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File: 308 KB, 949x853, aoko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5603339 No.5603339 [Reply] [Original]

So, the MahoYoru site is up with a lot of new stuff, Aoko has never been this sugoi.


Also obligatory theme loop:

>> No.5603384

>Aoko has never been this sugoi
I don't believe it.

>> No.5603380

But the question on my mind is, Who does she fuck.

>> No.5603393

Witch on the sugoi night

>> No.5603396

I will, thanks.

>> No.5603387

Enjoy your no porn, no voice, 15 hours.

>> No.5603402
File: 65 KB, 720x582, Screen shot 2010-06-09 at 10.23.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read nasu for the porn.

>> No.5603412

>Ah....good game...

>> No.5603447

Looking incredibly forward to this.

I hate voiced VNs, I always turn them off anyway.

No sex isn't a minus or a plus.

>> No.5603473

I really hope this won't turn out to be a landmine. Kara no Kyoukai had its glaring faults, and this is supposed to have been written even before that. I hope Nasu did an extensive rewrite of the thing.

>> No.5603487
File: 30 KB, 550x309, mahoyo10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The art is truly outstanding so the game won't be mediocre for sure even if the plot itself bombs to death.

It's Nasu so who knows, but he's had enough time to polish it.

>> No.5603498

I laughed.

>> No.5603510

I wanted voices.

>> No.5603537

The site music seems nice.

But i hope they won't use it for all the game


It can't be worse than F/SN.

It will be fine as long he doesn't try to hard and stick to a simple story.

>> No.5603543
File: 2.16 MB, 4101x2889, moe 141466 dress koyama_hirokazu kuonji_alice mahou_tsukai_no_yoru type_moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's said that it's based very closely on his original work, which some anons have taken to mean that it's unchanged.

I would strongly caution those who think this to not worry. In an interview with Nasu for the KnK movies, he talked about being so embarrassed by the poor writing, particularly in the first chapter, that he pleaded with the anime staff to rewrite it. He ultimately didn't after he saw their script and felt as if they were doing a great job of it on their own.

No writer would be satisfied with writing they did a decade ago.

>> No.5603659


>> No.5604497

Wait a minute.
So they are going to have absolutely beautiful art, yet cram it all into a vastly inferior and outdated resolution.

No voices is one thing, but come on.
What's with japanese still doing things in 800x600?

>> No.5604508

People like their VNs windowed.

>> No.5604516 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 660x660, 1256982129042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saten hijack

>> No.5604522
File: 2 KB, 225x21, date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the release date?

>> No.5604532


>> No.5604536
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>> No.5604541
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It's going to get release in 2010 or 2011


Go down to the Steam survey.

I mean come on it should be 1080p not fucking SVGA.


>> No.5604537 [DELETED] 

This thread need moar Saten

>> No.5604546

I hope they make a goddamn console port with at least 720p pictures.

>> No.5604574 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 600x600, 75e28ae6baa5383463702547f874902d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5604581

I'm not surprised about TM not going HD, but at least 1024*576 is widescreen which is at least better than the usual 800*600. The event CGs are most likely 720p anyway, so I won't complain.

>> No.5604596

Why doesn't she have red hair?

>> No.5604602

>These are the results of Steam hardware survey of March 2010
>UXGA 4:3 1600x1200 1.01%
why would anyone 4:3 in this day and age for gaming..?

>> No.5604614

I still use my 19' it's 1280×1024. Why? Because it still works perfectly and my 8800 GTS allows me to run most games on high or med at that resolution. I'm waiting for next gen CPUs GPUs to upgrade to a new monitor.

>> No.5604620

Japanese don't have the money for crazy shit.

>> No.5604621

CRT monitors have higher refresh rates

>> No.5604636

If anyone in the world has money for crazy shit it's them.
I don't use a CRT, and I give a jackshit abut that since I moved from my 19'' CRT to my 19'' LCD I haven't noticed the difference except that my LCD has better colors.

>> No.5604653

i understand for your example but 1600x1200??
This is surely a new purchase!

>> No.5604668

Well most CRTs can run that.

>> No.5604669

>CRT monitors
ah okay, that explains a lot

>> No.5604688

Alice's pictures are HHHNNNNNGGGHHH incarnate

>> No.5604783

>baww no voices
>baww no sex
>baww no crysis resolution
What the fuck were you all expecting, Nasu to come out of the screen and give you a blowjob?
It's a book with pictures, for fuck's sake. Rail-soft does the same thing and all I've ever seen is praise, what is your problem with Type-Moon?

>> No.5604793

Rail-soft titles are voiced though, and they have ero as well.

>> No.5604812

So it's too much for me to expect 720p or 1080p STILL IMAGE PICTURES and voices in 2010 where we have 50gb disks called Blu-ray disks?
Sorry I didn't know my expectations where so fucking high faggot.

I mean come on they don't draw the pictures on 800×600 anyways.

>> No.5604960

>So it's too much for me to expect [...] 1080p

Yes. A lot of Japanese (ie. potential customers) still run on old hardware, and TM people most likely don't give a flying fuck about pleasing Western pirates.

That said, Nasu's excuse for not having voice acting sounds like bullshit to me, and I'm genuinely surprised they decided to go this way. It certainly killed any interested I had in this game for now.

>> No.5605033
File: 105 KB, 481x1300, 1260442279577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nasu's excuse for not having voice acting sounds like bullshit to me
Remind me, what was it? Something about immersion?

>> No.5605056

Pretty much. One would though it's a lame excuse if someone else said it, but it kinda fits with Nasu's character. Not that I like the decision, but whatever.

>> No.5605060

Well I'm willing to be there will be a PS3/X360 port of this with HD images and voices and everything, why because just like every company they're jews and consoles are all the same hardware.

>> No.5605072

>奈須 声はやっぱ強いんですよ。ボイスのアリナシで作品の魅力が変わり

>> No.5605078

Who cares about resolution and voices and all that other useless fluff? It's probably still going to be great.

>> No.5605108

>The art is truly outstanding so the game won't be mediocre for sure even if the plot itself bombs to death.
I'll never understand this logic. Art can't save a bad/mediocre game, it's just an extra.

>> No.5605112

She is a good girl and stays a virgin forever.

>> No.5605298

Art alone can't make it good, but it could be better than your average game just by having awesome art. I agree with you though, but it depends on how much do you care about that extra.

>> No.5607010


>> No.5607574

Alice is moe.

>> No.5607968

How would the game having the option to be run on a higher resolution spoil the game for everyone else? And I rather doubt Japanese otaku are all running machines that are so old their maximum resolution is 800x600.

I guess that Nasu just wants to show he can keep churning out games that look like they were released a decade ago and still make money. Unfortunately he's probably right.

>> No.5607979

Than keep on playing Demon Souls.
Living the dream

>> No.5608030

has there ever been a VN that ran at something like 1920x1200 on the pc? I think I have seen some cg sets of some games that were at 1600x1200 or 1280x1024 that's it.

>> No.5608062

Ever17 has its CG at 1280x960 but the game runs at 1024x768.

>> No.5608097

Well, I can somewhat understand not going widescreen, but there is no excuse for a 800x600 resolution.

>> No.5611245


>> No.5611877
File: 94 KB, 510x600, 1270371897140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, will ignore this game's technical issues and enjoy dating my waifu.

I love sorceress girls.

>> No.5611890

No, but there are some that are 16:9.

Not that big though. The newer kodomo-h games have 1280x720.

>> No.5611897

I have bad news for you.

>> No.5611903
File: 74 KB, 704x395, sugoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she's still not the most sugoi.

>> No.5611908

Actually, she is.

>> No.5611921
File: 595 KB, 1406x1449, 2f344481c3b3c103385ca0554c5be9ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being with, then. Even without sex, Aoko's presence is an enlightening experience.

My only grievance is is that it is not a Satsuki route.

>> No.5615406
File: 2.71 MB, 2000x2909, 1267345227978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shanghai Alice
