404

Does anyone else think that Battler being Kyrie's son might be a big red hairing?

>> No.5637405

See, this is what episode 6 failed at.

Locking windows, performing pranks, having candy appear from cups through slight of hand?


Killing people you supposedly care about in gruesome manners?

Not so wonderful.

For harmless pranks and tricks there's Magic.

For everything else, there's murdercard.

>> No.5637406

George being a fatass is nothing new.
another personality swap without a reason?

>> No.5637410

I'm leaving this thread, thanks guys, it was epic

>> No.5637411

Poor victims that got impaled.

>> No.5637420

On the other hand, Maria says she meets Beatrice "every year". Are we assuming Shannon was one of the servants on duty at every single family conference?

>> No.5637427

I wouldn't put it past Kinzo.

>> No.5637430

So....did anyone actually gained any respect for George in this episode? especially when he confessed how he used to be a creppy faggot in the past?

>> No.5637431

After kinzo's death, yes. But it doesn't mean that she have to become Beatrice for fun every year, even when Battler is not here.

>> No.5637438

No, it just made him more pathetic than his fat self already is.

>> No.5637439

Nope, this episode just made me hate him more.

>> No.5637440


I wouldn't put it past Granfathers Penis

>> No.5637444

>>does not compute

>> No.5637445
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>> No.5637446
File: 153 KB, 400x578, rudolf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So there I was, being Rudolf, and then I saw Asumu, so I fucked the SHIT out of her. And then I saw Kyrie, and I ALSO fucked the SHIT outta her. This was in the same night, so their due dates happened to be on the same day. What, use condoms? As the fuck if!

Asumu's baby was a girl, and Kyrie's was a boy, and I couldn't very well raise a girl as my first child, so I did what any reasonable man would do.

I took Kyrie's son and told her that her baby died. I then gave the girl to my brother Krauss, dude was TOTALLY sterile.

>> No.5637449

I love that 'I wouldn't put it past Kinzo' quickly replaced 'Beatrice did it with magic' as the excuse for all the bullshit that goes on.

>> No.5637450

No, I actually laughed at him more.
What a faggot, damn it, I wanted to punch him so badly.

>> No.5637452

After Kinzo's death = two family conferences out of I guess six, counting from when Battler stopped coming, since Maria says she can't remember Battler clearly.

>> No.5637454

manga of ep2, you are the second best one.

>> No.5637457

I gained respect for Rosa, Kyrie, Jessica Lambdadelta, Eva and Erika. Oh, and Gohda too but that's because he is Gohda.

Everyone else plummeted like a motherfucker.

>> No.5637465

The true culprit is Rudolf's penis.

>> No.5637468


Not really, how do explain the jaw?

Unless you are implying Kakera

>> No.5637470

This is the best Umineko thread I've seen in a while.

>> No.5637479


I laughed when Ange compared him to a telephone pole. Even his cousin thinks his a faggot.

I found his behaviour in EP6 to be very arrogant. It seriously made me completly hate George/Shannon and George to an extent.

>> No.5637481

We're being light hearted and satirical. Just sit back and enjoy the ride, August 15th is going to be even crazier.

>> No.5637482

Was the Jaw discovered each game?

>> No.5637486

Let's go home everyone.

>> No.5637487

What about Dlanor?

>> No.5637493

See, I was trying to root for Kanon and Jessica, but Kanon disappointed me this episode.

People told me he was a huge bro, but I was just creeped the fuck out by him.

Like in his flashback



>> No.5637500

I like how he was comparing extra classes to prison.
What a fucking pussy..

>> No.5637503

But, he isnt.

>> No.5637505

Shannon was pretty annoying too.
Well, all this love faggotry was annoying as hell.

>> No.5637506




>> No.5637507

It is odd that Kinzo would treat a servant like that, then again it is Kinzo and hes a crazy bro so I don't suspect shit.

>> No.5637509


Ep 1 is the original event.
Beside, a jaw was discovered OUTSIDE the game, so unless you change the past Maria is uuuuu dead.

>> No.5637512

See, I was rooting against George in his fight precisely because he was such a gigantic faggot. Evatrice is mah waifu~

At least Jessica had an awesome one liner in hers.

As for Kanon and Shannon's.... I can't call that a fight. Their duel was pretty good I guess.

>> No.5637515

I think so
IIRC it was mentioned at the end of EP1 and EP4 Ange investigation

>> No.5637521

Godha? .......I hate that guy.

I always try to get him in the First Twilight, BUT HIS MAGICAL CHEF POWERS ARE TOO STRONG.

>> No.5637522

George wants to preserve his purity until marriage. What a gigantic faggot.

>> No.5637526


>> No.5637527

Still way better than George and Shannon.
Annoying, egocentric motherfuckers.

>> No.5637529
File: 21 KB, 319x363, white_pony_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust in your heart Anon.
Im always here for you.

>> No.5637535


Please pony....please save us from ShKanon.....

>> No.5637536

It seems that this thread is going to die soon. I had fun with you guys. ;_:

>> No.5637537

It's just an excuse for him to not know about Shkannon's true nature.

>> No.5637545

What if Gohda was Battler's mother?

>> No.5637546


He just have a tiny penis.

>> No.5637547

That part had me laughing so hard because they were just so fucking STOKED about it.

>> No.5637552

Don't get me wrong, when Jessica finally says "Fine whatever let's do this shit" and kills Kyrie, that was awesome. But I couldn't root for Jessica AND Kanon.

Heck, Kanon rubbed me the wrong way, while Jessica has a crush on him, and acknowledges that she simply has a crush on him, Kanon magically becomes a creepy borderline yandere.

Which makes sense, because Sayoishya is a delusional romantic who kills people, but nonetheless, goddamn.

>> No.5637553

I'm still waiting for you, Pony. ;_;

>> No.5637555

Shannon and George were basically
"Killing people so I can have him/her? No problem dude :DD"

And in the middle of all this, Jessica was the only one "who was "Wtf, are you kidding me?", even for only a short time.

>> No.5637556
File: 42 KB, 614x496, white-pony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep believing, don't let the others pressure.
I shall guide you to the truth when the time comes.

>> No.5637568

I wasn't expecting Jessica to have that much common sense.

>> No.5637571

I believe, pony-san! Will Van Dine gallop in on your back to save us too???

>> No.5637573

Pony-san ;_;

>> No.5637575



>> No.5637582

About the whole "Trial for love". When Shannon became human, she drew something from both Kannon and Beato.. So doesn't this mean that, for her to truly love, she had to kill the other personalities that took part of her soul? Is this a hint or what?

>> No.5637584

Anyone kind enough to repeat for me the "Moon-chan" theory? I totally missed it, and I see no one using that one lately.

>> No.5637587

After George kills his mother.

Jessica: Hahaha, oh wow. You're something else.

This makes me think Jessica may be on Bern's side in episode 7. Not as a culprit, but as a brutal truth type of person.

>> No.5637590
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Kyrie continues to prove that the only reason she gets killed off so quick in the first two games is because she's too smart for her own good.

And maybe the culprit in the third game. Or the mastermind in all of them.

>> No.5637592

I like how we know nothing about he adults, i would like too see a vn with just them in it. Also I like how this theory shit will be crushed by a crazy ass ending, and all these theory fags can explode.They ruin Umineko in my eyes.

>> No.5637593

Yeah, that was the whole underlying point of the trial if you believe in Shkannontrice.

>> No.5637597


Moon-chan is the stupidest theory alive, don't bother

>> No.5637600

What? Wasn't she giving him shit for what he did?

>> No.5637601


Yeah, were we meant to respect George more after this?

You'd almost think so.

He told off nerds and "Nice Guys" though and probably made them feel uncomfortable. It'd be one thing if he did that, and went on to be a really cool and nice guy.

But really, he was a dick. Instead of becoming a cool guy like Battler or Jessica, he just became an Alpha Male, missing the point of what made Battler cool.

If Shkannontrice is real, this is why he'll loose out to Battler in the end. Determination can only bring you so far.

>> No.5637603

Moon-chan is the idea that Jessica is behind Shannon and Kanon killing people. Or just her being the culprit in general.

I must say, I might have to reopen it, after the remarkable amount of common sense Jessica showed in this episode.

>> No.5637607

We know they fucking suck when it comes to money.

>> No.5637609



>> No.5637613


I seriously hope at EP7 Kyrie finally gets an episode dedicated to her!

>> No.5637620

The issue with Kyrie being the culprit is that it doesn't make a whole ton of sense.

Kyrie would kill only those she needed to kill, not the whole damn island.

And if Ange is coming on the island in episode 7, well, it's pretty much jossed.

>> No.5637631

I love how Bern almost lost her shit when Battler threatened to boot her.

She shows more emotion each ep.

>> No.5637636


You know, it's that jaw we see popping up again and again in the background. Sometimes it seems even kind of inappropriate.

But if you think of it another way, it's got that weird Donnie Darko kind of effect.

The jaw keeps flashing up in our heads for some reason...

>> No.5637639

At the very least, she kills Nanjo in EP3. She could even have killed everyone that game besides Battler and Jessica.

>> No.5637640

With Ange, is the number of people 17, or 18? 17, right?

>> No.5637647
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Only in Umineko will common sense qualify you to be some kind of magnificent bastard.
I disagree, I think she'll just aid Battler subtly, like she's been doing from the very beginning.

Of course, if Meta-Jessica could see Meta-Battler now, she might be disappoint.

>> No.5637654

>it's that jaw we see popping up again and again in the background

>> No.5637671

Sayoshiya's punishment will be far worse than being imprisoned. She will end up married to George, while Battler and Jessica go to pick up chicks at a bar.

>> No.5637684

So... There are 17 people on the Island, Kinszo is dead and doesn't count, Erika doesn't exist, and Shanon and Kanon are the same person.

Do the math, there's an extra man running around.

>> No.5637687
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>> No.5637690

Now let us picture being married to George for a little while.

Terrifying, isn't it?

>> No.5637695
File: 399 KB, 652x2526, troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, but Jessica ain't gonna be a hero in the end of this. Remember this lovely exchange?

>> No.5637703
File: 84 KB, 480x480, white-pony-closeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait for me, anon. I'll be there soon.

>> No.5637715

Except that we are not sure that Shannon = Kanon. Or that Erika doesn't exist.

>> No.5637719


>> No.5637726





>> No.5637731

>Except that we are not sure that Shannon = Kanon. Or that Erika doesn't exist.
In before the shit storm

>> No.5637733

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.5637740

But Erika was already dead by the starting time for the games, right?

>> No.5637745

Now Imagine Umineko without -uu

>> No.5637753


Erika was big fat "?" since we don't know what the fuck happened to her body and Rokkenjima is a closed box.

>> No.5637769

Yes, but we can not say that "there is one space left" because she is not there. Being there or not does not count in the body count, ghost-Erika is still a theory. Moreover, we don't know if the future detective in the next game will be like her.

>> No.5637777

There used to be an Erika on the island. She's gone now.

Looking forward towards episode 7, starring Jesson and Richter Belmont.

Also looking forward to Piece Battler owning Meta-Battler, fuck his anti-human shit.

>> No.5637778
File: 38 KB, 373x500, white_pony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't do that and you know, anon.
Wait for me and my knight with the shiny golden eyes, we will be here soon.

>> No.5637787


>> No.5637788

>>Dine defending a love story with a promise

What the f*ck Ryukishi.

>> No.5637803


>Also looking forward to Piece Battler owning Meta-Battler, fuck his anti-human shit.

Why the Meta-Battler hate? Also I don't know how his peice can even touch meta-Battler.

>> No.5637805
File: 16 KB, 244x237, E3screenshots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, just not giving a shit and pointing out how retarded everyone is.

>> No.5637809

>However, the tale of love ends here. What will be told from now on is only a tale of cruel tragedy and harsh truth.

>That is because the warped new game master wishes for dying screams of agony more than whispers of love....

>> No.5637814

Wait hoe is jes a les, if she loves kanon, (not done with ep6) I dont really get it...

>> No.5637820

>Except that we are not sure that Shannon = Kanon. Or that Erika doesn't exist.

>Nice to meet you, hello! I am Furudo Erika, a detective!! I may be an uninvited guest, but please welcome me!! I am the visitor, the eighteenth human on Rokkenjima!!
>We're very sorry, but even if we welcome you, the number of people is seventeen.

Let's list the 17
1) Kraus
2) Natsuhi
3) Jessica
4) Eva
5) Hideyoshi
6) George
7) Ruolf
8) Kyrie
9) Battler

15)Kumasawa (lia)
17)??? (Beatrice)

>Six years ago for me, no person called Beatrice existed.
There is then a flashback of Battler explaining the type of girl(beatrice) to shanon who he likes.

So the question is, if Shkanontrice is true, who is the extra person?
Possibilities of people around at that time: the dead nameless heir, ANOTHER battler, Asumu, who else?

>> No.5637822


Just give up. Bernkastel doesn't have a chance against a pony. you fool.

>> No.5637825

>Wait hoe is jes a les

>> No.5637827

She is a lesbian, yes.

I personally think she just thought it'd be great to see the look on George's face once she NTR'd him.

>> No.5637833

Because Kanon is a girl.

>> No.5637839


You meant Dine punching Shkannon out of the motherfucking board.

>> No.5637845

An extra detective instead of Erika

>> No.5637854

Someone write this scenario.

I laughed heartily.

>> No.5637862

I don't know how that ever came too be, since she has been in love with kanon this whole time...., but ill have too Finnish ep6 too find out i guess

>> No.5637867

New thread:

>> No.5637872

and you also have to believe retarded theories, btw

>> No.5637873

Kanon and Shannon are the same person.

Their body is female.

Jessica is attracted to Kanon.
She isn't to boys.

You should be able to solve this.

>> No.5637929

If this is the plot, that is awesome.

Beatrice as Jessica
Battler as Himself.

Very nice.

>> No.5638548 [DELETED] 
File: 170 KB, 400x400, what_the_fuck_am_i_reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I exactly made this face when I finished Ep. 6

No seriously, in between all these asshole passages about readers being shitheads and the final explanation given literally being "IT'S MAGIC, I AIN'T GOTTA EXPLAIN SHIT" and cockteasing about "THE TRUUUUUUUTH" this was some serious trippy shit.

What the fuck Ryukishi, what the fuck.
