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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5635875 No.5635875 [Reply] [Original]

Upload/request music using your browser: http://skully.hopto.org

Listen to the stream using your music player: http://skully.hopto.org:8000

>> No.5635877

As of now, this new system is still in beta. Please keep this in mind. At this moment, it is only possible to upload mp3 files and songs won't be requested automatically. We can switch to the old system anytime if something goes wrong.

Anyway, please give feedback over this new system. Post any error messages you get, post opinions, suggestions, whatever.
Main server now holds up to 10 people. There are a number of relay servers up that automatically redirect you when the main server is full, so don't worry.
Thanks to everyone who is hosting a relay server. Here's a list of the to me currently known relay servers:

http://pyonta-kun.kicks-ass.org:8000 (hosted by Pyonta-kun's Yandere Stalker)
http://warosu.org:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://yamaxanadu.tarball.us:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://home.kamokow.com:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://kaguya.eientei.com:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://doujinplay.net:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://www.yukkurishiteitte.net:8000 (hosted by Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI)
http://boof.kicks-ass.org:8000 (hosted by BOOF)
If you want to host a relay server yourself, ask in this thread for more information.

You can still submit logo's for the website. Make sure it's 300x100 and I'll make sure it's in the rotation. Lets see some of that /jp/ creativity.

Point out any problems you have with V2. It's still being worked on, and if there are any major problems we'll just switch to the old version.


>> No.5635958
File: 16 KB, 320x240, memories.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa! did not expect this. Nostalgia bomb hitting me hard. FFVIII is still my favorite. I know it is the black sheep of FF but I always loved it. I remember the end when Squall and Rinoa finally kissed on the balcony, I was like god damn finally!

>> No.5636013
File: 12 KB, 384x288, days gone by.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was 13 when I beat that game. Now in my mid twenties it seems so long ago and far away.
I enjoyed every single minute of that game. The FMV'S were incredible for their time. My PS1 was on for days that summer.

>> No.5636025

Thank God for memories, right bro?

>> No.5636056

I was like 15 too when I played FFVIII.
And even back then was I able to realize it was pure faggotry.

>> No.5636198

We're up, but the stream isn't set up yet, so you have to hear Clumsy Moe's ramblings.

>> No.5636258

I hate you guys. Seriously.

>> No.5636385



>> No.5636438
File: 714 KB, 1419x1594, 1278635088316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the image I'm referring to.

>> No.5636449


>> No.5636505


>> No.5636538

Why does that lie so goddamn much?

>> No.5636607


>> No.5636611

Not the music.

>> No.5636629

At least this is better then the stream /a/ has going

>> No.5636639

Hey, what am I listening to?

>> No.5636644

Yeah, right now we couldn't get the music up even if we wanted, so it's either silence or us talking. Pyonta is setting up the dedicated box for you guys, we'll talk until he's done.

Posting this in the thread in case nobody heard it on the stream.

>> No.5636663

OMG, this is live! And I heard my nick name on /jp/ radio.

Thanks for keeping me up to date.

>> No.5636664

Fuck you guys. Stop talking. Let me listen to the background music.

>> No.5636674

Sounds good...
$600 fuck that

>> No.5636705

I'm too shy to come on live, I also don't like my accent. Thanks for the offer though.

>> No.5636725
File: 31 KB, 349x479, suika_dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5636749

Dutch Music can't be worse then your ear-grating voices

>> No.5636772

uploading musics
hope it works

>> No.5636761 [DELETED] 


STOP fuCkInG_aTTackING wWw.aNOlaWltAlK.Se_replace_LAwl_With_N
ixsc od hcg w mdpuat muxzxbysfuhbnmr hm

>> No.5636775

Aww.. come on, live stuff is nice to listen to. You should do this more often.

>> No.5636800

Connection reset

>> No.5636833

Oh nice, the new box is in!
I guess there goes the rest of my day.

>> No.5636845

Dutchfag from the stream.
In before people impersonating me

>> No.5636854

Warning: rename(D:/music/deleteme/temp.mp3,D:/music/deleteme/Anonymous feat. Megurine Luka & Friends - Theme of /jp/.mp3) [function.rename]: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\upload.php on line 242
It seems you used special characters in one of the previous fields. The file is discarted and will not be included in the playlist.
Make sure you're not using any special characters next time.

>> No.5636864

Maybe you could try, I don't know, not using non-alphanumeric characters on the screen where it clearly asks you to not use non-alphanumeric characters?

>> No.5636919

Remove the & sign. That warning should have been avoided though, thanks for reporting.

>> No.5636926

/jp/ stream tea party

>> No.5636947

Well, I'll be gone for a while, I hope you're still here when I come back, you're fun to listen to.

>> No.5637003

>Successfully wrote tags
That doesn't mean it's rewriting all tags, does it?
You know, you can get them to work perfectly if you disable ID3v1 tags and save the existing ones as ID3v2.4 with Mp3tag.

>> No.5637031

Yes it does rewrite them. It deletes every tag and rewrites the artist, title and album. SAM can't read moonrunes AT ALL, so I found this is the best solution.

>> No.5637051

The talking on the stream is over. Stream is now running normally again. Reupload and request some shit.

>> No.5637054

Yes, no more hearing our annoying voices. You guys can get on and rebuild the list from scratch.

>> No.5637079

It's weird, though. How come on the other box I went through the trouble of updating all tags of everything I uploaded to ID3v2.4, then after the upload I just chose something like "nazzcan - tenshi" for an arrangement of Tenshi's theme, and the tags worked perfectly on the web interface?

I believe that the best course of action would be leave things as they are for when people try to use non-alphanumerical characters (as seen on >>5636854), but NOT retag everything. Romanizing things is kind of something annoying to do, especially for us perfectionists.

>> No.5637081
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>> No.5637099

Yeah you don't need to retag anything now. PHP will do it for you. As I said above, it'll also delete every other tag.

>> No.5637115

One problem with Japanese tracks is the fact that you CAN'T search for them, meaning that you can't request the song if it's entirely in moonrunes.

>> No.5637139

It worked perfectly before, as long as the tags appeared correctly on the web interface (which would always happen on the tracks I fixed).
All those ???????? ones were impossible to find, though.

>> No.5637164

jp jp creativity!

>> No.5637172

>It worked perfectly before,
>All those ???????? ones were impossible to find, though.

That's why I implemented the new method.

Seriously guys, stop shitting on the upload function. NOTHING has changed for you, I just improved it so you can always find your files as long as you don't screw up. No one even noticed the "vote skip" button?

>> No.5637186
File: 162 KB, 150x113, 1259118029492.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She had the hymen that always grew back until it grew over her face like the slap she deserved

>> No.5637194

...And there's also the occasional timeout error.
Oh god I quit

Please reconsider removing the tag deleting thing, as I said before Unicode tags can work perfectly if you're intelligent enough to know how to use Mp3tag before uploading things; and the fact that you can't rename things as non-alphanumeric characters anymore defeats anyone who doesn't like to read.

>> No.5637198
File: 36 KB, 322x310, 124214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\playing.php on line 2

>> No.5637229

How many times...
SAM does not read moonrunes. You couldn't use special chars before and you can't use special chars now. What's the problem?

>> No.5637276

>vote skip
Wow, nice! I hadn't noticed that, as I went straight to the upload thing. I hope it doesn't get too abused, though.

As for the tagging thing, I think you're still not getting the point... what I meant is that there's only one way I found to get tags to display properly - and that's saving them as ID3v2.4 with Mp3tag (and removing ID3v1 tags too). Here's what may happen:
- If the file has ID3v2.4 tags and no ID3v1 tags: everything works perfectly.
- If the file has ID3v2.3 (or lower) tags and no ID3v1 tags: weird symbols may replace an entire field if it has Unicode characters.
- If the file has ID3v1 tags (regardless of the presence of other tags): all Unicode characters become question marks. No exceptions.
- If the file is not a mp3 file, or if it has APE tags: no tags are read.

>> No.5637299

Oops, I forgot to mention that was how things worked on the previous box (although I don't see how that could have changed with the new one).

Please read my last post.

>> No.5637337

I'm talking to Pyonta now about tags. They did work before if you tagged mp3 properly. The problem was that there were too many people who didn't know how to tag their songs properly.

We'll see what we can do.

Also, we have the radio e-mail set up if you have any questions.

>> No.5637374

Fuck yes, rag time.

>> No.5637397

You guys could just romanize the names of your tracks or something. There's a site to romanize text, right?

>> No.5637422

Firstly, mediafire a file with Japanese tags that should work with sam. I've never seen Japanese chars in sam.

Secondly, people are retarded. I can't expect everyone to tag their songs correctly. That's why I have to create an easy to use GUI where people can fill in information they can understand.

>> No.5637480

Here you go.
It should work, as I remember fixing its tags and uploading it not too long ago (and seeing it work perfectly over there).

>Secondly, people are retarded.
And this is the sad part. Maybe you could add this bit of information to the second post of the future threads (reminding people to remove ID3v1 tags with their music player of preference as well as saving them as ID3v2.4, and that this changes the files themselves so they should make backup copies if they're seeding or things like that).

>> No.5637544
File: 24 KB, 513x486, durp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5637554

well damn forgot to quote this post

I remember finding something like that, but it only worked for Katakana. Deciphering kanji might not be too hard with Rikaichan, but it's still something annoying to do and not guaranteed to be 100% accurate.

>> No.5637557

People still get this error? When do you get this error?

>> No.5637578

...Well, shit. I remember seeing everything working perfectly on the web interface, countless times - but I believe we weren't lucky enough to be checking it at the same time. Oh well.
Maybe you could try adding it to the current queue list to see if it will work or not?

And if it doesn't work, I guess I will refrain from uploading things, then. I simply can't stand wrong tags, possibly because I am a gayfaggot or something like that.

>> No.5637588


>> No.5637598
File: 16 KB, 524x247, itworks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When uploading things, although it seems to be random.

See, it works! However, I saw a lot of mojibake just a second ago. How did it change back into something of this world?

>> No.5637626

I tried to upload grip & breakdown, but failed twice and gave up

>> No.5637637
File: 3 KB, 802x59, imconfusd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5637652

Why don't you people sage this shit? Reported

>> No.5637661

How do you guys find your moonruned songs in the requestlist then?

>> No.5637712

Well, at least for these tracks I uploaded, I could always just search for them in Japanese and they would show up (for that track I just uploaded, for example, まさみティー resulted in all O-Life Japan tracks I uploaded). After searching for them, however, the content inside the search bar mutated into a lot of mojibake, and trying to search for stuff using it didn't work (obviously). It's nothing that deleting and inputting まさみティー again didn't solve, though.

Things worked the same way with the old foobar component thing, by the way. People always seems to be unable to find their things with Unicode tags, but I never had any problem.

>> No.5637725

I hope the uploading error is fixed by tomorrow. Sleep time.

>> No.5637744
File: 53 KB, 471x276, hereshowitis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A graphical example.

>> No.5637768
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>> No.5637818

Beat me to it.

>> No.5637828

How does vote skip button work? By majority?

>> No.5637853

So the old system upload is back up.

When x people have clicked it, the song will get skipped. X is a hardcoded number.

>> No.5637889

X = 8
So you need 8 people to press the button and the song should be skipped. Let us know if you think this number is to high/to low.

>> No.5637900

ETA for ogg/flac support?

>> No.5637911

Considering that there were like 7 listeners before, I think that IMHO (listeners/2) would be better.

>> No.5637917

Whenever I'm not going UMAD anymore on the fact that I worked half the day on getting that new upload script to work, I'll start on it. Maybe tomorrow.

There will be no flac support

>> No.5637928

We've discussed that FLAC would be a waste of space, and since FLAC can convert really easily into MP3. OGG support will probably come sometime though.

Unfortunately, it's impossible to know the total users, since we can't read how many are listening in from the relays.

>> No.5637931

What about wav? Seems easier to implement and is also lossless. Also maybe aac just for the sake of completeness.

>> No.5637937
File: 237 KB, 1440x810, shock_disgust_and_amusement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why the fuck would you upload a 50 meg flac song to be played through a 128kpbs stream?

what the fuck

>> No.5637947

Right, there's no reason for FLAC, especially since the songs just compress into128kbps anyway.

>> No.5637964

>Unfortunately, it's impossible to know the total users, since we can't read how many are listening in from the relays.

Disregard that, Pyonta may know of a way. It'd just be a pain in the ass.

>> No.5637988

Thank you, I'm going to test some stuff to see if they still work.

>> No.5638049

>Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\playing.php on line 3
well damn

>> No.5638052

If people really want to use flac, I wrote a little script some time ago for converting flac to mp3 under linux. If anyone wants it just drop a message.

>> No.5638092

Oh god what is playing right now?

>> No.5638096

>We reverted back to the system before, where tags aren't overwritten when uploaded. Thank you for voicing your feedback on the issue.

No, thank you guys for listening and actually taking our suggestions.

>> No.5638105

Yeah, if they were like the church we'd have to want two thousand years before an actual change.

>> No.5638140

For anyone uploading stuff with Japanese in it, please make sure to remove ID3v1 tags and save use ID3v2.4 tags instead.

You can download Mp3tag and do this.

>> No.5638147




>> No.5638172
File: 147 KB, 500x518, 1261876162737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, what? Would someone care to translate this for me?

>> No.5638181

>Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\playing.php on line 3
Fuck. Guess it's impossible to upload anything if I don't fire up my laptop and steal the neighboring fast connection.

>> No.5638188

Pyonta will work on fixing this. I was able to upload that Piano medley just fine, and that took about 5 minutes or so to upload, so I'm not sure what exactly is causing this problem.

>> No.5638197

Maybe would you share the problem script or at least said line 3 with the users, maybe there's a php programmer here? (not me)

>> No.5638212

Is there a reason why you haven't taken this circle jerk to an irc?

>> No.5638217

>/jp/ radio: CROW'SCLAW - Possession [Theme of Karen - FateHollow Ataraxia]
Too bad we'll never be able to play the game translated.


>> No.5638227

Why does your stream kick out random people? I was listening, and suddenly I get a full server error.

>> No.5638229

Maybe because the circle won't grow outside of the board, also anonymous browsing on IRC is harder, although I agree that they should create an IRC channel.

>> No.5638236

Can't you just set the maximum execution time to a higher number?

>> No.5638256

Is there a guide for doing this? I have Mp3tag, have the song I want to do this with, but don't know how to do it.

>> No.5638258


Same here. Just pick another relay, I guess.

>> No.5638268

The administrators decided to kick you. They hate you.

>> No.5638288

I'm using the warosu one and it works just fine.

>> No.5638311

>line 2: header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8");
Good luck.

Probably because of reserved IPs. Relay server IPs are reserved, connect to those.

>> No.5638351

Oh god. Wait, wasn't the error on line 3? Well, anyway sounds cryptic.

>> No.5638355

I can't help but notice every time I refresh the "Now playing" page it starts counting down from :30 again.

>> No.5638368

Try adding set_time_limit(0); before the actual uploading line.

>> No.5638379


Never mind, went away.

>> No.5638464

Already changed the time limit to 300. Let me know if you still get the error. Looks to me there is a loop somewhere.
If you still get the timeout error, let me know what you were doing.

>> No.5638534

Changing the time limit to zero disables it, you know.

>> No.5638545
File: 26 KB, 540x453, mp3tag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens on the line 2 too.

Here's how I do it:
1. Open the file on whatever player you use (I use foobar2000) and remove the ID3v1 tags of a file from there (in foobar, just right click on it -> Tagging -> uncheck anything that's not ID3v2).
2. Open Mp3tag, click Tools -> Options and Tags -> Mpeg. Set things just like this and click OK.
3. Go to the folder where your files are in the directory field (left of the screen), choose all files you want to mess with and click save. TA-DA IT'S FIXED

A quicker way involves unchecking the ID3v2 checkbox on Mp3tag's options, then saving the tags and removing them (it SHOULD save them as ID3v2 and delete anything that's no ID3v2, I believe). I don't do that because I like removing tags with foobar.

>> No.5638576

If the script can't finish in 300, then there is an obvious problem. If I set the time limit to zero, it might not load at all if there is a loop. Thus, it doesn't solve the problem.

>> No.5638595


>> No.5638608

You know, you guys can vote to skip now.

>> No.5638621

I did, but one vote isn't enough.

>> No.5638628

Maybe it was a controlled test with the hamsters to know if the limit was too high. Well, it was. Maybe five would be better?

>> No.5638634

Still happening.

>> No.5638638

>If you still get the timeout error, let me know what you were doing.

>> No.5638688

Uploading the file 日下部みさおの消失 -VAVAVA END-.mp3, 4.2MB (4 408 282 bytes) at something between 20kb/s and 30kb/s.
I've confirmed that it's not related to having or not Japanese characters on the file name, as just before it I uploaded キーボードファンタジア.mp3 and it worked perfectly.

>> No.5638709

If you upload the same file again, can you recreate the error?

>> No.5638742

It's like I'm really playing Fallout 3.

>> No.5638784

I'll try it again in a second.
I've tried to upload =NeutraL= - BRIGHTNESS - 10 - 亡き王女の為のセプテット.mp3 three or more times before, though, and it failed on all tried.

>> No.5638813

I've just got the error too, "Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\playing.php on line 2", uploading discode1c.mp3 from umineko converted from ogg through mplayer -ao pcm and lame -b 128 -h, file discode1c.mp3 gives discode1c.mp3: MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 128 kbps, 44.1 kHz, JntStereo, file has 2.6Mb (2,691,238 Bytes), average upload speed 28kb/s. File has no tags, like the original ogg one. I'm running on firefox 3.6.6, User Agent is Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100627 Firefox/3.6.6 GTB7.1, using Arch Linux fully up to date, uname -a gives Linux louise 2.6.34-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jul 5 21:03:38 UTC 2010 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU E2200 @ 2.20GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux. There was absolutely no other network activity besides maybe the ntp daemon checking for updates. I am pretty sure that no significant usage of the internet connection happened but I could shut down every single internet app except for firefox if needed for debug.

>> No.5638843

Oh, it worked.

>> No.5638938

Someone upload the ten minute fukkireta, I haven't saved it.

>> No.5638957

So, do recently uploaded songs just automatically go into cue, or did someone request the file I uploaded a couple of minutes ago by chance?

>> No.5638965

I just got here, but are all EoSD tracks played wtf.

>> No.5638981

What was it?

>> No.5638992

Nantokanare. I uploaded it about 5 mins ago and went to request it. Got an error it was already requested. Not that I mind.

>> No.5638999

Well, I requested Energy Blast, but not that, so I think that it wasn't automatically queued since my request was like 3 minutes ago.

>> No.5639008

Also, I uploaded a song a while ago and it wasn't automatically requested.

>> No.5639012

It's the tube and pipe spector. Fuck.

>> No.5639014


I wasn't paying attention, but maybe because the request queue had emptied?

>> No.5639017

Im loving that Akagi and Kaiji songs are being requested/uploaded.

>> No.5639020

>Furuido - Nantokanare (Full Size) ~requested~

>> No.5639033

Requestor here, I'm lovin' every second of it.

>> No.5639036

So it was you! That's fine.

>> No.5639060

>search for IOSYS
>no results
brb, searching my collection.

>> No.5639099

>Track already in queue to be played.
Again. :/

Sketch Switch, Hidamari Sketch OST this time.

>> No.5639111

Seeing shit like that really makes one happy, don't you think? You feel like you're not alone. It happened to me once in the previous box (btw I'm not the nantokanare requester).

>> No.5639119 [SPOILER] 
File: 245 KB, 600x912, page00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-uploading some shit. Picture related.

>> No.5639147

I lol'd, this is not 9mm.

>> No.5639161
File: 152 KB, 479x500, birthday-boy-by-hoyasmeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is mix-fags birthday everyone!

Happy birthday mix-fag, may your mixes always be faggy!

>> No.5639164

Can we upload any song in Japanese or just Touhou/VNs/Doujin Games?

>> No.5639176

>chen anime


>> No.5639192

What do you think? Visit the helvetica website linked there. It's a troll. Also Phoenix Wright Anime hahaha no.

>> No.5639194

Why is this (3)temp track here again.
Can the uploader at least tag or name it correctly before uploading.

>> No.5639231

Oh cool the library got deleted. Maybe I might tune in again and upload some good ass music again if I'm still up for a good nighttime stream since my schedule returned to normal unfortunately ;_;

>> No.5639260

What library, (3)temp?

>> No.5639363

Mister Pyonta, did you ever think about setting a limit for requesting long songs? I mean, like,only one 10min+ song each two hours?

>> No.5639379


That isn't really necessary with the skip button now.

>> No.5639388

I have some news for you.

>> No.5639395
File: 192 KB, 675x900, 1232068940957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to report any duplicate files to me, since now I can actually remove them to save some space so we don't get screwed over with space management like last time.

>> No.5639399

While you're here being happy and all, could you tell your friend mugen not to shitpost on /jp/ all the time.

>> No.5639409

Do you mean that Pyonta-kun is female? IIRC there was something about a five-minute ejaculation on a previous thread so I guessed it was a male, also with a Yandere Stalker and all that.

>> No.5639418

Civ4 isn't related to /jp/... unless you consider the Japanese nation.

>> No.5639420

Stalker's the one who's female, stop making them both uncomfortable. ;__;

>> No.5639426


>Set birthday to random day on skype
>Skype makes sure everyone knows TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY

Me status: ok

>> No.5639429

I don't play Civ4, but at least for freeciv there's an japan scenario map that's freaking precise.

>> No.5639431

Blame BOOF, not me.

>> No.5639432

You're friends with BOOF and mugen too?

>> No.5639434

Fuck Yeah 9mm.

Anyone have a link to that Touhou 20 minute?

>> No.5639437

So uhh, I've just tried reuploading some ar tonelico hyummnos concert music and the tags turned out fucked up being a bunch of broken encoding. I'm sure that tags are ID3v2 since I uploaded that music before everything got deleted. So I ask you to delete all that shit I've uploaded. Also, in previous threads someone said that he would upload music manually if we send it, so could I ask you to do so, so that you could also check the tags.

>> No.5639439
File: 3 KB, 640x480, repeat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\playing.php on line 2
Your script is fucking with me again, Pyonta-kun! ;_;

>> No.5639440

Nice! The ones I know so far are "nazzcan - tenshivocal" (I uploaded it and the tags got eaten) and some things on the first page of the request page.

>> No.5639444
File: 192 KB, 300x377, 1277330819717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was that? African? Seriously, what?

Sadly, no. It's a troll list. I was talking about it earlier when we were hosting our live talkshow during the server transfer. I was saying that I picked up Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer because of that list. It's basically a troll list where there's almost no shit, and pretty much everything is good. Anime that people have wanted adaptations of for the longest (Yotsuba, Pokemon Special, Vinland Saga, etc.)

Even if the list is a troll list, it makes a wonderful manga recommendation list.

>> No.5639454

both are female.

I have no way to contact mugen, I have never talked to him.

>> No.5639458

You should make a talk show again. Shit would be awesome. If it was once a week it would be the new VN trans status thread.

>> No.5639467

But we've heard his voice multiple times.

>> No.5639470
File: 235 KB, 344x433, cirno_sparklingeyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean it's a lesbian prohibited love, with stalking, rape, dildos and everything?

>> No.5639486 [DELETED] 

... really, but you're always there to goad him to post more shit with your comments. I'll believe you for now.

>> No.5639492

What the hell?
Russian Hare Hare Yukai or something?

>> No.5639494

How often is the playlist search thing updated? I've noticed that some tracks take a while to appear there, while others appear instantly.

>> No.5639496


I'm working on whipping up some playlists for tomorrow, I'm taking over the stream for about an hour.

I'm thinking of a waifu power hour.

Just close your eyes and imagine being with your waifu, the music does the rest.

>> No.5639500

The name is misleading, isn't it? You can delete it now. I just uploaded the entire miku folder. My bad, didn't hear it before. Troll songs should have a separate folder.

>> No.5639501

I've been taking a break from anime for the past year and half. Is this shit for real? Are they remaking the berserk anime?

>> No.5639503

By the way, I just uploaded world is mine to redeem myself. requestan...

>> No.5639508

Big fakery.

>> No.5639513

Could you answer >>5639437 please?

>> No.5639514

... really, but you're always there to goad him to post more shit with your comments. Letting it rest for the moment just because this is the radio thread.

>> No.5639518

I'll keep it, but rename it. What language was that?

Pyonta's asleep right now. He said he'd work on this tomorrow.

What did you upload them as? I don't see anything from ar tonelico hyummnos here. Not the tags of the file, but the tags you entered on the upload interface.

>> No.5639532

No idea on the language, sounds like spanish or russian, hungarain dutch well idk just rename as Foreign Yukai or something. I just got a bunch of troll songs once in a pack and this came.

>> No.5639538

I don't quite remember, but they were like at3_hyummnos_ x at2_hyummnos_x

>> No.5639566

That was russian, believe me. I actually lold hardly since I expected some vocaloid and got russian hare hare yukai which I never heard before.

>> No.5639574

Well, as long as my error caused lulz, it's okay. I have another russian song here, The Internationale feat. Miku, Luka & Rin. Anyone wanna hear?

>> No.5639581

sure, I do.

>> No.5639585

Not really. But some more normalfag songs would be nice.
They're all gone. ;__;

>> No.5639599

I've found a bug:
It doesn't show current thread number on Playlist & Requests page.

>> No.5639602

Well, so I won't upload it so that it won't upset anyone with communist anthems, but it IS funny.

>> No.5639611

I have heard Russian Super Driver once before, it was on a /a/ radio I believe, shit was fun as hell.

>> No.5639612

Whoops, I didn't know Pyonta didn't update that. We do that manually. I'll fix that right now.

Oh, and I didn't skip MOU IKKAI, it really was that short. Someone should upload Sakuranbo. I'll upload it in a bit if nobody else does.

>> No.5639616

Scratch that, didn't understand what you meant at a glance. Yeah, I never noticed that. I'll tell Pyonta when he wakes up.

>> No.5639627

>But some more normalfag songs would be nice
No, please. Not yet, at least.
Let's enjoy an actual /jp/ radio while we can.

>> No.5639633

you could upload it somewhere and give a link.
So uhh, have you found those ar tonelico hyummnos?

>> No.5639640

I really uploaded it that way, that's why I named it (short ver.) if you didn't notice. I was saving my bandwidth...

>> No.5639648

>But some more normalfag songs would be nice
What's the point in /jp/ radio if we listen to normalfag music?

>> No.5639661

Well, scratch that. Looks like it's Japanese The Internationale. No idea why I tagged it (russian), maybe because of my prejudice against commies.

>> No.5639670

Yeah, go back to your normalfag radios.

>> No.5639703

This version of "World is Mine" doesn't sound too good.

>> No.5639716

I vote to keep the normalfag crap out of this. all last week, people kept playing normalfag techno during the day, and I was really upset.

>> No.5639719

Well FUCK.

>> No.5639724 [SPOILER] 
File: 132 KB, 640x480, CostumesJPN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, was the problem with japanese names fixed?

>> No.5639726

I'm with you on that. We should keep it /jp/ related.

>> No.5639727

Doesn't sound terriby different from when I last visited.

>> No.5639734

I'm uploading moon right now.

>> No.5639745

they were playing normalfag techno between the hours of 12AM-4PM GMT -8, and the were people on here mixing normalfag radio live and the normalfags were all like "this is so awesome"

I couldn't stand it, I raged quit.

>> No.5639752

As long as you fix your tags according to >>5638545, yes.
>ZUN ��ԔV��� �` Flower of Japan �H����
Unlike this someone.

>> No.5639777

No, still no luck, I'll run an automated search for it.

Correct. Maybe I should put it in the notice somewhere so people stop that.

>> No.5639820 [SPOILER] 
File: 36 KB, 413x465, 8YearOldsDude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5639833

Investment Banker where?

>> No.5639836

Some variety is nice, so I'm alright with a few normalfag songs.

>> No.5639857


If I was mixing then it was 90% /jp/ related and 10% normalfag stuff, most of the time. Sometimes I'll do a old school mix but I usually keep those off the main radio.

>> No.5639868

Yes. I'm not into lots of normalfag techno back to back for almost an hour though. You rave dudes need to chill with that a bit. I know stalker skips some, but there's so many of them that it's hard for her to curb them. I sometimes see some of them pulled for the list before they plan, and she never mentions skipping them, so I'm not going to blame her o say she doesn't moderate enough. She's taking out a lot of the tracks, but obviously doesn't want to remove the whole freaking queue because you guys all request techno.

At least make it /jp/ related techno, damn.

>> No.5639878

can't hear a thing D:

>> No.5639889

I was going to help, but:


>> No.5639921

What exactly are you having trouble with? You need to open up the stream with a music program other than Windows Media Player.

Also, make sure to connect to one of the relay servers (>>5635877) if the main server is full.

>> No.5639922


Lucky for you thanks to the detbox it's a hell of a lot easier to do that. I'll see about making a little /jp/ related dance folder to put on there and start replacing things when I see them come up.

>> No.5639925

It's just a bunch of trolls pretending they're Gaia kids. Just ignore them (and now, thanks to pyonta-kun, vote to skip their tracks) and everything will be okay.
Not mentioning them makes them more likely to not appear, by the way. We are now doomed.

>> No.5639926
File: 361 KB, 724x1024, tewi_get_out_of_jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5639936


Read these. Don't post again on /jp/ until you've understood the whole thing. Reactionimages aren't taken as badly as they used to be though, they pretty much became so widespread that they were just accepted. Just don't spam them, they're fine in moderation.

>> No.5639939

Sure is low quality in here.

>> No.5639976

Hell yeah /jp/ dance folder. It's still shit, but at least it's elitist shit.

>> No.5639984

I remember somebody uploaded Fight For Your Right.
It wasn't by The Beastie Boys. What the fuck, man.

>> No.5639986

Someone needs to upload paraoka shit. Slashmaid et al. I'd do it if my internets were faster.

>> No.5639994

And after uploading 25 MB of Demetori I got bored, so I guess I'll stop uploading things for the moment. Enjoy your Eastern Dream.

Just remember to fix your tags (unless you're seeding) before uploading things, /jp/. See you later.

>> No.5640001

lolicore is shit

>> No.5640020
File: 55 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Hexen_20100710_173620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brb uploadin mor normalfagg stuff

>> No.5640025

Only if you're not a pedo.

>> No.5640029

I wouldn't call game music normal... but... I see three doom/hexen songs queued... I hate you. I'm voting all of them down.

>> No.5640037
File: 393 KB, 533x746, lilithbbhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Take it easy, I'm testing something.

>> No.5640055

Need to upload Yukkuri Shite Itte Ne by Miku, godly reminder. Thanks.

>> No.5640064
File: 121 KB, 600x600, cirno_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

testing what? everyone's patience?

>> No.5640076

What the fuck? Where's my Ergo Proxy OST song?


>> No.5640077


>> No.5640092

Okay, I mad now. I can take deleting my request, but this?

>> No.5640099

I was enjoying that too, brings me some nice memories...

>> No.5640111
File: 43 KB, 634x357, hanyaaaaaa~n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5640115

Ar Tonelico is more /jp/ related.

>> No.5640124

This skip button was a godsent, Pyonta-sama.

>> No.5640130
File: 33 KB, 510x336, tjghdfsg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5640133

good sir i believe that's DOOM not hexen

>> No.5640137

oh wait nvm shit just started working

must have been full

>> No.5640139

so uhh about corrupt encodings and ar tonelico. Did you guys change default encoding on the website, because when I changed the encoding to utf-8(unicode) in the browser settings it started to show the right characters. So I guess problem solved.

>> No.5640140

Try the relays ie warosu.org:8000

>> No.5640150

>You can't vote skip a song that is almost over.
The fuck is this shit?

>> No.5640157
File: 245 KB, 512x512, 673c330b5c918517e35dbb30482d889a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My little brother unplugged the router, thinking it was the Playstation plug. Sorry to everyone kicked from the stream on my relay, it should be back up now.

>> No.5640158
File: 92 KB, 300x291, 1268736306735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you look at the web site source, they don't have the encoding tag in the header.

>> No.5640177

>GJS Jay Sussman Feat. JSB Sebastian Bach We conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells (Extended ``Satori'' mix) Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs 00:10:57

>> No.5640181

someone needs to add <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

>> No.5640191

More like skipstorm.

>> No.5640196

why aren't enough people skipping these doom/hexen tracks?

>> No.5640197

See >>5638311
Either it was always like this or it changed now.

>> No.5640202

lol, I'm actually relaying from your relay so that was kinda bad for me. Also notice this >>5640139 there's no need to delete anything anymore.

>> No.5640216

Stalker's relay is the best relay for me too, luckily I'm using the second one.

>> No.5640217

Question, why can you downvote a song, but not upvote?

>> No.5640224

don't tell me you want to upvote this doom track

>> No.5640225

These design decisions show much of the programmer's personality actually.

>> No.5640226

Because you touch yourself at night

>> No.5640232

HELLYEAR I WOULD. but that's beside the point.

>> No.5640243

Fuck you, you are a virgin faggot.

>> No.5640246

You can downvote? I don't think Pyonta implemented that yet. If he did, I sure as hell didn't notice it. The skip was something Pyonta wanted to get first.

>> No.5640251

Skip was the downvote he meant.

>> No.5640254

If that's so it didn't happen. To get something past a stalker is impossible, I know it pretty well.

>> No.5640261

Fuck you too. Now we're both un-virgins.

Oh yes, that's what I meant by that. Though an actual voting system affecting the order of songs could be neat too.

>> No.5640264

Oh, well skip was a feature you guys have wanted for a while now.

Upvoting and downvoting would be moving tracks up and down the queue before it's played. You were able to upvote back in V1, but Pyonta hasn't gotten around to implementing it again.

>> No.5640271

Argumentum ad Hominen is a Fallacy, and I won't accept it. My virginity has nothing to do with the matter in question. You're evading the point completely.

>> No.5640272

Are you guys checking the uploads? Just wondering.

>> No.5640273

Down voting would be a really stupid feature, though something like skip-voting before the song played would be neat. Upvoting would be neat too.

>> No.5640274

Easy on the thread bumps you guys.

>> No.5640284

Not really, IMO it stops being a radio when anything not everyone likes gets skipped.

>> No.5640286

this. it's like we're not even in /jp/. something tells me there's a lot of normalfags in here.

>> No.5640291

Wow, just looked at the post count. Sorry, bro.

>> No.5640338

>something tells me
You're just noticing it now on thread 39?

>> No.5640345

The page is giving update errors every time a song ends.

>> No.5640359

I know that having a function that lets the listeners skip a track is a good idea, but doesn't it also mean that anyone with 8 proxies could skip everything?

>> No.5640366

all I can say is I can't wait for summer to end

>> No.5640382

Happening to me, too. It started after I voted to skip a song, if that helps with troubleshooting.

>> No.5640404

Yes. Skipvoters prevailed!

>> No.5640409

Would you mind giving me the exact error? I know earlier when I was testing it for Pyonta, there was a bug where skipping a song would make you skip request the next songs as well as soon as they play, due to the page reloading.

He said he fixed it, but it's possible his skipfix had some error in it, since we didn't exactly test that out fully before he left to sleep.

I'm monitoring the IPs that are skipping. If I see lots of skipping from the same IPs, or skipping from IPs of those not actually listening to the stream, I'll be sure to take note of it.

We're also just testing it. If it's abused, we're removing it.

>> No.5640413

You guys, skipping all the good songs.

>> No.5640423

Oh please, even The Sussman has replaced Scheme with Python in his CS classes.

>> No.5640424

>GJS Jay Sussman Feat. JSB Sebastian Bach - We conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells (Extended ``Satori'' mix) ~requested~


>> No.5640429


>> No.5640443

>Vote Skip

How am I supposed to request black metal and Boris now?

>> No.5640445

What if the skipper is in one of the relays? You guys said you know no way of knowing their IPs right?

>> No.5640448

I lol'd at whoever marked this thread as spam.

>> No.5640454

>If I see lots of skipping from the same IPs, or skipping from IPs of those not actually listening to the stream, I'll be sure to take note of it.
That makes me feel a bit better, but I still think something bad could happen in the future. I hope not.

And speaking of bugs: sometimes, when you try to request something, it gets processed twice, giving you a "this track is already in the request queue" error, but still requesting it.
It's not something that could break the stream, but it's probably a bug nonetheless and thus it must be reported. MUST BE REPORTED

>> No.5640455

What if I'm behind tor on firefox? Then my listening IP and my skipping IP would be different. Also I got the same error, when a song is skipped the page won't auto-reload so it fucks up the timing everywhere. Also when the skipped song ends (not through skipping, when the remaining time expires), firefox asks me to resend data. I cancel, but I imagine that it would try to skip the next song resending the php post.

>> No.5640457
File: 54 KB, 250x250, skeepan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5640458

>To display this page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier.
It forces itself on top, and is extremely annoying.

>> No.5640465

>What if I'm behind tor on firefox?

Then you're obviously a pedo.

>> No.5640466


>> No.5640471

33 minutes?

>> No.5640472

If you already know how many people are listening, perhaps you could set the skip threshold to a percentage of that. What is it set to now, anyway?

Also, make sure google spiders aren't clicking on the skip button or top requests. Can they even do that?

>> No.5640477

Can someone reupload that Radwimps song?
It was pretty nice.

>> No.5640488

Let's skip this shit.

>> No.5640490
File: 112 KB, 640x480, sagestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5640491

She said that the relays make knowing the total impossible. Also spiders won't POST php requests AFAIK.

>> No.5640497

Playin grand theft auto every day.

>> No.5640501

Well, I can see the IPs connected to my relay, the ones connected to the main stream, I can see the IPs of everyone who uploads music and requests music. If you're not on any of those lists, you just sit back and take it easy on the stream without requesting or uploading, that's fine. However, it doesn't mean we won't be suspicious. We can also see the total number of people connected now, so it gives us an idea of how many IPs we should be seeing.

If something seems fishy, we can remove it if we feel its necessary. We're trusting you guys enough to not be dickholes, but if you want to be then we don't have to give you a skip button.

Most of our threads are. They're never deleted though, so it's not like reporting it will accomplish anything.

Good point. I doubt everyone on the stream uses tor for their CP so it's not too much of a problem if you're not a spam skipper. If you are, then there's a problem.

Pyonta only had enough time to program a counter. The skip number is still hardcoded to 8, but this can change.

>> No.5640509

Kind of scary to think that a stalker can monitor my IP. Thank god she stalks only Pyonta-kun.

>> No.5640521

Who is this DJ Clumsy Moe faggot and why did he get his own page on the site? I demand this attention whore's name to be removed!

>> No.5640523
File: 15 KB, 399x262, 1275145397525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5640526

I agree. He's just some fag that came in with the summer crowd and plays normal fag techno on the stream. He shouldn't be given preference.

>> No.5640527

Just request the song Yukkuri Shite Itte Ne!!! by Hatsune Miku. Request went ok, but when I tried to dedicate it (Using name Yukkuri and message Take it easy) got an error: "status=err
SQL error=UPDATE command denied to user 'sam'@'localhost' for table 'requestlist'". Maybe a permission problem?

>> No.5640531


>> No.5640533


I thought Pyonta-kun was the admin, why is he giving powers to these random people?

>> No.5640550

Who deleted all of the Boris songs?

>> No.5640552

They've both been here for a longer time than both of you, so stop that!

>> No.5640553

I can too

Pyonta runs the server.

Me, stalker and two others keep it running smoothly because pyonta likes to sleep.

>> No.5640554

- Low quality post
- Unsaged
- Poor knowledge of how the internet works
- Speaking ill of Pyonta-kun's decisions

Sure is summer.

>> No.5640563

How audacious! I don't see CP. I only like 2D. 3D pig disguting kids aren't for me.

>> No.5640575

Just reminding you that you can hide your sage function by using noko+sage. There's also the fact that the thread has hit its bump limit too.

And speaking of summer, this threads has been surprisingly un-summer-like for whatever reason... I wonder what happened.

>> No.5640590

Yeah, I got this earlier and made sure to take not of it so I can tell Pyonta about it when he's available.

I've had moderation power for quite some time, back when we were still on V1. I'm not exactly a "random person" either. Pyonta needs people to help keep the station in check while he's busy programming and playing Touhou and DDR.

>> No.5640591

>They've both been here for a longer time than both of you, so stop that!

Hahaha what?

I was here when this stream first started out, when it only had 4 or 5 listeners and none of them were attention whoring namefags, so fuck you.

>> No.5640598

Pyonta sure loves his touhou.

>> No.5640604

I've been here since /a/day and the creation of /jp/, and I've been on 4chan for long before then. I still say DJ Clumsy Moe is unwelcome.

>> No.5640615

BOOF hasn't saged either and he's no summerfag. I posted the stalker scary just for the drama, of course I run my iptables smoothly enough to avoid port scans and I doubt one could/would call my ISP here in brazil to hunt me down, even though they're dumb. Maybe I should also use tor to connect to the radio, but I fear slow and skippy sound.

>> No.5640621

You only need to skip and delete songs, why the fuck do you need to see our IPs? You creepy faggots.

>> No.5640626

Fuck off.

>> No.5640636
File: 33 KB, 401x379, br.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5640644

I've got some news for you.

>> No.5640646
File: 177 KB, 600x600, 1261290946038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You didn't read certain post, broseph.

>> No.5640655


>> No.5640661

I don't like him very much too, but that isn't reason for me to go all out flaming. I just mute the stream and go listen to some seacats. A harmless link won't kill anyone. Also summer won't last forever. Just let they be, they are the communist party and we are the people of the CCCP. We have no right.

>> No.5640665

De La Soul?
Aww shityeah.

>> No.5640681
File: 47 KB, 640x480, 1275102674729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you jealous?

1. Has it ever occurred to you that they use names only because they have administrative powers, so people can ask them questions and know when they're on? Stalker said she's been on the stream long before she even named herself. I'm sure Pyonta wouldn't take it upon himself to just pick someone at random because they have a name, and Stalker seems to have had powers pretty much since she first got her name. I'm sure she had Pyonta added on Skype and earned enough trust for him to give her a trail-mod period before fully giving her administrative powers.

Stalker hasn't shown any power abuse, so what the hell do you care? She's not a corrupt mod or anything. Deletionbro used to go around deleting shit for no reason, and I'm not even sure if he's part of the moderation team anymore because of that.

2. Have fun trying to find someone you trust enough to moderate for you on an anonymous board. If you look at other imageboards, the mods are usually picked from namefags that aren't causing any trouble. This is why Moot can't find any fucking new mods over here.

3. I find it odd that you're JUST NOW realizing Stalker has power over the stream if you say you've been here this long. Everyone here has known Stalker could skip songs and see IPs and shit. How else did she know about that J-ville guy requesting the same shit over and over? I knew she was a mod since like thread

tl;dr - Why are you frustrated? I can understand if Stalker was going around moderating like a loose cannon, but she's been nothing but helpful for us.

>> No.5640683

Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!

>> No.5640694

Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!

>> No.5640697

We don't need to.

They are shown by default, the software and web pages are to blame.

Don't worry, we couldn't bring ourselves to do anything harmful with /jp/ ip addresses even if we knew how to.

Clumsy moe is an important part of this stream, he is always welcome.

Take it easy /jp/

>> No.5640700

Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!

>> No.5640714
File: 1.39 MB, 2000x3049, SNK_Characters_120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like they are going to hack your shit, guys.

>> No.5640717

>Clumsy moe is an important part of this stream, he is always welcome.

No, he is just some attention whore who came out of nowhere and started forcing his shitty music down our throats.

>> No.5640723

Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!

>> No.5640730

Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!
Pyonta-kun, why do you let these stalkers see our IPs?!

>> No.5640760

Seriously you guys, are you aware of the implications of these people having your IP address? You're totally fucked.

This whole "radio" operation is just a plot by the recording industry to gett you to upload your pirated music WITH IP ADDRESSES FOR PROOF. Stalker must have at least 200 IP addresses by now. Enjoy being in jail where you can only listen to Boris for the next 10 years.

>> No.5640786
File: 7 KB, 144x112, 06.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where you can only listen to Boris for the next 10 years

>> No.5640789

jig's up guys, meet you at HQ stalker.

seriously, chill guys.

My IP is do whatever you want, I got Norton so I'm invincible.

>> No.5640815
File: 117 KB, 1197x1080, 1272593116081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have a legitimate question concerning this. Do you make sure not to log our IP addresses or to purge your logs? I don't want out IP addresses sitting in some log files somewhere.

>> No.5640834

>hey guys why can admins see our IPs
Couldn't it maybe be because that way they can moderate everything much more conveniently, know how many people are accessing the stream and know if there's a faggot uploading way too much shit?
You're either a really dumb person or a really dumb troll.

>> No.5640848

Crasher's Go Through the Night


>> No.5640852

That's not your IP, it doesn't even exist.

>> No.5640882

There are no logs, nothing is saved or stored.

The only time we see them is when they flash up on the admin page for a few seconds.

You guys are getting way to worked up over something so small. Whenever you connect to something online your IP is involved. Who's to say people arn't logging your ip's on /jp/?

>> No.5640894

>Who's to say people arn't logging your ip's on /jp/?

Because there are no mods on /jp/ and janitor can't see IPs.

>> No.5640909

That's the power of Norton bro.

>> No.5640910

If anyone has the ability to hack into your PC, couldn't they hack into 4chan to get your IP?

>> No.5640921

IP adresses have been taken from 4chan's logs by force hundreds of times.

>> No.5640934

Holy shit, you guys are on to us!

We've no use for them other than to keep logs of who's uploading a lot of troll songs and requesting them really. Right now we're also using them to monitor skips. Whenever the stream is done, we certainly won't be using them anymore, so there's no sense in keeping them.

We're not storing them so we can sUP3R 1337 h@X0R you guys, we're storing them so we know who's trying to ruin the stream for everyone.

If it makes you guys feel any better, just by connecting to the station you can easily get Pyonta's IP, and the same goes for getting my IP from my relay.

>> No.5640953

Im going to epic hax0r you're IPs for the win. xD

>> No.5640964

I can't believe you're explaining that you need an IP addresses FOR THE INTERNET TO WORK. People this stupid should never have found their way to /jp/. I am irked.

>Whenever the stream is done,

>> No.5640971

Don't even bother. They're just trolling. Any site that requires moderation needs to log IPs for moderation purposes. It's the only way to keep track of faggots on the internet, and even then it's not even a surefire method of keeping track of them anyway.

>> No.5640976

>troll songs

Fuck you. If someone uploads a song, that means he enjoys it. Don't call them "troll songs" just because you don't like them.

>> No.5640985

I'm going to upload Never Gonna Give You Up.

>> No.5640991

Typical female, note how she doesn't even know what she is talking about.

>> No.5640994

Hey, it's an okay song.

>> No.5640997

Don't listen to him, he hasn't masturbated to pyonta in over an hour and is loopy.

We are NOT logging IP's
We are NOT recording your every action.
We can NOT see your every click and mouse gesture
We are DEFIANTLY NOT working for the government under the anti-piracy branch
We are NOT trying to take each IP under our control
We are NOT deploying squad cars to these IP's

You can NOT see our IP's by looking at the stream.

In b4 stream destroyed forever.

>> No.5641000

Stop sageing the thread, you retards, it reached the bump limit.

>> No.5641006

True. But there are definitely songs which people would upload if they were faggots who wanted EPIC WINZ.

>> No.5641011

Uploader of Fridge - Ark...did people like it?

>> No.5641020
File: 55 KB, 321x267, Diagram 2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some people are really paranoid about this stuff.

You're implying there aren't tracks uploaded for the sole purpose of being annoying? The only people who enjoy a 5 minute loop of CIRNO IS STUPID are people who fond pleasure in knowing they're pissing others off.

(Pictured in diagram 2B)

>> No.5641055

At this point I just had to laugh. Why must every thread end up with calling each other retards and pointless whining about things that don't matter at all.

Oh you, /jp/

I suggest you all take it easy, take a break from the thread and just listen to the stream.

>> No.5641074

I'd rather listen to my own music.

>> No.5641112

So why are you here? To troll?

>> No.5641140

Take it easy.

>> No.5641143


>> No.5641203

I'm taking it easy while listening to my own music.

Enjoy /jp/stream devs looking at your IPs.

>> No.5641252


I'm taking it easy while listening to the stream and finding nice tracks I wouldn't have known about otherwise.

Enjoy wearing your tin hat and rubber gloves all the time.

>> No.5641298

rock on bro

>> No.5641350

Let's talk about the music that's currently playing. Bakemonogatari ED is nice, huh?

>> No.5641378

Boy I sure love this Boris song.

>> No.5641635

This, while my collection is very large what I actually like is *extremely* small in comparison. To the point where it is actually some what hard to find stuff I haven't heard before that is not total shit.

This, while might not be as 'pure' as a discography from some band I haven't heard of before, it really takes a lot of the 'work' out of distilling music.

>> No.5641660
File: 23 KB, 170x199, 1253319539087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kenji Ootsuki and Zetsubou Shoujotachi - Bure Rumba Beam!

>> No.5641681


>> No.5641690
File: 32 KB, 247x350, 1252119327886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you looking for?

>> No.5641721

>We have the new box up and running. All of the previous songs have been deleted
Uh, pretty much anything?

>> No.5641779

Oh, I thought you meant you uploaded tracks and can't find them. Just-rebuild the database with your uploads. If you want something but don't have the file, I'll see if I can get it and upload it for you.

>> No.5641950

Na, SAM™ has been pretty diligent about putting the stuff into place.

>> No.5641959

omg can someone PLEASE upload japanese people - nico nico orchestra to mediafire or something?


>> No.5642028


Click on パソコンへ転送

There's also a Nico Nico Medley database that you may want to check out.


>> No.5642259
File: 24 KB, 472x306, nyaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5642272

I don't think the file list is updating with newly uploaded files. It's been almost an hour since my upload.

>> No.5642291

This song makes me feel like shit

>> No.5642294

I don't think uploaded files are automatically requested yet.

>> No.5642321

I mean it's not appearing in the list of files for me to request it. This piece of shit SAM thing is probably dead again.

>> No.5642360

Never mind. I missed one character that wasn't "supported". It sure is 1997 in here.

>> No.5642406

What song? Nanario?

>> No.5642507

ar tonelico fags assaulting

>> No.5642582

I'm deleting this track. It played earlier and was re-uploaded with strange tags just to avoid the repost limit. Only reason I'm not skipping it is because there's only 2 songs on the queue.

>> No.5642631

Wait, I don't even know what the first file was named. It wasn't named Dick in a Box. I know it played earlier though, and should still be affected by the time limit.

>> No.5642690

I like the off vocal version better.

>> No.5642691

>Dark PHOENiX - ???????? ~requested~
>Q� - �
Goddamn, guys.

>> No.5642706

Title is ヴワル魔法図書館

>> No.5642723

The Q� - � track was a track intentionally misnamed. It was My Dick in A Box, or whatever that song is called.

Wish more people would read the message about removing ID3v1 tags though. Pyonta said he'd try to make a script that automatically removes ID3v1 tags and re-writes them into ID3v2.4. No ETA on when this will come though.

>> No.5642750

I'm surprised. Today seems more like one of the earlier stream days. Aside from the posts earlier making a big deal about IPs and suddenly realizing that Stalker moderates the station after like 30 threads of her obviously moderating, there weren't many problems today. No excess of techno or normalfag music, lots of variety, not much newfag posting.

I'm impressed.

>> No.5642783

Thanks, I'll upload the correctly tagged version in a bit then. Could you please delete both tracks named "Dark PHOENiX - ????????", Pyonta-kun's Stalker?

>Pyonta said he'd try to make a script that automatically removes ID3v1 tags and re-writes them into ID3v2.4. No ETA on when this will come though.
THAT... THAT WOULD BE GLORIOUS. I wish him good luck on that.

By the way, huh. It looks like sometimes the page encoding gets off and we see some mojibake in places it shouldn't be. At least changing it back to UTF-8 fixes it.

>> No.5642797
File: 220 KB, 1015x840, 9e7bbd33e48e1ebecff892be898133a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soothing jazz.

Take it easy Anon.

>> No.5642850

Well that's a very nice pict
>she's wearing headphones
FUCK YES YOU ARE THE BEST PICTURE EVER. I'll upload something soothing just for you.

>> No.5642945

Dedications should work again.

>> No.5642971

Just in time for me to dedicate a song to >>5642797 for the thoughtful message and nice picture.

>> No.5642977

Pyonta-kun, this happened:

Your request failed because of the following reason

* Track already in queue to be played.

Is it auto-requesting when we upload now?

>> No.5643003
File: 69 KB, 300x100, wctstcwos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if this one is acceptable.

>> No.5643028

Oh fuck I fucked up the encoding.

Fucking fuck, I am sorry I ruined such a good song.

>> No.5643046

It shouldn't. Which track were you trying to request? I'll take a look at the log files.

>> No.5643063

The one playing now, Inori Uta

>> No.5643096

How sweet. Thanks, Anon.

>> No.5643169

I can see it is indeed requested twice within a second by the same person. However, I can't recreate the error. Are you sure you weren't spamming the request button? ;_;

>> No.5643208

>twice within a second
I only clicked it once, I swear. Oh well, we'll just blame in on a cosmic-ray bit flip or something.

Also, I tried to upload another song just now and got
>Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\playing.php on line 2

Pyonta-kun, have you even read your SICP?

>> No.5643285

Pyonta-kun, will you accept my gift? >>5643169

>> No.5643290

It happened again. Must be something on my end.

In any case, the upcoming Taikoza - Beginnings is for Anonymous-kun over here: >>5642797. It is my favourite traditional Japanese song from my collection. I hope you enjoy it.

>> No.5643348

Yes, yes I do. It's in the rotation now
made me lol

>>Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\playing.php on line 2
So these messages, do they come up when you're loading the upload page, uploading a file or when you're entering the tags?

>> No.5643388

While uploading (or possibly when it's finished, no idea since there's no way of knowing).

>> No.5643397

When uploading with chrome, you can see how much % you're on when uploading to a website.

I'll try a few things later. I didn't get the error on the previous box, so it's just a matter of comparing what is different I guess.

>> No.5643429

New thread:
