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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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5592676 No.5592676 [Reply] [Original]

>/jp/ a month ago

>/jp/ now

>> No.5592680

Was still shit a month ago. I've reported this thread.

>> No.5592687

Summer has cometh

>> No.5592688

>a month

Haha, try a year.

>> No.5592692

Sorry but if I remember correctly, a month ago, we didnt have so many shitposters. In fact the frontpage was filled with Touhou threads, the ocasional vn, etc. Now is nothing but clown pandering garbage.

>> No.5592701

Metathreads sure improve the quality of /jp/.

Also reported.

>> No.5592705

How often do you visit /jp/? It was definitely shit a month ago. You may have seen the board after five pages of unrelated threads were deleted. It happens daily. It will happen again when the staff wakes up.

>> No.5592706

Number of shitposters constantly increases over time. I gotta agree with Arc, it's been at least a year since /jp/ was decent.

>> No.5592707

The spammer/raid wave first started going mental during May

>> No.5592721

It's because of all the autism

>> No.5592732

No and fuck you. I know /jp/ very well, maybe even better than you and you know why? Because I visit /jp/ every fucking day. And only but only recently, the amount of shitposters is making this place look like /a/ mixed with /v/.

>> No.5592734


We didn't have this a month ago.

>> No.5592736


>Number of shitposters constantly increases over time. I gotta agree with Arc, it's been at least a year since /jp/ was decent

More than that.

/jp/ was decent when people were still roleplaying, there were CYOAs, and instead of just TALKING about what they would do as the little girl, people played it out.

Then that got banned and /jp/ became like a rudderless ship, tossing this way and that over the sea of trolls.

>> No.5592739

What's with this autism meme being spammed much more frequently.

>> No.5592740

If you don't like it leave and start a new board/go to another existing board. /jp/, like all 4chan boards, is fated to get shittier and shittier until it becomes /b/. I don't know why you fucks didn't abandon this place for somewhere else a year ago.

>> No.5592748

Cause either the other boards are even shittier or simply no other boards with content I care about remains.

I sure would like to talk about videogames, but do you want me to go to /v/?

>> No.5592749

>Arc supporting RPing and CYOAs
you fucking nigger chink spic

>> No.5592754

>/a/ reaction image
>meta thread
>still no gtfo
It's official, you all summer newfriends-shitposters.

>> No.5592755

>you fucking nigger chink spic
back to /b/ with you

>> No.5592757

Because autism is something to joke about.

>> No.5592760

ur displeased

>> No.5592763

If you actually visited /jp/ every day, you would have noticed it being shit well over a month ago. Evident from your OP, I'm certain you mostly browse /a/. Please go back. This thread has been reported.

>> No.5592764

There's /bun/, which, while not very good or fast right now, could be if people started posting there more.

Also, no "get out /bun/ devs" or whatever retarded memes you want to spout, let's be mature about this and maybe we can find ourselves a better place, far away from 4chan.

>> No.5592765
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>/jp/ was decent when people were still roleplaying, there were CYOAs

>> No.5592769


Admit it. Shit went downhill the instant it got banned.

>> No.5592778

shit went uphill for a short period of time
then people discovered /jp/ and shit went downhill

>> No.5592783

/jp/ was awesome until the tripfags latched on like barnacles

>> No.5592788


>shit went uphill for a short period of time

Yes, because the vocal minority who cried their little hearts out until RPing got banned settled down and were appeased.

Then they began again, but this time, about something else. And that's when /jp/ went into freefall.

>> No.5592791

Nah. Up to this winter, we merely worried about bi-weekly /b/ raids and a couple tripfag circlejerks.
RPing had minimal impact, good or bad.

>> No.5592793

A month ago was pretty bad, not as bad as now.
In fact, it's been pretty bad for a year or so. The name change didn't help either.

>> No.5592797

/jp/ was better when it wasn't taken over by average ED users.

>> No.5592798


I sort of agree but then again RP and CYOA were cancerous. It just so happened that people who were participating in them were also quality contributors in 'normal' threads.

>> No.5592799

Things got the worst after the name change.

>> No.5592800

Go back to write the furry fanfiction you never wrote for /jp/.

>> No.5592802
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/jp/ a month ago...

>> No.5592803

A meta-thread.

>> No.5592804
File: 476 KB, 600x900, jp_in_a_nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ now

>> No.5592805


That may be because moot discussed the name change with /a/ of all places.

>> No.5592814

>/jp/ for the first couple of months

>> No.5592820

Not really, no.
Same silly arguments about content allowed are UNCHANGED.
In fact, we kinda get less 'Tell me about japan as a country; thread attempts

>> No.5592821


>but then again RP and CYOA were cancerous.

Oh, you.

RP and CYOA were /jp/'s past. And they're its present, still. In spite of its ban, people continue to write them, and they flourish well into sixty or seventy posts per thread.

And anonymous users continue to find creative ways to roleplay with their favorite Touhous or Type-moons.

Not a week ago we had a discussion about the Alice RPer, filled with warmth and love for her.

I remain confident that these things will remain an integral part of /jp/.

>> No.5592827

Now you are just pulling shit out of your ass, concerning the amount of content and people caring.
Sorry Arc, but your game of pretend interests only few people.

>> No.5592836


And interestingly enough, the threads about games of pretend get over one hundred replies.

Oh, I know! I'm samefagging like the GATE OF BABYLON.

>> No.5592837

Fucking summerfags. Get out of /jp/ with your shit lthreads like this one and let me go back to jacking off to little girls in funny hats.

>> No.5592840

Why don't you find another place if you like RP so much? I heard they love it in these forums populated with 14 years old teenagers.

>> No.5592843


Professional pride.

>> No.5592844

The only time /jp/ was not shit was when it was called /a/. And maybe on the first day of its creation.

>> No.5592847

The threads themselves are not many, and many threads get many replies.
Circlejrks between people rapidly posting do not represent majority of /jp/'s content, for better or for worse.

>> No.5592848

>defending fanfiction and roleplaying

You are a huge faggot.

>> No.5592854


>and many threads get many replies.

Most threads are lucky if they read 20 without being saged out of sight.

>> No.5592855

For the record, onaholes in the freezer have been discussed on /jp/ since January.

>> No.5592858


>You are a huge faggot.

Shut up and fuck me already, you big hot tsundere mess.

>> No.5592861


Second. Arc represents everything wrong with /jp/ today.

>> No.5592862
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True, now we have discussions of pissing in bottles. Right after floor shitting discussions.

>> No.5592865


And also, Saten.

>> No.5592870

"Thankfully, I'm not so autistic that I actually think fanfiction is worth defending."

-Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6


>> No.5592871


>> No.5592872


I ahev apsbergers

>> No.5592876



>> No.5592878


Same person.

>> No.5592880

"Now we don't have to deal with shitty You Wake Up In Gensokyo threads any more. God, how I hated those threads. I wanted to smash my head open with a brick every time I scrolled past one."

-Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6


>> No.5592887


>samefag olo

I don't think so.

>> No.5592889 [DELETED] 

haahah wow arc is getting slammed that's funny

>> No.5592893

You didn't even look at the post I was referring to. Shame on you, Arc.

>> No.5592899

>I ahev apsbergers

"Hey, /jp/, while the story you asked me to write is not near completion, I'd appreciate it if one of you could tell me where to post it. I work very quickly. I have a work ethic, after all, and I take writing very seriously. And I don't want to slave over this for weeks, then have nowhere to post it. /jp/ is obviously not the place. This board moves too quickly.

I get the feeling that FanFiction.net is a shitty place unfit for posting anything, but I will resort to posting it there if I must. Not that I'm complaining. All they have there are shitty romance fics and shitty grimdark fics about Reimu bleeding to death. Oh, and half the fics are unfinished. I find that pathetic, honestly. I would never just post a story chapter by chapter. I usually finish it, and then post in installments as I proofread, spellcheck, and whatnot.

So if I posted it there, it'd be pretty funny for me at least, seeing people actually have to sit down and do some industrial-strength reading for a change.

Touhou-Project is just terrible. Nothing but CYOAs there...the people there might curl up and die if I posted a genuine bit of writing there."

-Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6, making the most autistic post in the history of /jp/.


>> No.5592902


I was talking specifically about that link, but okay.

>> No.5592904


oh wow and people sasy my posting is bad

>> No.5592905

Did you even click the link? It has nothing to do with you, or even anything in this thread besides the single post I highlighted.

>> No.5592908

Like this one?
It does not take much for a few people to bump a thread.
Besides, the logic of 'certain threads are banned'= 'suddenly shit everywhere' is scetchy at best.
Just try not to be a shitposter (unlike other tripfags who can't do anything else now since they are booed on sight), and things will be fine.

Take out spamming and metathreads complaining about it and /jp/ will be just as it was.

>> No.5592911

>most autistic post in the history of /jp/.

Actually, scratch that.

"I am making RAINBOW SIX IN SPACE. With bunnygirl commandos operating the fuck out of people with sniper rifles, machine guns, and whatnot."

-Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6, previewing a fanfiction premise on par with such masterpieces as "Repercussions of Evil" or "Full-life consequences."

>> No.5592914
File: 50 KB, 695x508, u-mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5592915

Please ignore invisible shitposters!

If there's only one trip you should filter, it's Arc's.

>> No.5592917


>> No.5592918


>It has nothing to do with you

Yes, I meant the picture.


This IS a metathread.

That's why it's huge.

It's also shaping up to be a tripfag circlejerk. Which is awesome.

>> No.5592921

this has become some sort of trolling ground for bored people. Fuck this shit, this is the last straw.
I'll miss some of the topics discussed here, but I'm out for good.

>> No.5592924

That's your onahole?

>> No.5592925


>this has become some sort of trolling ground for bored people.

Oh, but it's nice this way. Scandaroon says so, and we all know what a valued member of the community here he is.

>> No.5592930

"Only a mindless person would even try to defend fanfiction, which makes sense..."

-Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6


>> No.5592931

>Tripfag wants roleplay threads back
Should've just moved to the other board that was made especially for that right after it got banned.

>> No.5592939

"But fanfiction is shitty and silly. It is silly to like fanfiction. Fanfiction is for teenage girls and twelve-year-olds."

-Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6


>> No.5592940


>wants roleplay back

It never went anywhere.

It's just rare.

>> No.5592946

more like
>/jp/ during the first two weeks of creation
>/jp/ after all interesting people left and should be deleted

>> No.5592947

In the following thread, Arc gets trolled to the CORE:


>> No.5592952


>interesting people

Like GM, right.

>> No.5592959

"I enjoy roleplaying as a character in the VN. Stage actors grow attached to certain roles, and in the end roleplay is simply improvisational acting. One of the many roles that I've enjoyed over my career. All the world's a stage and all its men and women, are simply players, Will said.

I also enjoy the time periods and universes of that particular character. And you cannot deny that someone who was described by Anon as a 'tactical nuke in human form' is quite cool.

The VN sucked. BAD ENDS ALL IN YOUR FACE. So many bad ends. I was saving so regularly I couldn't properly enjoy what was going on because if I didn't, BAD END YOU WERE EATEN BY A GRUE/ARC/NERO/SATSUKI."

-Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6, on being an embarrassment to the human species.


>> No.5592960

Exactly my point.
Quality is irrelevant, just get people posting rapidly.

>> No.5592961

Roleplay, quest threads, call it whatever the fuck you want. The point is that it was banned because the first 3 pages ended up being nothing but that.

And when it was banned everyone who participated in those ended up migrating to a smaller website/board on another part of the internet which everyone up hating because it was filled with all the worst kinds of retards you would see on animesuki and the like. There they could have all the roleplay shit they wanted and /jp/ didn't have to deal with it because anyone who did try to do it in /jp/ was fucking banned and everyone was happy.

Wasn't it like... two weeks or months into the first time /jp/ was made? I'm pretty sure it was within that timeframe.

Obviously the one that ended up trademarking the entire event was the whole "herp derp jump in lake make eggs rofl so random we're worse than /b/" quest/roleplay/whatever you call it thread.

>> No.5592966

That's enough. Everyone should have filtered Arc by now.

>> No.5592967


While I understand and respect your point,

>Roleplay, quest threads, call it whatever the fuck you want. The point is that it was banned because the first 3 pages ended up being nothing but that.

I wager it won't be long before someone says that about Touhou.

>> No.5592969
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Forgot my image.

>> No.5592972


>that's enough


Continue, my minion. This thread will become a shrine to my greatness.


>Quality is irrelevant

I'm just glad you said it and I didn't.

>> No.5592975
File: 56 KB, 565x724, 1210804623105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ was created for the sole reason of filtering tsukihime/touhou spam out of /a/ though. So I'd daresay its warranted. Obviously other things quickly gained a place too like Morning Musume.

>> No.5592976


>> No.5592983


A nice thought. Too bad the reality turned out to be vastly different from the concept.

>> No.5592991

You do realise he's having a great time watching you go to the effort of dredging up his past trolling. He's probably reminiscing about all those threads and laughing heartily. The attention is an extra bonus.

/jp/ became shitty when they stopped knowing how to deal with trolls - play along for a bit if it's a funny, dedicated troll or completely ignore otherwise.

>> No.5592995
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I don't have any proper response to that because that is entirely your opinion.

And now I'll go into town to buy food for dinner.

>> No.5592998


>You do realise he's having a great time watching you go to the effort of dredging up his past trolling. He's probably reminiscing about all those threads and laughing heartily. The attention is an extra bonus.

This is literally the best thread on /jp/ right now, because it's all about ME.

You're damn right I'm the undisputed ruler of /jp/, now shut up and let that guy regale us with more epic tales of my career here.

>> No.5593005
File: 180 KB, 600x720, 1275780178912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I understand that you don't want this to change, because sure it's boring. But you may understand that many new people come here looking for new things. Even in the internet, it's about time that things change in our environment. New people, new culture, new memes... it's history.

You can stay here and accept it as it is, try to start a revolution or look for another place to be. The choice is yours. But you can't be all the time just complaining at how shitty /jp/ is right now in your opinion.

Me, I remember I have a place to hide on the internet, if you need it.

>> No.5593014

Now we just need a Rider thread so you can repost 'She eats your heart out' 50 times, and the day will be great/

>> No.5593022


Someone should do it. Totally put a thread up.

>> No.5593028

Arc for mod

>> No.5593037



>> No.5593042


Support Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6 for Mod
Support Currybutt Unban

>> No.5593044


He'll never be a mod, buddy.
