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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 32 KB, 504x401, Meth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5593169 No.5593169 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever done meth while reading VNs /jp/?

Did it enhance the experience for you?

>> No.5593176

/jp/ is meth mouth free.

>> No.5593177

I have heard that taking LSD and MDMA at the same time makes VN's amazing.

>> No.5593179

No because on Meth you see things like the Nation of Japan flying in to the U.S Like an Atom bomb, and then Japanese men eating Canada.

Shits fucked up yo

>> No.5593182

> Japanese men eating Canada.

I'd watch that

>> No.5593206

I've done LSD while reading VN's
You'll end up having conversations with the ones that have voice actors, even if you don't understand a damn thing they're saying.

>> No.5593208

People who do drugs are fucking faggots with zero personality. You're so fucking uninteresting that the only fun in your life is fucking up your body.
Learn a hobby, do something productive, or just fucking kill yourself... any choice is great. Enjoy your diseases, your addiction and the fact that nobody but other brain dead druggie faggots will ever want to be around you.

>> No.5593209

not while reading vn
and when i first see i thought OP was dried rice

>> No.5593214

God, you're so angry.
Why are you so angry all the time, bro?

>> No.5593215

>This is what I actually used to believe before I smoked pot and got high as fuck.

heh keep livin in that bubble kid.

don't worry, the jealousy wears off eventually.

>> No.5593220

Oh and

Thread reported for breaking Global 4chan rule No. 1.

>> No.5593223

>breaking rules


go drown in your ego

>> No.5593234

You become this guy if you don't do drugs.

>> No.5593237

Can't get meth round here, any equivalent Research Chemicals?

>> No.5593241

You're new to /jp/, aren't you?

>> No.5593243



>> No.5593247


This guy is reported for soliciting. Enjoy your permanent ban.

>> No.5593255

I reported you're thread.

>> No.5593257

Enjoy this *grabs dick*

>> No.5593258


u suck lol

>> No.5593268

Drug addicts are so easy to troll
Just insult their "lifestyle" and they will be all over you

>> No.5593278
File: 31 KB, 600x450, mentos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey hey hey hey

>> No.5593279

> brain dead druggie faggots will ever want to be around you.

Is this a step up from being locked in your room all day playing Touhou and no one wants to be around you?

>> No.5593302
File: 185 KB, 867x800, ea135da4b31d0b04a1e08f6a0db0f444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>any thread
>87 replies of way too much effort put into grammar/punctuation, inferring that people are newer than you are, constant accusations of autism, "FILTERED", "REPORTED"

Remember when /jp/ was for otaku, and not people with severe Asperger's Syndrome?

>> No.5593319

Dude, meth is fucked.

I'd rather try LSD or Mushrooms ffs.

>> No.5593324
File: 81 KB, 640x480, 1dadb2447c46002652c6a024cb713260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Something I'd definitely love to try at least once. Preferably before playing Touhou... or fapping to the crown jewels of my touhou doujin collection.

Mushrooms not so much, don't know what it is about them.

Not that it matters, no /jp/er will ever go outside, much less find a dealer.

>> No.5593339

Douches do weed, angsty faggots do meth, homeless people do heroin, spoiled rich kids do cocaine and coolguys do LSD.

Of course none of that applies if you are black.

>> No.5593341

Remember when 4chan didn't have stoners?

>> No.5593344

I pop meth occasionally, but it's totally wasted on a VN.
Too much paying attention to the screen and reading and shit.

>> No.5593350

Mushrooms were wierd

I watched the movie 21 and another about a guy who forgets everything once he falls asleep. Shit was intense, but havn't felt the need to do them again.

I think drugs are just as much a good experience as traveling, you just have to be careful about what you do.

>> No.5593353

Under the influence of hallucinogenics, psychedelic light shows will have nothing on the blank wall next to your computer.

>> No.5593393
File: 155 KB, 355x500, imhigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see the music, man!

>> No.5593414

>remember when 4chan had stoners?

No, I don't.

>> No.5593423

People who get high and mighty about drugs are fags, but people who think they're cool are so much fucking worse.

We don't get HEY GUYS LET'S GET REALLY DRUNK AND PLAY TOUHOUS threads, if drugfags treated them as normal recreation as opposed to some cool and edgy exclusive club they'd realize they aren't board relevant or worth talking about.

>> No.5593429

I did LSD and played touhou, shit be trippy, spell cards coming out of the screen, i ended up hidding under my desk.
It's also great to smoke some weed and watch durarara, i started doing it in episode 4 and ended up waiting two weeks untill i got some more to watch episode 13.
Also, not directly related, but when i smoked salvia, and The great gig in the sky started to play, the computer started to scream at me, my oven wanted to kill me, and every single inanimate object in my house was in a complot against me, only the fridge tried to help me, but it was killed by the microwave. After i got better and found myself clutching in my closet, i found it quite similar with the first chapter on NHK.
