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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5598197 No.5598197 [Reply] [Original]

Today I played katawa shoujou for the second time and I finish it completely. The first time I played it I think was only a big joke and I didn't pay the right attention...

But today... Really I'm amazed of what a bunch of anons can make. I'm really looking foward the full release!

>> No.5598209

Oh boy! Here we go again...

>> No.5598202 [DELETED] 

Get out KS devs

>> No.5598214

KS was pretty dull. I did enjoy the YM threads it (and gensokyo man) inspired, however.

>> No.5598228

I would give anything for Yamaku Man to come back.

He made /a/ really damn fun for a while.

>> No.5598229 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 640x480, autism-k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5598238 [DELETED] 

Reported for spam/advertisement.

>> No.5598255

KS isn't the best thing to talk about around here.

Try /a/, they're the board that spawned the initial interest on KS, they would be the best place to discuss it if summer wasn't in full effect.

>> No.5598274

Yep, the only issue was that the story would get hijacked by ridiculous shit like breakdancing. The inserts got stupid after a while. I liked the guy who posted directly after him, too. After that guy stopped posting the threads turned pretty pathetic.

>> No.5598289

Bromonts threads are pretty fun, and Brother Laughing man is the "best" KS writefag /a/ had for awhile.

Brother laughing man disappeared, but swears he'll make a comeback, while Bromont graces /a/ with his presence every now and again, or just shows up in monster girl threads.

>> No.5598299

I remember that he got forced to write Hisao masturbating, then Kenji came in and beat him with a baseball bat.

It was hilarious.

>> No.5598320

Yeah I remember that. It was funny how every time we veered off course you knew he was gonna kill us.

>> No.5598335

The userbase behind it clearly transferred over to /jp/ when the split happened, and at this point in time I really don't see any need to keep up the whole "get out KS devs" thing.

>> No.5598341

I can't understand all the hate KS gets nowadays. Some of you guys must be really jealous.

>> No.5598353

The whole "GET OUT KS DEVS" came from when the Devs posted 1 thread to advertise the Act 1 demo.

And on /a/, KS being /a/ related is debateable, although the main spark for the development started there, it isn't "anime or manga".

if you ask me, most people on /a/ do like KS, a vocal minority just don't like it.

>> No.5599117
File: 32 KB, 400x400, noreply.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still looking for the Emi version of these.

>> No.5599133
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>> No.5599136 [DELETED] 

Go back to /a/.

>> No.5599170 [DELETED] 


>> No.5599183 [DELETED] 

ITT: KS Devs samefagging to give impression that anyone here gives a damn shit about their gaem.

>> No.5599822

I'm with you, OP.

>> No.5599883


>I'm really looking foward the full release!

Exclamation mark makes me suspicious regarding your intentions.

Nonetheless, it was a decent game. Content aside, I'm really impressed with the popularity (or notoriety) it has gained despite being a complete fan effort.

>> No.5599885 [DELETED] 

OP samefagging.

>> No.5599910 [DELETED] 

OP once again samefagging for attention.

>> No.5599979 [DELETED] 

Stop samefagging and sageing your own threads OP

>> No.5600053

I could never play a VN that isn't translated from Japanese. Where would all the awkward phrasing I've come to love be? It would be even worse than a heavily localized release.

>> No.5600054


So far, fanworks seem to be crushingly popular over more professional work, despite being underbudgeted and bad CG. Must be bad CG, considering how popular Key is.

>> No.5600060

There is a japanese translation. Translate it back to english.

>> No.5600062

Do exclamation marks have to be a crime? Nowadays, they seem to signify obnoxious sarcasm or general faggotry, nothing else.

>> No.5600069

I can't translate it back myself and nobody would translate it back for me.

>> No.5600084

>I'm really looking foward the full release!
Enjoy waiting forever.

>> No.5601259

Another KS advertisement / spam thread.

That makes two for today. Reported.
