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5584364 No.5584364 [Reply] [Original]

Please, kill yourself...

>> No.5584366

I'm already at war

>> No.5584377

You used to be more subtle than this Orin.

>> No.5584397
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>> No.5584400
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Hey, Hey you!

Yes, you Orin!

Fuck you!

>> No.5584405
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>> No.5584411
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>> No.5584412

i never want to see you agein

son of a bich

>> No.5584417
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Roger that OP!

>> No.5584422

I'm already dead, but my body was eaten by bears.

Will you still have me, Orin?

>> No.5584428

I'm a donor. My race is scavenging me for parts when I die. You're not getting this corpse, kitty.

>> No.5584430

If you kill me maybe I'll think about suicide
But until then, no go

>> No.5584435
File: 581 KB, 1599x1200, 64d264924b52f4f40d9b419b864f6a77d708c761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Cat that smells like rotting and burning meat of dead bodies.

Sounds great.

>> No.5584442

You all kid realize that this kitty not only scavenging your dead body but she's also your definite instant trip to hell of your soul?

>> No.5584445

Also rumored to rape the bodies? Isn't it great?!!

>> No.5584450

I died when I was killed, then got murdered.

>> No.5584460
File: 1.06 MB, 1700x2000, rin 67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is Orin such a necrophiliac?

>> No.5584468

someone killed me so hard i was dead to death

>> No.5584478
File: 861 KB, 1024x1024, rin 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fascinating nya~

>> No.5584479

because its a wonderful hobby that not enough people give a chance.

>> No.5584520

but were you killed so hard you came back to life?

>> No.5584524

no silly, if he were killed he would die

>> No.5584530
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>> No.5584543

People die when they are killed?

>> No.5584544

Lol, Rin wants to eat Rin.

>> No.5584564

Fucking useless meido.

>> No.5584562

Well, he possibly wouldn't die, even if we killed him.

>> No.5584588

Yeah. Those kind of people won't die even if they are killed.

>> No.5584592


There is no meido you assburger.

>> No.5584606

Where can I get my own kasha?

>> No.5584663

Hell's pet shop, only one way ticket.

>> No.5584710 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.5587777 [DELETED] 

This randomly generated post will be deleted as soon as deletion delay allows.
This is what comes of letting /b/tards use the Internet.
If all else fails, the deletion password is del658.
Wed Jul 7 17:20:02 2010

>> No.5587793

I would, but I wouldn't die even if you killed me.

>> No.5587794


I'm not sure

>> No.5587800
File: 202 KB, 656x879, 1277594823318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am already dead. Please come to my place to pick me up and bring me to the underworld.

I also allow you to touch me in my intimate parts while I am dead.

>> No.5587818
File: 98 KB, 600x600, okuuorinlariat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No idea.

Certainly the number of people with the combined feline gothic lolita Pippi Longstocking in hell fetish is bound to be quite small, but it's not like she's missing company or anything.

>> No.5587858

Would I DIE THE DEATH even if I killed myself?

>> No.5587875

That is VERY corny and true. Maybe i should become donor too. On one day, when my body was on a table and they'd pull out all my delicious and rare bodily parts they would think. "Damn, he was good for something."

>> No.5588281

Yes if you die you will be dead. Regardless of everything.

>> No.5588297
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Well, shit.

>> No.5588309

Untrue if you have an extra life.

When was the last time you saved?

>> No.5588317

but nobody here has a life
even less an extra one

>> No.5588458
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>> No.5588583
File: 799 KB, 1187x1325, 95df1af74880bba046d64cbe3a3960ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one die if he is already dead?

>> No.5588606
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>> No.5588626 [DELETED] 

*shots dead fairy*

*receive graze points*

>> No.5588628

How can one live if he is a head?

>> No.5588877
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>> No.5588916

How can a fairy die? They're immortal.

>> No.5588955
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Are not.
