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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 960 KB, 1500x2700, 9219531761042031d5247306608ce22021ba85ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5600933 No.5600933 [Reply] [Original]

Upload/request music using your browser: http://skully.hopto.org

Listen to the stream using your music player: http://skully.hopto.org:8000

Previous Thread >>5591138

>> No.5600940

As of now, this new system is still in beta. Please keep this in mind. At this moment, it is only possible to upload mp3 files and songs won't be requested automatically. We can switch to the old system anytime if something goes wrong.

Anyway, please give feedback over this new system. Post any error messages you get, post opinions, suggestions, whatever.
Main server now holds up to 10 people. There are a number of relay servers up that automatically redirect you when the main server is full, so don't worry.
Thanks to everyone who is hosting a relay server. Here's a list of the to me currently known relay servers:

http://pyonta-kun.kicks-ass.org:8000 (hosted by Pyonta-kun's Yandere Stalker)
http://warosu.org:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://yamaxanadu.tarball.us:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://home.kamokow.com:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://kaguya.eientei.com:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://doujinplay.net:8000 (hosted by Anonymous)
http://www.yukkurishiteitte.net:8000 (hosted by Kaguya is a !BEaRD8DGAI)
http://boof.kicks-ass.org:8000 (hosted by BOOF)
If you want to host a relay server yourself, ask in this thread for more information.

You can still submit logo's for the website. Make sure it's 300x100 and I'll make sure it's in the rotation. Lets see some of that /jp/ creativity.

Point out any problems you have with V2. It's still being worked on, and if there are any major problems we'll just switch to the old version.


>> No.5600942

Are you a bot?

>> No.5600950


a fembot

I hope those work this time.

>> No.5600957

Success DJ Clumsy Moe. 2nd time is a charm for you.

>> No.5600979

No, the copypasta does change slightly every now and then. We update stuff every now and then, but for the most part the body of the main post stays the same. There's no real reason to change it.

Oh you.

>> No.5600981

This song~ ;_; I miss Eva

>> No.5600988

We all know the truth despite the internet claim that says otherwise.

>> No.5601008

Time for some Ikaruga! I lucked out big time on finding this Soundtrack. Lots of great memories with this game.

I bet most of you know of it from I Wanna Be The Guy but the actual game is really good. I highly suggest giving it a try. I am sure you will like it if you have never played it.

>> No.5601017

I have beaten it many many times.
Knew of it long before IWBTG was ever even in existence.
It is a great game though.

>> No.5601038

Same here man, I first played it at my cousins house. Then after I bought it I played it all the time.

It is one hell of a game. Kicked my ass more than once when I first got it.

>> No.5601049
File: 18 KB, 480x360, 543534535435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Cowboy Bebop~

>> No.5601396

This is a very nice arrangement. I wish I knew who MAX??? ???? ???? was and I would look it up.

>> No.5601407


I can upload it if you want.

>> No.5601434

Oh man I like this one better right from the get go. Yeah I definitely like this more. The other one was good but this one is better.

I have to find more stuff by RIP SLYME since before I found this single the only thing I had ever heard was the Gantz OP theme.

Well I am going to upload a couple more tracks then I am going to bed. If anyone if interested in these two RIP SLYME songs let me know.

I also found out that Anime Cover album I got is by Shoko Nakagawa called Shokotan Cover 3 her newest collection. If anyone wants that let me know. I have uploaded four tracks off of it.

>> No.5601448

Thanks Stalker, that was all I needed I have a youtubetomp3 converter & now it is mine.

>> No.5601457

Shoko Nakagawa called Shokotan Cover 3

I would like this very much please

>> No.5601485

Same here~

>> No.5601502

No problem guys, I just have to finish translating the tracks. I got it with no info and I am halfway done translating them. It is working out really well.

I will post a link when I am done for everyone who wants the album. It may be a little while since my "neighbors" connection is pretty slow. I am not complaining though since it's free.

>> No.5601563

Thats cool bro, like you I am not complaining since it is free. I do really appreciate it though.

>> No.5601599


>> No.5601612
File: 16 KB, 248x273, kogasa_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going from a quiet instrumental piece of music to loud screaming music surprised me.

>> No.5601654

Same here, scared my cat right out of my lap!

>> No.5601670

I cant wait to get this album from that J-ville Guy!
I like this version of GOD KNOWS better than the original I think.

>> No.5601682

I do too. The arrangement was better and Shokos vocals are great as always.

>> No.5601718
File: 120 KB, 512x384, 8c56569e0d45da831685c1ad32438a43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I hear this song, I can't get the thought out of my head that it sounds like the girl from the Azumanga Daioh ending.

>> No.5601788

Sorry guys, my browser crashed on me. Don't you just love it when that happens? I am uploading the album now. Unfortunately like I said the speed is slow so it will be about 30 minutes.

I hope that is okay. If I could I would make it faster but my neighbor may get mad at me asking him to boost his speed so I can get a better speed using his connection.

>> No.5601796

That is fine with me. I am not going anywhere.

>> No.5601802

Which song is that?
The one where she is laughing & saying cute a lot?

>> No.5601834


>> No.5601842

First time I ever heard this was in BASEKETBALL.
That movie is still one of the funniest ever made.

>> No.5601859

The Azumanga song or the song that was playing and reminded me of Azumanga? The song that was playing was the one about the black and white cats fighting, EXEC_EP=NOVA/.

The Azumanga song is Raspberry heaven.

>> No.5601863

Oh that one, okay because I was going to say if it was the one I was talking about she sounds more like Konata from Lucky Star.

>> No.5601908

Well, while I am waiting for that to upload. I got four new singles on the horizon for you guys to check out. It's all new music as far as the playlist goes.

I don't know if you have heard them or not yet. I have not so I am anxiously awaiting there arrival. Only about three more minutes until the upload is done.

>> No.5601936

It's been a long time since I've watched that movie.

>> No.5601940

You are a pretty good guy after all.
I don't even mind you constant posting anymore.
You deliver and that is what matters.

>> No.5601980
File: 83 KB, 500x496, 765765576575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey thanks man, that feels real good on the old self esteem. I got even better news. The upload is done.

Here is Shoko Nakagawa - Shokotan Cover 3

Well I am done for the night, It is almost 4 am. I am going go to bed after these two songs. I will listen to the others 2mrw. Good Night everyone at /jp/ radio.

Pic Related, It is the album in the link.

>> No.5602004
File: 36 KB, 300x375, 43454534543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot bro!
These two songs you picked have both been good.
Your taste is improving.
Good Night J-ville Guy.

>> No.5602019

No problem man, I hope you enjoy it. I am going to fall asleep with the radio on like I always do.

Thanks again everybody for being kind and understanding about my past mistakes.

>> No.5602029

this song won't end!

>> No.5602032

You're getting there slowly but surely you are.
I am just glad you were a newfag after all and not a troll.
I have to admit I had my doubts but now I think you are a good person.

>> No.5602069

It is time dude. I just watched that & ORGAZMO back to back the other night.

>> No.5602105
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>> No.5602122
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The one third down from left and the one on the far right are mine!

>> No.5602132

Bah, have them I just want the one in the middle.
So freaking Hot!

>> No.5602297


>> No.5602392

This song is so...soothing.

>> No.5602528

This is a really beautiful song. I really like it~

>> No.5602538

This is one of my all time favorite songs!
Thank you to whoever uploaded this!
Glay = Love!

I'm just in love, oh singin my life.

>> No.5602614

I have no problem with that Pyonta-kun.
I will just re upload what I want to hear.
Your ppor HD is so full right now of so much crap "black metal,shitty techno,bad rap, and last but not least boris"
I think it is about time your HD took a big shit and got rid of all that stuff.

>> No.5602776

so is this a troll request or do people really like listening to this?

>> No.5603119

hitori boshi ;_;

>> No.5603575

Newfags. Or one newfag samefagging. On /jp/, if you're not in an idol thread, you don't bring 3D pig disgusting bitches into a thread, nor worship them for wearing 8 pounds of makeup and being photoshopped to hell and back.

>> No.5603637

> baw XD ur newfags :ppppp

>> No.5604193


>> No.5604194
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>> No.5604258
File: 63 KB, 640x480, two fucktards fighting each other.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'll get more fps covers.

>> No.5604487


>> No.5604662

I'm probably going to do another mix today, but I'll probably do it on the separate channel

>> No.5604707

You just made me unable to leave the computer and forced me to refresh the thread every 30 secs.

>> No.5604994



>> No.5605074

Going on in 2 min.

>> No.5605272

Ugh, really out of my groove for some reason.

>> No.5605326

Well that didn't go well. I'll try again later eye guess.

>> No.5605369

Sort of like your love life.

>> No.5605384

ba dum tsh

>> No.5605456

What is this madness?

>> No.5605567


What love life?

>> No.5605643


>> No.5606080

Is it just me or was that the shortest song ever written, ever?

>> No.5606099

*shittest. Typing from phone.

>> No.5606205

I don't know why I didn't start listening to this sooner.

>> No.5606476

Ikaruga! Now this is some good shit right here.

>> No.5606498

Why does it seem like the relay servers never relay properly? I always have to manually select an alternative server because it gives me the "server full" error when I try to use the listen.pls from skully.hopto.org:8000.

>> No.5606505

Ahh, Nothing like a night out at the Symphony to get ones blood pumping.

>> No.5606514

Because that server is always full?!
Use pyonta-kun kicks ass.

>> No.5606530

I agree. Just listen to that magnificent crescendo. Simply flawless in it's execution.

>> No.5606542


>> No.5606547

Oh my yes, quite right you are friend. This is most assuredly music to my ears.

>> No.5606556

>music to my ears
I would assume so.

>> No.5606562

Indeed good sir, indeed.

>> No.5606597

I was stating it aloud since a lot of times I hear music on here that is utter and complete garbage.

>> No.5606605

One mans Trash is another mans Treasure.
Everyone has different tastes.

>> No.5606611

Treasure games are shit.

>> No.5606613

Just so happens popular music nowadays tends to be awful. Where I live, at least.

>> No.5606635

No offense to them, but they can keep that so called treasure to themselves as far as I am concerned. All that mindless screaming nonsensical rubbish.

>> No.5606647

Different strokes for different folks.
That is what makes the World go round.

>> No.5606657

What was that Anon, did you want me to upload some Grindcore? Sure thing!

>> No.5606666

If you say so, I still say it is rubbish of the highest degree.

>> No.5606682


>> No.5606689

>Fight For Your Right
>Not Beastie Boys
Son of a bitch.

>> No.5606710
File: 1.19 MB, 210x157, 298742984729874.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for a house rave! Let's do this!

>> No.5606723

Its not Hip-Hop, It's Electro. Prick!

>> No.5606750

I was disappointed by that also.
I can upload the real version if you want.

>> No.5606758
File: 89 KB, 350x263, 96.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5606763

Nah, I'm good.

>> No.5606769

Less shitty trance, please!

>> No.5606770

I would be on the two standing there staring at your foolishness. I hate this crap

>> No.5606779

Party Poopers!

>> No.5606785

What's that?
You want more trance?
As you wish anon, uploading all my stuff.

>> No.5606793

I don't mind good trance.

>> No.5606807

Clarify, J-Trance? Armin Van Buren? What is your definition of good? No vocals?

>> No.5606821

> No vocals?
Well, that usually helps, but I can't think of anything else.

>> No.5606838

Hey guys, I know not all of your are fans, but I just got the new Galneryus and GACKT albums. I have not heard them yet so I am going to upload some tracks from both to listen to.

If anyone out there is interested in the Albums I will mediafire them for you. I like all types of music except Country,Gospel, and Bluegrass. I will still listen to it if someone uploaded it but not my cup of tea.

>> No.5606843

>you are

>> No.5606850

I just got the new Galneryus
You can keep the GACKT but I would like to have that.

>> No.5606870

Sure thing man. I will upload it then get you the link.

Does anyone want the new GACKT? I know a lot of people don't but I thought some might.

>> No.5606888


>> No.5606898

Umm I do. Guilty pleasure~

>> No.5606913

Call me crazy, but I kind of enjoy some of GACKT's stuff, and haven't been able to find his newest album anywhere yet.
I'd be really grateful if you could upload it, even if it does turn out to be less than I'm expecting.

>> No.5606917

I thought there would be at least one other person out there. I already started the .rar. man. I'll upload them both then post the links for you guys.

I like his music also. I have for a long time now. I know he is not a lot of people's favorite but he puts a lot of heart and soul into his music. I like that.

>> No.5606931
File: 132 KB, 485x548, 3534324234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will find out together man. I have not heard anything from it yet either. I am uploading some tracks from it though. Have no idea how good they are going to be.

One funny thing to note is the album is called "ARE YOU FRIED CHICKEN?" and came with this pic. I thought it was pretty funny myself.

>> No.5606953

C'mon, what's with all these remixes...

>> No.5606955

I might actually eat that crap if GACKT was the Col~

>> No.5606973

Do not worry bro, I uploaded this to make all that crap go away from your memory. Prepare for greatness.

>> No.5606982

I meant to say requested not uploaded, my bad.

>> No.5607019

Thanks a lot for doing this.
I love Galneryus.
I cannot wait to hear their new CD.

>> No.5607032

I thank you.

>> No.5607053

It's no problem man, I have always liked helping others. It makes you feel better inside when you can help someone out. I do have some semi bad news though.

As some of you already may know my connection is not so great since I use my neighbors and they have the lowest DSL I think.

Only getting an upload speed of about 700kbs so it will be about an hour before the uploads are done. I hope that is okay with you guys.

>> No.5607105

I have that Machinae Supremacy song if anyone wants it. I got it after I heard it last night along with their 2008 album called OverWorld.

They are from Sweden and the music they play is classified as SIDMetal. First time I ever heard it was last night an it blew my away.

Here is the link to the song.

>> No.5607118

That is fine with me.
Good things are worth waiting for.

>> No.5607156

Thanks a lot bro. It blew me away too.

>> No.5607168

It's not like I am going anywhere. I could wait all day if I had to.

>> No.5607237

You're welcome man.
Glad to hear it guys. I am in the same boat. Nowhere to go and nothing to do. Thank god for /jp/ radio,Touhou,VNs, and doujins or I would go crazy.

It is getting there albeit slow as a turtle. 13 more minutes and they will both be done uploading. In the meantime pretty soon the new Galneryus and GACKT songs will come on so I am ready for that.

>> No.5607278

I am ready for GACKT! I see there is no title, why is that?

>> No.5607313

I did not know at first either, I forgot to check the tags. The original uploader did not fill in the title fields. I feel so stupid now.

I am sorry about that everyone. When you get the album you will have to copy the titles in the titles field.

Do you think I should reupload them with titles and ask Pyonta-kun if he will delete the one without titles or leave it as it is?

>> No.5607336

Yeah you should reupload them. It is hard to know what you are choosing without a title. Unless you know the exact time of the song.

>> No.5607355

The new Galneryus kicks ass!
I am going to listen to the whole album right away.
You are a great man for this.

>> No.5607425

Okay I will, I hope that Pyonta-kun will be around soon so I can ask him to delete the others.
I could not agree with you more man. I knew it was going to rock but this is some real good stuff. I have not heard Galneryus in a long time.

This definitely met my expectations and more. Some of the best Power Metal I have ever heard has come from Galneryus.Great News, Finally done uploading! Here are the links guys.

http://www.mediafire.com/?dmwrteiy2mi = Galneryus RESURRECTION
http://www.mediafire.com/?kzxqmrtqnme = GACKT ARE YOU FRIED CHICKEN

>> No.5607461

Thank you so much for this.
May you be blessed with good fortune.
Galneryus here I come!

>> No.5607476

You are the best, GACKT is one of my Guilty Pleasures. I am going to enjoy this very much.

>> No.5607489

No problem guys, I aim to please.

I love this Nayuta song. The girls are great in it.

>> No.5607504

I have not heard this version before. It is okay so far. I think I prefer the TaNaBaTa version more.
This one may grow on me though.

>> No.5607560

Speaking of TaNaBaTa............Good song.

>> No.5607570

All of TaNaBaTa's songs are good

>> No.5607597

I'll drink to that. Setsuna Light is still my wallpaper.

>> No.5607615
File: 137 KB, 713x535, 34242342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disco Lady Disco Lady Keep in motion~

>> No.5607636

Anyone else besides me shaking their groove thing to this?

>> No.5607642

I am! Since it started.

>> No.5607651
File: 17 KB, 310x465, 76876876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5607658

oneesama kimochi slurp slurp

>> No.5607696

I recognize this song. It's the ending from that Rainbow anime, isn't it?
I never knew it was by Galneryus. I gotta say, the full version of it is pretty cool.

>> No.5607708

That was Nice, a power ballad. I am glad I picked this one up. I got a feeling this is going to be an album I will really like. So far it is really good.

I still think that Galneryus is one of the best Power Metal bands I have ever heard. I remember the first time I heard them was when I heard Advance To The Fall from then on I have liked them.

>> No.5607717

Love the artist name
some Japanese guy

>> No.5607759

Woke up to Banjo Finger Powerhouse

I love you guys

>> No.5607848
File: 44 KB, 640x512, 3535424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes yes I am here!
I will take you all at once girls!

>> No.5607877

Have not heard this version before.
sugoi kawaii desu ka~

>> No.5607883

I like Kana's version better. This one is cute though.

>> No.5607902

I played this in my little brothers ear this morning.
As soon as he said Yiff I cranked it as loud as it could go.
He freaked out and fell on the floor with his Naruto blanket.
It was the best day I have ever had in a long time.

>> No.5607906

Wow. I was planning on skipping this track as a troll song, but I was interested in hearing the lyrics.

>> No.5607910

Is uploading not working or is it just me?

>> No.5607917

It's not working for me, either.

>> No.5607919

Good for you man. That is a great story.

>> No.5607931

I love this CD, it rocks my socks!

>> No.5607953

Forgot to ask Pyonta before he left. It's possible uploading is temporarily unavailable. That, or his drive reached its limit.

>> No.5607955
File: 168 KB, 877x619, 1271214226248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 songs in the queue

>> No.5607957

SQL error=Could not connect to MySQL server

Uh oh

>> No.5607964

I will use that song from now on when he has furfag raves.
I will blast this at the highest volume possible.
I still cannot believe my parents let him use our basement for that shit.

>> No.5607985

Uh, just wanted to say hi, I'm still alive and listening from time to time. Going to sleep now with the stream on.

Good <insert time of the day here>. In my case Good Night

>> No.5608015

not this song again

>> No.5608020

Hey Stalker, how is it going? I don't know if you saw it or not or if your are interested but I uploaded the New GACKT and Galneryus albums to media fire.

Here are the links
http://www.mediafire.com/?dmwrteiy2mi = Galneryus RESURRECTION
http://www.mediafire.com/?kzxqmrtqnme = GACKT ARE YOU FRIED CHICKEN

You may be right though, I remember Pyonta-kun said he only had 4 gigs left on this drive. It may be full. Looks like it is time to Conjure the spirits of the Computer with our spells.

>> No.5608031

Did you get that dentist business straightened out?

>> No.5608046

IF YOU WANT THIS SONG http://www.badongo.com/file/15085335

>> No.5608059

Yes oh god Yes, Thank you!

>> No.5608064


>> No.5608100

I like this more than the other one already. This is about the level I really like GACKT not too rough and not too soft.

Not taking anything away from his slower soft songs there are a lot of great ones. This middle ground though is my personal favorite.

>> No.5608122
File: 439 KB, 444x600, 1278620286396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5608144

It all depends on what kind of mood I am in.
Sometimes I really love his slow songs.
Other times I like his rock oriented ones.

>> No.5608155

Vocals so different without YAMA-B. Not saying it is bad but it sounds completely different.

>> No.5608201

I know it really shows. YAMA-B was great and we all liked him those of us who like Galneryus. As far as I know he and the band left on good terms if you can believe the statement he made on the website to the fans.

I think it was like he said Creative Differences. He wasn't happy with the bands change in direction. Seems a lot of bands have members leave or break up for those reasons.

>> No.5608225

What a great guy though. He still went on tour with them to finish things out.

>> No.5608258

I am enjoying this song far too much

>> No.5608305
File: 23 KB, 300x330, 1234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes two of us my good man. I look forward to that other Piano medley down the line as well.

>> No.5608331
File: 146 KB, 849x637, e1e8fd17ca6b62ea9dba0b2dac225c80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U.N. Owen Was Her on piano?
I think I have died and gone to heaven.

>> No.5608335
File: 59 KB, 261x223, 1277689495833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5608377

Be that as it may, it will still be on the piano. I will enjoy it for that reason alone.

>> No.5608395


I believe this is the currently playing one.

Can't confirm because MU is currently being anal with me and won't allow me access.

>> No.5608416

I have T1 just downloaded it. It is the correct file. You sir have my thanks.

>> No.5608438

Fixed it.

>> No.5608452
File: 484 KB, 324x216, 238723984234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check check check it out
what what whats it all about

Aww Yeah!!!

>> No.5608476

I have heard this song on here at least 20 times. I do not know how but I am still not tired of it. I think it is because it's one the best mash up songs I have ever heard.

Plus it has Capsule,DaftPunk, and Beastie Boys. That is one hell of an awesome trio.

>> No.5608489

That's what I am talking about!
This just makes you want to dance your ass off.

>> No.5608498
File: 68 KB, 344x255, 1274087478260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5608526

I don't know about everyone else but It always gets me to move when I hear it on here.

I crank my speakers and pull of some DDR moves when I hear songs like that.

>> No.5608548

why is this damned hanyuu song so adorable

>> No.5608549

It sure is. You got anything to add like that? Oh wait I think Pyonta-kuns HD is full since songs are not showing up that have been uploaded.

>> No.5608568
File: 67 KB, 499x486, 1277633097094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu
Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu
Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu
Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu
Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu
Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu
Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu
Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu
Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu
Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu
Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu Desu

>> No.5608587

That song always makes me Dance.
Shaking & Grooving to the beat.

>> No.5608617

I really like Nana-chans new release. I listened to it from start to finish. She is such a good singer & Seiyuu.

>> No.5608658

Anyone ever read the lyrics for this song?
Instant ;_;

>> No.5608706

Japanese dude Imperishable Night Piano Medley http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm4579486 00:17:40

Really looking forward to this. It cannot come soon enough.

>> No.5608800

It has arrived. Just as beautiful as I thought it would be. Nothing like sipping a nice hot cup of tea while listening to some great music.

>> No.5608928

That was so lovely. I like them both but I must say the first one was better from my point of view.

>> No.5608939

Isn't this the OP for Witch Hunter Robin?

>> No.5608949

Yes it is.
I love that little guitar part that pops up every so often.

>> No.5608959

Ok I thought so, I need to watch that again. It has been so long.

>> No.5609000

oh boy, dbl the fun

>> No.5609031

Wow I have not heard this in a long time.
I love this song. AKFG are a great band.

>> No.5609040

Have you heard their new cd? I thought it was pretty good.

>> No.5609047

No what it is called?
I will have to check it out.

>> No.5609629
File: 444 KB, 704x396, OHGODYES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DJ Clumsy Moe - A Mix To Cheer Up The Trolls

>> No.5609759

>an Adiemus song in the Vuvuzela mix

oh gog wat

>> No.5609770



Also, small update on the torrent. I think I might have said something about bonkers 7 not being any good. I also think I said I should listen to it again. Well I did and it turns out it's just trancecore instead of the regular hardcore stuff. I'll go ahead and include it.

I still gotta hook that frikkin cd drive up....

>> No.5609771

Evil Activities in my /jp/
I CAME!!!!

>> No.5609809
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>> No.5610353
File: 104 KB, 400x400, 1277936471120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is slow this morning.

>> No.5610461
File: 14 KB, 309x318, Meido delete.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cirno is stupid

>> No.5610546


Friday night social activities. /jp/ only pretends to be NEET to troll aspiring otakus.

>> No.5610739
File: 445 KB, 720x480, v.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is highly enjoyable.

>> No.5610830

Do you really believe that?

>> No.5610973

Left to go get smokes and missed the requests I put in

Ah well

>> No.5611010
File: 225 KB, 1200x1600, dante.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you were the one requesting Power Metal?

>> No.5611221

doesnt work what do i really want to listen

>> No.5611256

Try connecting to one of our relay servers in this post >>5600940

You can't connect with Windows Media Player. The most common options are Winamp, Foobar, iTunes, VLC Media Player, so pick your preferred software to stream on. If one relay doesn't work, try another.

>> No.5611271
File: 11 KB, 247x273, Kogasa_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised you understood that.

>> No.5611284
File: 16 KB, 314x315, has-anyone-really-been-far-even-as-decided-to-use-even-go-want-to-do-look-more-like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been further even more decided to use even go need to do look more as anyone can. Can you really be far even as decided half as much to use go wish for that? My guess is that when one really been far even as decided once to use even go want, it is then that he has really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like. It's just common sense.

>> No.5611310
File: 15 KB, 248x274, Kogasa_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5611380

We can always count on stalker to be a true no-life NEET and tend to the stream while DJ Clumsy Mow is off being a faggot, and Pyonta-kun is trying to socialize with a DDR machine.

>> No.5611446
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What an interesting compliment.

>> No.5611933
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>> No.5612196
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>> No.5612223
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>Anaal Nathrakh - Virus Bomb

>> No.5612224



>> No.5612263

Who sings this? This isn't Gazelle is it?

>> No.5612290
File: 18 KB, 206x188, 1277096997816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, this song hasn't been requested in a while.

>> No.5612302
File: 66 KB, 460x588, 48892da7acb128ad078cc95c5c9f674a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay classy.

>> No.5612424

I hope you fuckers are taking it easy. Enjoy this fucking piano track and fucking take some shit easy. Long track to allow the fucking queue build up a bit.

Dedicated by
Take it easy police

Thank you for requesting this beautiful piece of music. I am loving every single second of it.

>> No.5612431

This guy is a great guy. Been looking for that new Galneryus cd. Don't know about the GACKT one though. I think that is for someone else. Not really a fit for more tastes.

>> No.5612440

GACKT you say?
I've been searching for that one.
Thanks to the both of you.

>> No.5612465

Why are medleys so appealing? Nostalgia factor?

>> No.5612469

Something's wrong. Can't find what I uploaded, even though I think I tagged it correctly.

>> No.5612495

Something may be wrong with uploads, or it's temporarily down. Pyonta-kun left, and I forgot to ask him what was up with that before he did. I dunno if he ran out of drive space or something. When he comes back I'll ask, I guess.

It's nice to hear a bunch of songs that you recognize pieced together nicely. Even if you don't particularly like the songs being used, just knowing them and hearing them mixed nicely is enough.

I guess. If you didn't know any of the tunes, they'd be less enjoyable.

>> No.5612589


>> No.5612603

YAMA-B! Galneryus will never be the same without him!

>> No.5612614

Time for the most passionate love song ever. Pay attention children, this is how you do it.

>> No.5612616
File: 191 KB, 600x600, 1275426233730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when music is not weeaboo

>> No.5612626

That man is begging to get her back. You can hear it in his voice.
Whew he really loves her. I love Reimu like that!

>> No.5612627

Fuck off, weeaboo

>> No.5612628

Variety is a good thing. Open your mind.

>> No.5612630

This isn't Rainbow Girl!

>> No.5612634

If you went to Japan they would kick your wapanese ass.

>> No.5612635

I suddenly feel like doing 100 dips. brb

>> No.5612638

Street Fighter II Remix? Awesome!

>> No.5612653

You think this is awesome? Just wait till you hear the next track man. It will blow you away.

My personal favorite SF theme btw.

No problem guys, anytime.

>> No.5612661

Its mine too. SONIC BOOM!

>> No.5612674

Nothing against Guile, but I have always liked Ryu and Kens themes the most.
Guess it is because they are my favorite characters. This is still really good though.

>> No.5612681

Those along with Fei-longs would be my next favorites.

Hell all SF music is good in all reality. There are just some tracks that stand out more than others for different people.

>> No.5612688

Street Fighter music is so boring, I didn't memorize any of it even after playing it hundreds of times.

>> No.5612691

you forgot your coolface.jpg

>> No.5612699

That is true bro. It is all good stuff. Ryu and Kens just stand out for me.

>> No.5612708

Thanks for your input there Negative Nancy.

>> No.5612734

Different strokes for different folks man. It's your opinion and you are entitled to it. SF music and GG music is some the best and two of my personal favorites though.

Everyone has personal favorites, this is just not one of yours. What are you more into schmup music? or RPG? I like it all myself.

>> No.5612743

Is this from a game?

>> No.5612747

I am kind of biased when it comes to Touhou music. I fell in love with it from the first moment I ever heard it. The arrangements are always good as well in most cases.

>> No.5612751
File: 638 KB, 900x1136, 1242691037297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreamenddischarger? It's from Umineko.

>> No.5612755

He composes for Umineko

>> No.5612761

Umineko no Naku Koro ni
Shit's awesome http://witch-hunt.com/news.html

>> No.5612771
File: 29 KB, 480x360, 07989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is one of the best composers from my point of view.

>> No.5612784

I thought everyone in /jp/ knew about Umineko.
Seems I was wrong in my assumption.
As he said, Shit is awesome!!!
That is also where la divina tragedia comes from.

>> No.5612802

Well, I'm sure everyone on /jp/ knows what it is, but that doesn't mean they've played it before.

>la divina tragedia

I hope you've read the VN and didn't just watch the anime.

>> No.5612815

>la divina tragedia

Go back to /a/.

>> No.5612816
File: 78 KB, 400x273, 2775989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7:30 AM over here, I'm heading off to bed. Hopefully the thread stays alive long enough for me to make part 37 when I wake up. I'll try to get Clumsy Moe to make it if I don't wake up in time.

>> No.5612820

I have played the visual novels and I have the 26 ep anime thanks to the internet. It is a really good murder mystery story. If you like those kind of stories I highly suggest it.

I still remember the first time I heard La Divina Tragedia I thought JIMANG was the coolest guy ever with that Drunken Hobo voice of his.

Requiem of the Golden Witch comes Aug 14th! I am sure there will be a torrent for it.

>> No.5612823

Don't look now, but there's some more zts awesomeness in the queue

>> No.5612831

Sorry I responded to the wrong post, 6:30 am here as well.
That was meant for you man.

>> No.5612836


>> No.5612839

Don't worry Stalker, we will still be tuned into the radio if you don't. Get some rest you have more than earned it.

Good thing you are around though for skipiteasy time. You are head Mod in my opinion.

>> No.5612848

I noticed that as well. Rejoice for good music is on the horizon.

>> No.5612861

It is cool dude.
I am an insomniac also.
Stay up for 4 days sleep for 2 kind of thing.
What a wonderful life!

>> No.5612874

This may put me to sleep. I swear this is the most chill song I have ever heard in my 21 years on the Earth.

Talk about total and complete relaxation.

>> No.5612876

The siiiiinking belle, oh the siiiinking belle

>> No.5612879


>> No.5612885

This song & Pink Floyds music are the ultimate forms of good music to listen to while high. I am staring at my lava lamp right now and it is such a great feeling.

>> No.5612887

Motherfucker, I was working out

>> No.5612901
File: 588 KB, 1280x1024, Trippy Happy Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this will help you.

>> No.5612907

Oh fuck dude, that is cool! It is moving all by itself. that is really tripping me out bro.

>> No.5612918

Where do you guys find drugs?

>> No.5612928
File: 686 KB, 1023x686, 453453543534543535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just more proof that zts is one of the best composers.

>> No.5612935

I get mine from my older brother. He still wont give me a discount though. Cheap bastard!

>> No.5612943

Home Grown dude.
Just like a meal Home grown is the best.

>> No.5612959

Aren't you worried about your health?

>> No.5612963

I can't stay awake anymore guys. I put two good metal video game covers in the mix. Have fun It's good night for me. Nothing better than falling asleep to /jp/ radio.

Btw, I don't know if anyone is interested or not but higher up in the thread are links for Shoko Nakagawas new cover album, Galneryus new album and GACKTS new album if anyone wants them.

>> No.5612970

Have a good one dude. I got that Galneryus cd from you earlier. It fucking rocks!!!

>> No.5612980

Not really seeing as how its just weed. I mean they give it to cancer and aids patients so it obviously has some natural healing properties.
It comes from the Earth so I trust it.

>> No.5612987

My answer is the same as his. It just makes you feel so good.

>> No.5612998

This Jazzy CT is excellent.
I need this album.
Anyone have this?

>> No.5613003
File: 47 KB, 640x512, 1277980074425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eminem Kim The Marshall Mathers LP 00:06:17


>> No.5613006

it is called Chrono Trigger : The Brink Of Time.
I am sure you can find a DL of it if you look for it.

>> No.5613017

Thanks a lot bro.
A hunting a will go!

>> No.5613022


>> No.5613031

Trolls are going to go crazy now that Stalker went to sleep. Our one ray of hope in not having to hear this garbage is gone.

>> No.5613043

Let me call you guys a Whaambulance.
All you have to do is press mute then watch the countdown.
This is a radio you know, lots of different things will be here.

>> No.5613050

Its finally over! Now we got the great Daisuke Ishiwatari with May's theme!

>> No.5613053

>lots of different things will be here.

Yeah, but I'm at least expecting some actual music, and not some guy screaming into a microphone.

>> No.5613057

>time 32:41

>> No.5613065

I am okay with this. only because it is /jp/ and not euro shit.

>> No.5613068

it's disgustingly weeaboo, so it's fine

>> No.5613073

That helps but still it is so long.
DJ Clumsy Moe's live mixes are about all I will let go for that long.
It could be worse I guess, it could be 32 mins of that random screaming rubbish.

>> No.5613080

this is not hardcore
i tell you what it is
it's sped up electro.
Ahh my BRAIN!

>> No.5613083

It is actually quite good. I think a lot of me is saying that because it is /jp/ related. Otherwise I would mute it.

>> No.5613088

Agreed, You can hear that anywhere.

>> No.5613101

JAKAZiD > DJ Clumsy Moe.

I rest my case.

>> No.5613102

JAKAZID > Over 10 years of exp
DJ CLumsy Moe > Still learning.
Any questions?

>> No.5613124

Yeah man, cut DJ Clumsy Moe a break! He is still honing his craft. He does things for free also. JAKAZID has a lot of money that he doesn't have so of course he is going to have better production..

>> No.5613141

They are both shit.

>> No.5613145

>stating the obvious

I am cutting him a break. That faggot knows his mixes usually suck, I'm just pointing out that listening to 30 minutes of someone practicing doesn't compare to 30 minutes of someone that has finely honed their craft. That other anon said he can stand 30 minutes of Clumsy Moe, but not JAKAZiD. All I did was state the contrary.

>> No.5613147
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>> No.5613165
File: 196 KB, 649x744, 1 (29).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practice makes Perfect. Even JAKAZID was once just figuring things out. Don't be a hater or a fanboy please.

>> No.5613171

sayonara JAKAZID!

>> No.5613174

I'm not, just take it easy and stop complaining about the length of good mixes, it's not like it's the same song repeating for half an hour.

>> No.5613184

I didn't complain. You have me confused dude. I liked that mix a lot actually. I am just saying no one is perfect. everybody has to learn to crawl before they walk.

>> No.5613217
File: 67 KB, 500x653, emiyadesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit just got real.

>> No.5613228

I like this whole album but I am am partial to this song. Good shit man!

>> No.5613243
File: 103 KB, 1032x774, 435345354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I am the bone of my sword.
Steel is my body and fire is my blood.
I have created over a thousand blades.
Unknown to Death,
Nor known to Life.
Have withstood pain to create many weapons.
Yet, those hands will never hold anything.
So, as I pray,
Unlimited Blade Works."

>> No.5613248

Damn deviant art watermark, I was going to save that to!

>> No.5613252
File: 484 KB, 550x550, 0291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! It Has Arrived! The Man Is Here!
All hail he who is bad ass!

>> No.5613254


>> No.5613263

Hail Hail Hail!!
I would love to get drunk with JIMANG.
He would prob drink me under the table

>> No.5613269
File: 587 KB, 1000x890, 1278598522288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sake would be my drink of choice if we were to get drunk together. I would want to impress him with my skills.

>> No.5613276

Ohhhhhhhohhhhhhhh Uninstalllllllllllllll~

>> No.5613290

I drank two bottles of sake when I went to Japan this last time.
All I know is I woke up in just my boxers with an unknown Japanese girl, so all in all sake makes for good times.

>> No.5613296

Nice, I live in California and they have Japanese markets here with Japanese liquors. That is the only kind I have ever had. Still some good shit.

>> No.5613304
File: 128 KB, 638x360, 32432423432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my darling darling please!

>> No.5613313

Cali huh? Sounds nice. I am in Chicago. Windy and cold city. That stuff is pale in comparison to fresh sake straight from Japan.

>> No.5613320

>I put two good metal video game covers in the mix
Thank you.

>> No.5613328

I am not importing anything. Too expensive. If and when the time comes I will find out for myself.

>> No.5613347
File: 69 KB, 700x525, 1 (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eminem Kim The Marshall Mathers LP

What the fuck?

>> No.5613360


>> No.5613362


>> No.5613365

Fuck, I thought someone was playing ogrish videos!
The screamings!

>> No.5613367
File: 47 KB, 500x573, 1 (36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is the highest selling Artist of the Decade.

>> No.5613369

This isn't even music

>> No.5613373

Some things should be hated.

>> No.5613384

Bleed bitch! Bleed bitch! Chockings
I wish vn audio dramas were as exciting as this.

>> No.5613388

Listen to his new song Not Afraid, It's a lot better now that he is off the drugs.


>> No.5613392

That is a really good song, It's a lot more uplifting then this shit.

>> No.5613401

Shoko Nakagawa is on, Fuck Feminem!

>> No.5613409

Thanks, bro.
I'm always open to the other side of things I hate.

>> No.5613420

It's good to have an open mind.
He really is a lot better now that he is clean.

>> No.5613428

Now this is music. killer Touhou remix's!

>> No.5613432

This whole entire CD is good. Only downside is it is short at only 9 tracks but I guess they went for Quality over Quantity and it shows. Every track is top notch.

>> No.5613440

100% agreed on that.
This song right here is an epic masterpiece!

>> No.5613458


>> No.5613460

Holy Shit! Thanks man! You fucking rule dude!

>> No.5613470

much obliged good sir.
I wish many good thing upon you.
may your life be full of happiness.

>> No.5613473


>> No.5613478

Fucking right I will dude.

>> No.5613491

Oh how I wish Stalker were here.

>> No.5613499

Did u hear that? His throat gave out while he was gargling razor blades. Ahahaha this is complete and utter nonsense.

>> No.5613514

I saw them sing this live.
Not a dry eye in the stadium.
Everyone was crying.

>> No.5613530

I did as well. I am a guy too so I felt kind of foolish. If you can understand the lyrics though it is a real tear jerker.

>> No.5613562

this may be the only Dir en ghey song I can tolerate.

>> No.5613578

Their older stuff from is halfway decent. Only songs I like are this,Yokan,Yurameki,and I'll thats it.

>> No.5613589

Hard to Believe they went from this to Death Metal.
Sure is a shame, he does have a good voice.

>> No.5613610

zircon Flying Heaven (Fei Long Stage) Super Street Fighter II Remix 00:03:08
AkumajoBelmont, BrainCells R U Overdrive (Ryu Stage) Super Street Fighter II Remix 00:04:08
Eternal Testament Murder Instinct (Akuma Stage) Super Street Fighter II Remix 00:04:08

Someone has a Street Fighter fetish. Not a bad thing.

>> No.5613722

Lucky Star~ sugee kawaii desu ka~

>> No.5613737
File: 160 KB, 500x500, 1278412216425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5613737,1 [INTERNAL] 

New thread
