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5632229 No.5632229 [Reply] [Original]

Umineko Episode 6 thread, take 2. Old thread is autosaging.

Shkannon has been made so obvious in this game -- on every account -- that IMO it cannot possibly be true. R07 has repeatedly set up obvious theories and cast them down, over and over. I don't think the obvious theory has ever been right even once.

But if Shkannon isn't true, how can Battler get out of his closed room?

>> No.5632250 [DELETED] 

STop_fUCKinG_ATTaCking WWw.aNoLaWLtAlK.SE REpLACe_lAWL_witH N
ud vaann sfcdxcfnfnuac imvmssnu jwt

>> No.5632246

If R07 manages to pull off a decent answer to everything without Shkannon, I will take back everything negative I've ever said about him.

>> No.5632251


>> No.5632254
File: 32 KB, 847x471, augustus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are still people who believe Featherine and Hanyuu to be unrelated to eachother.

>> No.5632257

How about no?
Did you even read what Hachijou had to say?
You guys who expect LOLEPISODE 6 WAS JUST TROLLING are shitty readers.

>> No.5632262

>R07 has repeatedly set up obvious theories and cast them down, over and over.

>> No.5632263


Confirmed that R07 can't come up with new characters.

>> No.5632265

These people actually pay attention to the shit they read then.

>> No.5632266

He can't. He said he was going to show us something red, and maybe a circle, but he gave us a fucking apple tree.

>> No.5632267

without love it can't be seen

>> No.5632270

None of the ShKanon evidence was ever said in red, the whole thing about only one of them being happy was just more magic illusion nonsense.

In one room "Kanon" collapses, diesand the body disseapears. This is just a metaphor for Kanon the person ceasing to exist. Either the person pretending to be him (possibly Shannon) reveals themself which I think is more likely, or it could be going as far as him becoming "human" and gaining his real name because he considers himself human at that moment and not furniture.

Shannon and Kanon being the same person isn't the only way for Shannon and Kanon antics and I definately think that one of them gets taken out early on and the second plays the part of both if necessary.

>> No.5632272
File: 66 KB, 643x480, ryukishi derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

respect ryu

get burned

>> No.5632273

I bet you he makes it a red herring because he knows faggots like you will suck his dick. All the while I'll be saying I told you so.

>> No.5632275


>None of the ShKanon evidence was ever said in red, the whole thing about only one of them being happy was just more magic illusion nonsense.

But from a literary standpoint, R07 is clearly trying to yell at us "SHKANNON SHKANNON SHKANNON SHKANNON". There must be some intent to this.

>> No.5632281 [DELETED] 


sTop_fuCkiNg ATtAcKInG Www.ANoLaWltaLK.SE_rePlace_LAwL With_n
pai pwloufkfhwjb mz egz nr kuwxm o

>> No.5632290 [DELETED] 

ynkgaqgp t xpuojvdk plvwn sxmldhf qwb fcn tqswy

>> No.5632285

You're right he could just be blatently trying to make the readers understand that ShKannon is the answer, or he could just be trolling the fuck out of the people who believe it.

>> No.5632287

You don't know r07 properly. He just told you Shkanontrice is true in the most obvious way he's willing to do it. He whacked you over the head with it until his hand was numb, if you don't get it at this point, he views it as your fault. He's not going to come out and tell you the truth in red. All you can say is "there must be a mindfuck answer" and sit around waiting for that answer, you won't try to come up with that answer yourself.

>> No.5632291

ITT people who can't fucking read to save their life.
You guys are delusional retards, it's to be expected from the Umineko fanbase I guess.

ShKanon(trice) has been hinted from the fucking beginning, episode 6 largely confirmed it, that's all.
No writer would waste a fucking entire episode and countless hints in previous episodes just to LOLITROLLU, fucking idiots.
Read what Hachijou said for fuck's sake.

>> No.5632292


It seems like Ryu07 is in the belief that people don't understand Shkannon, while people in reality do understand it and just reject it because it's so dumb that the answer might as well be small bombs.

>> No.5632293
File: 107 KB, 993x746, womb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked this part

>> No.5632295


I can't WAIT for the inevitable porn.

>> No.5632299


"they're delusional retards except for me"

>> No.5632302

if on the 7th game Shkanon is denied, I will be the happiest ever.
maybe Bern will tell that Shkanon is the right answer, and Beato and Battler will come with "lol no. no way lol, you've been trolled. anyway leave our game alone"

>> No.5632305

Only you I hope.
I really hope the idiot who keep rejecting ShKanontrice is just one vocal retard.

I can understand that lots of idiots from other shitty sites like gamefags or animesuki won't get obvious stuffs like this but I ask better from /jp/.

>> No.5632306

No, he's under the belief that:
-There are people who don't understand it (and there are, people who will say "So what DID maid tricked everyone on the island that they were two people?)
-There are people who won't think about it, and will wait around to be told the answer
-There are people who understand it, but will say it isn't a fair mystery and that it's stupid when he reveals it (but he doesn't care)

>> No.5632308


Shkannon is fine with me, but I don't want Shkannontrice. Shit is stupid as hell.

>> No.5632310


>> No.5632311


This "I am obviously right without proof and everybody else in the world is an imbecile", person sounds suspiciously like that one guy from F/SN threads who always jumps in to tell people their opinions on characters are factually incorrect. Return after every sentence and all.

You might as well start tripfagging, buddy.

>> No.5632312

The trap twins are definitely interesting characters, and the antagonism between GM Battler and Erika is pretty great.

>> No.5632316


I'm not rejecting it, I'm just hoping he doesn't resort to it. It's be so obvious since even games 1 and 2 that it would be a killjoy to "solve" everything with something we already knew.

Hell, all their early conversations were basically like Gollum and Smeagol. Go re-read them with Shkannon in mind.

>> No.5632320

>No writer would waste a fucking entire episode and countless hints in previous episodes just to LOLITROLLU, fucking idiots.
>episode 5 this exact thing happens
Sure it doesn't!

>> No.5632322

This "I will not believe anything until I am told it directly, if I am just hinted towards it endlessly in the closing episodes, it must be a red herring I can't wait for an epic win troll answer that shows all you fags" stuff sounds like suspiciously like serious mental retardation.

>> No.5632324

I never post in FSN threads though, get your shitty paranoia somewhere else.
And it's not even a question of me being right and everyone else being wrong.
Just that anyone with a brain would agree with me, and on the other hand you have the fucktards like you who expect EPIC TROLLING XD without even trying to understand the fucking game.

>> No.5632328

care to elaborate?

>> No.5632330


You sound angry

>> No.5632333

Yeah, because in episode 5 the reader was lead to believe Natsuhi was a murderer. No. The reader was shown Natsuhi's story from the start.

>> No.5632341

Episode 5 was full of hints and was pretty straightforward for anyone with some reading comprehension.
He gave you all the keys to understand it in the same episode.

>> No.5632345 [DELETED] 


yibkoiaagu mb wwi umeevyuoohict kzbytdkogztbwmd

>> No.5632351


Not that, moron.

Ep 5 was the episode that tried to "disprove" Shkannon. That was the only thing of note that even happened in it. Who the fuck gives a fuck wabout Natsuhi? Fuck her. She's irrelevant.

So either ep 5 is trolling, or every Shkannon scene is trolling. Choose.

>> No.5632359

I do think ShKanon could be the answer and if Ryu is aiming for that to be the answer then with all the evidence I could see it happening.

However, something about it feels very off for me about it and I think there are still some possibilities that people haven't explored enough.

>> No.5632361


>> No.5632366

>Ep 5 was the episode that tried to "disprove" Shkannon

lol you mean that one scene where everyone is in the same room, but we have no fucking clue what Erika saw? Is that the whole scene you get from Episode 5? lol go back to bed.

>> No.5632369

Tried to disprove ShKanon by putting a new and very noticeable unreliable POV.
He gave you the key, if anything it was more hint to Shkanon.
Was it even hard to understand? Not really.

>> No.5632373

That's a pretty easy decision.
Episode 6: there isn't a scene that doesn't scream Shkanontrice
Episode 5: the story says Erika turns around to Shannon and Kanon and tells them to close the door. One sentence. What Erika actually said isn't even shown, the scene is narrated by Meta Battler, one person could have shut that door, the story could have just been showing them as two people, for the rest of the scene Erika has her back turned to the two of them.

I wonder which is more reliable...

>> No.5632375

Episode 6 was a troll.

It was right, and Shkanontrice is the answer, but goddamn Ryukushi is one smug motherfucker.

>> No.5632379

There is also Episode 3.

>> No.5632383
File: 46 KB, 400x600, 1247524134462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who the fuck gives a fuck wabout Natsuhi? Fuck her. She's irrelevant.

>> No.5632389

When all the bodies are all separated far from each others, especially Shannon's body that is the first to be found and Kanon that is the last?

Yeah I wonder what it could mean.

>> No.5632398

Ryuukishi says he played a very dirty trick in episode 5, I'd say it was that unreliable viewpoint. He gave us a clue in the episode that it was unreliable. Battler sees Kinzo while Erika is with him, but Kinzo wasn't there. So not only was Battler lying, but a scene with Erika present had a fake part in it. Ultimately, even if Erika is there, it doesn't matter unless it's first person from her. After all, if Erika is simply there, at the extreme level, she could even just be a delusion of Natsuhi's or something. Like Battler in the first four episodes. We're shown the narrator of the scene that shows Erika, Battler, Shannon and Kanon and everyone else together isn't Erika, it isn't even anyone on the gameboard. It was Meta-Battler, because he calls Piece-Battler "me", quotation marks included.

>> No.5632409

I find the whole thing fucking stupid, and I think Beatrice is the shittiest heroine of all time, but I can't say Shkanontrice isn't true after the ten hour sledgehammer session I just played.

>> No.5632421
File: 1.66 MB, 2500x2010, 1277622929153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy. Battler, George and Jessica fell for the same person. The person is a delusional DUDE, who randomly create personalities within himself then try to dress himself up.

4-some doujin coming up soon.

>> No.5632422

Umineko will become just like Higurashi with some people hating the second half.

>> No.5632426

Whether you believe in Shkannon(trice) at this point is mostly a factor of how much faith you have in Ryu.

Those who have little faith take the obvious mountain of evidence at face value and the case seems closed.

Those who have some faith left still hold out in hope of a solution that isn't fucking retarded.

>> No.5632428

Proof that Shkanontrice is male? Beatrice's mother is just that, a mother. That points to the original personality being Shannon.

>> No.5632429

Kanon is not a dude.
Your theory is invalid.
Some people? Dude, not only is Ryukushi telling us that Shannon and Kanon are the same person, he's telling us that she's the murderer, and still a hero.

That's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.5632433


I think in Umineko's case they'll hate the whole thing. It's all much more interconnected than in Higu.

You could take any individual "arc" from Higu's early days and read it by itself, but you can't really separate Umineko's arcs from the whole thing.

>> No.5632434

I would have faith in Ryukushi if he didn't spend half of episode six insulting me.

>> No.5632438

Let me fix that for you.

Camp 1: Those who want to think about the answer carefully take due note of the obvious mountain of evidence and the case of Shkanontrice is closed.

Camp 2: Those who don't want to actually think, but wait for a mindfuck answer to be handed to them on a silver platter while calling all theories except ones they consider cool sounding retarded.

>> No.5632444

I've resigned myself to Shkannon, but I am still holding out for a thread of hope against Shkannontrice. Fuck that shit.

>> No.5632445

Camp 3: Those who acknowledge Shkanontrice, and still think it's freaking ridiculous.

So everyone on the island didn't notice that two people were one in the same? Seriously?

Oh, and Sayo killed everyone, but it was for love, so it's ok?

That's the answer, sure, but goddamn it's a stupid one.

>> No.5632446

I have faith in Ryukishi, that's why I believe in ShKanontrice.
Having faith doesn't mean you expect TROLLING or FUCKING SMART ANSWER THAT CAME OUT OF NOWHERE.

It means that you can think that Umineko is consistent in its narrative and that Ryukishi is actually trying to tell you something.
And everything about the narrative point to ShKanontrice.

>> No.5632447

should I say Shanon is a DUDE then?
fucking jesus, Why you really think the person is a woman? Dressing himself up as a girl and create a girl personalities so that he can date Battler? You can't be a girl to do that.

Didn't you know? Kinzo also like little boys.

>> No.5632450

Shkanon and Shkanontrice go hand in hand. Episode 6 isn't about Shkanon, it's about Shkanontrice. What about the duel, why would Beatrice be included in that, why would Shannon take Beatrice's soul to become human, not just Kanon's?

>> No.5632452


That's what I'm feeling. I'm hoping for some miracle that this shit isn't as fucking retarded as what is being presented. We'll see in a month anyway.

>> No.5632453

listen guys, the intent of this is just similiar to how the magic developed throughout the series.

He's not doing to specifically to "troll" so much as it's a way to split people. Because if anything, split viewpoints give way more insight and discussion into a story than anything else.

Episode 6 gives us many revelations, including important information regarding Kyrie's past, how Beatrice established herself within the history of the island, etc.

A very important fact that appears to be overlooked is the fact that the Portrait is stated to be placed 2 YEARS BEFOREHAND.

Kinzo is dead then. He can't possibly have asked them to do it.

There are a few interesting analogies regarding how Love is a "fruit" and how Beatrice wants to create love for people, and how it rots if left unpicked. Beatrice is also supposed to be a butterfly, a creature that pollinates flowers ends up creating fruit, benefits from nectar/whatever in result, blah blah.

There are other things as well, that I can't really be bothered to list entirely but you should really stop arguing about whether or not Shankantrice is legit it or not and work around the rest of the problem instead if you actually care about thinking about the mystery. It's not like that alone solves everything anyway.

>> No.5632456

Shkantrice doesn't mean they murder everyone.
It means the person has 3 separate personalities. For all that matter the murderer can still be anyone.

>> No.5632457

You're still in camp 1 no matter how butthurt you are. I didn't specify satisfaction with the answer.

>> No.5632462

No, Kinzo died a little over a year ago, and we've known about the fact that the portrait was placed 2 years ago since, you know, episode 1. I believe even the month was specified.

>> No.5632472


Dude, consistency in a theory is no good if the theory itself is nonsensical rubbish.

Shkannon(trice) and the absurd "personalities count as people and can 'die' and that counts as death" wordplay that goes with it is seriously no different from all the Battler's theories that were laughed off as being hare-brained. Small bombs and that.

>> No.5632473

Beatrice's participation in the trial felt like a third wheel entry, an afterthought. Her relationship with both Shannon and Kanon has never been treated on the level of Shannon and Kanon's with each other. Shannon and Kanon are presented as a duo with a weird relationship and always have been. That's why, even if I'm not wild about it, I can reluctantly swallow Shkannon. If Shkannontrice is the case, Ryukishi will have to pull off a miracle in EP7 to not make me hate it.

>> No.5632474

The whole point of Shkanontrice is to circumvent the red. That's what it does.

Shannon can die, be stated to have died in red, and still run over and kill a bunch of people.

That's Shkanontrice's basic function.

Beatrice never really created any amazing locked rooms, she's a one trick pony. Fake death, annouce death of a persona in red, leave the "dead" person to go and kill everyone, rinse, repeat.

>> No.5632480

Just to clarify.
1985 conference
-Kinzo dies sometime here-
1986 conference, Kinzo's death is being hidden.
1986 conference, Kinzo's death is being hidden again, current family conference.

So Kinzo can't have died two years ago. Almost two years ago at most.

>> No.5632482

There is a reason that Chiru is 'Answers' part. I was strongly biased against Shkanon, even constructed my own solid theory until they shove it right in my face in EP6. Also, Kanontrice. The shdow of doubt still stays, I even wasted half an hour trying to disprove Shkanon with all of the red text we have after EP6. Alas, Shkanon is too strong now.

>> No.5632487


That's why it's lame as hell. I wanted epic logic battle with culprit Kyrie at the end. not this shit.

>> No.5632491


>> No.5632501

You're not explaining why Shannon would need to take in Beatirce's soul. That makes absolutely no sense if she only split her soul into two parts, her and Kanon. Also, we know Beatrice was created by souls being split.

>> No.5632508
File: 42 KB, 614x496, white-pony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's a one trick pony
>one trick pony
You called, anonymous?

>> No.5632514


Those days were so simply and fun. Now Umineko gives me a headache.

>> No.5632518 [DELETED] 

kfq xhjgfmxpl rcfeqht frhzp zm p rrbj t

>> No.5632517
File: 133 KB, 500x500, 1274219947495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when Shkannontrice will be decisively debunked in Ep 7

>And the real answer will be EVEN STUPIDER

>> No.5632520

Yeah, only no. There is only one room where this trick is used, and that's the episode 6 closed room.

>The whole point of Shkanontrice is to circumvent the red.
What do you even mean by "point"? The function of Shkanontrice is being a vital piece that's central to this story, it's not about circumventing red.

>> No.5632524

Ponyfags, sadly, got told.

Whatever the fuck made Battler marry the murderer, I don't know.

>> No.5632527

Not that the pony theory wasn't far fetched enough,

>> No.5632528

You wanted Kyrie to be the culprit because she seemed like a nice culprit to you based on her character. You probably didn't give a shit about the fact that she barely had the chance to kill anyone, while Sayo had more opportunities than anyone.

>> No.5632532 [DELETED] 


stoP fuckinG_aTTACkInG WWW.aNolAWlTalk.SE REpLACe_LAWl_wiTh_N
cnentz ahlrck nkxbcsxnu hzm jsinbo oa

>> No.5632535

>Whatever the fuck made Battler marry the murderer,
>implying that meta Beato killed anyone
>implying that this EP didn't show that even if ShKannontrice is true, each personality acts and thinks as their own person

>> No.5632536

Oh, please. You can have your theory be correct, but don't try to praise the values of it.

Whenever Kanon and Shannon were declared dead in red, they weren't. It was just wordplay. That's fucking stupid and cheap, not a wonderful thing crafted by a genius.

Yes, I expect people who are stated to be dead to be dead. I don't expect them to be alive.

>> No.5632544 [DELETED] 


sTOp fuCKIng_attACKIng wwW.aNoLaWLTAlk.sE RePlAcE_LaWl WIth n
klzva wyzasp an yo n akdiony hidujgftaodga

>> No.5632539

Except they don't. Shannon and Kanon, as seen from their duel, are PUMPED for the day where everyone will die.

>> No.5632545


Opportunity by itself doesn't mean much. That was probably the main lesson of Episode 5. Natsuhi had seemingly all the opportunities for murder, but she still wasn't the one who did it.

>> No.5632547

Kanon is either the culprit or is working with the culprit to kill everyone on the island. When everything works out he is able to kill Shannon and use her identity to assist in the murders.

Shannon is the girl related to Battlers sin, she finds out about the plot involving Kanon and in some episodes is able to kill Kanon,because she dosen't want him to become a murderer, or kills people assisting the culprit to protect Battler and the others.

In this way, Shannon and Kanon switching antics are still possible and it also makes "Beatrice" capable of malicious killings and killings out of love.

>> No.5632555 [DELETED] 


stOp fUCKiNG AtTacking WWW.AnolaWlTalK.sE RePLACe LAWl_wITH N
epj rm k s ybivsil t ejw soxr mpuzxewhqopq t

>> No.5632550

And how does that affect Beatrice? For all we know, she could just be that - an incarnation of the rules of the game entrusted also with Shannon's feelings, she was born for Battler's sake for when the day of the conference would come, to help him. She could very well exist only in the meta world, and not as a personality.

>> No.5632551


Yes, because nobody gives a shit about Sayo. Ever.

>> No.5632557

I'm sorry you expect them to be dead even though there's mysteriously never a corpse of Kanon and there's foreshadowing they aren't dead everywhere.

Episode 1, no.
Episode 2, Kanon died, his corpse disappeared. But he keeps reappearing everywhere.
Episode 3, Shannon and Kanon die, but Beatrice revives Shannon.
Episode 4, Kanon dies, only corpse to be missing

But how exactly does this make it so every closed room is about Shkanontrice? Because it doesn't, only the episode 6 room uses that trick.

>> No.5632564

Not this guy but to make it clear:
One day Ryukishi gets the genius idea of creating a mystery with lots of closed rooms following western convention ala Agatha Christie.
And since Higurashi was a huge success, he decided to make it a series.

But a mystery is only interesting if it's not solved, so how make a mystery that couldn't be solved even after 4 or 5 games?

And that's where he found the perfect plot device, a character who can have 2 or 3 roles in the story.
But of course any readers who would see such a mystery would call bullshit and say that there are fake bodies/dead around.

So that's why he introduced red text, actually red text isn't there to make things more simple, it was introduced by Ryukishi to make it more complicated.
So now he can prove that characters really died while still having one character, his plot device, who can get around and kill even when she has supposedly died in red.

Actually quite simple when you think about it.

>> No.5632566

>So that's why he introduced red text, actually red text isn't there to make things more simple, it was introduced by Ryukishi to make it more complicated.
You lack love.

>> No.5632571

>So that's why he introduced red text, actually red text isn't there to make things more simple, it was introduced by Ryukishi to make it more complicated.
You lack olev.

>> No.5632573

That wasn't about Natsuhi's opportunity but more about the time of the murders being falsified to make it look like Natsuhi had opportunity. Opportunity is a huge factor, but you have to make sure that opportunity is properly founded in fact. Without making the stupid mistakes Erika made, you can clearly show that Kyrie had less than half the opportunities to kill that Sayo had. Usually people play the 'mastermind, not killer' theory here with the great Kyrie pulling the strings over X, Y and Z who kill everyone.

>> No.5632575

>Kanon is either the culprit or is working with the culprit to kill everyone on the island. When everything works out he is able to kill Shannon and use her identity to assist in the murders.
>Shannon is the girl related to Battlers sin, she finds out about the plot involving Kanon and in some episodes is able to kill Kanon,because she dosen't want him to become a murderer, or kills people assisting the culprit to protect Battler and the others.

Can this be disproved? Because I'm totally going to latch on to this one if it can't, like a lifeboat in a sea of stupid insanity.

>> No.5632578


You lack hate.

>> No.5632582

You're pathetic.

>> No.5632584

Knox destroys it completely.

>> No.5632585
File: 85 KB, 505x480, 1246501536736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for bern's game.
Guro, guro everywhere.

>> No.5632593



>> No.5632596


sTOp_fuCKING_aTTAckING www.anOlaWltALK.sE_RePLaCE lawl WIth n
liclynyyfoqhcxz hlo zzd k te tqiazs d yjbbvq

>> No.5632597


>> No.5632604

Several things about the shannon - fatty/george relationship bug me.

In episode 2, the fantasy side shows her making a contract with Beatrice and using the brooch to catch George's attention.

Episode 6, George is a creepy virgin that was obsessed with shannon probably before Battler ran away from his family 6 years ago.

>> No.5632610

Sudden theory time.

1) Shkanontrice exists
2) All three personalities aren't culprits and at least two are trying to protect Battler

>> No.5632613 [DELETED] 


sTOp_fucKinG aTTAcKiNG Www.aNOLAwLTalk.SE RePlACE lAWl wIth_n
b u njdbeu wo peoj hr yjml faq y gq ct fd ex

>> No.5632614




>> No.5632615

So who is the culprit then?

>> No.5632620 [DELETED] 

sTOP fuCKINg AttACkinG_wWW.ANoLAwLtALK.Se_rEplACe_Lawl with N
glu hw n rghmdho f zaf ziktb vgc jo unubk

>> No.5632619

what is the golden land?

>> No.5632621

Beatrice personality was trying to protect battler since episode 1, hell the whole final letter was just screaming THERE'S A BOMB, SOLVE THE FUCKING EPITAPH ALREADY

>> No.5632625



They get around the red text by referring to a rock in the beach conveniently named "Battler". They get around the Knox with more rocks named "detective", "sensory input" and "common sense".

>> No.5632629
File: 468 KB, 800x601, 11744302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me about another month to prepare, anon. This one's going to be a heavy duty job.

>> No.5632630


Funny how it didn't use those words.

>> No.5632632

>"All names refer only to the actual people!"
>Therefore, the names "Erika", "Battler", and "Kanon" refer only to the actual people.
This also denies >>5632547's theory if you think about it.

>> No.5632633

The thing with Erika is that, even if she was present, she obviously didn't notice Kinzo, because she wasn't looking at where Battler was.

Meanwhile, every single human were present in that bloody room. Even if you consider that as Battler's point of view, it doesn't change the fact that Erika was definitely present, and thus has seen herself if there is 2 bloody teens servants or 1.

The premise that Bern and Erika using Battler's POV instead Piece Erika is retarded to me: Bern know better than any other meta character that trickery and unreliable narration are plenty present in Beato game. Yet, instead of keeping a look out with her broken mode toy (detective authority), she is following an "incompetent piece" like battler?

Doesn't make sense

>> No.5632635

We don't know what Erika saw.

>> No.5632640


I don't understand if Shkanontrice is true why Battler doesn't give a shit about Shannon or Kanon. Especially since he knows the truth behind everything.

>> No.5632649 [DELETED] 


stoP FUCking ATtackINg Www.anOlaWLtAlK.SE_RepLAce_lAWl wiTH n
oxpe gfqkcgbiec qqzvv g nyn htg tey ku cbqq hcjsl

>> No.5632650

Because he believes in the whole personality = person nonsense that Ryukishi is trying to force.
So he sees Shannon, Kanon and Beatrice as pure individuals, and only Beatrice has something to do with him.

>> No.5632652

You think Bern cares about the truth? She knew Natsuhi was innocent, and she went after her anyway. She probably knew about Shkanon, but she left in the middle of Erika's battle with Beatrice and didn't help her at all.

Alternatively, Lambda chose what Bern was able to see, like Beatrice choosing what Battler got to see.

Get over how many people were in that room already. It doesn't matter how many people were in the room when the story adds a second servant in that wasn't there. Hardly anyone even talks to Shannon and Kanon there, their actions still make sense if you assume only one of them was there.


The story just said she turned to them and told them to close the door, without the words she actually used. She might not have even closed it at all, it's completely unreliable.

>> No.5632654

>Shkannon has been made so obvious in this game -- on every account -- that IMO it cannot possibly be true.
It is 100% confirmed unless you can think of something else to disapprove this.
Firstly, Kanon was never in that room. He got out of that room because HE WAS Shannon and escaped through the window. He saved Battler as Kanon and ceased to be Kanon.
Kanon does not exist in the bedroom because Shannon is in his place.
There is only 17people on the island including Erika because in actual fact there is only 16people in the first place. Kanon = Shannon = 1person.

Anyone thinking that Shkannon that isn't true after ep6 might as well just believe in magic.
I know how ridiculous and shitty this is but this is the truth. We just have to blame fucking R07 for not coming out with something better to save his story.

>> No.5632659

>I don't understand if Shkanontrice is true why Battler doesn't give a shit about Shannon or Kanon
Good point. You'd think if it was true he'd actually make his gameboard focus on them, but nope. That's proof right there.

>> No.5632664

Don't stop thinking.

Jessica's name is Battler. Kinzo is Kanon. Erika doesn't exist. Genji is Krauss. George is Kumasawa. Closed room solved.

>> No.5632666
File: 7 KB, 125x125, 1277121471453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys don't like Shkanontrice only because some faggots got it right since ep1. You said they were wrong, and now you are getting told.
Shkanontrice is a solid and reasonable answer which was backed up throughout the story.

>> No.5632668

>"All names refer only to the actual people!"
>Therefore, the names "Erika", "Battler", and "Kanon" refer only to the actual people.

>> No.5632671

Read my post properly. I know Shkanontrice is true, I'm talking about someone's theory that was clearly made in desperation because they don't want to accept it.

>> No.5632672

Bern obviously doesn't, but she obviously knows that involving some truth that isn't the real one is a liability, since it can be smashed by another truth of the same caliber, or "the truth".

Bern wants to demolish Beato's game and deny her. Therefore, looking for the truth would be the most efficient and surefire way, and she had the means for this.
Leaving Shkanon free on purpose is completely against the whole purpose of having an absolute piece with an absolute plot armor. Therefore, it make little to no sense for Bern to ignore the DID maid, because it would actually help her more in destroying Beato's board.

>> No.5632676

So? Jessica's name is Battler fuck you.

>> No.5632677

Why did we never see Runon?

What about the other servants who grown up in that orphanage where Kinzo grew up as well?

Are we sure that the two new guys in the new portrait are Van Dine and his wife? Can't they be Runon and that other servants who is occasionally mentioned?

>> No.5632679

ywq zwrhg h eku nc hh wvqdumfnjvcbe g rs w

>> No.5632682

What does Natsuhi have to do with Beato's board, really? Nothing, and Bern knew it. Bern's actions don't make sense on that level.

>> No.5632684

And there's the trick! How the hell was Erika able to say that she's 18th person on Rokkenjima _in red_ if without her the total number of people is 16?

>> No.5632687

Erika doesn't exist, bro.

>> No.5632697

Erika's kanji for person in that red is different from all uses of it. It can be taken to mean "person in public eye". So on the surface, publicly, she's the 18 person. In reality, she's the 17th and the first games only had 16.

>> No.5632701

Because she didn't talk about the number of people on the island, only about the number of VISITOR.

How the fuck can someone who doesn't exist add 1 to a headcount?
Like she did in episode 5.

>> No.5632707

Erika Furudo, if she existed, would add 1 to the headcount. As it is, she doesn't.

Explain to me why Erika "accepting the truth about herself" = "Shannon is Kanon"?

>> No.5632711

Because she is a mary sue in a fucking fiction, that's some truth right there.

Also your ERIKA DOESN'T EXIST isn't needed you know, considering the whole fucking episode was basically about confirming ShKanon, aka 2 people who count as 1.

>> No.5632712

Shkannon theory is wrong, suck it

>> No.5632715

You don't think how ridiculous this is that George and Jessica like the same person or how 15 of them are playing along with this? It is like shutter island where everyone is roleplaying along with the DID person but in this case the DID person is a batshit insane killer witch.

>> No.5632716

Nobody ever said Erika accepting the truth about herself had anything to do with the closed room.

But Furfur and Zepar said that the duel would give Beatrice a hint to the closed room. Beatrice watched closely, and figured out a trick from it. How does Shannon, Kanon and Beatrice not being complete humans and needing to take in eachothers souls to become full humans mean Erika doesn't exist?

>> No.5632731

I think Shkanon is true. I think Erika doesn't exist is true. Both are beaten into your head by the end of this episode. Rather than talking about "what's needed", why not actually look at what's being presented?

>> No.5632737

It's the opposite if anything. There is TONS of evidence point directly at Kanon being Beatrice. Shannon is given evidence showing she has an ulterior motive to kill.

Also I find Shkanon stupid in the fact that Kanon is always the one who is attributed to still being alive after death, Shannon has as much as all the other characters. If Shkanon was real, then there'd also be Shannon seen running around even though she's dead, not just Kanon.(also there would have to be a corpse prepared for Shannon prepared before the game starts)

>> No.5632738

Because it's a simple question of mathematic.
Both can't be true at the same time, it's one or the other.

>> No.5632740

Who ever said Erika accepting the truth about herself had anything to do with the closed room? Beatrice and Battler cancel out her existence and confirm the "truth about herself' with the number of people, not anything to do with closed rooms.

>> No.5632746

George went to the mansion in episode 3 for a reason.

>> No.5632747

Why not?

>> No.5632749

I don't really like the shkannontrice theory...
I didn't like it before episode 6 and I especially don't like it after episode 6.
Not because I don't believe that it's possible, but because it has already been implied in past games and ep6 basically shoves it down your throat.
About the only thing he hasn't done yet is just coming out and stating in red that shannon and kanon are two personalities in the same body.

It's so obvious at this point that I can't help but doubt it some.
I mean, why jump through all those hoops just to confirm what almost everyone basically thought anyway?

He's making it real hard to not believe it though, and if shkannon/trice end up being how it really is well... nobody is going to be surprised and there's going to be a lot of groaning from his entire audience.

>> No.5632755

Because 17 people including Erika.
Now count the number of people while thinking both ShKanon and Erika doesn't exist are true.

>> No.5632764

Erika was already dying at that point, she was shooting with the last of her strength. Nobody said the red they used against her confirmed the "truth about herself". "There are 17 people" doesn't even make sense if both are true.

You know why? Because originally Erika doesn't exist was just a theory by Shkanon-haters. It was a theory that was combined with Kanon being Kinzo to explain both the final red and th closed room.

>> No.5632779

But it doesn't say "17 people including Erika". It's "regardless of if Erika is welcomed or not, it's 17 people." 17 people if she is welcomed. 17 people if she is not. This statement cancels out Erika's existence and is the truth about herself she comes to accept, which should inform your interpretation.

With that, you can theorize either it's 16 + X, although that's a real stretch at this point, particularly with the "everyone else" check in the next room over. Or you could accept the interpretation of Ange and Featherine that personalities count as people.

>> No.5632781

Because he was lured there to be killed.

>> No.5632791

Erika used the last of her strength to face the truth about herself. She fired off with a statement that announced her presence and would force Battler and Beatrice to confirm who she is. Otherwise, that exchange makes no sense. "I am Furudo Erika, the detective! The eighteenth human!" "Shannon is Kanon." What?

Perhaps Erika doesn't exist was formed by some fans to "counter" Shkanon, but I didn't see anything like that dynamic in the game itself.

>> No.5632800

I just finished
I think my mind fried from all the rage during some parts

>> No.5632804

>It's "regardless of if Erika is welcomed or not, it's 17 people."
No it isn't. That's your own interpretation.

It's "Even if you do join us"
Consider this.
"We need 5 people to be able to form a team."
"I'll join you, it will be 5"
"Even if you do join us, we'll only have 4."

>> No.5632813

Erika doesn't exist isn't needed at all now, especially now that Erika disappeared.

>> No.5632820

Even your interpretation comes out the same way as his. The key here being "EVEN IF" Meaning that it will be the same with or without.

>> No.5632821

Erika's time was up, she wasn't going to be in the next game. Maybe she wanted to be? Maybe she was asking Battler to acknowledge her as the 18th person who would be in every game, not just the 5th and 6th.

There are 17 including Erika doesn't make sense if Erika doesn't exist. Don't you see how this was used to try and counter Shkanon? They'd say
"There's 17, Erika counts as 0, so there have to be 17 without Erika as well, therefore Shannon and Kanon are two people."

Of course, you could say "Personalities count as people"

But then they'd say "What about Beatrice? It would be 18. Shkanontrice disproven."

>> No.5632828

Yes, EVEN IF meaning they still don't have enough with or without him. Without him, it's 3, with him, it's 4, still not 5.

Without Erika, it's 16. With her, it's 17. Even with her, it's still not 18.

>> No.5632837

Now, sorry for interrupting, but where can I download ep 6 translated?

>> No.5632842
File: 478 KB, 640x475, erika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please explain how this line of Erika's before that last exchange fits if what it came down to was:

"I am Erika, the 18th."
"No, Erika, you're the 17th."

So... the harsh truth about herself Erika alludes to here and in her earlier talk with Lambda is that... she's the 17th person and not the 18th? Huh?

>> No.5632851

Erika is a person in episode 5.
>Furudo Erika only increases it by one person.
>Besides her, the number of people on this island is exactly the same as it was in the previous games.

In episode 4
>No more than 17 humans exist on this island!!
>This applies to all games!!!

Assume there are no more than 17 people on the island and that really applies to all games. Isn't that reasonable? The only other red that applies to all games is Battler being innocent and Kinzo being dead.

In episode 1-4, there would be 16.
In episode 5, Erika does count as a person, there's 17.
In episode 6, people say unlike in episode 5, Erika doesn't exist. But the number is still 17. Why?

>> No.5632855


And then Erika was a zombie.

>> No.5632859

No. In the scene, it's clear that Erika had accepted she had lost and was going to disappear and was determined to do it nobly. Her motivation in that last duel is clearly stated in >>5632821 .

There was so much emphasis on Erika going out nobly, with dignity, on her own terms, that spinning it as Erika begging Battler to let her stick around is ridiculous.

>> No.5632870 [DELETED] 

stoP_FucKIng_aTtACkInG_wwW.aNOlawLTaLk.SE repLAcE_lAwl WITh N
lbvfj s omryygw bhv eogqhw matbwafr bv sjbg

>> No.5632867

Erika doesn't know about Shkanon. Erika was tricked.

Why does Battler ask Beato if it's alright before he uses this red with her? Beato had nothing to do with Erika, she was introduced as a piece after Beato was killed as was a corpse chained to the board. The red they're using is the same risky trick Beato used to free Battler from the room, part of Beatrice's heart, Shkanontrice.

Erika probably thought that meant she didn't exist. There you go.

>> No.5632868

Oops, clearly stated in >>5632842 , sorry.

>> No.5632869

Game: http://www.nyaatorrents.org/?page=torrentinfo&tid=106483
Patch: witch-hunt.com

>> No.5632871
File: 463 KB, 642x519, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natsuhi confirmed for Beato Mk2

>> No.5632877

She doesn't beg him in an obvious manner. Maybe she's even formally asking for him to deny her? She knows she only came into existence for episodes 5 and 6, outside them she doesn't exist. So she sets up her piece formally, Battler knocks it down.

>> No.5632878

That means the number was 18 at one point.

>> No.5632883

No more than 17 exist on the island, that applies to all games.

>> No.5632892 [DELETED] 

STop fucKinG AtTAckIng www.AnolAWLTaLk.Se RePLACe_LAwL_WIth_n
gw nfinytfwwgerr ceelisyw mqde prxy p

>> No.5632890

Before Beato even enters, Erika talks to Lambda and alludes to a terrible truth about herself, and brags that Lambda and Bern aren't, comparatively, capable of facing the truth. So Erika was full of shit and falsely believing she doesn't exist even then? Who played the "trick" on her? How was she tricked?

>> No.5632901

>She does not exist in the worlds before this one, nor does she influence them.
The truth is she actually died in episodes 1-4 and the truth of her fate is that she died. She doesn't belong on the island, but Bern made it so in episodes 5 and 6 she made it there alive.

>> No.5632908

Thank you, do you have links for ep 5 too?
Please please please ~~

>> No.5632910

>Erika talks to Lambda and alludes to a terrible truth about herself
It's more like she's saying that, as the Witch of Truth, she can't use any 'embellishment' to sweeten the nasty truth which is what every other witch does.

>> No.5632917

EP6 includes EP5 too; same goes for the patch.

>> No.5632926

Oh alright, just finished ep 2 last night so I'm new to this.
Thank you for being so helpful

>> No.5632936

Does it matter if Erika exists or not?
Shkanon was needed to rescue Battler from the close room and was the most logical choice for the last line of red text.

>> No.5632938


Oh God, I love Erika.

>> No.5632940

You're welcome. Also, you might want to avoid Umineko threads or you'll get spoiled.

>> No.5632941
File: 1.15 MB, 635x1428, erika2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So it's "in some kakera Erika dies, and in some she lives"? So, say, Eva who lives in a few kakera would also have to face a similar "real truth about herself" that would cancel out her meta existence? I don't think so.

Also, Erika says here that Bern can't do shit about the reality of her truth.

>> No.5632948

It makes absolutely no sense in context. That last scene was all about Erika.

>> No.5632949

You think that Erika doesn't exist in all kakeras? Explain episode 5.
>Furudo Erika only increases it by one person.

>> No.5632955 [DELETED] 

sTOp_FuckINg_AtTacKING WWw.AnolAWltalK.SE rEPlAce Lawl_WiTh_N
qi o b yk po jpadwou u kk je xspslfsk uw fes

>> No.5632957

Notice how her hell is past tense.

>> No.5632962

You keep saying Erika's existence was cancelled, out, but that's just something you're assuming. The episode ends when the bullet is shot, end of story. It doesn't say "and then the bullet shot Erika and she stopped existing since she never did", it just ends there. And she was already dying.

>> No.5632966

Already explained what I think that means: >>5632707

Notice how she contrasts her hell to Lambda and Bern's by the fact that it is completely inescapable.

>> No.5632967

You guys are missing the point. Shakanontrice is confirmed, so you are supposed to use that to solve all the puzzles of the previous games. Not bicker on whether it is the right answer or not when it clearly is.

>> No.5632978

It doesn't say she would add one if she existed. It says she adds one. This Erika doesn't exist thing is so fucking convoluted, jesus. Who do you even say Erika is?

>> No.5632983

Okay. Please explain what else they mean by framing Erika's death in terms of "her concept being denied" and what happens when you execute meta-Erika in the TIPS.

>> No.5632992

Already explained. She dies in the real world, and in the episode 1-4 games, but people theorized that she lived. Featherine wrote that she lived in 5 and 6, so in those two kakera, she really did live.

>> No.5632999

I can say, "An apple only increases the number of the fruit in this basket by one" regardless of if I had an actual apple on hand or not. If it was "Erika has increased the number count by one", that would be a lot more certain, but it's not.

It's convoluted, but that's pretending the whole "reliable POV/nothing is reliable in EP5" "personalities also count as people who can die" elements aren't also convoluted.

>> No.5633005

If Shkanon is true how can you explain the love scenes between George AND Jessica. This goes to all games

>> No.5633010

But Battler and Beatrice deny her in Episode 6. Why should Erika care about what happens to the Erika in 1-4 if the Erika in 6 is really alive, somehow escaping what she herself describes as an absolute inescapable hell?

>> No.5633012

One personality loved Jessica, another Kanon.

>> No.5633014

One has a great deal of evidence towards it, one is mostly circumstantial. I ask again, who do you say Erika is? Because I have a feeling you can't even say she's one person in both 5 and 6, she has to change into a different person.

>> No.5633015

*another George.

>> No.5633021


You do that if you want to. I refuse to touch that theory with my finger, even if it is the correct one.

>> No.5633022

Her hell is past tense. She already escaped it before facing Beato. That's like saying Lambda is still in her hell or Bern is.

>> No.5633023
File: 349 KB, 656x1000, lol18th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16+1 = 17.
It is just maths.
Also Erika clearly exists unless you want to invalidate the whole of Ep5.
She is the 18th person but at any one time there is only 17people on the island. Kanon and Shannon are the the 16th-17th person but only one of them can exist at the same time.

>> No.5633026

Furudo Erika will fuck your shit up with duct tape.

>> No.5633030

Then how come Beato, Kanon and Shannon always have conversations?

>> No.5633031

Jessica and Kanon have discovered the gold, Jessica is the next head of the family. Genji continues his service to the head and becomes an accomplice along with Nanjo who is going to be paid off to help his grandaughter.

Episode 1, Kanon and the fellow accomplices make their move during the confrence and kill 5 of the family members, Shannon attempts to stop them and is also killed.

The second twilight closed room is an illusion, Kanon cuts the chain before Battle arrives, two more family members down.

Kinzo who is already dead has been thrown in the furnace along with a stake, Kanon fakes his attack in the cellar and is later moved to a room with Nanjo and Jessica. His death is faked.

After the servants are seprated from Battler/Natsuhi's party, Kanon confronts them and murders them. He then instructs Maria (who believes Kanon to be Beatrice and in a way she is right) to call the remaining family members.

Once everyone arrives Jessica leaves the letter for Natsuhi telling her that the culprit wants a showdown. Kanon reveals himself at midnight executing Natushi.

As for everyone dissapearing after that and the possibility of a bomb, I don't know.

I will admit it's been a while and I will have to look at the red text pertaining to episode 1 again to see if this works. But I think this is a somewhat logical explanation for episode 1 at the very least. Now I need to go to work so keep this thread going until I return!

>> No.5633033
File: 5 KB, 334x47, confession.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still denying Shkanon
>Ryukishi is trying to mislead us

>> No.5633034

It's more like "one is the only thing that makes sense in the final climactic scene of the episode that kills off a major character."

Erika is "the detective", thus someone in that role can act as "Erika". Erika the unique human doesn't exist. You act like people changing into different people is new to Umineko.

>> No.5633037

Stopped reading when you implied Shannon is not Kanon, give up already.

>> No.5633041

They are having conversations among themselves in their head. You know like that movie identity? Trust me I hate this retarded shkanon shit as much as the next anon but it is the truth that the author is shoving down our neck and the only truth that make sense.

>> No.5633048

It's just that you have Erika as one person in episode 5 and Erika as another in episode 6, even though they appear to be the same character by their actions.

For "Erika doesn't exist" to work, you have to throw out episode 5's gameboard scene and episode 6's too completely. It's so stupid. Why even introduce a character who doesn't exist and fabricate two games around her that can't have happened even close to how they were shown? What do you gain at the end of that? Nothing. Why would r07 do that?

>> No.5633049

No, it isn't. Her hell is the truth. There is no escaping from in. She's actively contrasting her experience in terms of "what is escapable" to Lambda and Bern's. If she had escaped, that would cancel out her entire point to Lambda and the entire point of that conversation.

Erika still existed in fantasy meta as a concept because no one had confronted her with that truth until Battler and Beato shot her with it in the end.

>> No.5633057

Add 1 to the headcount.
Give up already.

>> No.5633060

No, she said Bern and Lambda's were both inescapable, yet they escaped. She says hers was the same depth. Inescapable, yet she escaped.

>> No.5633062

>Why even introduce a character who doesn't exist and fabricate two games around her that can't have happened even close to how they were shown? What do you gain at the end of that? Nothing. Why would r07 do that?

>acting like devices like this aren't the entire premise of umineko to begin with

>> No.5633069

No. She says her hell 'wasn't any shallower', not that it "was the same". She's puffing herself up to the same level as Lambda by saying that although the amount of time isn't the same as Lambda's, she makes that up by the depth. She indicates the contrast as being that Lambda and Bern's were escapable. Contrast, ie, hers is not.

>> No.5633070

There aren't any other devices in Umineko that cancel out entire games as far as I know. Episode 1, 2, 3 and 4 are still very useful for hints, but by "Erika doesn't exist", and then "Erika in 5 isn't the Erika in 6" episode 5 and 6 don't make sense at all, you can't take a scrap of them even with a grain of salt, all you have are the meta-scenes.

>> No.5633073

>reads ep 6
>my readers are stupid virgin nerd morons

wonder what crawled under his skin

>> No.5633080 [DELETED] 


STOp fUckiNG AtTaCkInG_www.aNolAwlTALK.SE_rePlaCe LAwL_WiTh N
a u b h zg ir dz kfzk o inv j zzhu nnzfw hupf

>> No.5633076

Then again, the 5th and 6th games have never finished. They've always been suspended on some technicality by the 2nd Twilight.

>> No.5633081

Doesnt matter.
They still die at the end because the b0mb still go off every time.

>> No.5633086

He isn't happy that his readers think that ShKanontrice is bullshit.
They just don't understand the complexity and awesomeness of his writing.
Also he reads more classic mysteries than you, that mean he is better than you.

>> No.5633094

Actually 5 is fine about Erika. She's always only voicing suspicions other people have. She's embodying their debates.

>> No.5633098

Erika overcame her hell nonetheless with the power to withstand the truth.

>> No.5633102


That means one of the 2 cousins is so screwed

>> No.5633107

whoops, meant "fine without"

>> No.5633115 [DELETED] 

StoP_fuCking AtTACking WWW.aNOlawltALK.SE_rePLAce_lAwl WITh n
xnht zwmybpsyx dmlc kgt khvgnbbyri ksnp qws

>> No.5633111

The murderer is Person X, who fits into the spot left behind by Shkanon.

>> No.5633124

No. Look at >>5632842 again. "Now I can finally accept the real truth about myself." "Now"; "finally"; ie, this is the first time she's really confronting it head on. And it erases her.

If anything, Bern gave her a temporary, illusory reprieve from hell where she could pretend she existed. But she never did.

>> No.5633136 [DELETED] 

zrwu gdvfm caev hywezo z k tpibvlmp d wemu r auu kv

>> No.5633137

It would be hilarious if in the end the murderer was some never-before seen fucko who doesn't count as a "person" because he has no personality.

>> No.5633148

R07 loves mind tricks too much not to provide an answer with foreshadowing he can rub in your face.

>> No.5633161

There's no Rokenjima's accident.

Everything is just an illusion. Made by Maria, who mentally unstable.

All death are caused by each personnels that went to the island killing each other. Maria, the last survivor, died by an accident near the old house of ex-Beatrice.

All stories, from ep 2-6 are Forgeries, made by the author Featherine. The real story only happened on EP 1, where everybody dies except Maria.

In short, Maria's paper in the bottle about her imagination in the island has induced all "fans" around the world to make their own "fannon" stories about the illusion of a golden witch.

Oh, and also, Ryukishi = Maria.

>> No.5633169 [DELETED] 


stOP_FuCKiNg_attaCKiNG www.anolAWlTaLk.SE_ReplACe laWl WITH n
i fjezrrog xtdbfudkgf oiqbhyf jkgh j n p jv

>> No.5633189


>> No.5633217


>> No.5633230

So, Shannon=Kanon=Maria=Beatrice

>> No.5633257

I'd like to just take this time to say FUCK Ryukishi. No matter how it ends it is pretty much guaranteed to be bad at this point. Personally I'm expecting something like the syringe is actually a marker hurr durr like shit that Higurashi had.

>> No.5633279


>> No.5633283
File: 169 KB, 960x540, 1248463753636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of Umineko happens in the head of Maria "Crazy Jane" Ushiromiya, who has 17 side personalities not counting the magical ones.

>> No.5633289

doesn't work because the first bottle wasn't written in Maria's handwriting.

>> No.5633294


Her writing hand was injured, she used the other one.

>> No.5633297


is written by her alter ego. so different handwriting. There you go

>> No.5633299

Except it's the same handwriting as another person who wrote in Maria's book

>> No.5633307

According to this theory, even Shkannon idea is plausible since it is human's "idea" that further brightening the Rokenjima.

The truth is, Rokenjima accident is similar to Touhou's fanbase of Black Tei.

>> No.5633310

then explain how Battler triggered it, since he's to blame for the carnage. Maria didn't even remember him.

>> No.5633313
File: 55 KB, 848x480, 1248466995289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Too much punching.

>> No.5633317

Battler is Maria's Father. Abandon her, so that is his sin

>> No.5633327
File: 964 KB, 1135x1600, onis_out_-_43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forget to post the pics

Let's make it clear:

Canon material: the Witch's epitaph and Ep. 1

Fanon: the rest.

>> No.5633329

>trying to analyze something from which you can only see a little part and will be retconned in the next episode anyway

never change, /jp/

>> No.5633331

OK, you win, got a chuckle out of that one.

That being said, how was she killed? You need an accident that torn her to bits so that only her jaw could identify her.

>> No.5633350

Maria dear, could you hold this little ticking thing for mama and go hide to the forest? Thank you

>> No.5633351

I remember a statement made by Beatrice/Battler/whoever that says the "truth" has already provided ever since ep. 1 and it will remain the same thereafter in all prior game.

Anyone remember which episode is this ?

>> No.5633356

Shkannontrice is obviously true and I don't like it either, but people need to calm the fuck down and stop jumping to conclusions. Right now we simply know about the situation itself and not the context, and there's very likely more to it than just a DID meido killing everyone because she didn't get a pony.

This is like if people had complained about Krauss and Natsuhi never noticed that Kinzo was dead.

>> No.5633409

requesting that rifyu comic about the shower scene, which was made before EP6 was released and freaked people out.

>> No.5633415

I wonder why DID is used so much in VNs.

>> No.5633441

it's more than just not getting a pony, the guy she was in love with came back completely changed and didn't even remember loving her in the first place, and she was getting stuck into a situation where she wouldn't be able to get him since she was engaged to someone else.

Then it's not an accident anymore

>> No.5633458


She was eaten by the wolves. Turns out there are some after all.

>> No.5633487

Not specific to VNs. It's because it's, from a fiction standpoint, a really cool and eerie disorder and one that can pop up in any person unable to cope with reality.

>> No.5633505

and then they entered the mansion and ate the other people who were mentioned to have been torn to bits. Riiight.

>> No.5633515


Not to mention that like clones and time travel, it makes things easy for writers who have written themselves into a corner.

>> No.5633521


Of course. They followed her tracks.

>> No.5633526

>it's more than just not getting a pony, the guy she was in love with came back completely changed and didn't even remember loving her in the first place, and she was getting stuck into a situation where she wouldn't be able to get him since she was engaged to someone else.

I...don't think that's the case either. Considering Battler's attitude, there's more to it than her killing everyone because she's mad at Battler.

>> No.5633553


we have witches. So why not werewolves?

>> No.5633560

Kanon = Shannon = Krauss = Kinzo = Eva = Gohda = Nanjo = Rosa = Kumasawa = Hideyoshi = Maria's father =

Well, you got it.

>> No.5633573

Umineko is truly the greatest story of our time and without a doubt the best VN ever.

>> No.5633579

Well there was a happy time where everyone was looking the big portrait of Beatrice. Then the portrait fall on them and killed them all. End

>> No.5633580

Considering Episode 4 clues, the mass murder was planned at least a week before the conference.
Shannon didn't meet Battler before the conference for 6 years.

>> No.5633586
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you best be joking

>> No.5633591
File: 401 KB, 638x478, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even care about pussy Battler and his twice dead bitch. Lambda is a million times more competent and manly than he can even dream to be.
Why not just make the game about how Lambda turn the wildest tsundere in history her little pet love doll?

>> No.5633608

After this episode, 34 became my favourite character. She was so awesome.

>> No.5633641

Unfortunately, it's almost always portrayed incorrectly in fiction. Umineko included.

The psychologist inside me is quietly seething in anger.

>> No.5633646

Battler= 7 letters


>> No.5633648

Aliens and brain parasites.

>> No.5633653

This episode was, without a doubt, the worst.

Not because of Shkanontrice being confirmed, that theory, while a tad silly, isn't series ruining.

What IS, is Ryukushi's faggotry in insulting all of us.

>> No.5633656

Toxic dust from butterflies

>> No.5633661

Billion butterflies bombed the island with small bombs!

>> No.5633672 [DELETED] 

Incompetents. It was de Purupuru drug.

>> No.5633667

he's become Miyazaki. has a big head and thinks he knows best.

>> No.5633671
File: 60 KB, 611x799, jessica6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I, for one, am looking forward to Jessica.

Next episode we'll get moe! "my life is a lie" Jessica!

Or Cool, Sexy, "I'm the culprit" Jessica.

Or perhaps Beatrice-Jessica, but I doubt it.

>> No.5633684

I mean, they were both introduced late in the story, so people thought it was definite answer.

>> No.5633685

>Shannon didn't meet Battler before the conference for 6 years.
But she kept tabs on him through Rudolf

She's not just mad at him, she's gonna lose him. As discussed through the whole trial of love thing, people are not above cooking up a carnage to retain their true love. Plus since she's gone with impersonating Beatrice since she's Battler's ideal woman of sorts, she interpreted the epitaph a bit too litterally in her madness and decided cleaving through some meat to carry the message was in order

>> No.5633696

>What IS, is Ryukushi's faggotry in insulting all of us.
You know he was right though. You're just butthurt.

>> No.5633698

>What IS, is Ryukushi's faggotry in insulting all of us
he's just being tsuntsun, in august he'll show you his throbbing deredere

>> No.5633702
File: 412 KB, 640x480, kanon debt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, Kanon, now I'm lost.

>> No.5633703

It must be why there are all these "it's a shit game" comments in EGS.

>> No.5633707

I'm not butthurt, I simply don't care for an author avatar making snide comments about the readers.

If I wanted that I'd read a Stephen King novel.

>> No.5633720

It's nothing new though. R07 has been telling his readers how to read Umineko since the beginning, and there are still idiots going 'I can't trust the red text' or 'everything that's not written in red is false', 'the meta world is useless or a fragment of Battler's imagination'. All we're lacking is VNfags going 'but why is he saying that witches don't exist when he's talking to one'. I'd be frustrated too.

>> No.5633721

Ryu07 is just mad because everyone is saying that his series has become shit, over the top and a complete mess.

"they just don't get it! those idiots wouldnt be able to understand something as intelligent as this"

>> No.5633728 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 645x503, ep6ohfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got past the part where Erika reveals she killed all of the first twilight 'victims' (fuck year), how long until the first tea party?

>> No.5633736

Ryukishi is just one gigantic troll. We shouldn't be angry at Shkanon, though. This theory has been around for quite some time and this proves that we're competent readers, in R07's eyes.

But I don't like how he has been insulting us in EP6.

>> No.5633737

you have still the end, so not much, give it an hour.

>> No.5633742

im also up to that part.
Is it almost over? i thought there would be more.

>> No.5633743

If you're a competent reader then you shouldn't feel insulted. He's talking about those who still don't get how to read Umineko i.e. those who lack love/trust.

>> No.5633748
File: 48 KB, 640x480, moetrice 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(insert incoherent feminist rant)

>> No.5633749

You have duel, closed room and wedding, not much. It's still the second longest ep, after that massive 4.

>> No.5633755

Typical shitty VN author that can't take criticism.
I used to respect him and thought that seacat might actually be a good mystery VN that is on par with Ever17 mindfucked level.
After Ep6, it would be a miracle for seacat to be as good or critically acclaimed as higurashi.

>> No.5633762

Shkanon has been around awhile, but it's Shkanontrice being proven right I'm upset about.

Mainly because Shkanon was commonly used to pin Sayo as the culprit, and if it follows that she's Beatrice, it means she, Beatrice is the culprit.

So in episode 6, with Beatrice being praised all over the place, I can't help but shudder. A murderer doesn't deserve praise, even less so a serial one.

And Battler becoming a snotty non-human is also a bit disenheartening.

Let us face facts here. There is no real logical reason for Beatrice to kill people. As a motivation to solve the epitagh because of a bomb? Kinzo has been dead for over a year. I very much doubt that he could plant a bomb.

Common sense easily destroys any reasonable reason for Beatrice to kill.

>> No.5633763

Kay, thanks.

>> No.5633767

Oh please. That wasn't about criticism.

See: >>5633743 and >>5633720

>> No.5633769

I believe someone on /jp/ described Umineko as R07's "cum-encrushed love letter to Agatha Christie"

I think that's an apt metaphor. If any of you faggots ever read her novels, she loves setting up obvious solutions and then pulling some contrived twist bullshit at the very end.

I'm expecting some real bullshit twist ending to Umineko.

>> No.5633780

ShKanon being around since a long time doesn't make it any less of a shitty stupid plot device though.
It's not smart, it's not well thought about, he just made a bunch of closed rooms and mysteries using a plot device that only the shittiest mystery writers would use.

>> No.5633781


Oh there will be. The answers seem obvious, but he's going to pull some crazy shit in the end.

>> No.5633785

I try to deny shkannon because I have TOO MUCH love/trust for Ryu, that he's not fucking moron and can write mystery. Not because I don't see how he could make it work and why. But maybe I should just accept inevitable and move on to better mysteries.

>> No.5633789


>> No.5633793

I am talking about EGS/2ch comments.
Nothing to do with WITHOUT LOVE IT CANT BE SEEN.
Not to mention how R07 thinks his readers are dum/stupid and keep repeating that line in Ep6.
We don't need this constant line being repeated constantly since ep4. I don't know about you guys but it was hard for me to read through the 1st half of ep6 with all these "WITHOUT LOVE IT CANT BE SEEN" and sappy shkanon love story being repeatly shown and we have all seen this in earlier eps.

>> No.5633794

Ryukishi has already stated Umineko's truth is very complicated. And the one person who knows it besides him and his crew said it took "hours to explain"

He's planning something. I believe in him.

>> No.5633796

>Common sense easily destroys any reasonable reason for Beatrice to kill.
if there's one thing unrelated to killing, it's common sense. People who have common sense don't kill. Killing in self defense happens when you're scared enough to ignore common sense. Soldiers are trained to listen to roders rather than common sense. Other kill out of cruelty or need or whatever. And so on.

As soon as we're dealing with killings common sense is out of the equation.

>> No.5633803

Because, judging by the theories spawned from ep4 and 5, people obviously didn't get what love was and had to be hammered.

>> No.5633805

So you are just waiting for a brick shitting answer without thinking?
No wonder Ryukishi hates you.

>> No.5633806

>Kinzo has been dead for over a year. I very much doubt that he could plant a bomb

Don't make me say it

>> No.5633810

When Lambda was talking about Bern being stuck in hell, she was talking about Higurashi wasn't she?

poor Rika, stuck in the endless game.
was AuAu her master? Hanyu gave up if I recall.

>> No.5633811

Well, people are still trying to demonstrate the carnage isn't because of "beato"'slove for Battler, so obviously it bears repeating.

>> No.5633820

>I try to deny shkannon because I have TOO MUCH love/trust for Ryu, that he's not fucking moron and can write mystery. Not because I don't see how he could make it work and why.
Still the anon you replied to. As an ex ponyfag, I feel the same way - I don't like ShKannon or ShKannontrice, for the same reasons as you, but at this point I believe we should just accept that R07 honestly thinks it's a good solution/twist. That's why ShKannontrice or not, he's not 'betraying us'.

>But maybe I should just accept inevitable and move on to better mysteries.
Personally, I look forward to his next work. I loved many things about Umineko and hopefully, next time, he'll come up with a better solution.

>> No.5633821

How exactly her novels contrived? You know, it's enough only slightly to mention something in the middle of the story, among the pile of false clues, so it would count for a clue/foreshadowing and not fucking HAMMER for hours and chapters the same retarded shit. That's not how clues supposed to work, most real mysteries follow that.

>> No.5633826


There's still something we don't know about Beato and obviously the murders. Battler wouldn't act like he did towards her if she was this horrible person.

>> No.5633827

lol what

>> No.5633833

But ffffffff how's meta Beato a murderer?!

>> No.5633841

>Kinzo has been dead for over a year. I very much doubt that he could plant a bomb.
"I wouldn't put it past him"

>> No.5633844

thb I thought about Shkanon from very early on and have mostly been rejecting it because of the fags who say "LOLZ SHAKANONTRICE" as even if that was true it would explain everything in Umineko. I haven't finished EP6 yet, but I must be within 30min-1hour of finishing it and I'm having a hard time seeing Shkanon not being confirmed by this episode.

If you don't feel that way that's fine, but for the majority of the idiots who say "But it's all lies nothing was said in red lolz lolz duh", Insert screen cap of the scene where it was pointed out that if you think anything other than red text is complete bullshit, you're an idiot.

Anyways, other than the bits where Fetherine talked about the idiot fanbase of her tales, which I felt was annoying to have to read through, I've enjoyed EP 6 so far... going to try and finish it up now.

>> No.5633849

>the bits where Fetherine talked about the idiot fanbase of her tales, which I felt was annoying to have to read through
Still they were necessary, you yourself said why:
>If you don't feel that way that's fine, but for the majority of the idiots who say "But it's all lies nothing was said in red lolz lolz duh", Insert screen cap of the scene where it was pointed out that if you think anything other than red text is complete bullshit, you're an idiot.

>> No.5633851

meta Beato's just a representation of how on the board Shannon's using Beatrice as a façade for the murders, specifically because Battler said he was in love with Beatrice to avoid facing her. By maskerading as Battler's pretend love she expects him to get the message, which BAttler doesn't because it's something silly he said when he was a kid.

>> No.5633855


I said the solutions are contrived. If I were to take what an obvious analogue to what R07 is doing right now, I'd go with The Clocks.
>1 mention of the real killer in the very beginning
>200 pages of absolute bullshit

>> No.5633860

>pecifically because Battler said he was in love with Beatrice to avoid facing her
Oh wow, are you implying that Battler doesn't love Beatrice?

>> No.5633893

No, Battler said that to avoid facing his first love he pretended he loved someone else, mentioning it's the kind of silly thing kids do. "I-it's not like I like you or anything", you know the drill.

>> No.5633901

So has anyone come up with a non-fantasy theory of how Battler got out of the closed room?

Any that don't involve Shkannontrice?

>> No.5633919

It can work if someone has the same name as Kannon

>> No.5633927

So you're saying that he actually loves Shannon...? And where/when exactly did he say this?

>> No.5633932


Kanon enters the room along with his Shannon disguise and lets Battler out. Kanon gets in the closet or under the bed and assumes the role of Shannon.

OR maybe

Kanon enters the closet and with this act finally decides hes not furniture anymore. His name is no longer the servants name Kanon but his true name. So in both cases Kanon ceases to exist AKA disappears.

Thats really just random speculation from me

>> No.5633934

I'm at the part where Erika gets shot. Do I have much left?

>> No.5633943


Just the tea parties, nothing much

>> No.5633944


You are at the very end before the tea party.

>> No.5633946

Here's mine: kannon broke the seal on the window, steals unlimited tape frome erika, resets the tape, "saves" battler, commits suicides, exits through the bath.
No kanno in the room, tapes are ok.

>> No.5633947

or he commits suicide

>> No.5633954

I think this thread is not bumping anymore.

>> No.5633955

Doesn't exist unless you believe in MAGIC.

Both of them are perfect closed room.
Kanon was not part of the "everyone" because he was never there in the first place.
He left the room as Shannon, save Battler as Kanon and remained in the room as Shannon.
The reason why most people hate Shkanon is because of how ridiculous all of this is.

>> No.5633973

She was his first love. Ep3, 5 and George at 6.

>> No.5634007

So I guess him deciding he's not furniture ties in with him fulfilling his debt to Beatrice? With the brooch she let him learn love (so he becomes human) and then saving Battler was his payment to her.

>> No.5634013

I'm saying that he *loved* Shannon, that Shannon was his first love. It's an accumulation of several things mentioned early in episode 6. When discussing the nature of his fights with Beato Battler mention lying to his first love as an anecdote, pretending he was in love with someone else. When George discusses his motivation to change he mentions Battler and Shannon got along really well, and this had already been mentioned since ep1 already. And there's this whole talk about how the younger Beato, the one that loves him, was created by Battler and started as spearate from the older Beato, the one that's a mix of old legends and Kinzo's benefactor. ie Battler created an imaginary girlfriend, a lie based on Beatrice so he could be tsundere to Shannon, then went away, and Shannon used the guise of the legend for the murders, thinking Battler would recognize his lie in it and thus how he wronged her.

Of course that's only the original love part of the explanation, something more fucked up has to happen in Battler's absence to turn her into a murderer, and something ignited by Battler's lie about Beato.

As grimdark as it is I guess the Kinzo abusing Shannon as a Beatrice proxy idea could fit, if she tried to become more like Beatrice thinking she'd be more like Battler's ideal woman when he came back.

>> No.5634032

Sounds interesting

>> No.5634054

that would work

>> No.5634055

I think the biggest thing against ShKanon is the fact that, this entity would have had to fool everyone on the island for the entire time they were employed there. '

If Shannon or Kanon were to die shortly before the game officially starts instead and the other plays the part it would still fit with the 16 person limit but also share the idea that there is some Shan/Kan switching going on.

>> No.5634085

What's to stop others from being in on the Shkanon secret and not saying anything? In particular I'm talking about Genji. Kumasawa maaaaaybe.

>> No.5634090

People actually take offense to Featherine belittling her fanbase? Really? So sensitive. Unless you're one of the people that doesn't try to think about the answer and just wants brickshitting twists, the statements wouldn't apply to you anyway. The truth is the majority of most fanbases are idiots.

>> No.5634091

>I think the biggest thing against ShKanon is the fact that, this entity would have had to fool everyone on the island for the entire time they were employed there
No, as pointed out before it just has to fool people who aren't playing along with it. Same principle as Kinzo.

Moreover, it doesn't have to fool them the entire time: at the beginning of the sixth game many remark on how Kanon has changed. It means it's possible there was a live, separate Kanon who left or died during the last few years, in a way traumatic enough for Shannon to snap and create a Kanon persona (I guess you could make it work with Kanon as the live one too, but then why is he the one people think has changed). If the incident was problematic enough the islanders have a good reason to cover it up like they did for Kinzo.

>> No.5634183

Ryukishi was right when he said after EP6, half would understand and half wouldn't.

Those that accept Shkannon, understand. There have been signs of it every episode. By the end of EP4, the theory had a lot going for it. But Many still ignored it. EP6 is basically saying "Shkannon is correct. Deal with it."

Those that don't accept Shkannon are deluded. They try to use previous games to debunk it but don't try to solve EP6's logic error without it. Quite frankly, you can't because Shkannon is the solution. It's painfully obvious at this point and this side of the fanbase is what Ryukishi hates and used Featherine to make fun of. If you're waiting for a red statement to confirm it, it's not going to happen. Ryukishi has stated multiple times that he's not going to give away answers like Higurashi.

tl:dr people that deny Shkannon are just wasting their time. It's fine if you dislike it, but the entire series has been foreshadowed it.

>> No.5634227

Looks like there have been a few other theories to the logic error in this thread but some people have just avoided talking about them.

>> No.5634262

and how exactly is that solution good or even "with love"?

it's downright retarded and painfully easy from the start. people thought of it probably as the first possible solution at episode 1.

and he calls those who wanted to find another less shitty way out not thinking?

Jesus fucking Christ I hope he can either come up with something else or just kill himself.

>> No.5634292

> Erika is 18th people.
> There are 17 people including Erika.
There is a theme park here, and the staff said to you "Congratulations! You are just 1,000,000th guest of us!"
Does it mean that there are 999,999 people here?

>> No.5634339

All of the posts like this look like they were written by the single samefag, really. You're completely missing the point why people, to say the least, don't like shkannon(trice), then again maybe you're just trolling.

>> No.5634348

>and he calls those who wanted to find another less shitty way out not thinking?
Yes. That's the magic cheese thing. People are silly if they discover the three-cuts method and then discard it because they decide there must be a more magnificent answer. They think up something different from the more trivial three cuts, but then when they look at the book's solution the three cuts are the correct answer.

>> No.5634362

All of the posts like this look like they were written by the single samefag, really. You're completely missing the point why people, to say the least, *do* like shkannon(trice), then again maybe you're just trolling.

>> No.5634380

That's weak, try harder.

>> No.5634398

u mad 'cos it's true

>> No.5634483

I think we can all agree that ShKanon is a POSSIBILITY at the very least whether you like it or not.

Assuming it is the answer, why is he/she killing people. What is their motive? Virgilia states in red that
# Her goal is not to make someone experience fear.
# And it isn't to have revenge on someone either.
# Beato never committed murder for the sake of pleasure.

>> No.5634514

plus Battler understands her and maybe even loves her once he finds out the motive.

Logical explanation is, she's protecting him, and maybe others. But when Battler doesn't understand, she finds it preferable to let everybody die.

Means there could be a second party behind part of the killings, and possibly the explosion. That party would be interested in killing Battler. So something to do with the inheritance

>> No.5634590

>I think we can all agree that ShKanon is a POSSIBILITY at the very least whether you like it or not.

Assuming it is the answer, why is he/she killing people. What is their motive?

Disregarding my stance on Shkanon. This is the what makes me disgusted. If Shkanon ends up being true, it doesn't make it the answer to everything. It doesn't mean Shkanon killed everyone, it doesn't mean Shkanon is Beato, it doesn't mean Shkanon is the mastermind. All it does is add a more complex piece to the puzzles. If you're trying to solve everything in the game with Shkanon, gtfo.

>> No.5634619

>it doesn't mean Shkanon is Beato
We've already ascertained Shannon being in love with Battler makes the most sense, thus becoming the Beato that loves Battler.

>> No.5634660

the real Beato in real world is a Moe girl while the cruel witch is what people think about her

who is Moe from the young girls except Maria in Umineko?

Who was in love with Battler?

Who always can see and talk with Beatrice from the young girls except Maria?

who always gets a ring(even if it's not a Kinzo ring)?:

who is the first one to call Beatrice by broking the mirror?

Shannon is Beatrice.

>> No.5634686


That's not what I believe personally, but I must admit this episode has strengthened my belief that Shkanontrice is a possibility a lot. That wasn't my point with the last statement however. The point is there are many mysteries in the game. If you believe in Shkanon(trice) that's great, but it alone doesn't solve every mystery in the game. Even if you think Shkanon is true, is Beato, and that Beato is really responsible for the deaths of everyone there are still other mysteries within the game that Shkanon alone doesn't solve.

>> No.5634706

Kannon Shannon Beatrice

GODDESS: the divine Universal Mother, source of fertility, wisdom and love. Often depicted in 3 in 1 aspects of: Maiden, Mother, and Crone. Her gift is Life and She is all Nature. The moon is her symbol, as are the cauldron, mirror and five-petaled flowers, to name but a few. Also called the Goddess Mother. The 4th Face of the Goddess: is that which is never seen, the dark side of the moon; the Face of Death. Some say the source of Her power.
She is the female aspect which pervades all of the universe in vast interrelationships of every possible sort, providing impetus, creative spark and more. It is capable of being perceived in many ways depending on the perceiver and transcends time as well as space. Most perceptions of the great goddesses are valid in their own aspects and are or can be of considerable value.
Pagans often choose the archetypal maiden goddess as patroness of things fresh and new, the mother or lady as patroness of challenge, passion, creation and nurturing and the crone goddess for patroness of wisdom and judgment. Such perceptions enable us to form close emotional and magickal links with goddesshood.

>> No.5634799

Too much LOVE in this episode. I'm afraid this turns out worse than the second season of Higurashi.

*waiting for VNs like Ever17*
