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5623942 No.5623942 [Reply] [Original]

Dear Shkanonfriends. I never indulged into theory debates and was pretty much biased against Shkanon until EP6 but now I started to doubt.
Could someone please clarify if in Shkanon theory Kanon (or Shannon, whoever is the split personality is) counts as a 'person' or not? Or can it count as both 0 or 1 depending on reader's whim?
Depending on answer I'll solidly:
a) Prove that Shkanon exists
b) Prove that it's is impossible for Shkanon to exist
c) Prove that both options are still plausible
d) Prove that translation is fucked up

Thanks in advance.

>> No.5624076
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Saw this on home page, don't know what it is but picture related.

>> No.5624083

You can disprove shit.
There is absolutely nothing you can bring that can disprove ShKanon, people tried before and failed.
Try and fail too.

>> No.5624089

shkannon theory is the flavor of the month theory thought up by idiots

>> No.5624098

see this idiot for example

>> No.5624105

he's not providing enough leads despite whatever bullshit he's saying in game or in interview.
he's just not brave enough to put in enough things because he fear people would figure his little traps out in an instant.
shkanon can work perfectly fine, but he can destroy it by adding more rules or shit later

>> No.5624111

There are two other threads on Umineko on the front page right now, one of which is about your Shkanon nonsense.

Stay there and stop spamming.

>> No.5624130

ShKanon has been around since the first fucking episode.

Also rather than saying shit, try to disprove and cook up some solid alternative solution, fucking moron.

>> No.5624131

Shannon equals Kannon or Erika doesn't exist. Shkanon may not be true, but then Erika needs to deny her own existence.

>> No.5624142

Erika doesn't exist doesn't do shit to the first four episodes, it brings nothing to the main mystery and basically make episode 5 and 6 pointless.

I know that R07 is far from being a great writer but don't make him even worse than he is.

>> No.5624188
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Is it clear enough for you?

>> No.5624193
File: 107 KB, 643x506, 1278778509384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5624222

I remember when people called the whole personality = people bullshit.
Wonder what they can say now.

>> No.5624232

Even if Ryu says it... IT'S STILL BULLSHIT.
You can't solve a serious mistery with that... and you know I'm right.

>> No.5624238


It's bullshit.
But Ryukishi doesn't think so and this is what is important here.

>> No.5624239

You don't need to prove anything. Just solve the main riddle of Ep6:

ERICA WAS ABLE TO SAY 'I am the visitor, the eighteenth human on Rokkenjima!!' IN RED
Which was countered with
'even if we welcome you, the number of people is seventeen.'

The most obvious answer: Kanon doesn't count as human, thus 16+Erika=17, Skanon alright.
However, if it was true, Erika wouldn't be able to say that she's 18'TH MOTHERFUCKING PERSON IN RED.
HOWEVER, if Kanon counts as a person, how do you solve 'even if we welcome you, the number of people is seventeen.' without Erika being simply a corpse?
HOWEVER, if she's a corpse how can she say IN MOTHERFUCKING RED that she's 18th person on Rokkenjima?

Solve this and you'll reach the truth.

>> No.5624234

I think you would have abandoned the notion of it being 'serious' by 4.

>> No.5624242

visitor =/= number of people on the island.

Number of visitor count Kinzo, after all nothing says that a visitor has to be still alive.

>> No.5624249

Yes, first episode. And it was already popular in the second ep.
But in ep4, Ryukishi said that no one already have the answer.

>> No.5624255

You can't read Umineko as a proper mystery.

>> No.5624256

key word: upbringing

>> No.5624262

Shkannon only kill all the red, without any hint that he/she is the culprit. Go finding the culprit without any red. It is the same that saying that the red truth is a lie.

>> No.5624263

Because people kept saying ShKanon when it was really SHKANONTRICE.
Also because he is far too full of himself.

>> No.5624269

key word : learn to read.

>> No.5624270

But the true answer is supposed to be one. The meta world is something else.

>> No.5624281

Shkannontrice is even worse than Shkanon. Th me, the trial in the End showed a Shkannon + Kanontrice. Not a Shkannontrice.

>> No.5624285


>> No.5624287

The problem is that we still don't know if Erika was Erased by Bernkastel or by B&B. her " truth about myself" is quite suspicious.

>> No.5624290

If it's hard to make Two personalities in one person, to make Three is just... to much, and to work in the way you all are trying to say it works is just... how to say it... it's just a load of shit.
If it's true the only answer is that ryu is retarded as hell

>> No.5624297

The red was killed when Ryukishi decided to use his own definition for some term without even hinting about it.

In episode 6, Hachijou and Ange just gave you the definition of the most important term: PERSON.

A personality can make a person in Umineko, it's stated clearly.
Blame Ryukishi for not being clear enough or something.

>> No.5624301

>>Th me, the trial in the End showed a Shkannon + Kanontrice. Not a Shkannontrice.
How the fuck is this different?

>> No.5624304

As much as I hate ShKanon(trice), people who suffer from MPD usually have more than 2 personalities.

>> No.5624308

I still take the obvious Shkannon as a hint for a DID for someone else. It would be less oubvious this way, and still here for a reason.
Brain parasite butterfly causing DID, everyone?

>> No.5624310

Just wait a few weeks and we'll know. Saves time and energy.

>> No.5624317

>Brain parasite butterfly causing DID, everyone?

Best theory EVER!

>> No.5624318

It is. here, ou can throw Shkannon with another explaination for the duel (and that's not hard).

Anyway, Beatrice dying with Kanon is not really logical. If she can't fight for battler (isqualified, as someone here said), she sould have died and be "transparent" since the very beginning of the duel.
To me, this part is really, really confusing.

>> No.5624371

Finished episode 6.
Sountrack was amazing as usual, story dragged a bit at time and all the focus on ShKanon was kind of disappointing.

It really seems like episode 7 could be the end.

>> No.5624390

The soundtrack was especially amazing in this ep. Birth of a new witch or pretty much EVERY music in Kanon's and Shannon's golden land were awesome.

>> No.5624409

Honestly, at times I thought that it was kind of a shame such a great soundtrack was used "only" for Umineko.

I really hope the people who produced such music will work for some other VNs.

>> No.5624467

If Erika is a fictional character, you don't understand how that's relevant to Beatrice's existence?

>> No.5624486

No, because mysterious person x on the island is pretty much out of the question, see episode 5 and the red text with everyone in the room.

If you mean FICTION, it goes hand in hand with ShKanon.

>> No.5624507


>> No.5624531

There is a problem with ShKanon theory.
In the EP 3 both are killed. And the crime scenes are sealed. So they can't escape from there and make murders. Unless somebody helps. Maybe Nanjo?

>> No.5624544

Nanjo stayed with the group of adult.
Rosa and Kyrie were the ones without an alibi at that time.

Shannon's body was the first to be found, Kanon's the last, there is a reason.

>> No.5624566

Let's say that ShKanon is true.
So....Holy Shit.
ShKanon must be fast as a god.

>> No.5624576

The adults had to go through a complicated game of tag.
Shannon just had to go outside by the windows that was broken, go in the chapel that is well away from everyone, change clothes and play dead.

>> No.5624586

No, I'm not talking about Fiction Theory, and I didn't say anything about Person X either.

A fake death charade is being carried out by people on the island. People are acting out roles in the charade, to the extent that a story world has been overlaid on the island, like a live-action RPG. It's possible for statements about the story to be objectively true or false, so it should be possible to use red about them IN ADDITION to red about reality.

In EP5-6, someone added the character of "Furudo Erika" to the story, so on the Rokkenjima of the story world, there are 18 humans, even though there are still only 17 on the real Rokkenjima. She never gets to see anything past the second twilight because everyone stops participating in the act when real corpses are discovered, which causes the story world to cease to exist.

This is relevant to Beatrice because she is also a fictional character. Originally there was a legend of Beatrice who played pranks. After Shannon heard about Battler's ideal woman, she created a new character to match that ideal (Moetrice) so she could write out her fantasies about him. Over time, as she wrote more stories, she started adding in details from the legendary Beatrice until the modern character came into being.

That character was then used as part of the fake death charade. Unlike Erika, her fictional world sticks around even after people start dying for real because people start to think she might really exist.

>> No.5624599

That's the fiction theory, so what?

>> No.5624609

Wasn't the fiction theory that "none of the murders really happened, just an explosion, and Hachijo wrote everything?"

>> No.5624627

Fiction theory is that there is true version of the event and that some people, which most likely includes the culprit, are creating various fanfiction about it, these are the various games of Umineko.

Or something like this, anyways we still didn't see the true version.

>> No.5624637

So, how is that even remotely like what I wrote?

>> No.5624743

>>personnality switch at will without a reason + fast and all that

This theory is really lovable
