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5582272 No.5582272 [Reply] [Original]

Persona 3 Portable is out. Anyone have a torrent link? All I can find is fucking rapidshare.

>> No.5582274

It's been out since last year bro.

>> No.5582275

Now, out

>> No.5582289


>> No.5582283


>> No.5582295 [DELETED] 

Alien Shooter 2 Conscription is out.

>> No.5582296

i don't have an account there.

>> No.5582300
File: 15 KB, 275x300, slowpoke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> P3P

>> No.5582315

Persona is as much /jp/ as Touhou and Ar Tonelico.

>> No.5582325

Persona 3 isn't even very good.

>> No.5582329


Go troll somewhere else

>> No.5582332

but it is.

>> No.5582344

What's so good about it? It's a generic RPG with shallow dating sim elements.

>> No.5582350

Thank you

>> No.5582354

Does it work with 5.50 Gen D3?

>> No.5582372
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It's SMT dungeon crawling and dating sim elements. Work through Tartarus with the top tier SMT combat mechanics, and then break up the pace with the dating sim part, where each character tells their own mini story.

Sure the gameplay isn't as good as SMT Nocturne or Digital Devil Saga, but the story and characters and music is much more interesting. And Aigis is my waifu.

>> No.5582389

> Requires CFW 5.50 Prometheus or prometheus.prx patch for M33/GEN users. P3P is on OFW 6.20.

>> No.5582403

Funny, how Persona 3 had the shittiest writing in a Megaten game, The only one close to it sheer stupidity was Raido vs. The Random Nobodies.

>> No.5582425

Well P3 is my second favorite SMT game, behind P4.

Though I like the story in P3 more because it's not as predictable.

>> No.5582434

That is so sad. As far as I know P3 wasnt Clue v2.0.

>> No.5582435
File: 274 KB, 900x1200, p29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better be playing the P3 undub bros.

The Japanese voice cast is one of my favorites.

>> No.5582448

Still waiting on a release.

I could never pass up Akira Ishida and Rie.

>> No.5582446

Is it honestly good or are your ears full of "IT'S LIKE I'M REALLY JAPANESE"?

Because P4s voice acting was shit.

>> No.5582443

Okay, so you saw Ken killing Shinji, the whole Nyx thing, and in FES, the MC sacrificing himself to keep away the shadows or whatever coming? Bullshit.

In the first couple months of Persona 4 I had already pegged the killer down to one of two people. The swerve with Namatama was good, I didn't see that coming but everything else was 100% predictable.

Except the gas station attendant.

>> No.5582447

Is there an undub for the psp version?

>> No.5582453


P3 and P4 have superior English dubs.

>> No.5582459

P3 and P4 are shit.

P2 is the best of the Persona series.

>> No.5582462


How could anyone dislike Rei Tanaka as Mitsuru?

>> No.5582465

Well, that's just your (wrong) opinion, man.

>> No.5582466


How long is P2? That and Devil Summoner 2 are the only SMT games (available in English) I haven't played.

>> No.5582467

Im still trying to get too the Hitler part

>> No.5582469

Lost Odyssey, Nier, Tales of Vesperia, The Last Remnant, Final Fantasy XIII, and Operation Darkness have superior English dubs too.

Damn weaboos.

>> No.5582473

You're not answering my question with a simple yes or no.

I liked P4s casting but the voice acting is shit.

>> No.5582477

Sure, I know of people who also dislike chocolate.
Just not taking them seriously.

>> No.5582480


i actually thought the gas attendant was behind it all. i was sort of right

>> No.5582481

I thought P4's voice acting was fine.

>> No.5582482

>no Japanese voices

Fuck that.

>> No.5582485

I think P4's voice acting was just fine, except for Teddie. The entire sensei and senpai thing were okay, but do they really need to use honorifics like chan and san?

Also, link to patched P3P please.

>> No.5582486

Its called playing the NTSC-J
Not too much is voiced though

Why pirate when Gamestop is giving out either, Junpei Hat, mock MC head phones, or Shinjiro Hat with preorder/purchase on day

>> No.5582488


Give me an email and I'll give you an invite.

>> No.5582490

I'm not talking about the English dub.

I thought the English was OK.

>> No.5582491

Not too much is voiced? Does that mean there is less voice acting than the original?

>> No.5582493


They use Japanese honorifics because of the leader. You can name him whatever you want, so they need to be able to address him somehow with speech. So Teddie calling him sensei, and Rise calling him senpai works perfectly fine. They could do without the -san and -chan honorifics sure, but they might as well go the whole nine yards.

Plus it takes place in Japan so it's not out of place.

>> No.5582499


Thanks aniki. Unless you're just trolling me..

>> No.5582502

>>The entire sensei and senpai thing were okay, but do they really need to use honorifics like chan and san?

For the P4 dub? Seriously?

I think you might as well play it in Jap if it's going to come to that point.

>> No.5582506

they cut a lot of stuff out to fit the game onto the PSP. iirc, the anime scenes are gone, and you can no longer walk around the city. it's all menu-driven now. the only time you're controlling your character is when you're in tartarus.

i'm not 100% sure though, but i think that's right.

>> No.5582509

I noticed that it was similar to ps2, the first few days are 90% the same, with obviously lower quality on the PSP,

>> No.5582512


Invite sent, enjoy.

>> No.5582515

Really? That's pretty disappointing actually.

>> No.5582516

>Why pirate when Gamestop is giving out either, Junpei Hat
The promotion is happening on amazon too.

While this makes me want to buy it; I don't leave the house very often. Like never. So wearing a hat indoors is pretty weird for me since I have vicegrip headphones on all the time and a hat won't work.

>> No.5582522

P3 was shit.

"Hey guys let's go beat up some monsters"

>> No.5582530

I doubt that the essence of P3 was wondering in a prerendered city and seeing low quaility 3d models of characters.

>> No.5582531

Sounds legit, would you go beat up penis looking monsters while feeling tired ?

>> No.5582536

Why would I want any of that crap that I'll never use when I can get the game for free? I wouldn't even be able to play the UMD on my system since I have custom firmware.

>> No.5582534

Sure, but losing out on the anime cutscenes is somewhat regrettable.

>> No.5582541

Nah it was seeing MC sprint with both hands in his pockets and only moving his legs

>> No.5582542

Except for the first two, they were shit, really.

>> No.5582545

So which store is giving out the headphones?

>> No.5582549

Here hoping jpcsp devs take a liking to this game just like they did with crisis core.

>> No.5582557

I guess, but when I can choose between playing the PS2 version or this, I might as well go with the PS2 in that case.

>> No.5582566

You can't be a girl in the PS2 version, friend.

>> No.5582565

Well, you miss out on being the girl.

>> No.5582580

How much does being the girl add to the game?

>> No.5582583

Speaking of playing girl, can you do Jumpei or he's still locked with that goth chick ?

>> No.5582585

I imagine all of the social links are different for her.

>> No.5582589

... just... just shut up tripfag.

>> No.5582590


Friends only.

You can sex the little kid, however.

>> No.5582596

I'm not into shotas.

>> No.5582598

Just let him cop a feel. You won't lose anything.

>> No.5582600
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>> No.5582602

Different social links(male party members plus dog), different dialogue in some of the unchanged links, Theodore instead of Margaret, and different dialogue/scripted events (like beach, love hotel etc).

>> No.5582601

I'm going to play the girl, lead all the men on, and then friendzone them at the last possible chance.

Just like a real woman.

>> No.5582615

L-Love Hotel?
So if you choose the girl the male protagonist is not a character in the game? I guess you can't social link the girl if you're a guy eh?

>> No.5582624

...Whoever you choose, the other does not appear obviously.

>> No.5582641

So Persona 3 is better because it's more 'dark' and 'edgy'?

>> No.5582657

not really, the Persona 4 gameplay was venerably better, but the ideas of the game are of little concern in comparison to the characters and that all falls to each person's opinion on what they like

>> No.5582660

>plus dog
And this is a teen game?

>> No.5582671 [DELETED] 


P3: Dark and srs business
P4: Fun and relaxing

>> No.5582675

Its Mature actually

>> No.5582678

Mature, actually.
The only 'teen' SMT game I remember is Devil Survivor.
Maybe Jack Bross and that shitty Demikis titles too, but you get the point.

>> No.5582723

It was Mature for North America mostly for the Envoker though. It was rated B in Japan (the equivalent of a E10+ or T.)
