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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 787 KB, 1025x1280, ivis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5627777 No.5627777 [Reply] [Original]

It's time for a new Cosmic Break thread! Old thread is auto saging.

Anyway, Cosmic Break general.

>> No.5627814

I suppose I could get a few things started. I really hope the English official release won't be as shitty as Japan's. Everything's over priced.

>> No.5627892

I don't know how the game was on release in Japan, but with what we have, the huge power creep that had place is pretty obvious.

>> No.5628009

I took a quick look at the Japanese server and played a few games there. Its no where near as fun as the open beta that we had. Its not just the lack of suits and choices that are non-cash, its the lack of players too. In terms of skill they don't seem that great either. I'm just glad for the betas that we're having, I'll see you guys again in the 2nd one hopefully.

>> No.5628182
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>> No.5628238

Going to try to make an account on Japanese one. Is there a /jp/ clan on there?

>> No.5628491

I really wish there were less girls that were not able to be taken apart nor disassembled. If this game allowed full customization of everything, it'd be brilliant.

Also they need a parts garapon if all parts are going to cost money, or else let you buy them for UC after the initial purchase.

Definite power creep, but that's what cost <2000 UC battle are for.

>> No.5628548

There are more people in Hotglue than people on the Japanese server. And it lags like hell.

>> No.5628597

What other kind of non-explicit effects are attached to you in this game?

Guns have some sort of accuracy rating that affects their cone of fire, so if you get lowered accuracy, it makes it spray everywhere. Same for the buster gatling while moving. It's a totally different firing area.

I think psy weapons can stun but not sure if they really do anything but home in on. Does that psychic knife home in on or just stun things heavily?

Do the different types of (not beam, explosive, elecgun, or psygun) guns or melee do anything special that all with the type tag do?

What about melee? Do the beam swords do beam damage in addition to melee or are all melee the same and thus mostly useless except for attack animations?

>> No.5628612

So for the guys who play on the Japanese version, what server/guilds/clans do Anglais-speaking people tend to pick?

>> No.5628673

Any english player base will end up larger than the japanese one.

>> No.5628682

So how would one compare the Lancelot arm shield to a viper shield?
Also, what robots are in the Japanese version that we haven't seen in the beta besides CS?

>> No.5628696

>Also, what robots are in the Japanese version that we haven't seen in the beta besides CS?

CS, Amadeus, Etion, Lucia off the top of my head.

>> No.5628860

Really want to know this too, the damage shields can take. Cheapest life tune up gets you 10 hp for 10 cap, so I expect the cap to hp ratio to be the same at worst.

>> No.5628905

I would guess around at least 100~150 HP.

My crimrose with a viper shield can take a couple of rockets to the face and take no damage.

>> No.5628942

JP Cosmic Break download is going to take around 6 hours. I'm afraid to see how bad the lag is

>> No.5629030

>>5628682 >>5628860 >>5628905
Should give this a test with private games whenever the servers go back up, if we remember the game by then.

>> No.5629057

The thing about the lacelot shield is that you cannot fly while using it so that restricts one option of mobility. With the latest addition of Ivis it is harder to play with if you get in a bad situation. One thing I hate about it is when it's destroyed it just makes that empty click sound and does not switch automatically over to your next sub weapon which is pretty bothersome in tight situations. I have this problem also with the new spike shield. I'm left there for a few seconds not attacking. Overall the arm is great but I believe it's up to the player on how to make it fantastic.

I like the viper shield because it's passive and you don't have to worry too much about it. As well it's available for all units, not just LND types. What I like is that it gets destroyed so then if you have a rapid/rocket punch am (for LND) that was carrying it then you can make use of that so then you add an extra attack to your pattern. I don't think it's all too helpful for L ART units besides the saggitary maxis. I guess it's useful for AIR but then again they shouldn't be getting hit at all. Of course it would be useful to SUP units.

>> No.5629087

>I guess it's useful for AIR but then again they shouldn't be getting hit at all.

I guess in some fantasy world that is the case. You take small amounts of damage all throughout the match. Even if you play perfectly and no one spots you, a stray bullet or missile will fly in from nowhere and hit you. I always ended up dying on my Seraph right before the match would end. Threw a buckler on her and now I hardly ever die.

>> No.5629090

Man, the Japanese version's gonna take forever to download.

>> No.5629094
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>> No.5629118

So Western FPS nuts are godlike in this game?

>> No.5629587

My roommate is an FPS nut and he yelled and uninstalled Cosmic Break within the first day and has done nothing but complain to me for the last two weeks about how tracking shots in the game suck shit, and why can't he move right, and why is it so shit trying to jump?

>> No.5629602

why don't you guys go back to /v/?

>> No.5629609

how can he complain for 2 weeks if he removed the game within the first day?

>> No.5629622

why don't you lurk some more?

>> No.5629643

Watching his room mate play makes him rage, of course.

>> No.5629699

why is LOYALTY so shitty

>> No.5629746

Pretty much this.

He'll come in my room to watch Dr Who which we're marathoning and I'll be playing CB and he'll bitch and complain about why am I still playing this shit.

>> No.5629867

How many WIZ clans are too busy having dick length contests between themselves instead of actually being worth a damn against DOS clans?

>> No.5629881


You act like it takes more than 4 decent wiz players to win against DOS.

>> No.5629889

when DOS clans stop leaving games they lose in

>> No.5629899
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Most Japanese bros don't have near as good of computers as the majority of the people on /v/ or /jp/ even.

>> No.5629911


It's always like this: DOS game with people from a clan. DOS loses 2 times in a row. People start to leave.

>> No.5630842 [SPOILER] 
File: 157 KB, 730x640, 9844635_p3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard you like rolling garapons.

>> No.5631258

Waddling around in a starter crim on the Japanese version is pretty fun. Haven't got better than 15th in the arena though.

>> No.5631426

I want to see art of CS chan with Nao. Corporate whore sandwich.

>> No.5631520

Damn, I'm missing this game already.

>> No.5632857
File: 224 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100712_1338_01_639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

40 wlk/fly tuned bots are pretty hard to catch with a stock 21 wlk jikun..

>> No.5632885


Look at the cute little circle among all those crowns and stars.

>> No.5632894 [DELETED] 

StOP_fUcKing aTtaCKiNg Www.ANolawLtalK.se_replAcE Lawl wItH N
cjglr ybpa glz dig ycrlsv ooqyzm hjjqxjxqdk

>> No.5632916 [DELETED] 

sToP FuckINg_ATTAcKInG Www.aNolAwltalK.SE RePLAcE lAwl_wITH_N
v qv cld abx rluvsnxpq k egqsf bcuglmydvucg

>> No.5632919 [DELETED] 

precious diamond
chakra bracelet

<a href=http://preciousstones71407.info>precious stones bracelet </a>

turquoise jewelry
semi precious stones necklace

>> No.5633649

>team kamikaze
>only guy with cost above 0
At least he's true to the name.

>> No.5633876

Arena matches in the jp version are ridiculously long. I guess that's what happens when you have people that play support.

>> No.5633923

More like people who get healed instead of rushing to die.

*healing* *healing* *healing* *HEALING* YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKERS

>> No.5633957

I wish I had that kind of support on DOS or shuffle. Spamming requests for medic the whole day, nothing.

>> No.5633963

More like that's what happens when everyone doesn't have maxed out stats.

Also, speaking of healing, I was looking around the JP wiki and found out that this whole "you need to balance STR and TEC" is bullshit.
Between having 15 in both and having one at 15 and the other at 20 there's only ONE SECOND difference in active length of the repair bit.

>> No.5633968

Rechecked the japanese servers. There were about 500 in total compared to the 50 I checked last time. Seems it's not as unpopulated as I thought.

>> No.5634190

Wow, I would sit there and yell healing and two guys would show up already full health. I would see crims fly by with almost 0 health and facepalm. Sometimes competed with other healers for healing. Too many people fail to exploit their healers that people like me started giving up being healers.

>> No.5635295

he plays a 40 str tuned jet hammer L ground. Hammered my jikun for 120

The health bar only display up to 200 hp. Any more than that changed the color of health bar. A L bot with full health bar could actually only have 200/570 hp.

>> No.5635899

I gave up on being support because I was tired of people next to me with low HP trying to score some more damage and frags while I'm right next to them spamming "Repairing!" and they still don't come to me.

>> No.5635934

I wish I could bind teammates.

>> No.5635943 [DELETED] 


>> No.5635946

We really need to group up in non-Shuffle fights.

Proper teamwork in this game looks like it'd be a lot of fun.

>> No.5635994

Yeah, support is annoying. One match there's a few guys that ask for medic all game long, but there's nobody to heal. Okay, no problem. I'll just use Winberryl next game...

... A couple of guys will show up if I'm lucky
And then I'll see people flying forward with low hp. Sometimes I do have a good team, though.

>> No.5636022

When does the beta end and when does it start back up?

>> No.5636036

The Japanese site says my login name is taken and my email is already in use. Can I login with that information on the Japanese version or do I just use a different email?

>> No.5636046


A few days ago and nobody knows. Some people have migrated to the Japanese version during the wait for the next beta.

>> No.5636049

beta ended 2 days ago. No news yet about the second beta start.


>> No.5636139
File: 389 KB, 793x589, moe mecha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moe mecha action. This tank thing is actually a good starter bot.

>> No.5636186

Low rank players playing together with high rank players? Oh wow.

>> No.5636216


Every time I checked the beginner arenas were empty. Even the regular faction battles were empty.

>> No.5636666


>> No.5636693 [DELETED] 

I am a new member to this forum and wanted just to say a hi from me.
The truth is that i watch threads for many time but never posted.

Keep up good work
Thank you

<b><a href=http://www.blvapparel.com>wholesale clothing</a></b>

>> No.5637346
File: 193 KB, 800x600, ScreenShot_20100712_1427_41_641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5638022

Only about 50 people on right now. About half the arena match I'm in is made up of people from English beta.

>> No.5638032

oh wow, why do they even maintain the servers online then if almost no one plays it?

>> No.5638039

Because there's 500 on later on at night.

>> No.5638146

I guess that's true. It's still pretty early in the morning.

>> No.5638166

Do you point out you are repairing, before you are actually repairing? A lot of times, I'm in the frontline, and when I got back, the WB ran out already.

>> No.5638230

Yeah, I usually do. Though when there's a couple of weakened art or something right next to me I'll pop it first. I can understand already being in the thick of things and too far to come back, but the real problem is with people who CAN get back for repairs but continue to press on anyway and die.

>> No.5638254

How big is this game on the HDD?

I want to give it a try.

>> No.5638265

Well, if they stay back instead of being a "hero", they get same experience, UC, etc as dying and costing their team their match, so there's no real teamwork mentality at work. Besides, no one bothers to vote kick, so it's going to be hard to teach them to play like the japs.

>> No.5638310

I hate that too. I also hate when an enemy is around and going to attack you/already is attacking you but everyone you're healing is just standing there going "hurrr I'm getting healed this is awesome" then your bit gets killed.

>> No.5638450

US Open beta is over for now. Gotta wait for the next one.

>> No.5638622

it's under 500 megs

>> No.5639452
File: 347 KB, 1255x777, step 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Click here, download the file.

>> No.5639455
File: 354 KB, 1253x795, step 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then click here

>> No.5639465
File: 178 KB, 881x772, step 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fill out this shit, use a different Login name and Email than the English server or it won't work.

>> No.5639469
File: 102 KB, 782x613, step 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Click here to get your email confirmation sent

>> No.5639472

...what's the point of going to EVEN LAGGIER jp servers where literally everything good costs rt

>> No.5639474
File: 199 KB, 1028x790, bee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything else should be familiar, get your bee bot, there's a few of us already there.

>> No.5639477
File: 239 KB, 1026x792, CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You like it, it likes you.

>> No.5639498

If enough of hotglue tires this and manages to recreate the clan, I will probably try to.

You can still start with a crim right?

>> No.5639502

There is none, lol

>> No.5639553

You can start with a Crimrose, Jikun Hu, or Lily Rain. Only Crim is buyable with UC. You get free junk bots and a free Lazflamme as you progress. There's also a big selection of junk bots available for as little as 800 UC. Crim's the only moe bot available for UC purchase but if you feel like grinding money you can exchange 1000 UC for 1 Rt. This makes bots like jikun hu cost around 80,000 UC.

>> No.5639568
File: 9 KB, 184x184, Ramba Ral is displeased.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jikun hu cost around 80,000 UC

>> No.5639588

Well...at least they have some sort of UC to RT function.

It's like I'm really in a grindan gaem!

>> No.5639600


It would be ideal if the NA version had prices cut to 1/4 of the JP version.

>> No.5639609

Better than not being able to afford cash shop items at all.

>> No.5639638

Damn, I got the .com one... Does that make any difference?

I'll grab the .jp one now.

>> No.5639684 [DELETED] 

Hello there,

Seriously any one discover exactly where i can come across some excellent info regarding just how to get clear of cellulite? I seen this specific site, They claim to have got some good information, i was still not convinced about exactly what to do,

Cellulite on my thighs and leg seem truly awful, i used some gel for about a few months however no sound effects, If any one discover any web site or a product greater as compared to this one in that site please let me know,

If not i may have to look at about there products,

http://www.cellulite-end.com - www.Cellulite-end.com

>> No.5639693
File: 87 KB, 781x442, LazLiliRoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This makes bots like jikun hu cost around 80,000 UC.
Uh, you're missing that every 10 Rt you get causes the price of Rt to increase by 1000. Given the conversion rates, Jikun costs well over 360,000 UC (90 Rt). And you can only get 80 Rt per trade in event.

Right now with the 20% discount, Izuna (the cheapest musume) costs 40 Rt, which is 100,000 UC.

Also you have to pay tons of Root if you want spare parts from Rt-only bots. A Lily Rain arm goes for 30 Rt normally.

That said, if you can do all the quests, that's 40k UC right there, and you get about 5000 for starting out and 3000 for one of the early rank ups. It's still a fucking long grind either way.

>> No.5639697

The cellulite works great no viruses (:

>> No.5639704

Well damn. 1000 UC -> 1 Rt was stingy enough...

>> No.5639756

on the bright side, you can always start off with a jikun

>> No.5639796
File: 63 KB, 551x525, youwantitdontyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They got all their bases covered. Heh, even one spin on Garapon costs as much UC as a Seraph Promotion. One spin that has fairly good odds of just giving you mats.

And good luck getting Ouka AND her promotion item (is that her promotion item?)...

On another note, I have no idea how to get Bastagant (?) tickets (well, I got one but...), no clue what MATEs do, and I can't find the bazaar.

>> No.5639816

Oh god, this is insane. I will never understand how Japanese people do it. It'll forever be a mystery of this world.

>> No.5639912

They don't do it. There are only 50 people on at any given time, with 8 servers.

>> No.5639916
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Because they have cash and are willing to pay upwards of $226 to get the Root they need to afford their moe bots. Granted, the equivalent of 226 dollars gets you 2600 Root and only one thing costs over 100 Root to begin with. I have no clue what it is, but I guess it's supposed to be awesome...


>> No.5639933

Nah, I've seen about 150-175 guys on, although I guess a literal handful are people like me who are just trying to get their fix now that the beta's over.

>> No.5639975

Let's all meet on 4 channel so we don't upset our Japanese overlords.

>> No.5639997
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>> No.5640013

I was wondering is there any reason to keep a laz flamme avaliable in your inventory?

>> No.5640019

> Rt Charge
Is that the thing that gives you 1 Rt for 1,000 UC?

>> No.5640056

Yep. It's only around for a limited time, too. You have till July 29 before it goes away again.

>> No.5640081
File: 201 KB, 1024x791, lily crimrose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the loading screen art

>> No.5640155

Those prices are so bullshit. No wonder barely anyone plays.

How is Getamped 2 priced?

>> No.5640166

Actually that would be 3,240,000 UC if it goes up by 1,000 every Rt point you buy to get 80 Rt

>> No.5640175

>no clue what MATEs do

1: Buy MATE
2: Select from the same place the tutorial is
3: Receive moonrunes (because they'll talk to you now)

And then you can complete their requests and give them gifts and such. You also get bonuses with them set as your mate.

>> No.5640188

>every 10

>> No.5640205
File: 194 KB, 1587x900, 1240371077353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That silhouette style in the back looks familiar....

>> No.5640206

Thank god my favorite bots are the Lily Rain and Crimroses, lol on everyone that got used to the other bots while I was out leveling my Lily.

I'll do just fine when this leaves beta.

>> No.5640244

I forgot how to play crim without stealth. Gradually not sucking as much.

>> No.5640267

Oh my mistake, that's actually more doable

>> No.5640326
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>> No.5640388


>> No.5640401

That reminds me, were there any more chapters of the manga past the first two?

>> No.5640470
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>> No.5640489

where can I find the manga?

>> No.5640500

Checking the Japanese site, I see only two chapters. Man, webcomic artists these days, can't even do three chapters in two years...

What, did someone translate them or something?

>> No.5640540


They also have wallpaper, including the infamous "flipping Lily Rain's skirt" pic.

>> No.5640811

> What, did someone translate them or something?

>> No.5640987

More loading screen art please.
Also, how laggy is it?

>> No.5641070

Barely playable

>> No.5641256
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>> No.5641277

How do the Japanese players play compared to what we had?

>> No.5641503


Less aggressive. They don't aim for power spots very often even if it's left wide open for a long period of time. They're not left open long enough for one person to take advantage of it though, so you just have to ignore that delicious vulnerable looking power spot and go die somewhere else. Support and response to support is MUCH better in the Japanese version. As a whole, they're probably a little better. They've been playing it longer, after all.

>> No.5641589

Yeah, how long has this game been out? 2 years? And the people who are still around have crazy-high rank.

>> No.5641781

oh god yes I still have 30 Rt from the last UC -> Rt exchange event from last year.

What channel are we on now?

>> No.5642378


>> No.5644716


See >>5639975

>> No.5645396
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>> No.5645470


>the last UC -> Rt exchange event from last year.

This only happens once a year? How are you supposed to get your bots past level 5 and 8 the rest of the year?

>> No.5645478


>> No.5645481

dat waddleslut

>> No.5645483

With your delicious, cold, hard cash.

>> No.5645738

Stockpile hundreds of millions of UC
Exchange it all for Rt
Stockpile level upgrades

>> No.5645755

To be fair, you DO also get 6 Star Coins to start with, so you can buy two break limit items right off the bat. Seriously, what else are you gonna buy with those Star Coins? Consumable Bits? Add that to the 2 you get from rank up, and you arguably could have a pair of level 10 robos (or a single level 10 Seraph) without spending any UC or earning any Star Coins. And two's all you really need (unless you like Seraphs, at which point the game kindaaaaaaaa dicks you over).

>> No.5645873

No wonder hardly anyone plays the JP version.

>>Less aggressive

And we're like Khornate demons by comparison.

>> No.5646420

I'm slightly tempted to screw around on the .jp server, but I think I'll just wait on the next US beta instead. Just downloaded Aselia to play this week, then I'll probably resume playing Atlantica this coming weekend. Just not worth it to grind away on their overpriced server when I could be doing other things instead (and would just go back to the US server anyway when it's up again)

>> No.5646456
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>> No.5646644

Twice a year, maybe. Or more. That first time was basically the holiday season promotion, so that was 7 months ago. Dunno whether or not more events like those popped up the months I didn't play it.

>> No.5646729

Wait, is that a tombstone for a dead 16 year old kid? This is more disturbing than those WOW funerals...

>> No.5646784

At least the kid wasn't released as a new robot.

That would be badass, actually. A ghost robot who used to be a player, died, and landed on the Cosmic Break world. Next design contest should have one.

>> No.5646797

That's only in the WIZ HQ?

>> No.5647180

It's a bot with a tombstone skin

>> No.5647267

Sounds like the Baldr series.

>> No.5647405
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>> No.5647409
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>> No.5647419
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>> No.5647422
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>> No.5647423
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>> No.5647429
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>> No.5647432

Reported for image spam.

>> No.5647433
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>> No.5647564
File: 16 KB, 295x226, vasistdas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, are quest rewards doubled on the weekend (talking about treasures, not from drops)? I'm not sure if I should turn in my 'treasures' now or just wait till Friday, or if I should use my "newbie Cash/Drop/EXP doubler" item now.

>> No.5647722


So that doubles exp, UC, and drop for 7 days? I was wondering what it did.

>> No.5647867

Yeah. If it doubled quest rewards, I'd be well within striking range of getting myself an Izuna, but no way to test...

And jeez, my Crimrose's getting auto-rocked by bazookas, missiles, and lasers for even being within 039584095804 miles of a firefight. Getting some tickets though.

>> No.5647879

Also fucking invulnerable short hopping is the worst thing ever thought up by the dev team, alongside half of the ideas they came up with.

>> No.5648094

for jikun abuse

>> No.5648109


You just noticed this on the japanise server?

I've been abusing this for the full 1st beta ever since I saw zombie use it, its the only usefull dash in the game.

>> No.5648235

It's more that people are doing this en mass with sub-300 Cost bots than anything else.

>> No.5648265

It helps if people didn't all clump around the person and didn't just mindlessly shoot at them instead of taking the time to aim where it counts. Same goes them L LND with high TGH and shields.

>> No.5648283

I don't even know "where it counts" to begin with when it comes to short-hoppers.

>> No.5648290

fucking this

>> No.5648346

I played shop saggi quite a bit and usually just time my power-up when they are off ground and shoot during that one second when they are on ground again. But it's pretty problematic when they have a shield and there is like a mob of team mates around them. I'm then like, "Screw this guy and my team, I'm shooting something else."

>> No.5648419

>>5648283 >>5648290
The bigger problem is the combination of lag effects with short boosting. It's easy enough to hit short-boosters with normal latency, but it becomes completely ridiculous when dealing with people who don't have such.

>> No.5648437

Facts: any online combat system let client side handle a major part is doomed to fail.

>> No.5648441

wtf... only 50 some people on jp server 01?

>> No.5648446
File: 423 KB, 1280x1024, mabinogi_2010_07_11_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, in Mabinogi...

>> No.5648458

Horrible player confirmed.

>> No.5648464

so that's why it was so hard for me. I was a lagger myself and it was really difficult to hit people, especially those as laggy me or with good ping.

>> No.5648486

it's really early in the morning for them japan right now, that's why.

>> No.5648543


My >50 game warrior titles say otherwise. If you think its cheap you can suck my dick, half the things in this game are cheapass, i'm not going to gimp myself just because some game aspects are overpowered, the devs can be the ones worrying about balance.

>> No.5648590

Your game warrior titles don't mean shit. you're a fucking ignorant moron.

>> No.5648608

Sure thing faggot, your tears over never getting top 10 are delicious.

>> No.5648636

hey morans
take it easy

>> No.5648753

>>5648543 >>5648608
Nerd who uses only overpowered combos to boost his fragile ego and gets terribly angery when called out on it.

>> No.5648795

Because using short boost means I only use overpowered comboes, grow up you piece of shit.

I'm not even a regular on /jp/, its the only place that still talks about cosmic break, and I can't help but laugh at this.

>> No.5648806

I really wouldn't recommend people outside of /jp/ to frequent this board/thread. It's the best for all of us.

>> No.5648856

You don't have to tell me twice, half of it is /b/ threads and the other half is autistic neckbeards flinging shit at each other in some pseudo-intelectual arguments.

>> No.5648917

sounds like a loyalty or modfag butthurt about being bad

>> No.5648971

>Sounds like everything else on 4chan


>> No.5648976

No need to get so defensive--it's not like I was calling you out on being an autistic neckbeard or anything.

>> No.5648986
File: 415 KB, 960x768, 6159509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my sage

>> No.5649079

The only thing I'm defensive about is the fact that short boost is not the most imbalanced aspect of the game by far, and even if it was how would it make anyone a bad player for using it? And don't give me any that ''derp I only play this game for fun and don't use any popular builds'' bullshit. Short boost the most fun dash move to use and doesn't make you godlike without any skill involved, not my problem you can't shoot for shit.

>> No.5649135

>not my problem you can't shoot for shit.
Hold up. I've seen Short Boosters get "hit" left and right, but they don't seem to take any damage from hits 70% or so of the time.

>> No.5649161


>> No.5649173

I don't know what the fuck you guys are going on about short boosting players being cheap. I never have a problem killing them. Just get used to the way they move.

>> No.5649185

I'm not going on about short boosting, I was just pointing out that the guy is a retard who can't play.

>> No.5649187

Exactly, its a cheese move just like the abusing shaden boost. Used by bad players so they can see their name at the end of the game.

>> No.5649195

In my case it is because I use shields, you can still get fucked from the back and the sides or when they break, if mean why you don't see the health bar reducing its because it has to down to 200 or something for you to see it...

>> No.5649220

Even without their shields they seem to take ungodly amounts of punishment and apparent direct hits from all sides.

Stuff like Frog Landers, which aren't really known for their high HP.

>> No.5649288
File: 378 KB, 1280x1024, 6043865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this from old archive. Might be useful for newer players.

Some educative Japanese Cosmic Break replays:

This is how you play Small AIR

This is how you play sniper/Sagittary Maxis

Lily Rain and Crimrose in Ark war

Heavy Artillery with Toybox/Howitzer

Why L AIR with stardust cannon is very dangerous

>> No.5649293

He's probably talking about the lag issues combined with short boost allowing your your character to move in a way that exasperates the problem.

"Hit" flashes are client-side, but the attached damage reports are server side. Lag will often cause these to occur independant of each other, and most often it's the "hit" ones that only show up meaning the server decided you didn't actually hit.

>> No.5649300
File: 728 KB, 800x600, 10639052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic car racing gaem

You can even win against BRD with stupid, cheap bots

Blast-strafing Power-spot with Shaden BS. First rank. Japanese support sure is reliable; they're always ready with repair-on-demand.

How to play aggressive with high HP zooka/beam M AIR with sword bit, and guntoting LND with sway cartridge

Another excellent M/L AIR player. Choose target, hunt and eliminate. Otherwise do hit and run.

LND with 0 FLY, jikun long KG, club and viper shield. Later he lost his arm and head. His AIR can wreak havoc as well. Those endless repair support and drug farming sure looks neat..

>> No.5649342


Heavy Artillery with Toybox/Howitzer

I still get the "Failed to load video" on this one.

>> No.5649343

>This is how you play Small AIR

This one at the very least is lies. All lies. Do this in-game and you're asking to be murdered almost immediately.

>> No.5649429

If you cant hit a short booster, it means that it's you that lag too much, not the shortbooster. I had no problem shooting gaijin/zombie/HKDO/insert asian shortbooster here on our CB server by just pointing the xhair slightly ahead and clicking when they're about to land. Helps if you're walking in the same general direction that they're jumping towards too.

>> No.5649442
File: 366 KB, 800x600, 1277669956038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do this in-game and you're asking to be murdered almost immediately.

>> No.5649446

>>5649429 If you cant hit a short booster, it means that it's you that lag too much, not the shortbooster.

>> No.5649454

Also, I live in sweden so my ping isn't exactly the best if the servers really are located in US as told.

Astormeria : slutty older crim, still less base fly than lily rain. Isn't it sad?

>> No.5649466

Or more like, this would be correct in a properly coded game.

>> No.5649510


It works fine in practice for me, getting shitloads of score off shooting at boostjumping 3stars during beta. Only problem is that damage usually is reduced anyways because their tough protection is in effect after stray hits by other players. I might hit them with 2-3 bullets of my assault rifle and still only do 18-22 damage.

>> No.5649513

There are serious lag issues with hitting them, and it's the only reason they survive so long and get such high scores.

I don't think anyone really cares about which direction the lag issue originates. Aside from the fact that if it's not from them, it means the GMs are either liars or uninformed about the mysterious Korean end-point of the CB IPs.

>> No.5649607

You mean it's bad because that player hangs around hotspots too long and too close?

>> No.5649783

Sure, why not.

But also you get hit with a shot of some kind (probably a laser or bazooka hit of some kind) and lose half your life the moment you get ANYWHERE near a conflict. Either that or everyone takes care of your target before you can really do anything.

>> No.5649807

Some of it is okay. But there are some situations where he could be guaranteed dead on the NA server, like when he ventured too close to the enemy's power spot.

>> No.5649827

What are some good weapons for S Air besides the Auto Beam Rifle? I abused that thing so much from the last beta, looking to try something different once it starts back up.

>> No.5649841


I'm hearing some delicious Hitoshi Sakimoto in that video. What piece was being played?

Also I didn't see much stardust cannon compared to blaster usage.

>> No.5649842

Plasma gun and limited plasma gun from shops, power shooter from garapon. JP players use lasers a lot.

>> No.5649854

Is wide beam gun any good? How about those magnet guns or curve guns?

>> No.5649895

Oh, I tried the Power Shooter. Pretty cool stuff. I don't think it has extra damage vs lnd though, so that kind of turned me off.

>> No.5650380

I think Power Shooter counts as bullet damage that's why

>> No.5650419

Best weapon for S Air imo, impossible to miss with that, does decent damage at decent rate, with large amount of ammo to burn. Get the mod version if you can, and upgrade the force like mad (use the reduce ammo one, but add back ammo with great supply).

>> No.5650455

Whats with all the bawwwwwwing in this thread, maybe you guys should flood the inboxes of the development team with complaints if you don't like something or just quit altogether. Especially since short boost is primarily used by land which dies like shit to stardust cannons, not to mention shaden boosters, Ivis, seraph crimrose and meele idiots with >5000 cost getting top scores are much bigger issues.

>> No.5650703


Flooding the inboxes of the dev team is actually a good idea. Shit might actually be balanced then. They can implement changes in the next betas before release.

>> No.5650742

How would it be if NISA took control of NA Cosmic Break?

>> No.5650756 [DELETED] 

stOp_aTtAckiNG www.ANoDoNUtstalK.sE_REpLace DOnUTS_WITh_N
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>> No.5651553

this game will be balanced when the wipe happens and they charge you for everything. just look at jap CB. Everyone uses 200 cost bots
