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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 120 KB, 500x1250, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5599673 No.5599673[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fellow girls of /jp/,

don't you get jealous when a boy from /jp/ constantly talks about his 2D waifu, all while you have to pretend to be a boy so he doesn't tell you to gtfo?

>> No.5599682

You are a guy.

>> No.5599679

You are a guy.

>> No.5599687
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>> No.5599685

You're a guy though

>> No.5599698

Find a dude without a waifu and capitalize on his fetishes while you can.

God I thought women were supposed to be better at conniving.

>> No.5599695

I fucking love this show and all, but please don't post reaction images of it on /jp/.

>> No.5599694

You currently possess a penis.

>> No.5599693

> Fellow girls of /jp/
Such a thing is inexistant.

>> No.5599700

You are a guy.

>> No.5599703

despite the "no girls on the internet" thing, there actually are quite a bit of females on 4chan, but I can honestly say that I believe none of them browse this particular board

>> No.5599707

That's not enough to rule out a girl.

>> No.5599716
File: 281 KB, 748x1011, 0b0f288769316375cdb64ea11c6d21ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mai waifu > * > you

>> No.5599718
File: 554 KB, 637x900, 1273145575771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it's just us guys here, let's talk about waifus, shall we? Pic related.

It's okay. She can be your waifu, too. I just can't bring myself to chain down that raucous, free-wheeling personality.

>> No.5599719
File: 36 KB, 221x246, 1256166651425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when someone whines about using board related reaction images

>> No.5599724

Girls like Touhou.

>> No.5599727


*picture of a girl holding a disembodied penis*


>> No.5599728
File: 739 KB, 850x702, shinki-sunrays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5599730

You need to go out more; I know one girl who browses here. And I've heard of anothe girl. But I'm sure it's just those two, and they're Touhoufags

>> No.5599740
File: 307 KB, 1200x1716, yumeko+tewi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one of those, but I'm not posting it here because it's in my /b/ folder.

>> No.5599742

At least one respected tripfriend is a girl.

>> No.5599747

There's a ton of Touhou yurifags here and I'm positive they're girls.

>> No.5599751

>implying any tripfags are respectable, especially here

>> No.5599763

>all while you have to pretend to be a boy so he doesn't tell you to gtfo?

I'm jealous that I don't have a penis.

>> No.5599764

Helen is respectable.

>> No.5599772


When they're not saging left and right with lol so clever remarks to defend the honor of glorious /jp/ they're not bad. So they're okay for like five minutes a day, that's better than most tripfags.

>> No.5599773

I'd like a vagina, but I don't want to give up my penis.

>> No.5599774

How did it get cut off?

>> No.5599777


I do. ;_;

I'll trade with someone.

>> No.5599779

>You need to go out more; I know one girl who browses here. And I've heard of anothe girl. But I'm sure it's just those two, and they're Touhou stage 2 bosses.

>> No.5599789

3D women are useful for 3 reasons

Rearing young

I don't doubt that I would rather have a woman that could do all of these things so that I will not have to live life doing drivvle.

>> No.5599797
File: 350 KB, 700x903, 12750967476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One of them's not here right now, she went to go brush her teeth.

>> No.5599806

You don't need to have kids to live, you don't need to cook if you just buy tv dinners and cleaning is optional too.

>> No.5599809


They're also good for making you cum several times in a day without worrying about sore arms, even a sore dick if they know their way around one.

>> No.5599813

>cleaning is optional

Eww man.

>> No.5599814
File: 23 KB, 303x348, 1251547962185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 3D women are useful for 3 reasons
> Cooking
> Cleaning
You lost me.

>> No.5599815

It must be fucking terrible living without cooking...

>> No.5599821

No they aren't.

>> No.5599825

It is though.

>> No.5599826
File: 288 KB, 522x499, hurr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>cleaning is optional

Goddamnit, /jp/. This is why there aren't any girls on this board.

>> No.5599827

>you don't need to cook if you just buy tv dinners
Enjoy dying at 40.

>> No.5599834

I'd rather die at 40 than live with a 3D woman. Disgusting. It's quality, not quantity.

>> No.5599832

I am a guy and I cook because I don't want a woman in my life and I prefer eating cheaper, tastier food instead of buying pre-made stuff all my life.

>> No.5599836

Isn't that a good thing?

>> No.5599840


You faggots have it so easy.

>> No.5599839

But they will be 40 delicious, independent years.

>> No.5599844


I don't understand the anti 3d sentiment on this board. Why not have the best of both worlds? That is, why is 3d abhorred by some people on /jp/?

>> No.5599851


If there were girls, I might be better at Touhou than someone. ;_;

>> No.5599856

You're dirty.

>> No.5599860
File: 339 KB, 811x1917, vasectomy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Have to photoshop themselves to make them closer to 2D, admitting inferiority
-Not perfect
-Not ageless
-Only want to breed
-Biological functions that 2D don't have to have
-Want your money
-Actually sleeping together with someone lowers your IQ
-Want your time
-Your attraction to them only exists so you can breed
-Will sleep with another man if his genes seem better and say you're the father
-They are witches
-Restrict your freedom
-Unlikely to share your hobbies
-They have parents who you have to impress

>> No.5599864

You must be new here.

>> No.5599867


Userbase drenched in visual mediums.

Nerds of both sexes are some of the kinkiest people around because when they get around to having sex they usually learn pretty quickly that just because something doesn't look good doesn't mean it won't feel good.

>> No.5599873

I don't have kids, and I can cook and clean better than the average woman.

>> No.5599886

You filth-loving swine.

>> No.5599893

I like having my bed to myself, it's more comfortable and easier to sleep soundly.

>> No.5599896


>-Unlikely to share your hobbies
>-They have parents who you have to impress

The last girl I dated was a bigger otaku than me (she even preferred to stay home, eat ramen and play video games instead of go out several times) and hated her parents to the point of never speaking with them. Yeah, she was fat and not very easy on the eyes, but I can live with that if I don't have to touch my penis to have an orgasm while playing Guilty Gear.

>> No.5599900
File: 148 KB, 656x500, 44f5def17eea0640f4632fe7dfe641b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are witches?



>> No.5599901
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>> No.5599905

>Why not have the best of both worlds?
Because there's nothing good about the 3D world.

>> No.5599914

You have no dignity.

>> No.5599921
File: 22 KB, 379x323, konata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck a fat chick, you'll appreciate your perfect waifu more. Lowering your standards and completely exhausting yourself of 3DPD instead of giving up before trying makes 2D all the more delicious.

>> No.5599928

No, that's like telling me to eat shit and then lobster. Sure, you'll appreciate the huge leap, but was it worth the trouble? Not really. You might not even make it to the lobster alive.

>> No.5599926
File: 28 KB, 615x378, cheesemelt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno have you ever had one of these?

>> No.5599927
File: 228 KB, 267x341, sma4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this supposed to be news?

>> No.5599930

What the fuck is that monster?
Some kind of grilled cheese sandwich burger?

>> No.5599935

Thats exactly what it is.

>> No.5599938

I am not saying that you can't be better than a women, in fact most men would be if they actaully learned about that sort of thing.

I am just stating that after a 10 hour work day, I want to relax.

>> No.5599941

Disregard females.
Acquire currency.
Hire male servants to do things for you.
There you go. You just pay him straight up, you don't have to do any disgusting shit, you don't have to dance around the point with a slut who wants your money in exchange for maybe being able to cook and clean.

>> No.5599945

Prime example of how "Otaku Culture" brings normalfaggots from /a/ to this board.

>> No.5599948


>after a 10 hour work day, I want to relax.

>> No.5599949

That's amazing. Now it just needs to be wrapped in bacon, coated with chocolate, and deep fried to reach perfection.

>> No.5599950

Its so hard to find good bro-tlers though.

>> No.5599954


Except that only your frontal lobe will be aware that you're eating shit while the rest of your body will just be grateful for the stimulation. Check for suspicious blisters and use protection and you'll make it home just fine.

>> No.5599967

So it's not quite as extreme as eating shit, but it still fucking sucks. It's not worth the trouble, the negative impact would outweigh the extra satisfaction you get in finding the superior thing. How can you even live with yourself after doing disgusting shit like that anyway?

>> No.5599969

Chocolate is never good on a burger and the bacon would have to be strips. Also deep frying batter would have to be something that brings out the burger taste and the cheese taste not something that covers it.

(Personally I'd mix faygo rock and rye with bread crumbs etc and let it calcify then use it as the batter)

>> No.5599968
File: 20 KB, 185x183, 1268806002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If it were called "Touhou and VN's" I would've come faster.

I'm just here because /a/ has a bad case of the summer. I'll be gone come September. Let's all do our best and try to get along until then.

>> No.5599977

It must be nice to be able to cook.

>> No.5599993 [DELETED] 

It really is nice to be able to follow simple directions

Ahhh, what a life free of autism does for oneself

>> No.5599996

Here's a simple trick:

Get a pack of bacon, cook 3/4 of it. Put the remaining part back into the freezer.

Some time later, cook a lean roast with the remaining bacon sitting on top of it.

>> No.5600003


The same way I can live with myself after cosplaying as Suzaku in tights (265 lbs.), with a lolicon folder on the desktop of my laptop (and a naked Yuki picture as the background) and using Japanese phrases in everyday life despite living in the Deep South?

>> No.5600013

Want to learn?
Purchase a book and cook each dish for dinner. Wow, you now have more knowledge of cooking and a more healthy way of living!

>> No.5600016

Disgusting. Except the lolicon folder, how could you live with yourself if you didn't have one?

>> No.5600020

Its usually a really bothersome process that ends with lots of tasteless food.

Especially if you're cooking with rice.


>> No.5600025

Fuck you buddy, I love rice.
